diff options
15 files changed, 1215 insertions, 1348 deletions
diff --git a/src/qdoc/codemarker.cpp b/src/qdoc/codemarker.cpp
index 563e2821b..e51cc9426 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/codemarker.cpp
+++ b/src/qdoc/codemarker.cpp
@@ -340,215 +340,6 @@ QString CodeMarker::linkTag(const Node *node, const QString& body)
+ QLatin1String("\">") + body + QLatin1String("</@link>");
-QString CodeMarker::sortName(const Node *node, const QString* name)
- QString nodeName;
- if (name != 0)
- nodeName = *name;
- else
- nodeName = node->name();
- int numDigits = 0;
- for (int i = nodeName.size() - 1; i > 0; --i) {
- if ( == -1)
- break;
- ++numDigits;
- }
- // we want 'qint8' to appear before 'qint16'
- if (numDigits > 0) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4 - numDigits; ++i)
- nodeName.insert(nodeName.size()-numDigits-1, QLatin1Char('0'));
- }
- if (node->type() == Node::Function) {
- const FunctionNode *func = static_cast<const FunctionNode *>(node);
- QString sortNo;
- if (func->isSomeCtor()) {
- sortNo = QLatin1String("C");
- }
- else if (func->isDtor()) {
- sortNo = QLatin1String("D");
- }
- else {
- if (nodeName.startsWith(QLatin1String("operator"))
- && nodeName.length() > 8
- && !nodeName[8].isLetterOrNumber())
- sortNo = QLatin1String("F");
- else
- sortNo = QLatin1String("E");
- }
- return sortNo + nodeName + QLatin1Char(' ') + QString::number(func->overloadNumber(), 36);
- }
- if (node->type() == Node::Class)
- return QLatin1Char('A') + nodeName;
- if (node->type() == Node::Property || node->type() == Node::Variable)
- return QLatin1Char('E') + nodeName;
- if ((node->type() == Node::QmlMethod) ||
- (node->type() == Node::QmlSignal) ||
- (node->type() == Node::QmlSignalHandler)) {
- //const FunctionNode* func = static_cast<const FunctionNode *>(node);
- //return QLatin1Char('E') + func->name();
- return QLatin1Char('E') + nodeName;
- }
- return QLatin1Char('B') + nodeName;
-void CodeMarker::insert(FastSection &fastSection,
- Node *node,
- SynopsisStyle style,
- Status status)
- bool irrelevant = false;
- bool inheritedMember = false;
- if (!node->relates()) {
- Aggregate* p = node->parent();
- if (p->isQmlPropertyGroup())
- p = p->parent();
- if (!p->isNamespace() && p != fastSection.parent_) {
- if ((!p->isQmlType() && !p->isJsType()) || !p->isAbstract())
- inheritedMember = true;
- }
- }
- if (node->access() == Node::Private) {
- irrelevant = true;
- }
- else if (node->type() == Node::Function) {
- FunctionNode *func = (FunctionNode *) node;
- irrelevant = (inheritedMember && (func->isSomeCtor() || func->isDtor()));
- }
- else if (node->isClass() || node->isEnumType() || node->isTypedef()) {
- irrelevant = (inheritedMember && style != Subpage);
- if (!irrelevant && style == Detailed && node->isTypedef()) {
- const TypedefNode* tdn = static_cast<const TypedefNode*>(node);
- if (tdn->associatedEnum())
- irrelevant = true;
- }
- }
- if (!irrelevant) {
- if (status == Compat) {
- irrelevant = (node->status() != Node::Compat);
- }
- else if (status == Obsolete) {
- irrelevant = (node->status() != Node::Obsolete);
- }
- else {
- irrelevant = (node->status() == Node::Compat ||
- node->status() == Node::Obsolete);
- }
- }
- if (!irrelevant) {
- if (!inheritedMember || style == Subpage) {
- QString key = sortName(node);
- fastSection.memberMap.insertMulti(key, node);
- }
- else {
- if (node->parent()->isClass() || node->parent()->isNamespace()) {
- if (fastSection.inherited.isEmpty()
- || fastSection.inherited.last().first != node->parent()) {
- QPair<Aggregate *, int> p(node->parent(), 0);
- fastSection.inherited.append(p);
- }
- fastSection.inherited.last().second++;
- }
- }
- }
- Returns \c true if \a node represents a reimplemented member
- function in the class of the FastSection \a fs. If it is
- a reimplemented function, then it is inserted into the
- reimplemented member map in \a fs. The test is performed
- only if \a status is \e OK. True is returned if \a node
- is inserted into the map. Otherwise, false is returned.
- */
-bool CodeMarker::insertReimpFunc(FastSection& fs, Node* node, Status status)
- if ((node->access() != Node::Private) && (node->relates() == 0)) {
- const FunctionNode* fn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(node);
- if (!fn->reimplementedFrom().isEmpty() && (status == Okay)) {
- if (fn->parent() == fs.parent_) {
- QString key = sortName(fn);
- if (!fs.reimpMemberMap.contains(key)) {
- fs.reimpMemberMap.insert(key,node);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- If \a fs is not empty, convert it to a Section and append
- the new Section to \a sectionList.
- */
-void CodeMarker::append(QList<Section>& sectionList, const FastSection& fs, bool includeKeys)
- if (!fs.isEmpty()) {
- if (fs.classMapList_.isEmpty()) {
- Section section(,fs.divClass,fs.singularMember,fs.pluralMember);
- if (includeKeys) {
- section.keys = fs.memberMap.keys();
- }
- section.members = fs.memberMap.values();
- section.reimpMembers = fs.reimpMemberMap.values();
- section.inherited = fs.inherited;
- sectionList.append(section);
- }
- else {
- Section section(,fs.divClass,fs.singularMember,fs.pluralMember);
- sectionList.append(section);
- Section* s = &sectionList[sectionList.size()-1];
- for (int i=0; i<fs.classMapList_.size(); i++) {
- ClassMap* classMap = fs.classMapList_[i];
- ClassKeysNodes* ckn = new ClassKeysNodes;
- ckn->first = classMap->first;
- ckn->second.second = classMap->second.values();
- ckn->second.first = classMap->second.keys();
- s->classKeysNodesList_.append(ckn);
- }
- }
- }
- The destructor must delete each member of the
- list of QML class lists, if it is not empty;
- */
- if (!classKeysNodesList_.isEmpty()) {
- for (int i=0; i<classKeysNodesList_.size(); i++) {
- ClassKeysNodes* classKeysNodes = classKeysNodesList_[i];
- classKeysNodesList_[i] = 0;
- delete classKeysNodes;
- }
- }
- The destructor must delete the QML class maps in the class
- map list, if the class map list is not empty.
- */
- if (!classMapList_.isEmpty()) {
- for (int i=0; i<classMapList_.size(); i++) {
- ClassMap* classMap = classMapList_[i];
- classMapList_[i] = 0;
- delete classMap;
- }
- }
static QString encode(const QString &string)
return string;
@@ -648,12 +439,4 @@ QString CodeMarker::macName(const Node *node, const QString &name)
- Returns an empty list of documentation sections.
