path: root/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/util/StringBuffer.cpp
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1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/util/StringBuffer.cpp b/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/util/StringBuffer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5f1ca238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/util/StringBuffer.cpp
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+* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
+* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
+* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
+#include "CLucene/StdHeader.h"
+#include "StringBuffer.h"
+#include "Misc.h"
+ StringBuffer::StringBuffer(TCHAR* buf,int32_t maxlen, const bool consumeBuffer){
+ buffer = buf;
+ bufferLength = maxlen;
+ bufferOwner = !consumeBuffer;
+ len = 0;
+ }
+ StringBuffer::StringBuffer(){
+ //Func - Constructor. Allocates a buffer with the default length.
+ //Pre - true
+ //Post - buffer of length bufferLength has been allocated
+ //Initialize
+ len = 0;
+ //Allocate a buffer of length bufferLength
+ buffer = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR,bufferLength);
+ bufferOwner = true;
+ }
+ StringBuffer::StringBuffer(const int32_t initSize){
+ //Func - Constructor. Allocates a buffer of length initSize + 1
+ //Pre - initSize > 0
+ //Post - A buffer has been allocated of length initSize + 1
+ //Initialize the bufferLength to initSize + 1 The +1 is for the terminator '\0'
+ bufferLength = initSize + 1;
+ len = 0;
+ //Allocate a buffer of length bufferLength
+ buffer = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR,bufferLength);
+ bufferOwner = true;
+ }
+ StringBuffer::StringBuffer(const TCHAR* value){
+ //Func - Constructor.
+ // Creates an instance of Stringbuffer containing a copy of the string value
+ //Pre - value != NULL
+ //Post - An instance of StringBuffer has been created containing the copy of the string value
+ //Initialize the length of the string to be stored in buffer
+ len = (int32_t) _tcslen(value);
+ //Calculate the space occupied in buffer by a copy of value
+ const int32_t occupiedLength = len + 1;
+ // Minimum allocated buffer length is LUCENE_DEFAULT_TOKEN_BUFFER_SIZE.
+ bufferLength = (occupiedLength >= LUCENE_DEFAULT_TOKEN_BUFFER_SIZE
+ //Allocate a buffer of length bufferLength
+ buffer = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR,bufferLength);
+ bufferOwner = true;
+ //Copy the string value into buffer
+ _tcsncpy(buffer, value, occupiedLength);
+ //Assert that the buffer has been terminated at the end of the string
+ CND_PRECONDITION (buffer[len] == '\0', "Buffer was not correctly terminated");
+ }
+ StringBuffer::~StringBuffer() {
+ // Func - Destructor
+ // Pre - true
+ // Post - Instanc has been destroyed
+ if( bufferOwner ){
+ }else
+ buffer = NULL;
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::clear(){
+ //Func - Clears the Stringbuffer and resets it to it default empty state
+ //Pre - true
+ //Post - pre(buffer) has been destroyed and a new one has been allocated
+ //Destroy the current buffer if present
+ //Initialize
+ len = 0;
+ //Allocate a buffer of length bufferLength
+ buffer = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR,bufferLength);
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::appendChar(const TCHAR character) {
+ //Func - Appends a single character
+ //Pre - true
+ //Post - The character has been appended to the string in the buffer
+ //Check if the current buffer length is sufficient to have the string value appended
+ if (len + 1 > bufferLength){
+ //Have the size of the current string buffer increased because it is too small
+ growBuffer(len + 1);
+ }
+ //Put character at position len which is the end of the string in the buffer
+ //Note that this action might overwrite the terminator of the string '\0', which
+ //is kind of tricky
+ buffer[len] = character;
+ //Increase the len by to represent the correct length of the string in the buffer
+ len++;
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::append(const TCHAR* value) {
+ //Func - Appends a copy of the string value
+ //Pre - value != NULL
+ //Post - value has been copied and appended to the string in buffer
+ append(value, _tcslen(value));
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::append(const TCHAR* value, size_t appendedLength) {
+ //Func - Appends a copy of the string value
+ //Pre - value != NULL
+ // appendedLength contains the length of the string value which is to be appended
+ //Post - value has been copied and appended to the string in buffer
+ //Check if the current buffer length is sufficient to have the string value appended
+ if (len + appendedLength + 1 > bufferLength){
+ //Have the size of the current string buffer increased because it is too small
+ growBuffer(len + appendedLength + 1);
+ }
+ //Copy the string value into the buffer at postion len
+ _tcsncpy(buffer + len, value, appendedLength);
+ //Add the length of the copied string to len to reflect the new length of the string in
+ //the buffer (Note: len is not the bufferlength!)
