path: root/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentHeader.h
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentHeader.h')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentHeader.h b/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentHeader.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00b08991d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentHeader.h
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+* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
+* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
+* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
+* Changes are Copyright(C) 2007, 2008 by Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies), all rights reserved.
+#ifndef _lucene_index_SegmentHeader_
+#define _lucene_index_SegmentHeader_
+#if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE)
+# pragma once
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include "SegmentInfos.h"
+#include "CLucene/util/BitSet.h"
+#include "CLucene/util/VoidMap.h"
+#include "Term.h"
+#include "FieldInfos.h"
+#include "FieldsReader.h"
+#include "IndexReader.h"
+#include "TermInfosReader.h"
+#include "CompoundFile.h"
+#include "CLucene/util/ThreadLocal.h"
+class SegmentReader;
+class SegmentTermDocs : public virtual TermDocs
+ int32_t _doc;
+ int32_t skipInterval;
+ int32_t numSkips;
+ int32_t skipCount;
+ CL_NS(store)::IndexInput* skipStream;
+ int32_t skipDoc;
+ int64_t freqPointer;
+ int64_t proxPointer;
+ int64_t skipPointer;
+ bool haveSkipped;
+ // SegmentReader parent
+ const SegmentReader* parent;
+ CL_NS(store)::IndexInput* freqStream;
+ int32_t count;
+ int32_t df;
+ int32_t _freq;
+ CL_NS(util)::BitSet* deletedDocs;
+ virtual ~SegmentTermDocs();
+ virtual void seek(TermEnum* termEnum);
+ virtual void seek(Term* term);
+ virtual void seek(const TermInfo* ti);
+ virtual void close();
+ virtual int32_t doc()const;
+ virtual int32_t freq()const;
+ virtual bool next();
+ /** Optimized implementation. */
+ virtual int32_t read(int32_t* docs, int32_t* freqs, int32_t length);
+ /** Optimized implementation. */
+ virtual bool skipTo(const int32_t target);
+ virtual TermPositions* __asTermPositions();
+ // \param Parent must be a segment reader
+ SegmentTermDocs( const SegmentReader* Parent);
+ virtual void skippingDoc(){}
+ virtual void skipProx(int64_t proxPointer){}
+class SegmentTermPositions : public SegmentTermDocs, public TermPositions
+ CL_NS(store)::IndexInput* proxStream;
+ int32_t proxCount;
+ int32_t position;
+ // \param Parent must be a segment reader
+ SegmentTermPositions(const SegmentReader* Parent);
+ ~SegmentTermPositions();
+ void seek(const TermInfo* ti);
+ void close();
+ int32_t nextPosition();
+ bool next();
+ int32_t read(int32_t* docs, int32_t* freqs, int32_t length);
+ virtual TermDocs* __asTermDocs();
+ virtual TermPositions* __asTermPositions();
+ //resolve SegmentTermDocs/TermPositions ambiguity
+ void seek(Term* term){ SegmentTermDocs::seek(term); }
+ void seek(TermEnum* termEnum){ SegmentTermDocs::seek(termEnum); }
+ int32_t doc() const{ return SegmentTermDocs::doc(); }
+ int32_t freq() const{ return SegmentTermDocs::freq(); }
+ bool skipTo(const int32_t target){ return SegmentTermDocs::skipTo(target); }
+ void skippingDoc();
+ /** Called by super.skipTo(). */
+ void skipProx(int64_t proxPointer);
+// An IndexReader responsible for reading 1 segment of an index
+class SegmentReader : public IndexReader
+ /**
+ * The class Norm represents the normalizations for a field.
+ * These normalizations are read from an IndexInput in into an array of bytes called bytes
+ */
+ class Norm : LUCENE_BASE
+ {
+ int32_t number;
+ SegmentReader* reader;
+ QString segment; // segment name
+ public:
+ CL_NS(store)::IndexInput* in;
+ uint8_t* bytes;
+ bool dirty;
+ //Constructor
+ Norm(CL_NS(store)::IndexInput* instrm, int32_t number,
+ SegmentReader* reader, const QString& segment);
+ //Destructor
+ ~Norm();
+ void reWrite();
+ };
+ friend class SegmentReader::Norm;
+ //Holds the name of the segment that is being read
+ QString segment;
+ //Indicates if there are documents marked as deleted
+ bool deletedDocsDirty;
+ bool normsDirty;
+ bool undeleteAll;
+ //Holds all norms for all fields in the segment
+ typedef CL_NS(util)::CLHashtable<const TCHAR*,
+ Norm*,CL_NS(util)::Compare::TChar, CL_NS(util)::Equals::TChar> NormsType;
+ NormsType _norms;
+ uint8_t* ones;
+ uint8_t* fakeNorms();
+ // Compound File Reader when based on a compound file segment
+ CompoundFileReader* cfsReader;
+ // Reads the Field Info file
+ FieldsReader* fieldsReader;
+ TermVectorsReader* termVectorsReaderOrig;
+ CL_NS(util)::ThreadLocal<TermVectorsReader*,
+ CL_NS(util)::Deletor::Object<TermVectorsReader> >termVectorsLocal;
+ void initialize(SegmentInfo* si);
+ // Create a clone from the initial TermVectorsReader and store it in the
+ // ThreadLocal. @return TermVectorsReader
+ TermVectorsReader* getTermVectorsReader();
+ // Marks document docNum as deleted
+ void doDelete(const int32_t docNum);
+ void doUndeleteAll();
+ void doCommit();
+ void doSetNorm(int32_t doc, const TCHAR* field, uint8_t value);
+ // can return null if norms aren't stored
+ uint8_t* getNorms(const TCHAR* field);
+ /**
+ Func - Constructor.