- */
-QList<Section> CodeMarker::qmlSections(Aggregate* , SynopsisStyle , Status )
- return QList<Section>();
diff --git a/src/qdoc/codemarker.h b/src/qdoc/codemarker.h
index ff05952a4..15bc34d67 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/codemarker.h
+++ b/src/qdoc/codemarker.h
@@ -26,124 +26,43 @@
- codemarker.h
-#include <qpair.h>
#include "atom.h"
-#include "node.h"
+#include "sections.h"
class Config;
-typedef QMultiMap<QString, Node*> MemberMap; // the string is the member signature
-typedef QPair<const QmlTypeNode*, MemberMap> ClassMap; // the node is the QML type
-typedef QList<ClassMap*> ClassMapList;
-typedef QPair<QStringList, NodeList> KeysAndNodes;
-typedef QPair<const QmlTypeNode*, KeysAndNodes> ClassKeysNodes;
-typedef QList<ClassKeysNodes*> ClassKeysNodesList;
-struct Section
- QString name;
- QString divClass;
- QString singularMember;
- QString pluralMember;
- QStringList keys;
- NodeList members;
- NodeList reimpMembers;
- QList<QPair<Aggregate *, int> > inherited;
- ClassKeysNodesList classKeysNodesList_;
- Section() { }
- Section(const QString& name0,
- const QString& divClass0,
- const QString& singularMember0,
- const QString& pluralMember0)
- : name(name0),
- divClass(divClass0),
- singularMember(singularMember0),
- pluralMember(pluralMember0) { }
- ~Section();
- void appendMember(Node* node) { members.append(node); }
- void appendReimpMember(Node* node) { reimpMembers.append(node); }
-struct FastSection
- const Aggregate *parent_;
- QString name;
- QString divClass;
- QString singularMember;
- QString pluralMember;
- QMultiMap<QString, Node *> memberMap;
- QMultiMap<QString, Node *> reimpMemberMap;
- ClassMapList classMapList_;
- QList<QPair<Aggregate *, int> > inherited;
- FastSection(const Aggregate *parent,
- const QString& name0,
- const QString& divClass0,
- const QString& singularMember0,
- const QString& pluralMember0)
- : parent_(parent),
- name(name0),
- divClass(divClass0),
- singularMember(singularMember0),
- pluralMember(pluralMember0) { }
- ~FastSection();
- bool isEmpty() const {
- return (memberMap.isEmpty() &&
- inherited.isEmpty() &&
- reimpMemberMap.isEmpty() &&
- classMapList_.isEmpty());
- }
class CodeMarker
- enum SynopsisStyle { Summary, Detailed, Subpage, Accessors };
- enum Status { Compat, Obsolete, Okay };
virtual ~CodeMarker();
virtual void initializeMarker(const Config& config);
virtual void terminateMarker();
- virtual bool recognizeCode(const QString& code) = 0;
- virtual bool recognizeExtension(const QString& ext) = 0;
- virtual bool recognizeLanguage(const QString& lang) = 0;
- virtual Atom::AtomType atomType() const = 0;
- virtual QString markedUpCode(const QString& code,
- const Node *relative,
- const Location &location) = 0;
- virtual QString markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
- const Node *relative,
- SynopsisStyle style) = 0;
+ virtual bool recognizeCode(const QString& /*code*/) { return true; }
+ virtual bool recognizeExtension(const QString& /*extension*/) { return true; }
+ virtual bool recognizeLanguage(const QString& /*language*/) { return false; }
+ virtual Atom::AtomType atomType() const { return Atom::Code; }
+ virtual QString markedUpCode(const QString &code,
+ const Node* /*relative*/,
+ const Location& /*location*/) { return protect(code); }
+ virtual QString markedUpSynopsis(const Node* /*node*/,
+ const Node* /*relative*/,
+ Sections::Style /*style*/) { return QString(); }
virtual QString markedUpQmlItem(const Node* , bool) { return QString(); }
- virtual QString markedUpName(const Node *node) = 0;
- virtual QString markedUpFullName(const Node *node,
- const Node *relative = 0) = 0;
- virtual QString markedUpEnumValue(const QString &enumValue,
- const Node *relative) = 0;
- virtual QString markedUpIncludes(const QStringList& includes) = 0;
- virtual QString functionBeginRegExp(const QString& funcName) = 0;
- virtual QString functionEndRegExp(const QString& funcName) = 0;
- virtual QList<Section> sections(const Aggregate *inner,
- SynopsisStyle style,
- Status status) = 0;
- virtual QList<Section> qmlSections(Aggregate* aggregate,
- SynopsisStyle style,
- Status status = Okay);
+ virtual QString markedUpName(const Node* /*node*/) { return QString(); }
+ virtual QString markedUpFullName(const Node* /*node*/,
+ const Node* /*relative*/) { return QString(); }
+ virtual QString markedUpEnumValue(const QString& /*enumValue*/,
+ const Node* /*relative*/) { return QString(); }
+ virtual QString markedUpIncludes(const QStringList& /*includes*/) { return QString(); }
+ virtual QString functionBeginRegExp(const QString& /*funcName*/) { return QString(); }
+ virtual QString functionEndRegExp(const QString& /*funcName*/) { return QString(); }
virtual QStringList macRefsForNode(Node* node);
static void initialize(const Config& config);
@@ -157,18 +76,11 @@ public:
QString typified(const QString &string, bool trailingSpace = false);
- virtual QString sortName(const Node *node, const QString* name = 0);
static QString protect(const QString &string);
static void appendProtectedString(QString *output, const QStringRef &str);
QString taggedNode(const Node* node);
QString taggedQmlNode(const Node* node);
QString linkTag(const Node *node, const QString& body);
- void insert(FastSection &fastSection,
- Node *node,
- SynopsisStyle style,
- Status status);
- bool insertReimpFunc(FastSection& fs, Node* node, Status status);
- void append(QList<Section>& sectionList, const FastSection& fastSection, bool includeKeys = false);
QString macName(const Node *parent, const QString &name = QString());
@@ -177,6 +89,13 @@ private:
static QList<CodeMarker *> markers;
+class PlainCodeMarker : public CodeMarker
+ public:
+ PlainCodeMarker() { }
+ ~PlainCodeMarker() { }
diff --git a/src/qdoc/cppcodemarker.cpp b/src/qdoc/cppcodemarker.cpp
index e1a5040dd..8b334736f 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/cppcodemarker.cpp
+++ b/src/qdoc/cppcodemarker.cpp
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@
-#include "atom.h"
#include "cppcodemarker.h"
-#include "node.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include <qdebug.h>
@@ -113,7 +111,7 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpCode(const QString &code,
QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
const Node * /* relative */,
- SynopsisStyle style)
+ Sections::Style style)
const int MaxEnumValues = 6;
const FunctionNode *func;
@@ -126,11 +124,11 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
QString name;
name = taggedNode(node);
- if (style != Detailed)
+ if (style != Sections::Detailed)
name = linkTag(node, name);
name = "<@name>" + name + "</@name>";
- if ((style == Detailed) && !node->parent()->name().isEmpty() &&
+ if ((style == Sections::Detailed) && !node->parent()->name().isEmpty() &&
(node->type() != Node::Property) && !node->isQmlNode() && !node->isJsNode())
name.prepend(taggedNode(node->parent()) + "::");
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
case Node::QmlMethod:
func = (const FunctionNode *) node;
- if (style != Subpage && !func->returnType().isEmpty())
+ if (style != Sections::Subpage && !func->returnType().isEmpty())
synopsis = typified(func->returnType(), true);
synopsis += name;
if (!func->isMacroWithoutParams()) {
@@ -161,9 +159,9 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
if (hasName)
synopsis += typified((*p).dataType(), true);
const QString &paramName = hasName ? (*p).name() : (*p).dataType();
- if (style != Subpage || !hasName)
+ if (style != Sections::Subpage || !hasName)
synopsis += "<@param>" + protect(paramName) + "</@param>";
- if (style != Subpage && !(*p).defaultValue().isEmpty())
+ if (style != Sections::Subpage && !(*p).defaultValue().isEmpty())
synopsis += " = " + protect((*p).defaultValue());
@@ -173,7 +171,7 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
if (func->isConst())
synopsis += " const";
- if (style == Summary || style == Accessors) {
+ if (style == Sections::Summary || style == Sections::Accessors) {
if (!func->isNonvirtual())
synopsis.prepend("virtual ");
if (func->isFinal())
@@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
else if (func->isRefRef())
synopsis.append(" &&");
- else if (style == Subpage) {
+ else if (style == Sections::Subpage) {
