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4 files changed, 483 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-macros.qdoc b/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-macros.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..214d4fec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-macros.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \page qdoc-macros.html
+ \previouspage 12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html
+ \nextpage qdoc-macros-cmake-text-snippets.html
+ \title Macros
+ Use the \l {macro-variable}{macro} variable to create your own simple QDoc
+ commands.
+ Macros are useful for:
+ \list
+ \li Including recurring text, such as formatted text snippets,
+ into documentation.
+ \li Pulling in information, such as version strings, from the build
+ system into .documentation.
+ \li Maintaining a single location for strings that are likely to change
+ in the future, such as product names.
+ \li Making sure that a term or product name is used consistently.
+ \li Styling the generated documentation by using HTML and DocBook
+ elements, such as forced line breaks and special characters.
+ \li Using tabs to show examples of content for different programming
+ languages, operating systems, or tools, for example.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Global Macros
+ For a set of predefined global macros that you can use in all documentation
+ projects and their current values, see
+ \l{}
+ {/qtbase/doc/global/macros.qdocconf} and
+ \l{}
+ {/qtbase/doc/global/htmltabs.qdocconf}. They have macros that include:
+ \list
+ \li \l {CMake Text Snippets}
+ \li \l {HTML and DocBook Formatting}
+ \li \l {Product Names}
+ \li \l {Product Versions}
+ \li \l {Tabbed Content}
+ \li \l {youtube-macro}{Links to YouTube content}
+ \li \l {Miscellaneous Macros}
+ \endlist
+ \QOI copies the macros files to your Qt installation folder, so you can use
+ the macros even if you build the documentation using QDoc from an installed
+ Qt (as opposed to building QDoc yourself from sources).
+ \note The values of the global macros might change between Qt versions,
+ so the macros might be extended differently depending on the Qt version that
+ you use to build the documentation.
+ \section1 Adding Macros
+ You can add macros for a particular documentation project in the
+ .qdocconf file of the project or any .qdocconf file that you include into it.
+ If the macro could be useful in more than one documentation project, add it
+ to the global macros file.
+ For more information about the macro syntax and options, see
+ \l {macro-variable}{macro}.
+ \section1 Using Macros
+ You can use macros in the same way as the built-in QDoc commands in:
+ \list
+ \li Code source files, in documentation comments (.cpp, .qml)
+ \li Documentation source files (.qdoc, .qdocinc)
+ \endlist
+ For example:
+ \badcode
+ \QOI copies the macros files to your Qt installation folder.
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Obsolete Macros
+ The global macros file contains the following obsolete macros for
+ compatibility with older documentation sets.
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Don't Use
+ \li Use
+ \row
+ \li \\gui
+ \li \l{uicontrol-command}{\\uicontrol}
+ \row
+ \li \\menu
+ \li \l{uicontrol-command}{\\uicontrol}
+ \row
+ \li \\param
+ \li \l{a-command}{\\a}
+ \row
+ \li \\return
+ \li Write \e Returns or \e returns.
+ \endtable
+ \sa {macro-variable}{macro}, {Unknown macro}
+ \page qdoc-macros-cmake-text-snippets.html
+ \previouspage qdoc-macros.html
+ \nextpage qdoc-macros-formatting.html
+ \title CMake Text Snippets
+ See \l{}
+ {/qtbase/doc/global/macros.qdocconf} for standard text snippets that you
+ should use when writing \l {Building with CMake}
+ {Qt-specific CMake documentation}:
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Macro
+ \li Use
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakecommandandroidonly
+ \li For Android targets
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakecommandsince
+ \li To indicate which Qt version introduced the command
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakepropertyandroidonly
+ \li For Android targets
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakepropertyiosonly
+ \li For iOS targets
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakepropertysince
+ \li To indicate which Qt version introduced the property
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakepropertywebassemblyonly
+ \li For WebAssembly targets
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakevariableandroidonly
+ \li For Android targets
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakevariableiosonly
+ \li For iOS targets
+ \row
+ \li \\cmakevariablesince
+ \li To indicate which Qt version introduced the variable
+ \row
+ \li \\preliminarycmakecommand
+ \li To indicate that the command may change in future versions
+ \row
+ \li \\preliminarycmakeproperty
+ \li To indicate that the property may change in future versions
+ \row
+ \li \\preliminarycmakevariable
+ \li To indicate that the variable may change in future versions
+ \row
+ \li \\versionlessCMakeCommandsNote
+ \li For all commands, to tell users how to use versioned commands
+ \endtable
+ \sa {macro-variable}{macro}, {Macros}
+ \page qdoc-macros-formatting.html
+ \previouspage qdoc-macros.html
+ \nextpage qdoc-macros-product-names.html
+ \title HTML and DocBook Formatting
+ See \l{}
+ {/qtbase/doc/global/macros.qdocconf} for HTML and DocBook elements and
+ special characters that you can use in documentation source files.