+ Opens all files of a segment
+ .fnm -> Field Info File
+ Field names are stored in the field info file, with suffix .fnm.
+ .frq -> Frequency File
+ The .frq file contains the lists of documents which contain
+ each term, along with the frequency of the term in that document.
+ .prx -> Prox File
+ The prox file contains the lists of positions that each term occurs
+ at within documents.
+ .tis -> Term Info File
+ This file is sorted by Term. Terms are ordered first lexicographically
+ by the term's field name, and within that lexicographically by the term's text.
+ .del -> Deletion File
+ The .del file is optional, and only exists when a segment contains deletions
+ .f[0-9]* -> Norm File
+ Contains s, for each document, a byte that encodes a value that is
+ multiplied into the score for hits on that field:
+ */
+ SegmentReader(SegmentInfo* si);
+ SegmentReader(SegmentInfos* sis, SegmentInfo* si);
+ // Destructor.
+ virtual ~SegmentReader();
+ // Closes all streams to the files of a single segment
+ void doClose();
+ // Checks if a segment managed by SegmentInfo si has deletions
+ static bool hasDeletions(const SegmentInfo* si);
+ bool hasDeletions() const;
+ bool hasNorms(const TCHAR* field) const;
+ // Returns all file names managed by this SegmentReader
+ void files(QStringList& retarray);
+ // Returns an enumeration of all the Terms and TermInfos in the set.
+ TermEnum* terms() const;
+ // Returns an enumeration of terms starting at or after the named term t
+ TermEnum* terms(const Term* t) const;
+ // Gets the document identified by n
+ bool document(int32_t n, CL_NS(document)::Document* doc);
+ // Checks if the n-th document has been marked deleted
+ bool isDeleted(const int32_t n);
+ // Returns an unpositioned TermDocs enumerator.
+ TermDocs* termDocs() const;
+ // Returns an unpositioned TermPositions enumerator.
+ TermPositions* termPositions() const;
+ // Returns the number of documents which contain the term t
+ int32_t docFreq(const Term* t) const;
+ // Returns the actual number of documents in the segment
+ int32_t numDocs();
+ // Returns the number of all the documents in the segment including the
+ // ones that have been marked deleted
+ int32_t maxDoc() const;
+ // Returns the bytes array that holds the norms of a named field.
+ // Returns fake norms if norms aren't available
+ uint8_t* norms(const TCHAR* field);
+ // Reads the Norms for field from disk
+ void norms(const TCHAR* field, uint8_t* bytes);
+ // concatenating segment with ext and x
+ QString SegmentName(const QString& ext, const int32_t x = -1);
+ // Creates a filename in buffer by concatenating segment with ext and x
+ void SegmentName(QString& buffer, int32_t bufferLen, const QString& ext,
+ const int32_t x = -1);
+ /**
+ * @see IndexReader#getFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption fldOption)
+ */
+ void getFieldNames(FieldOption fldOption, CL_NS(util)::StringArrayWithDeletor& retarray);
+ static bool usesCompoundFile(SegmentInfo* si);
+ /** Return a term frequency vector for the specified document and field. The
+ * vector returned contains term numbers and frequencies for all terms in
+ * the specified field of this document, if the field had storeTermVector
+ * flag set. If the flag was not set, the method returns null.
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ TermFreqVector* getTermFreqVector(int32_t docNumber, const TCHAR* field = NULL);
+ /** Return an array of term frequency vectors for the specified document.
+ * The array contains a vector for each vectorized field in the document.
+ * Each vector vector contains term numbers and frequencies for all terms
+ * in a given vectorized field.
+ * If no such fields existed, the method returns null.
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ bool getTermFreqVectors(int32_t docNumber, Array<TermFreqVector*>& result);
+ //Open all norms files for all fields
+ void openNorms(CL_NS(store)::Directory* cfsDir);
+ //Closes all norms files
+ void closeNorms();
+ // a bitVector that manages which documents have been deleted
+ CL_NS(util)::BitSet* deletedDocs;
+ // an IndexInput to the frequency file
+ CL_NS(store)::IndexInput* freqStream;
+ // For reading the fieldInfos file
+ FieldInfos* fieldInfos;
+ // For reading the Term Dictionary .tis file
+ TermInfosReader* tis;
+ // an IndexInput to the prox file
+ CL_NS(store)::IndexInput* proxStream;
+ static bool hasSeparateNorms(SegmentInfo* si);
+ static uint8_t* createFakeNorms(int32_t size);
+ // allow various classes to access the internals of this. this allows us
+ // to have a more tight idea of the package
+ friend class IndexReader;
+ friend class IndexWriter;
+ friend class SegmentTermDocs;
+ friend class SegmentTermPositions;
+ friend class MultiReader;