if (!func->returnType().isEmpty() && func->returnType() != "void")
synopsis += " : " + typified(func->returnType());
@@ -239,7 +237,7 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
case Node::Enum:
enume = static_cast<const EnumNode *>(node);
synopsis = "enum " + name;
- if (style == Summary) {
+ if (style == Sections::Summary) {
synopsis += " { ";
QStringList documentedItems = enume->doc().enumItemNames();
@@ -290,7 +288,7 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
case Node::Variable:
variable = static_cast<const VariableNode *>(node);
- if (style == Subpage) {
+ if (style == Sections::Subpage) {
synopsis = name + " : " + typified(variable->dataType());
else {
@@ -302,7 +300,7 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
synopsis = name;
- if (style == Summary) {
+ if (style == Sections::Summary) {
if (node->status() == Node::Preliminary) {
extra += "(preliminary) ";
@@ -455,434 +453,6 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::functionEndRegExp(const QString& /* funcName */)
return "^\\}$";
-QList<Section> CppCodeMarker::sections(const Aggregate *aggregate,
- SynopsisStyle style,
- Status status)
- QList<Section> sections;
- bool documentAll = true;
- if (aggregate->isClass()) {
- if (aggregate->parent() && !aggregate->name().isEmpty() && !aggregate->hasDoc())
- documentAll = false;
- if (style == Summary) {
- FastSection privateFunctions(aggregate,
- "Private Functions",
- QString(),
- "private function",
- "private functions");
- FastSection privateSlots(aggregate, "Private Slots", QString(), "private slot", "private slots");
- FastSection privateTypes(aggregate, "Private Types", QString(), "private type", "private types");
- FastSection protectedFunctions(aggregate,
- "Protected Functions",
- QString(),
- "protected function",
- "protected functions");
- FastSection protectedSlots(aggregate,
- "Protected Slots",
- QString(),
- "protected slot",
- "protected slots");
- FastSection protectedTypes(aggregate,
- "Protected Types",
- QString(),
- "protected type",
- "protected types");
- FastSection protectedVariables(aggregate,
- "Protected Variables",
- QString(),
- "protected type",
- "protected variables");
- FastSection publicFunctions(aggregate,
- "Public Functions",
- QString(),
- "public function",
- "public functions");
- FastSection publicSignals(aggregate, "Signals", QString(), "signal", "signals");
- FastSection publicSlots(aggregate, "Public Slots", QString(), "public slot", "public slots");
- FastSection publicTypes(aggregate, "Public Types", QString(), "public type", "public types");
- FastSection publicVariables(aggregate,
- "Public Variables",
- QString(),
- "public variable",
- "public variables");
- FastSection properties(aggregate, "Properties", QString(), "property", "properties");
- FastSection relatedNonMembers(aggregate,
- "Related Non-Members",
- QString(),
- "related non-member",
- "related non-members");
- FastSection staticPrivateMembers(aggregate,
- "Static Private Members",
- QString(),
- "static private member",
- "static private members");
- FastSection staticProtectedMembers(aggregate,
- "Static Protected Members",
- QString(),
- "static protected member",
- "static protected members");
- FastSection staticPublicMembers(aggregate,
- "Static Public Members",
- QString(),
- "static public member",
- "static public members");
- FastSection macros(aggregate, "Macros", QString(), "macro", "macros");
- NodeList::ConstIterator r = aggregate->relatedNodes().constBegin();
- while (r != aggregate->relatedNodes().constEnd()) {
- if ((*r)->isFunction()) {
- FunctionNode *func = static_cast<FunctionNode *>(*r);
- if (func->isMacro())
- insert(macros, *r, style, status);
- else
- insert(relatedNonMembers, *r, style, status);
- }
- else {
- insert(relatedNonMembers, *r, style, status);
- }
- ++r;
- }
- QStack<const Aggregate *> stack;
- stack.push(aggregate);
- while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
- const Aggregate* ancestor = stack.pop();
- NodeList::ConstIterator c = ancestor->childNodes().constBegin();
- while (c != ancestor->childNodes().constEnd()) {
- if (!documentAll && !(*c)->hasDoc()) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- }
- bool isSlot = false;
- bool isSignal = false;
- bool isStatic = false;
- if ((*c)->isFunction()) {
- const FunctionNode *func = (const FunctionNode *) *c;
- isSlot = (func->isSlot());
- isSignal = (func->isSignal());
- isStatic = func->isStatic();
- if (func->hasAssociatedProperties() && !func->hasActiveAssociatedProperty()) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- }
- else if (func->isIgnored()) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else if ((*c)->isVariable()) {
- const VariableNode *var = static_cast<const VariableNode *>(*c);
- isStatic = var->isStatic();
- }
- else if ((*c)->isTypedef()) {
- if ((*c)->name() == QLatin1String("QtGadgetHelper")) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- }
- }
- switch ((*c)->access()) {
- case Node::Public:
- if (isSlot) {
- insert(publicSlots, *c, style, status);
- }
- else if (isSignal) {
- insert(publicSignals, *c, style, status);
- }
- else if (isStatic) {
- if ((*c)->type() != Node::Variable || !(*c)->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(staticPublicMembers,*c,style,status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->type() == Node::Property) {
- insert(properties, *c, style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->type() == Node::Variable) {
- if (!(*c)->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(publicVariables, *c, style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->type() == Node::Function) {
- if (!insertReimpFunc(publicFunctions,*c,status)) {
- insert(publicFunctions, *c, style, status);
- }
- }
- else if ((*c)->type() != Node::SharedComment) {
- insert(publicTypes, *c, style, status);
- }
- break;
- case Node::Protected:
- if (isSlot) {
- insert(protectedSlots, *c, style, status);
- }
- else if (isStatic) {
- if ((*c)->type() != Node::Variable || !(*c)->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(staticProtectedMembers,*c,style,status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->type() == Node::Variable) {
- if (!(*c)->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(protectedVariables,*c,style,status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->type() == Node::Function) {
- if (!insertReimpFunc(protectedFunctions,*c,status)) {
- insert(protectedFunctions, *c, style, status);
- }
- }
- else {
- insert(protectedTypes, *c, style, status);
- }
- break;
- case Node::Private:
- if (isSlot) {
- insert(privateSlots, *c, style, status);
- }
- else if (isStatic) {
- if ((*c)->type() != Node::Variable || !(*c)->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(staticPrivateMembers,*c,style,status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->type() == Node::Function) {
- if (!insertReimpFunc(privateFunctions,*c,status)) {
- insert(privateFunctions, *c, style, status);
- }
- }
- else {
- insert(privateTypes,*c,style,status);
- }
- }
- ++c;
- }
- if (ancestor->isClass()) {
- const ClassNode* cn = static_cast<const ClassNode*>(ancestor);
- QList<RelatedClass>::ConstIterator r = cn->baseClasses().constBegin();
- while (r != cn->baseClasses().constEnd()) {
- if ((*r).node_)
- stack.prepend((*r).node_);
- ++r;
- }
- }
- }
- append(sections, publicTypes);
- append(sections, properties);
- append(sections, publicFunctions);
- append(sections, publicSlots);
- append(sections, publicSignals);
- append(sections, publicVariables);
- append(sections, staticPublicMembers);
- append(sections, protectedTypes);
- append(sections, protectedFunctions);
- append(sections, protectedSlots);
- append(sections, protectedVariables);
- append(sections, staticProtectedMembers);
- append(sections, privateTypes);
- append(sections, privateFunctions);
- append(sections, privateSlots);
- append(sections, staticPrivateMembers);
- append(sections, relatedNonMembers);
- append(sections, macros);
- }
- else if (style == Detailed) {
- FastSection memberFunctions(aggregate,"Member Function Documentation","func","member","members");
- FastSection memberTypes(aggregate,"Member Type Documentation","types","member","members");
