path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
7 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manual/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/manual/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index 4ef9fca..4b24fe2 100644
--- a/tests/manual/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/manual/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ if(TARGET Qt::Widgets)
+ add_subdirectory(svgwidget)
diff --git a/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96b91fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
+project(svgwidget LANGUAGES CXX)
+ set(INSTALL_EXAMPLESDIR "examples")
+find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Svg SvgWidgets Widgets)
+ main.cpp
+set_target_properties(svgwidget PROPERTIES
+target_link_libraries(svgwidget PUBLIC
+ Qt::Core
+ Qt::Gui
+ Qt::Svg
+ Qt::SvgWidgets
+ Qt::Widgets
+# Resources:
+ "files/bubbles.svg"
+ "files/spheres.svg"
+qt6_add_resources(svgwidget "svgwidget"
+ "/"
+ ${svgwidget_resource_files}
+install(TARGETS svgwidget
diff --git a/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/files/bubbles.svg b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/files/bubbles.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5173012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/files/bubbles.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">
+<svg width="20cm" height="15cm" viewBox="0 0 800 600"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ baseProfile="tiny" version="1.2">
+ <title>Spheres</title>
+ <desc>Semi-transparent bubbles on a colored background.</desc>
+ <defs>
+ <!-- Create radial gradients for each bubble. -->
+ <radialGradient id="blueBubble" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="1" />
+ <stop offset="25%" stop-color="#cdcdff" stop-opacity=".65" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#cdaacd" stop-opacity=".75" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="redBubble" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="1" />
+ <stop offset="25%" stop-color="#ffcdcd" stop-opacity=".65" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#bbbb99" stop-opacity=".75" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="greenBubble" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="1" />
+ <stop offset="25%" stop-color="#cdffcd" stop-opacity=".65" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#99aaaa" stop-opacity=".75" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="yellowBubble" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="1" />
+ <stop offset="25%" stop-color="#ffffcd" stop-opacity=".65" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#bbbbaa" stop-opacity=".75" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="background" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="400" fx="250" fy="250">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#ffffee" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#ccccaa" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <linearGradient id="surface" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ x1="-100" y1="200" x2="400" y2="200">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#ffffcc" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#bbbb88" />
+ </linearGradient>
+ <!-- Create radial gradients for each circle to make them look like
+ spheres. -->
+ <radialGradient id="blueSphere" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" />
+ <stop offset="75%" stop-color="blue" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#222244" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="redSphere" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" />
+ <stop offset="75%" stop-color="red" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#442222" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="greenSphere" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" />
+ <stop offset="75%" stop-color="green" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#113311" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="yellowSphere" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" />
+ <stop offset="75%" stop-color="yellow" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#444422" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="shadowGrad" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="black" stop-opacity="1.0" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="black" stop-opacity="0.0" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <!-- Define a shadow for each sphere. -->
+ <circle id="shadow" fill="url(#shadowGrad)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ <g id="bubble">
+ <circle fill="black" cx="0" cy="0" r="50" />
+ <circle fill="#a6ce39" cx="0" cy="0" r="33" />
+ <path fill="black" d="M 37,50 L 50,37 L 12,-1 L 22,-11 L 10,-24 L -24,10
+ L -11,22 L -1,12 Z" />
+ <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ </defs>
+ <g>
+ <rect fill="url(#background)" x="0" y="0" width="800" height="600" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(200,700)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#blueBubble)" />
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="1s" dur="10s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(315,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.5,0.5)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#redBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="3s" dur="7s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(80,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.65,0.65)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#greenBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="5s" dur="9s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(255,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.3,0.3)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#yellowBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="2s" dur="6s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(565,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.4,0.4)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#blueBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="4s" dur="8s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(715,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.6,0.6)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#redBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="1s" dur="4s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(645,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.375,0.375)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#greenBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="0s" dur="11s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(555,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.9,0.9)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#yellowBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="3s" dur="7.5s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(360,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.5,0.5)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#blueBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="3s" dur="6s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(215,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.45,0.45)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#redBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="5.5s" dur="7s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(420,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.75,0.75)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#greenBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="1s" dur="9s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(815,700)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.6,0.6)">
