// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts import QtTextToSpeech ApplicationWindow { id: root visible: true title: qsTr("Text to Speech") minimumWidth: inputForm.implicitWidth minimumHeight: inputForm.implicitHeight + footer.implicitHeight TextToSpeech { id: tts volume: volumeSlider.value pitch: pitchSlider.value rate: rateSlider.value onStateChanged: (state) => { switch (state) { case TextToSpeech.Ready: statusLabel.text = qsTr("Ready") break case TextToSpeech.Speaking: statusLabel.text = qsTr("Speaking") break case TextToSpeech.Paused: statusLabel.text = qsTr("Paused...") break case TextToSpeech.Error: statusLabel.text = qsTr("Error!") break } } } ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 8 id: inputForm TextArea { id: input text: qsTr("Hello, world!") Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: implicitHeight } RowLayout { Button { text: qsTr("Speak") enabled: [TextToSpeech.Paused, TextToSpeech.Ready].includes(tts.state) onClicked: { let voices = tts.availableVoices() tts.voice = voices[voicesComboBox.currentIndex] tts.say(input.text) } } Button { text: qsTr("Pause") enabled: tts.state == TextToSpeech.Speaking onClicked: tts.pause() } Button { text: qsTr("Resume") enabled: tts.state == TextToSpeech.Paused onClicked: tts.resume() } Button { text: qsTr("Stop") enabled: [TextToSpeech.Speaking, TextToSpeech.Paused].includes(tts.state) onClicked: tts.stop() } } GridLayout { columns: 2 Text { text: qsTr("Engine:") } ComboBox { id: enginesComboBox Layout.fillWidth: true model: tts.availableEngines() onActivated: { tts.engine = textAt(currentIndex) updateLocales() updateVoices() } } Text { text: qsTr("Locale:") } ComboBox { id: localesComboBox Layout.fillWidth: true onActivated: { let locales = tts.availableLocales() tts.locale = locales[currentIndex] updateVoices() } } Text { text: qsTr("Voice:") } ComboBox { id: voicesComboBox Layout.fillWidth: true } Text { text: qsTr("Volume:") } Slider { id: volumeSlider from: 0 to: 1.0 stepSize: 0.2 value: 0.8 Layout.fillWidth: true } Text { text: qsTr("Pitch:") } Slider { id: pitchSlider from: -1.0 to: 1.0 stepSize: 0.5 value: 0 Layout.fillWidth: true } Text { text: qsTr("Rate:") } Slider { id: rateSlider from: -1.0 to: 1.0 stepSize: 0.5 value: 0 Layout.fillWidth: true } } } footer: Label { id: statusLabel } Component.onCompleted: { enginesComboBox.currentIndex = tts.availableEngines().indexOf(tts.engine) updateLocales() updateVoices() tts.onStateChanged(tts.state) } function updateLocales() { let allLocales = tts.availableLocales().map((locale) => locale.nativeLanguageName) let currentLocaleIndex = allLocales.indexOf(tts.locale.nativeLanguageName) localesComboBox.model = allLocales localesComboBox.currentIndex = currentLocaleIndex } function updateVoices() { voicesComboBox.model = tts.availableVoices().map((voice) => voice.name) let indexOfVoice = tts.availableVoices().indexOf(tts.voice) voicesComboBox.currentIndex = indexOfVoice } }