- FastSection memberVariables(aggregate,"Member Variable Documentation","vars","member","members");
- FastSection properties(aggregate,"Property Documentation","prop","member","members");
- FastSection relatedNonMembers(aggregate,"Related Non-Members","relnonmem","member","members");
- FastSection macros(aggregate,"Macro Documentation","macros","member","members");
- NodeList::ConstIterator r = aggregate->relatedNodes().constBegin();
- while (r != aggregate->relatedNodes().constEnd()) {
- if ((*r)->isFunction()) {
- FunctionNode *func = static_cast<FunctionNode *>(*r);
- if (func->isMacro())
- insert(macros, *r, style, status);
- else if (!func->isSharingComment())
- insert(relatedNonMembers, *r, style, status);
- }
- else {
- insert(relatedNonMembers, *r, style, status);
- }
- ++r;
- }
- NodeList::ConstIterator c = aggregate->childNodes().constBegin();
- while (c != aggregate->childNodes().constEnd()) {
- if ((*c)->isSharingComment()) {
- // do nothing
- } else if (!documentAll && !(*c)->hasDoc()) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- } else if ((*c)->isEnumType() || (*c)->isTypedef()) {
- if ((*c)->name() == QLatin1String("QtGadgetHelper")) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- }
- insert(memberTypes, *c, style, status);
- } else if ((*c)->isProperty()) {
- insert(properties, *c, style, status);
- } else if ((*c)->isVariable()) {
- if (!(*c)->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(memberVariables, *c, style, status);
- } else if ((*c)->isFunction()) {
- FunctionNode *function = static_cast<FunctionNode *>(*c);
- if (function->isIgnored()) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- }
- if (!function->isSharingComment()) {
- if (!function->hasAssociatedProperties() || !function->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(memberFunctions, function, style, status);
- }
- } else if ((*c)->isSharedCommentNode()) {
- SharedCommentNode *scn = static_cast<SharedCommentNode *>(*c);
- if (!scn->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(memberFunctions, scn, style, status);
- }
- ++c;
- }
- append(sections, memberTypes);
- append(sections, properties);
- append(sections, memberFunctions);
- append(sections, memberVariables);
- append(sections, relatedNonMembers);
- append(sections, macros);
- }
- else {
- FastSection all(aggregate,QString(),QString(),"member","members");
- QStack<const Aggregate*> stack;
- stack.push(aggregate);
- while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
- const Aggregate* ancestor = stack.pop();
- NodeList::ConstIterator c = ancestor->childNodes().constBegin();
- while (c != ancestor->childNodes().constEnd()) {
- if ((*c)->access() != Node::Private && (*c)->type() != Node::Property)
- insert(all, *c, style, status);
- ++c;
- }
- if (ancestor->isClass()) {
- const ClassNode* cn = static_cast<const ClassNode*>(ancestor);
- QList<RelatedClass>::ConstIterator r = cn->baseClasses().constBegin();
- while (r != cn->baseClasses().constEnd()) {
- if ((*r).node_)
- stack.prepend((*r).node_);
- ++r;
- }
- }
- }
- append(sections, all);
- }
- } else if (style == Summary || style == Detailed) {
- FastSection namespaces(aggregate,
- "Namespaces",
- style == Detailed ? "nmspace" : QString(),
- "namespace",
- "namespaces");
- FastSection classes(aggregate,
- "Classes",
- style == Detailed ? "classes" : QString(),
- "class",
- "classes");
- FastSection types(aggregate,
- style == Summary ? "Types" : "Type Documentation",
- style == Detailed ? "types" : QString(),
- "type",
- "types");
- FastSection variables(aggregate,
- style == Summary ? "Variables" : "Variable Documentation",
- style == Detailed ? "vars" : QString(),
- "variable",
- "variables");
- FastSection staticVariables(aggregate,
- "Static Variables",
- QString(),
- "static variable",
- "static variables");
- FastSection functions(aggregate,
- style == Summary ?
- "Functions" : "Function Documentation",
- style == Detailed ? "func" : QString(),
- "function",
- "functions");
- FastSection macros(aggregate,
- style == Summary ?
- "Macros" : "Macro Documentation",
- style == Detailed ? "macros" : QString(),
- "macro",
- "macros");
- NodeList nodeList = aggregate->childNodes();
- nodeList += aggregate->relatedNodes();
- if (aggregate->isNamespace()) {
- const NamespaceNode* ns = static_cast<const NamespaceNode*>(aggregate);
- if (!ns->hasDoc())
- documentAll = false;
- if (style == Summary) {
- if (!ns->orphans().isEmpty())
- nodeList += ns->orphans();
- }
- }
- NodeList::ConstIterator n = nodeList.constBegin();
- while (n != nodeList.constEnd()) {
- if (documentAll || (*n)->hasDoc()) {
- switch ((*n)->type()) {
- case Node::Namespace:
- insert(namespaces, *n, style, status);
- break;
- case Node::Class:
- insert(classes, *n, style, status);
- break;
- case Node::Enum:
- case Node::Typedef:
- insert(types, *n, style, status);
- break;
- case Node::Function:
- {
- FunctionNode *func = static_cast<FunctionNode *>(*n);
- if (func->isMacro())
- insert(macros, *n, style, status);
- else
- insert(functions, *n, style, status);
- }
- break;
- case Node::Variable:
- {
- const VariableNode* var = static_cast<const VariableNode*>(*n);
- if (!var->doc().isEmpty()) {
- if (var->isStatic())
- insert(staticVariables,*n,style,status);
- else
- insert(variables, *n, style, status);
- }
- }
- break;
- case Node::SharedComment:
- {
- SharedCommentNode *scn = static_cast<SharedCommentNode *>(*n);
- if (!scn->doc().isEmpty())
- insert(functions, scn, style, status);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- ++n;
- }
- append(sections, namespaces);
- append(sections, classes);
- append(sections, types);
- append(sections, variables);
- append(sections, staticVariables);
- append(sections, functions);
- append(sections, macros);
- }
- return sections;
@@ -1148,239 +718,4 @@ QString CppCodeMarker::addMarkUp(const QString &in,
return out;
- This function is for documenting QML properties. It returns
- the list of documentation sections for the children of the
- \a aggregate.
- */
-QList<Section> CppCodeMarker::qmlSections(Aggregate* aggregate, SynopsisStyle style, Status status)
- QList<Section> sections;
- if (aggregate) {
- if (style == Summary) {
- FastSection qmlproperties(aggregate,
- "Properties",
- QString(),
- "property",
- "properties");
- FastSection qmlattachedproperties(aggregate,
- "Attached Properties",
- QString(),
- "attached property",
- "attached properties");
- FastSection qmlsignals(aggregate,
- "Signals",
- QString(),
- "signal",
- "signals");
- FastSection qmlsignalhandlers(aggregate,
- "Signal Handlers",
- QString(),
- "signal handler",
- "signal handlers");
- FastSection qmlattachedsignals(aggregate,
- "Attached Signals",
- QString(),
- "attached signal",
- "attached signals");
- FastSection qmlmethods(aggregate,
- "Methods",
- QString(),
- "method",
- "methods");
- FastSection qmlattachedmethods(aggregate,
- "Attached Methods",
- QString(),
- "attached method",
- "attached methods");
- Aggregate* qcn = aggregate;
- while (qcn != 0) {
- NodeList::ConstIterator c = qcn->childNodes().constBegin();
- while (c != qcn->childNodes().constEnd()) {
- if ((*c)->status() == Node::Internal) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- }
- if ((*c)->isQmlPropertyGroup() || (*c)->isJsPropertyGroup()) {
- insert(qmlproperties, *c, style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->isQmlProperty() || (*c)->isJsProperty()) {
- const QmlPropertyNode* pn = static_cast<const QmlPropertyNode*>(*c);
- if (pn->isAttached())
- insert(qmlattachedproperties,*c,style, status);
- else {
- insert(qmlproperties,*c,style, status);
- }
- }
- else if ((*c)->isQmlSignal() || (*c)->isJsSignal()) {
- const FunctionNode* sn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(*c);
- if (sn->isAttached())
- insert(qmlattachedsignals,*c,style, status);
- else
- insert(qmlsignals,*c,style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->isQmlSignalHandler() || (*c)->isJsSignalHandler()) {
- insert(qmlsignalhandlers,*c,style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->isQmlMethod() || (*c)->isJsMethod()) {
- const FunctionNode* mn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(*c);
- if (mn->isAttached())
- insert(qmlattachedmethods,*c,style, status);