+ \sa {Macros and Other Configurations}, {macro-variable}{macro}, {Macros}
+ \page qdoc-macros-product-names.html
+ \previouspage qdoc-macros-formatting.html
+ \nextpage qdoc-macros-tabbed-content.html
+ \title Product Names
+ Use the following macros to refer to products:
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Macro
+ \li Expands To
+ \row
+ \li \\macos
+ \li macOS
+ \row
+ \li \\QA
+ \li Qt Assistant
+ \row
+ \li \\QB
+ \li Qt Bridge
+ \row
+ \li \\QBF
+ \li Qt Bridge for Figma
+ \row
+ \li \\QBPS
+ \li Qt Bridge for Adobe Photoshop
+ \row
+ \li \\QBSK
+ \li Qt Bridge for Sketch
+ \row
+ \li \\QBXD
+ \li Qt Bridge for Adobe XD
+ \row
+ \li \\QD
+ \li Qt Designer
+ \row
+ \li \\QDS
+ \li Qt Design Studio
+ \row
+ \li \\QDV
+ \li Qt Design Viewer
+ \row
+ \li \\QL
+ \li Qt Linguist
+ \row
+ \li \\QMCU
+ \li Qt for MCUs
+ \row
+ \li \\QMT
+ \li Qt Maintenance Tool
+ \row
+ \li \\QOI
+ \li Qt Online Installer
+ \row
+ \li \\QQV
+ \li Qt QML Viewer
+ \row
+ \li \\QtAA
+ \li Qt for Android Automotive
+ \row
+ \li \\QUL
+ \li Qt Quick Ultralite
+ \endtable
+ \sa {macro-variable}{macro}, {Macros}
+ \page qdoc-macros-product-versions.html
+ \previouspage qdoc-macros-product-names.html
+ \nextpage qdoc-macros-tabbed-content.html
+ \title Product Versions
+ Use the following macros to display version and status information about a
+ topic:
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Macro
+ \li Expands To
+ \row
+ \li \\QtMajorVersion
+ \li The major version number based on the $QT_VER environment variable
+ \row
+ \li \\QtMinorVersion
+ \li The minor version number based on the $QT_VER environment variable
+ \row
+ \li \\QtVersion
+ \li The value of the $QT_VERSION environment variable
+ \row
+ \li \\QtVer
+ \li The value of the $QT_VER environment variable
+ \row
+ \li \\techpreview
+ \li The statement that a module or class is preliminary and might change
+ \endtable
+ \section1 \\techpreview
+ Appends the tech preview link to the brief sentence and adds the topic to
+ the \c tech_preview group.
+ Must be placed directly under a \brief command.
+ \sa {macro-variable}{macro}, {Macros}
+ \page qdoc-macros-tabbed-content.html
+ \previouspage qdoc-macros-formatting.html
+ \nextpage qdoc-macros-youtube-videos.html
+ \title Tabbed Content
+ Use the following macros to create \e {tab groups} of labeled HTML tabs that
+ have comparable or alternative content. For example, you can show code
+ snippets for different programming languages.
+ \list
+ \li \l{tab-macro}{\\tab}
+ \li \l{tabcontent-macro}{\\tabcontent}
+ \li \l{endtabcontent-macro}{\\endtabcontent}
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Using Tab Macros
+ \badcode
+ \tab {name}{tab-id}{title}{checked}
+ \tabcontent {tab-id}
+ content
+ \endtabcontent
+ \endcode
+ \note These macros only work with the online template, so you usually
+ need to use conditional text to get good results also for the offline help.
+ For example, to show instructions for the CMake and qmake build systems in
+ tabs:
+ \badcode
+ \if defined(onlinedocs)
+ \tab {build-qt-app}{tab-cmake}{CMake}{checked}
+ \tab {build-qt-app}{tab-qmake}{qmake}{}
+ \tabcontent {tab-cmake}
+ \else
+ \section1 Using CMake
+ \endif
+ CMake-specific instructions go here
+ \if defined(onlinedocs)
+ \endtabcontent
+ \tabcontent {tab-qmake}
+ \else
+ \section1 Using qmake
+ \endif
+ qmake-specific instructions go here
+ \if defined(onlinedocs)
+ \endtabcontent
+ \endif
+ \endcode
+ \target tab-macro
+ \section1 \\tab
+ \badcode
+ \tab {name}{tab-id}{title}{checked}
+ \endcode
+ Specifies a tab in a tab group with a name, ID, title, and default state.
+ Use a unique \e {name} to specify which tabs belong to a tab group. That is,
+ all tabs in a group have the same name. To separate the tabs from each other,
+ give them each a unique \e {tab-id} within the group. Use this \e {tab-id}
+ as the value of the \\tabcontent macro to add content to the tab.
+ The \e {checked} argument selects the tab by default when the HTML page is
+ loaded. For the initially hidden tabs, pass an empty argument {}.
+ \target tabcontent-macro
+ \section1 \\tabcontent
+ \badcode
+ \tabcontent {tab-id}
+ \endcode
+ Adds content to the tab with the \e {tab-id} you specify.
