path: root/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentMergeQueue.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentMergeQueue.cpp')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentMergeQueue.cpp b/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentMergeQueue.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..879781287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/index/SegmentMergeQueue.cpp
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+* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
+* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
+* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
+#include "CLucene/StdHeader.h"
+#include "SegmentMergeQueue.h"
+#include "SegmentMergeInfo.h"
+ SegmentMergeQueue::SegmentMergeQueue(const int32_t size) {
+ //Func - Constructor
+ // Creates a queue of length size
+ //Pre - size >= 0
+ //Post - The queue has been created of length size
+ //BVK: bug. changed condition from size > 0 to size >= 0
+ //if size is 0, as it is when retrieving a TermEnum
+ //from an empty index this should this should not fail.
+ CND_PRECONDITION(size >= 0, "size is too small");
+ //Call the initialize method of its superclass. The boolean value passed here
+ //indicates that the superclass PriorityQueue takes the responsibility to have its elements deleted
+ //The destructor of SegmentMergInfo will make sure that each intstance it will be closed properly
+ //before it is deleted
+ initialize(size,true);
+ }
+ SegmentMergeQueue::~SegmentMergeQueue(){
+ //Func - Destructor
+ // Does nothing as its parent class will clean up everything
+ //Pre - true
+ //Post - true
+ close();
+ }
+ void SegmentMergeQueue::close() {
+ //Func - Closes and destroyes all SegmentMergeInfo Instances in the queue
+ //Pre - true
+ //post - All SegmentMergeInfo Instances in the queue have been closed and deleted
+ // The queue is now empty but can still be used
+ //call the clear method of the parent class PriorityQueue
+ clear();
+ }
+ bool SegmentMergeQueue::lessThan(SegmentMergeInfo* stiA, SegmentMergeInfo* stiB) {
+ //Func - Overloaded method that implements the lessThan operator for the parent class
+ // This method is used by the parent class Priority queue to reorder its internal
+ // data structures. This implementation check if stiA is less than the current term of stiB.
+ //Pre - stiA != NULL
+ // stiB != NULL
+ //Post - true is returned if stiA < stiB otherwise false
+ //Compare the two terms
+ int32_t comparison = stiA->term->compareTo(stiB->term);
+ //Check if they match
+ if (comparison == 0){ //todo: can we do an optimized compare here? compare using equals, then compare properly?
+ //If the match check if the base of stiA is smaller than the base of stiB
+ //Note that different bases means that the terms of stiA an stiB ly in different segments
+ return stiA->base < stiB->base;
+ }else{
+ //Terms didn't match so return the difference in positions
+ return comparison < 0;
+ }
+ }