- else
- insert(qmlmethods,*c,style, status);
- }
- ++c;
- }
- if (qcn->qmlBaseNode() != 0) {
- qcn = static_cast<QmlTypeNode*>(qcn->qmlBaseNode());
- if (!qcn->isAbstract())
- qcn = 0;
- }
- else
- qcn = 0;
- }
- append(sections,qmlproperties);
- append(sections,qmlattachedproperties);
- append(sections,qmlsignals);
- append(sections,qmlsignalhandlers);
- append(sections,qmlattachedsignals);
- append(sections,qmlmethods);
- append(sections,qmlattachedmethods);
- }
- else if (style == Detailed) {
- FastSection qmlproperties(aggregate, "Property Documentation","qmlprop","member","members");
- FastSection qmlattachedproperties(aggregate,"Attached Property Documentation","qmlattprop",
- "member","members");
- FastSection qmlsignals(aggregate,"Signal Documentation","qmlsig","signal","signals");
- FastSection qmlsignalhandlers(aggregate,"Signal Handler Documentation","qmlsighan","signal handler","signal handlers");
- FastSection qmlattachedsignals(aggregate,"Attached Signal Documentation","qmlattsig",
- "signal","signals");
- FastSection qmlmethods(aggregate,"Method Documentation","qmlmeth","member","members");
- FastSection qmlattachedmethods(aggregate,"Attached Method Documentation","qmlattmeth",
- "member","members");
- Aggregate* qcn = aggregate;
- while (qcn != 0) {
- NodeList::ConstIterator c = qcn->childNodes().constBegin();
- while (c != qcn->childNodes().constEnd()) {
- if ((*c)->status() == Node::Internal) {
- ++c;
- continue;
- }
- if ((*c)->isQmlPropertyGroup() || (*c)->isJsPropertyGroup()) {
- insert(qmlproperties,*c,style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->isQmlProperty() || (*c)->isJsProperty()) {
- const QmlPropertyNode* pn = static_cast<const QmlPropertyNode*>(*c);
- if (pn->isAttached())
- insert(qmlattachedproperties,*c,style, status);
- else
- insert(qmlproperties,*c,style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->isQmlSignal() || (*c)->isJsSignal()) {
- const FunctionNode* sn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(*c);
- if (sn->isAttached())
- insert(qmlattachedsignals,*c,style, status);
- else
- insert(qmlsignals,*c,style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->isQmlSignalHandler() || (*c)->isJsSignalHandler()) {
- insert(qmlsignalhandlers,*c,style, status);
- }
- else if ((*c)->isQmlMethod() || (*c)->isJsMethod()) {
- const FunctionNode* mn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(*c);
- if (mn->isAttached())
- insert(qmlattachedmethods,*c,style, status);
- else
- insert(qmlmethods,*c,style, status);
- }
- ++c;
- }
- if (qcn->qmlBaseNode() != 0) {
- qcn = static_cast<QmlTypeNode*>(qcn->qmlBaseNode());
- if (!qcn->isAbstract())
- qcn = 0;
- }
- else
- qcn = 0;
- }
- append(sections,qmlproperties);
- append(sections,qmlattachedproperties);
- append(sections,qmlsignals);
- append(sections,qmlsignalhandlers);
- append(sections,qmlattachedsignals);
- append(sections,qmlmethods);
- append(sections,qmlattachedmethods);
- }
- else {
- /*
- This is where the list of all members including inherited
- members is prepared.
- */
- ClassMap* classMap = 0;
- FastSection all(aggregate,QString(),QString(),"member","members");
- Aggregate* current = aggregate;
- while (current != 0) {
- /*
- If the QML type is abstract, do not create
- a new entry in the list for it. Instead,
- add its members to the current entry.
- However, if the first class is abstract,
- there is no current entry. In that case,
- create a new entry in the list anyway.
- I'm not sure that is correct, but it at
- least can prevent a crash.
- */
- if (!current->isAbstract() || !classMap) {
- classMap = new ClassMap;
- classMap->first = static_cast<const QmlTypeNode*>(current);
- all.classMapList_.append(classMap);
- }
- NodeList::ConstIterator c = current->childNodes().constBegin();
- while (c != current->childNodes().constEnd()) {
- if ((*c)->isQmlPropertyGroup() || (*c)->isJsPropertyGroup()) {
- const QmlPropertyGroupNode* qpgn = static_cast<const QmlPropertyGroupNode*>(*c);
- NodeList::ConstIterator p = qpgn->childNodes().constBegin();
- while (p != qpgn->childNodes().constEnd()) {
- if ((*p)->isQmlProperty() || (*c)->isJsProperty()) {
- QString key = (*p)->name();
- key = sortName(*p, &key);
- all.memberMap.insert(key,*p);
- classMap->second.insert(key,*p);
- }
- ++p;
- }
- }
- else {
- QString key = (*c)->name();
- key = sortName(*c, &key);
- all.memberMap.insert(key,*c);
- classMap->second.insert(key,*c);
- }
- ++c;
- }
- if (current->qmlBaseNode() == current) {
- qDebug() << "qdoc internal error: circular type definition."
- << "QML type" << current->name()
- << "can't be its own base type";
- break;
- }
- current = current->qmlBaseNode();
- while (current) {
- if (current->isAbstract())
- break;
- if (current->isInternal())
- current = current->qmlBaseNode();
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- append(sections, all, true);
- }
- }
- return sections;
diff --git a/src/qdoc/cppcodemarker.h b/src/qdoc/cppcodemarker.h
index 5b9f4970e..4c9102a6c 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/cppcodemarker.h
+++ b/src/qdoc/cppcodemarker.h
@@ -26,10 +26,6 @@
- cppcodemarker.h
@@ -49,12 +45,8 @@ public:
bool recognizeExtension(const QString& ext) override;
bool recognizeLanguage(const QString& lang) override;
Atom::AtomType atomType() const override;
- virtual QString markedUpCode(const QString& code,
- const Node *relative,
- const Location &location) override;
- virtual QString markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node,
- const Node *relative,
- SynopsisStyle style) override;
+ QString markedUpCode(const QString& code, const Node *relative, const Location &location) override;
+ QString markedUpSynopsis(const Node *node, const Node *relative, Sections::Style style) override;
QString markedUpQmlItem(const Node *node, bool summary) override;
QString markedUpName(const Node *node) override;
QString markedUpFullName(const Node *node, const Node *relative) override;
@@ -62,17 +54,9 @@ public:
QString markedUpIncludes(const QStringList& includes) override;
QString functionBeginRegExp(const QString& funcName) override;
QString functionEndRegExp(const QString& funcName) override;
- virtual QList<Section> sections(const Aggregate *innerNode,
- SynopsisStyle style,
- Status status) override;
- virtual QList<Section> qmlSections(Aggregate* aggregate,
- SynopsisStyle style,
- Status status = Okay) override;
- QString addMarkUp(const QString& protectedCode,
- const Node *relative,
- const Location &location);
+ QString addMarkUp(const QString& protectedCode, const Node *relative, const Location &location);
diff --git a/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.cpp b/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.cpp
index dc879b829..e477b5789 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.cpp
@@ -871,13 +871,13 @@ int HtmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom, const Node *relative, CodeMark
out() << "<ul>\n";
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- if (!(*s).members.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!s->members_.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<li>"
<< "<a href=\"#"
- << Doc::canonicalTitle((*s).name)
+ << Doc::canonicalTitle(s->name_)
<< "\">"
- << (*s).name
+ << s->name_
<< "</a></li>\n";
@@ -887,11 +887,11 @@ int HtmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom, const Node *relative, CodeMark
int idx = 0;
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- if (!(*s).members.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!s->members_.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<a name=\""
- << Doc::canonicalTitle((*s).name)
+ << Doc::canonicalTitle(s->name_)
<< "\"></a>\n";
- out() << "<h3>" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h3>\n";
+ out() << "<h3>" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h3>\n";
if (idx == Class)
generateCompactList(Generic, 0, ncmap, false, QStringLiteral("Q"));
else if (idx == QmlClass)
@@ -899,8 +899,8 @@ int HtmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom, const Node *relative, CodeMark
else if (idx == MemberFunction) {
ParentMaps parentmaps;
ParentMaps::iterator pmap;
- NodeList::const_iterator i = s->members.constBegin();