+ \target endtabcontent-macro
+ \section1 \\endtabcontent
+ Marks the end of the tab content that you begin with \\tabcontent.
+ \sa {Macros}
+ \page qdoc-macros-youtube-videos.html
+ \previouspage qdoc-macros-tabbed-content.html
+ \nextpage qdoc-macros-misc.html
+ \target youtube-macro
+ \title \\youtube
+ When generating online documentation, embeds a YouTube video in the HTML.
+ When generating offline documentation (.qch), adds an external link to the
+ video with a thumbnail image. The HTML docs show a thumbnail of the video
+ with a play button. You need to save the thumbnail in
+ \c {\images\extraimages\} in your project folder.
+ Use the following URL to open the thumbnail image in a browser:
+ \c {<ID>/0.jpg}. The \c <ID> is the ID of
+ the video on YouTube. For example, if the URL to the video is
+ \c {},
+ the ID is \c dQw4w9WgXcQ. Save the image file as \c dQw4w9WgXcQ.jpg.
+ You must add the filename of the thumbnail file to
+ \c {\images\extraimages\extraimages.qdocconf}. For example:
+ \badcode
+ {HTML.extraimages,qhp.qtdesignstudio.extraFiles} += \
+ images/dQw4w9WgXcQ.jpg
+ \endcode
+ To add a link to the video in text, write:
+ \badcode
+ \youtube dQw4w9WgXcQ
+ \endcode
+ \sa {Macros}
+ \page qdoc-macros-misc.html
+ \previouspage qdoc-macros-youtube-videos.html
+ \nextpage 21-0-qdoc-configuration.html
+ \title Miscellaneous Macros
+ You can use the following macros to affect the HTML output and to use
+ standard terminology:
+ \list
+ \li \l {borderedimage-macro}{\\borderedimage}
+ \li \l {examplecategory-macro}{\\examplecategory}
+ \li \l {key-macro}{\\key}
+ \li \l {nullptr-macro}{\\nullptr}
+ \li \l {summary-macro}{\\summary}
+ \endlist
+ \target borderedimage-macro
+ \section1 \\borderedimage
+ Like \l{image-command}{\\image}, but adds a border around the image.
+ \target examplecategory-macro
+ \section1 \\examplecategory
+ Describes the category an example is sorted to in the Qt Creator
+ \uicontrol Examples tab.
+ \target key-macro
+ \section1 \\key
+ Formats keyboard key names.
+ \target nullptr-macro
+ \section1 \\nullptr
+ Expands to the term to use for null pointers.
+ \target summary-macro
+ \section1 \\summary
+ Like \l{brief-command}{\\brief}, but replicates the sentence also as text.
+ Wrap the entire sentence within \c {{}}. For example:
+ \badcode
+ \summary {Creates a build target.}
+ \endcode
+ \sa {macro-variable}{macro}, {Macros}
diff --git a/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-markupcmds.qdoc b/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-markupcmds.qdoc
index db134a5aa..bf45e795f 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-markupcmds.qdoc
+++ b/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-markupcmds.qdoc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
\page 03-qdoc-commands-markup.html
\previouspage Naming Things
- \nextpage Text Markup
+ \nextpage Macros
\title Markup Commands
diff --git a/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-qdocconf.qdoc b/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-qdocconf.qdoc
index eb64d6a0d..daceb627a 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-qdocconf.qdoc
+++ b/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-qdocconf.qdoc
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
\page 21-0-qdoc-configuration.html
- \previouspage Miscellaneous
+ \previouspage Miscellaneous Macros
\nextpage Generic Configuration Variables
\title The QDoc Configuration File
@@ -944,11 +944,11 @@
example, the macro is only used when generating HTML output.
- macro.gui = "\\b"
+ macro.key = "\\b"
macro.raisedaster.HTML = "<sup>*</sup>"
- The first macro defines the \\gui command to render its argument
+ The first macro defines the \\key command to render its argument
using a bold font. The second macro defines the \\raisedaster
command to render a superscript asterisk, but only when generating
@@ -993,6 +993,8 @@
(parentheses) concatenated together, or the exact matched string
if the pattern does not contain any capture groups.
+ For more information about pre-defined macros, see \l {Macros}.
\target manifestmeta-variable
\section1 manifestmeta
diff --git a/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual.qdoc b/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual.qdoc
index 898324439..da84fe430 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual.qdoc
+++ b/src/qdoc/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual.qdoc
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@
\li \l {Special Content}
\li \l {Miscellaneous}
+ \li \l {Macros}
+ \list
+ \li \l {CMake Text Snippets}
+ \li \l {HTML and DocBook Formatting}
+ \li \l {Product Names}
+ \li \l {Product Versions}
+ \li \l {Tabbed Content}
+ \li \l {youtube-macro}{Linking to YouTube content}
+ \li \l {Miscellaneous Macros}
+ \endlist
\li \l {The QDoc Configuration File}
\li \l {Generic Configuration Variables}