+ <use xlink:href="#bubble" fill="url(#yellowBubble)" />
+ </g>
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum"
+ values="0,0; 0,-800" begin="2s" dur="9.5s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(225,375)" >
+ <g transform="scale(1.0,0.5)" >
+ <path d="M 0 0 L 350 0 L 450 450 L -100 450 z"
+ fill="url(#surface)" stroke="none" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(200,0)" >
+ <g transform="translate(200,490) scale(2.0,1.0) rotate(45)" >
+ <rect fill="#a6ce39" x="-69" y="-69" width="138" height="138" />
+ <circle fill="black" cx="0" cy="0" r="50" />
+ <circle fill="#a6ce39" cx="0" cy="0" r="33" />
+ <path fill="black" d="M 37,50 L 50,37 L 12,-1 L 22,-11 L 10,-24 L -24,10
+ L -11,22 L -1,12 Z" />
+ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" additive="sum" values="0; 360"
+ begin="0s" dur="10s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(200,375)">
+ <use xlink:href="#shadow" transform="translate(25,55) scale(1.0,0.5)" />
+ <circle fill="url(#blueSphere)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(315,440)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.5,0.5)">
+ <use xlink:href="#shadow" transform="translate(25,55) scale(1.0,0.5)" />
+ <circle fill="url(#redSphere)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(80,475)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.65,0.65)">
+ <use xlink:href="#shadow" transform="translate(25,55) scale(1.0,0.5)" />
+ <circle fill="url(#greenSphere)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(255,525)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.3,0.3)">
+ <use xlink:href="#shadow" transform="translate(25,55) scale(1.0,0.5)" />
+ <circle fill="url(#yellowSphere)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/files/spheres.svg b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/files/spheres.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b23164b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/files/spheres.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<svg width="8cm" height="8cm" viewBox="0 0 400 400"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ baseProfile="tiny" version="1.2">
+ <title>Spheres</title>
+ <desc>Gradient filled spheres with different colors.</desc>
+ <defs>
+ <!-- Create radial gradients for each circle to make them look like
+ spheres. -->
+ <radialGradient id="blueSphere" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" />
+ <stop offset="75%" stop-color="blue" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#222244" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="redSphere" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" />
+ <stop offset="75%" stop-color="red" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#442222" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="greenSphere" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" />
+ <stop offset="75%" stop-color="green" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#113311" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="yellowSphere" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="-50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" />
+ <stop offset="75%" stop-color="yellow" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#444422" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <radialGradient id="shadowGrad" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ cx="0" cy="0" r="100" fx="-50" fy="50">
+ <stop offset="0%" stop-color="black" stop-opacity="1.0" />
+ <stop offset="100%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0.0" />
+ </radialGradient>
+ <!-- Define a shadow for each sphere. -->
+ <circle id="shadow" fill="url(#shadowGrad)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </defs>
+ <g fill="#ffee99" stroke="none" >
+ <rect x="0" y="0" width="400" height="400" />
+ </g>
+ <g fill="white" stroke="none" >
+ <rect x="0" y="175" width="400" height="225" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(200,175)">
+ <use xlink:href="#shadow" transform="translate(25,55) scale(1.0,0.5)" />
+ <circle fill="url(#blueSphere)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(315,240)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.5,0.5)">
+ <use xlink:href="#shadow" transform="translate(25,55) scale(1.0,0.5)" />
+ <circle fill="url(#redSphere)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(80,275)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.65,0.65)">
+ <use xlink:href="#shadow" transform="translate(25,55) scale(1.0,0.5)" />
+ <circle fill="url(#greenSphere)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(255,325)">
+ <g transform="scale(0.3,0.3)">
+ <use xlink:href="#shadow" transform="translate(25,55) scale(1.0,0.5)" />
+ <circle fill="url(#yellowSphere)" cx="0" cy="0" r="100" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/main.cpp b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a536ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QCommandLineParser>
+#include <QCommandLineOption>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QTabWidget>
+#include <QSvgWidget>
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("SVG Widget");
+ QGuiApplication::setApplicationDisplayName(QCoreApplication::applicationName());
+ QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("QtProject");
+ QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(QT_VERSION_STR);
+ QCommandLineParser parser;
+ parser.setApplicationDescription("Qt SVG Widget");
+ parser.addHelpOption();
+ parser.addVersionOption();
+ parser.addPositionalArgument("file", "The file to open.");
+ parser.process(app);
+ const QString fileName = parser.positionalArguments().value(0, QLatin1String(":/files/bubbles.svg"));
+ QTabWidget top;
+ auto widget = new QSvgWidget(&top);
+ top.addTab(widget, "Bubbles");
+ widget->load(fileName);
+ auto otherWidget = new QSvgWidget(&top);
+ top.addTab(otherWidget, "Spheres");
+ otherWidget->load(QLatin1String(":/files/spheres.svg"));
+ return app.exec();
diff --git a/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/ b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abff58e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+RESOURCES = svgwidget.qrc
+SOURCES = main.cpp
+QT += widgets svg svgwidgets
+CONFIG += console
+# install
+target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/svg/svgwidget
+INSTALLS += target
diff --git a/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/svgwidget.qrc b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/svgwidget.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..126c0a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/examples/svgwidget/svgwidget.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
+<qresource prefix="/">
+ <file>files/bubbles.svg</file>
+ <file>files/spheres.svg</file>