- while (i != s->members.constEnd()) {
+ NodeList::const_iterator i = s->members_.constBegin();
+ while (i != s->members_.constEnd()) {
Node* p = (*i)->parent();
pmap = parentmaps.find(p);
if (pmap == parentmaps.end())
@@ -920,13 +920,13 @@ int HtmlGenerator::generateAtom(const Atom *atom, const Node *relative, CodeMark
out() << protectEnc(pieces.last());
out() << "</a>" << ":</p>\n";
- generateSection(nlist, 0, marker, CodeMarker::Summary);
+ generateSection(nlist, 0, marker, Sections::Summary);
out() << "<br/>";
- generateSection(s->members, 0, marker, CodeMarker::Summary);
+ generateSection(s->members_, 0, marker, Sections::Summary);
@@ -1422,7 +1422,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateCppReferencePage(Node* node, CodeMarker* marker)
generateHeader(title, aggregate, marker);
- sections = marker->sections(aggregate, CodeMarker::Summary, CodeMarker::Okay);
+ sections = Sections::getStdCppSections(aggregate, Sections::Summary, Sections::Okay);
generateTitle(title, subtitleText, SmallSubTitle, aggregate, marker);
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateCppReferencePage(Node* node, CodeMarker* marker)
QString obsoleteLink = generateLowStatusMemberFile(aggregate,
- CodeMarker::Obsolete);
+ Sections::Obsolete);
if (!obsoleteLink.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<li><a href=\"" << obsoleteLink << "\">"
<< "Obsolete members</a></li>\n";
@@ -1462,7 +1462,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateCppReferencePage(Node* node, CodeMarker* marker)
QString compatLink = generateLowStatusMemberFile(aggregate,
- CodeMarker::Compat);
+ Sections::Compat);
if (!compatLink.isEmpty())
out() << "<li><a href=\"" << compatLink << "\">"
<< "Compatibility members</a></li>\n";
@@ -1477,28 +1477,28 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateCppReferencePage(Node* node, CodeMarker* marker)
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- if (s->members.isEmpty() && s->reimpMembers.isEmpty()) {
- if (!s->inherited.isEmpty())
+ if (s->members_.isEmpty() && s->reimpMembers_.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!s->inherited_.isEmpty())
needOtherSection = true;
else {
- if (!s->members.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!s->members_.isEmpty()) {
// out() << "<hr />\n";
- QString ref = registerRef((*s).name.toLower());
+ QString ref = registerRef(s->name_.toLower());
out() << "<a name=\"" << ref << "\"></a>" << divNavTop << "\n";
- out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
- generateSection(s->members, aggregate, marker, CodeMarker::Summary);
+ out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
+ generateSection(s->members_, aggregate, marker, Sections::Summary);
- if (!s->reimpMembers.isEmpty()) {
- QString name = QString("Reimplemented ") + (*s).name;
+ if (!s->reimpMembers_.isEmpty()) {
+ QString name = QString("Reimplemented ") + s->name_;
QString ref = registerRef(name.toLower());
// out() << "<hr />\n";
out() << "<a name=\"" << ref << "\"></a>" << divNavTop << "\n";
out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc(name) << "</h2>\n";
- generateSection(s->reimpMembers, aggregate, marker, CodeMarker::Summary);
+ generateSection(s->reimpMembers_, aggregate, marker, Sections::Summary);
- if (!s->inherited.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!s->inherited_.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<ul>\n";
generateSectionInheritedList(*s, aggregate);
out() << "</ul>\n";
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateCppReferencePage(Node* node, CodeMarker* marker)
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- if (s->members.isEmpty() && !s->inherited.isEmpty())
+ if (s->members_.isEmpty() && !s->inherited_.isEmpty())
generateSectionInheritedList(*s, aggregate);
@@ -1535,16 +1535,16 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateCppReferencePage(Node* node, CodeMarker* marker)
generateExtractionMark(aggregate, EndMark);
- sections = marker->sections(aggregate, CodeMarker::Detailed, CodeMarker::Okay);
+ sections = Sections::getStdCppSections(aggregate, Sections::Detailed, Sections::Okay);
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
//out() << "<hr />\n";
- if (!(*s).divClass.isEmpty())
- out() << "<div class=\"" << (*s).divClass << "\">\n"; // QTBUG-9504
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
+ if (!s->divClass_.isEmpty())
+ out() << "<div class=\"" << s->divClass_ << "\">\n"; // QTBUG-9504
+ out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
- NodeList::ConstIterator m = (*s).members.constBegin();
- while (m != (*s).members.constEnd()) {
+ NodeList::ConstIterator m = s->members_.constBegin();
+ while (m != s->members_.constEnd()) {
if ((*m)->access() != Node::Private) { // ### check necessary?
if ((*m)->type() != Node::Class)
generateDetailedMember(*m, aggregate, marker);
@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateCppReferencePage(Node* node, CodeMarker* marker)
- if (!(*s).divClass.isEmpty())
+ if (!s->divClass_.isEmpty())
out() << "</div>\n"; // QTBUG-9504
@@ -1611,7 +1611,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlTypePage(QmlTypeNode* qcn, CodeMarker* marker)
htmlTitle += " QML Type";
generateHeader(htmlTitle, qcn, marker);
- QList<Section> sections = marker->qmlSections(qcn, CodeMarker::Summary);
+ QList<Section> sections = Sections::getStdQmlSections(qcn, Sections::Summary);
generateTableOfContents(qcn, marker, &sections);
marker = CodeMarker::markerForLanguage(QLatin1String("QML"));
@@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlTypePage(QmlTypeNode* qcn, CodeMarker* marker)
generateQmlRequisites(qcn, marker);
QString allQmlMembersLink = generateAllQmlMembersFile(qcn, marker);
- QString obsoleteLink = generateQmlMemberFile(qcn, marker, CodeMarker::Obsolete);
+ QString obsoleteLink = generateQmlMemberFile(qcn, marker, Sections::Obsolete);
if (!allQmlMembersLink.isEmpty() || !obsoleteLink.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<ul>\n";
if (!allQmlMembersLink.isEmpty()) {
@@ -1636,10 +1636,10 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlTypePage(QmlTypeNode* qcn, CodeMarker* marker)
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- QString ref = registerRef((*s).name.toLower());
+ QString ref = registerRef(s->name_.toLower());
out() << "<a name=\"" << ref
<< "\"></a>" << divNavTop << '\n';
- out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
+ out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
generateQmlSummary(*s, qcn, marker);
@@ -1656,12 +1656,12 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlTypePage(QmlTypeNode* qcn, CodeMarker* marker)
generateExtractionMark(qcn, EndMark);
//out() << "<hr />\n";
- sections = marker->qmlSections(qcn,CodeMarker::Detailed);
+ sections = Sections::getStdQmlSections(qcn, Sections::Detailed);
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
- NodeList::ConstIterator m = (*s).members.constBegin();
- while (m != (*s).members.constEnd()) {
+ out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
+ NodeList::ConstIterator m = s->members_.constBegin();
+ while (m != s->members_.constEnd()) {
generateDetailedQmlMember(*m, qcn, marker);
out() << "<br/>\n";
@@ -1689,7 +1689,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlBasicTypePage(QmlBasicTypeNode* qbtn, CodeMarker*
marker = CodeMarker::markerForLanguage(QLatin1String("QML"));
generateHeader(htmlTitle, qbtn, marker);
- QList<Section> sections = marker->qmlSections(qbtn, CodeMarker::Summary);
+ QList<Section> sections = Sections::getStdQmlSections(qbtn, Sections::Summary);
@@ -1700,10 +1700,10 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlBasicTypePage(QmlBasicTypeNode* qbtn, CodeMarker*
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- QString ref = registerRef((*s).name.toLower());
+ QString ref = registerRef(s->name_.toLower());
out() << "<a name=\"" << ref
<< "\"></a>" << divNavTop << '\n';
- out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
+ out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
generateQmlSummary(*s, qbtn, marker);
@@ -1716,12 +1716,12 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlBasicTypePage(QmlBasicTypeNode* qbtn, CodeMarker*
generateAlsoList(qbtn, marker);
generateExtractionMark(qbtn, EndMark);