+ len += appendedLength;
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::appendInt(const int32_t value) {
+ //Func - Appends an integer (after conversion to a character string)
+ //Pre - true
+ //Post - The converted integer value has been appended to the string in buffer
+ //instantiate a buffer of 30 charactes for the conversion of the integer
+ TCHAR buf[30];
+ //Convert the integer value to a string buf using the radix 10 (duh)
+ _i64tot(value, buf, 10);
+ //Have the converted integer now stored in buf appended to the string in buffer
+ append(buf);
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::appendFloat(const qreal value, const int32_t digits){
+ //Func - Appends a qreal (after conversion to a character string)
+ //Pre - digits > 0. Indicates the minimum number of characters printed
+ //Post - The converted qreal value has been appended to the string in buffer
+ //using sprintf("%f" was not reliable on other plaforms... we use a custom float convertor
+ //bvk: also, using sprintf and %f seems excessivelly slow
+ if(digits>8)
+ _CLTHROWA(CL_ERR_IllegalArgument,"Too many digits...");
+ //the maximum number of characters that int64 will hold is 23. so we need 23*2+2
+ TCHAR buf[48]; //the buffer to hold
+ int64_t v = (int64_t)value; //the integer value of the float
+ _i64tot(v,buf,10); //add the whole number
+ size_t len = 99-_tcslen(buf); //how many digits we have to work with?
+ size_t dig = len< (size_t)digits ? len : digits;
+ if ( dig > 0 ){
+ _tcscat(buf,_T(".")); //add a decimal point
+ int64_t remi=(int64_t)((value-v)*pow((qreal)10,(qreal)(dig+1))); //take the remainder and make a whole number
+ if ( remi<0 ) remi*=-1;
+ int64_t remadj=remi/10;
+ if ( remi-(remadj*10) >=5 )
+ remadj++; //adjust remainder
+ // add as many zeros as necessary between the decimal point and the
+ // significant part of the number. Fixes a bug when trying to print
+ // numbers that have zeros right after the decimal point
+ if (remadj) {
+ int32_t numZeros = dig - (int32_t)log10((qreal)remadj) - 1;
+ while(numZeros-- > 0)
+ _tcscat(buf,_T("0")); //add a zero before the decimal point
+ }
+ _i64tot(remadj,buf+_tcslen(buf),10); //add the remainder
+ }
+ append(buf);
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::prepend(const TCHAR* value){
+ //Func - Puts a copy of the string value infront of the current string in the StringBuffer
+ //Pre - value != NULL
+ //Post - The string in pre(buffer) has been shifted n positions where n equals the length of value.
+ // The string value was then copied to the beginning of stringbuffer
+ prepend(value, _tcslen(value));
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::prepend(const TCHAR* value, const size_t prependedLength) {
+ //Func - Puts a copy of the string value in front of the string in the StringBuffer
+ //Pre - value != NULL
+ // prependedLength contains the length of the string value which is to be prepended
+ //Post - A copy of the string value is has been in front of the string in buffer
+ //todo: something is wrong with this code, i'm sure... it only grows (and therefore moves if the buffer is to small)
+ //Check if the current buffer length is sufficient to have the string value prepended
+ if (prependedLength + len + 1 > bufferLength){
+ //Have the size of the current string buffer increased because it is too small
+ //Because prependedLength is passed as the second argument to growBuffer,
+ //growBuffer will have left the first prependedLength characters empty
+ //when it recopied buffer during reallocation.
+ growBuffer(prependedLength + len + 1, prependedLength);
+ }
+ //Copy the string value into the buffer at postion 0
+ _tcsncpy(buffer, value, prependedLength);
+ //Add the length of the copied string to len to reflect the new length of the string in
+ //the buffer (Note: len is not the bufferlength!)