- sections = marker->qmlSections(qbtn, CodeMarker::Detailed);
+ sections = Sections::getStdQmlSections(qbtn, Sections::Detailed);
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
- NodeList::ConstIterator m = (*s).members.constBegin();
- while (m != (*s).members.constEnd()) {
+ out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
+ NodeList::ConstIterator m = s->members_.constBegin();
+ while (m != s->members_.constEnd()) {
generateDetailedQmlMember(*m, qbtn, marker);
out() << "<br/>\n";
@@ -1783,7 +1783,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateDocumentNode(DocumentNode* dn, CodeMarker* marker)
QString obsoleteLink = generateLowStatusMemberFile(dn,
- CodeMarker::Obsolete);
+ Sections::Obsolete);
if (!obsoleteLink.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<li><a href=\"" << obsoleteLink << "\">"
<< "Obsolete members</a></li>\n";
@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateDocumentNode(DocumentNode* dn, CodeMarker* marker)
QString compatLink = generateLowStatusMemberFile(dn,
- CodeMarker::Compat);
+ Sections::Compat);
if (!compatLink.isEmpty())
out() << "<li><a href=\"" << compatLink << "\">"
<< "Compatibility members</a></li>\n";
@@ -1799,13 +1799,13 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateDocumentNode(DocumentNode* dn, CodeMarker* marker)
out() << "</ul>\n";
- sections = marker->sections(dn, CodeMarker::Summary, CodeMarker::Okay);
+ sections = Sections::getStdCppSections(dn, Sections::Summary, Sections::Okay);
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- QString ref = registerRef((*s).name);
+ QString ref = registerRef(s->name_);
out() << "<a name=\"" << ref << "\"></a>" << divNavTop << '\n';
- out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
- generateSectionList(*s, dn, marker, CodeMarker::Summary);
+ out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
+ generateSectionList(*s, dn, marker, Sections::Summary);
@@ -1817,14 +1817,14 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateDocumentNode(DocumentNode* dn, CodeMarker* marker)
generateAlsoList(dn, marker);
generateExtractionMark(dn, EndMark);
- sections = marker->sections(dn, CodeMarker::Detailed, CodeMarker::Okay);
+ sections = Sections::getStdCppSections(dn, Sections::Detailed, Sections::Okay);
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
//out() << "<hr />\n";
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
+ out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
- NodeList::ConstIterator m = (*s).members.constBegin();
- while (m != (*s).members.constEnd()) {
+ NodeList::ConstIterator m = s->members_.constBegin();
+ while (m != s->members_.constEnd()) {
generateDetailedMember(*m, dn, marker);
@@ -2545,21 +2545,21 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateTableOfContents(const Node *node,
node->isJsType())) {
QList<Section>::ConstIterator s = sections->constBegin();
while (s != sections->constEnd()) {
- if (!s->members.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!s->members_.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<li class=\"level"
<< sectionNumber
<< "\"><a href=\"#"
- << registerRef((*s).pluralMember)
- << "\">" << (*s).name
+ << registerRef(s->plural_)
+ << "\">" << s->name_
<< "</a></li>\n";
- if (!s->reimpMembers.isEmpty()) {
- QString ref = QString("Reimplemented ") + (*s).pluralMember;
+ if (!s->reimpMembers_.isEmpty()) {
+ QString ref = QString("Reimplemented ") + s->plural_;
out() << "<li class=\"level"
<< sectionNumber
<< "\"><a href=\"#"
<< registerRef(ref.toLower())
- << "\">" << QString("Reimplemented ") + (*s).name
+ << "\">" << QString("Reimplemented ") + s->name_
<< "</a></li>\n";
@@ -2622,9 +2622,7 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateListOfAllMemberFile(const Aggregate *aggregate,
QList<Section> sections;
QList<Section>::ConstIterator s;
- sections = marker->sections(aggregate,
- CodeMarker::Subpage,
- CodeMarker::Okay);
+ sections = Sections::getStdCppSections(aggregate, Sections::Subpage, Sections::Okay);
if (sections.isEmpty())
return QString();
@@ -2639,7 +2637,7 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateListOfAllMemberFile(const Aggregate *aggregate,
out() << ", including inherited members.</p>\n";
Section section = sections.first();
- generateSectionList(section, aggregate, marker, CodeMarker::Subpage);
+ generateSectionList(section, aggregate, marker, Sections::Subpage);
@@ -2656,7 +2654,7 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateAllQmlMembersFile(QmlTypeNode* qml_cn, CodeMarker
QList<Section> sections;
QList<Section>::ConstIterator s;
- sections = marker->qmlSections(qml_cn,CodeMarker::Subpage);
+ sections = Sections::getStdQmlSections(qml_cn, Sections::Subpage);
if (sections.isEmpty())
return QString();
@@ -2699,7 +2697,7 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateAllQmlMembersFile(QmlTypeNode* qml_cn, CodeMarker
generateQmlItem(nodes[j], qml_cn, marker, true);
if (nodes[j]->isAttached())
out() << " [attached]";
- //generateSynopsis(nodes[j], qcn, marker, CodeMarker::Subpage, false, &prefix);
+ //generateSynopsis(nodes[j], qcn, marker, Sections::Subpage, false, &prefix);
out() << "</li>\n";
out() << "</ul>\n";
@@ -2713,14 +2711,12 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateAllQmlMembersFile(QmlTypeNode* qml_cn, CodeMarker
QString HtmlGenerator::generateLowStatusMemberFile(Aggregate *aggregate,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::Status status)
+ Sections::Status status)
- QList<Section> sections = marker->sections(aggregate,
- CodeMarker::Summary,
- status);
+ QList<Section> sections = Sections::getStdCppSections(aggregate, Sections::Summary, status);
QMutableListIterator<Section> j(sections);
while (j.hasNext()) {
- if ( == 0)
+ if ( == 0)
if (sections.isEmpty())
@@ -2731,7 +2727,7 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateLowStatusMemberFile(Aggregate *aggregate,
QString title;
QString fileName;
- if (status == CodeMarker::Compat) {
+ if (status == Sections::Compat) {
title = "Compatibility Members for " + aggregate->name();
fileName = fileBase(aggregate) + "-compat." + fileExtension();
@@ -2739,7 +2735,7 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateLowStatusMemberFile(Aggregate *aggregate,
title = "Obsolete Members for " + aggregate->name();
fileName = fileBase(aggregate) + "-obsolete." + fileExtension();
- if (status == CodeMarker::Obsolete) {
+ if (status == Sections::Obsolete) {
QString link;
if (useOutputSubdirs() && !Generator::outputSubdir().isEmpty())
link = QString("../" + Generator::outputSubdir() + QLatin1Char('/'));
@@ -2752,7 +2748,7 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateLowStatusMemberFile(Aggregate *aggregate,
generateTitle(title, Text(), SmallSubTitle, aggregate, marker);
- if (status == CodeMarker::Compat) {
+ if (status == Sections::Compat) {
out() << "<p><b>The following members of class "
<< "<a href=\"" << linkForNode(aggregate, 0) << "\">"
<< protectEnc(aggregate->name()) << "</a>"
@@ -2770,17 +2766,17 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateLowStatusMemberFile(Aggregate *aggregate,
for (i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc( << "</h2>\n";
- generateSectionList(, aggregate, marker, CodeMarker::Summary);
+ out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc( << "</h2>\n";
+ generateSectionList(, aggregate, marker, Sections::Summary);
- sections = marker->sections(aggregate, CodeMarker::Detailed, status);
+ sections = Sections::getStdCppSections(aggregate, Sections::Detailed, status);
for (i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
//out() << "<hr />\n";
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc( << "</h2>\n";
+ out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc( << "</h2>\n";
- NodeList::ConstIterator m =;
- while (m != {
+ NodeList::ConstIterator m =;
+ while (m != {
if ((*m)->access() != Node::Private)
generateDetailedMember(*m, aggregate, marker);
@@ -2798,16 +2794,16 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateLowStatusMemberFile(Aggregate *aggregate,
the section lists, which are then traversed and output here.
Note that this function currently only handles correctly the
- case where \a status is \c {CodeMarker::Obsolete}.