+ len += prependedLength;
+ }
+ int32_t StringBuffer::length() const{
+ //Func - Returns the length of the string in the StringBuffer
+ //Pre - true
+ //Post - The length len of the string in the buffer has been returned
+ return len;
+ }
+ TCHAR* StringBuffer::toString(){
+ //Func - Returns a copy of the current string in the StringBuffer sized equal to the length of the string
+ // in the StringBuffer.
+ //Pre - true
+ //Post - The copied string has been returned
+ //Instantiate a buffer equal to the length len + 1
+ TCHAR* ret = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR,len + 1);
+ if (ret){
+ //Copy the string in buffer
+ _tcsncpy(ret, buffer, len);
+ //terminate the string
+ ret[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ //return the the copy
+ return ret;
+ }
+ TCHAR* StringBuffer::getBuffer() {
+ //Func - '\0' terminates the buffer and returns its pointer
+ //Pre - true
+ //Post - buffer has been '\0' terminated and returned
+ // Check if the current buffer is '\0' terminated
+ if (len == bufferLength){
+ //Make space for terminator, if necessary.
+ growBuffer(len + 1);
+ }
+ //'\0' buffer so it can be returned properly
+ buffer[len] = '\0';
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::reserve(const int32_t size){
+ if ( bufferLength >= size )
+ return;
+ bufferLength = size;
+ //Allocate a new buffer of length bufferLength
+ TCHAR* tmp = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR,bufferLength);
+ _tcsncpy(tmp, buffer, len);
+ tmp[len] = '\0';
+ //destroy the old buffer
+ if (buffer){
+ }
+ //Assign the new buffer tmp to buffer
+ buffer = tmp;
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::growBuffer(const int32_t minLength) {
+ //Func - Has the buffer grown to a minimum length of minLength or bigger
+ //Pre - minLength >= len + 1
+ //Post - The buffer has been grown to a minimum length of minLength or bigger
+ growBuffer(minLength, 0);
+ }
+ void StringBuffer::growBuffer(const int32_t minLength, const int32_t skippingNInitialChars) {
+ //Func - Has the buffer grown to a minimum length of minLength or bigger and shifts the
+ // current string in buffer by skippingNInitialChars forward
+ //Pre - After growth, must have at least enough room for contents + terminator so
+ // minLength >= skippingNInitialChars + len + 1
+ // skippingNInitialChars >= 0
+ //Post - The buffer has been grown to a minimum length of minLength or bigger and
+ // if skippingNInitialChars > 0, the contents of the buffer has beeen shifted
+ // forward by skippingNInitialChars positions as the buffer is reallocated,
+ // leaving the first skippingNInitialChars uninitialized (presumably to be
+ // filled immediately thereafter by the caller).
+ CND_PRECONDITION (skippingNInitialChars >= 0, "skippingNInitialChars is less than zero");
+ CND_PRECONDITION (minLength >= skippingNInitialChars + len + 1,"skippingNInitialChars is not large enough");
+ //More aggressive growth strategy to offset smaller default buffer size:
+ if ( !bufferOwner ){
+ if ( bufferLength<minLength )
+ _CLTHROWA(CL_ERR_IllegalArgument,"[StringBuffer::grow] un-owned buffer could not be grown");
+ return;
+ }
+ bufferLength *= 2;
+ //Check that bufferLength is bigger than minLength
+ if (bufferLength < minLength){
+ //Have bufferLength become minLength because it still was too small
+ bufferLength = minLength;
+ }
+ //Allocate a new buffer of length bufferLength
+ TCHAR* tmp = _CL_NEWARRAY(TCHAR,bufferLength);
+ //The old buffer might not have been null-terminated, so we _tcsncpy
+ //only len bytes, not len+1 bytes (the latter might read one char off the
+ //end of the old buffer), then apply the terminator to the new buffer.
+ _tcsncpy(tmp + skippingNInitialChars, buffer, len);
+ tmp[skippingNInitialChars + len] = '\0';
+ //destroy the old buffer
+ if (buffer){
+ }
+ //Assign the new buffer tmp to buffer
+ buffer = tmp;
+ }