+ case where \a status is \c {Sections::Obsolete}.
QString HtmlGenerator::generateQmlMemberFile(QmlTypeNode* qcn,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::Status status)
+ Sections::Status status)
- QList<Section> sections = marker->qmlSections(qcn, CodeMarker::Summary, status);
+ QList<Section> sections = Sections::getStdQmlSections(qcn, Sections::Summary, status);
QMutableListIterator<Section> j(sections);
while (j.hasNext()) {
- if ( == 0)
+ if ( == 0)
if (sections.isEmpty())
@@ -2816,7 +2812,7 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateQmlMemberFile(QmlTypeNode* qcn,
QString title = "Obsolete Members for " + qcn->name();
QString fileName = fileBase(qcn) + "-obsolete." + fileExtension();
- if (status == CodeMarker::Obsolete) {
+ if (status == Sections::Obsolete) {
QString link;
if (useOutputSubdirs() && !Generator::outputSubdir().isEmpty())
link = QString("../" + Generator::outputSubdir() + QLatin1Char('/'));
@@ -2838,18 +2834,18 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateQmlMemberFile(QmlTypeNode* qcn,
QList<Section>::const_iterator s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- QString ref = registerRef((*s).name.toLower());
+ QString ref = registerRef(s->name_.toLower());
out() << "<a name=\"" << ref
<< "\"></a>" << divNavTop << '\n';
- out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
+ out() << "<h2 id=\"" << ref << "\">" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
generateQmlSummary(*s, qcn, marker);
- sections = marker->qmlSections(qcn, CodeMarker::Detailed, status);
+ sections = Sections::getStdQmlSections(qcn, Sections::Detailed, status);
QMutableListIterator<Section> k(sections);
while (k.hasNext()) {
- if ( == 0)
+ if ( == 0)
if (sections.isEmpty())
@@ -2857,9 +2853,9 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::generateQmlMemberFile(QmlTypeNode* qcn,
s = sections.constBegin();
while (s != sections.constEnd()) {
- out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc((*s).name) << "</h2>\n";
- NodeList::ConstIterator m = (*s).members.constBegin();
- while (m != (*s).members.constEnd()) {
+ out() << "<h2>" << protectEnc(s->name_) << "</h2>\n";
+ NodeList::ConstIterator m = s->members_.constBegin();
+ while (m != s->members_.constEnd()) {
generateDetailedQmlMember(*m, qcn, marker);
out() << "<br/>\n";
@@ -3315,12 +3311,12 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateList(const Node* relative, CodeMarker* marker, const
void HtmlGenerator::generateSection(const NodeList& nl,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style)
+ Sections::Style style)
bool alignNames = true;
if (!nl.isEmpty()) {
bool twoColumn = false;
- if (style == CodeMarker::Subpage) {
+ if (style == Sections::Subpage) {
alignNames = false;
twoColumn = (nl.count() >= 16);
@@ -3376,19 +3372,19 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSection(const NodeList& nl,
void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style)
+ Sections::Style style)
bool alignNames = true;
- if (!section.members.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!section.members_.isEmpty()) {
bool hasPrivateSignals = false;
bool isInvokable = false;
bool twoColumn = false;
- if (style == CodeMarker::Subpage) {
+ if (style == Sections::Subpage) {
alignNames = false;
- twoColumn = (section.members.count() >= 16);
+ twoColumn = (section.members_.count() >= 16);
- else if (section.members.first()->type() == Node::Property) {
- twoColumn = (section.members.count() >= 5);
+ else if (section.members_.first()->type() == Node::Property) {
+ twoColumn = (section.members_.count() >= 5);
alignNames = false;
if (alignNames) {
@@ -3402,8 +3398,8 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
int i = 0;
- NodeList::ConstIterator m = section.members.constBegin();
- while (m != section.members.constEnd()) {
+ NodeList::ConstIterator m = section.members_.constBegin();
+ while (m != section.members_.constEnd()) {
if ((*m)->access() == Node::Private) {
@@ -3413,15 +3409,15 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
out() << "<tr><td class=\"memItemLeft topAlign rightAlign\"> ";
else {
- if (twoColumn && i == (int) (section.members.count() + 1) / 2)
+ if (twoColumn && i == (int) (section.members_.count() + 1) / 2)
out() << "</ul></td><td class=\"topAlign\"><ul>\n";
out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
QString prefix;
- if (!section.keys.isEmpty()) {
- prefix =;
- prefix = prefix.left("::")+1);
+ if (!section.keys_.isEmpty()) {
+ prefix =;
+ prefix = prefix.left("::")+1);
generateSynopsis(*m, relative, marker, style, alignNames, &prefix);
if ((*m)->isFunction()) {
@@ -3459,7 +3455,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
- if (style == CodeMarker::Summary && !section.inherited.isEmpty()) {
+ if (style == Sections::Summary && !section.inherited_.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<ul>\n";
generateSectionInheritedList(section, relative);
out() << "</ul>\n";
@@ -3468,29 +3464,29 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionInheritedList(const Section& section, const Node *relative)
- QList<QPair<Aggregate *, int> >::ConstIterator p = section.inherited.constBegin();
- while (p != section.inherited.constEnd()) {
+ QList<QPair<Aggregate *, int> >::ConstIterator p = section.inherited_.constBegin();
+ while (p != section.inherited_.constEnd()) {
out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
out() << (*p).second << ' ';
if ((*p).second == 1) {
- out() << section.singularMember;
+ out() << section.singular_;
else {
- out() << section.pluralMember;
+ out() << section.plural_;
out() << " inherited from <a href=\"" << fileName((*p).first)
- << '#' << Generator::cleanRef( << "\">"
+ << '#' << Generator::cleanRef(section.name_.toLower()) << "\">"
<< protectEnc((*p).first->plainFullName(relative))
<< "</a></li>\n";
-// generateSynopsis(qmn,relative,marker,CodeMarker::Detailed,false);
+// generateSynopsis(qmn,relative,marker,Sections::Detailed,false);
void HtmlGenerator::generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style,
+ Sections::Style style,
bool alignNames,
const QString* prefix)
@@ -3510,12 +3506,12 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
marked.replace("<@param>", "<i>");
marked.replace("</@param>", "</i>");
- if (style == CodeMarker::Summary) {
+ if (style == Sections::Summary) {
marked.remove("<@name>"); // was "<b>"
marked.remove("</@name>"); // was "</b>"
- if (style == CodeMarker::Subpage) {
+ if (style == Sections::Subpage) {
QRegExp extraRegExp("<@extra>.*</@extra>");
@@ -3524,7 +3520,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
marked.replace("</@extra>", "</code>");
- if (style != CodeMarker::Detailed) {
+ if (style != Sections::Detailed) {
@@ -4047,7 +4043,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateDetailedMember(const Node *node,
nodeRef = refForNode(n);
out() << "<h3 class=\"fn fngroupitem\" id=\"" << nodeRef << "\">";
out() << "<a name=\"" + nodeRef + "\"></a>";
- generateSynopsis(n, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
+ generateSynopsis(n, relative, marker, Sections::Detailed);
out() << "</h3>";
@@ -4063,15 +4059,15 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateDetailedMember(const Node *node,
out() << "<h3 class=\"flags\" id=\"" << nodeRef << "\">";
out() << "<a name=\"" + nodeRef + "\"></a>";
- generateSynopsis(etn, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
+ generateSynopsis(etn, relative, marker, Sections::Detailed);
out() << "<br/>";
- generateSynopsis(etn->flagsType(), relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
+ generateSynopsis(etn->flagsType(), relative, marker, Sections::Detailed);
out() << "</h3>\n";
else {
out() << "<h3 class=\"fn\" id=\"" << nodeRef << "\">";
out() << "<a name=\"" + nodeRef + "\"></a>";
- generateSynopsis(node, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
+ generateSynopsis(node, relative, marker, Sections::Detailed);
out() << "</h3>" << divNavTop << '\n';
@@ -4086,22 +4082,22 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateDetailedMember(const Node *node,
const PropertyNode *property = static_cast<const PropertyNode *>(node);
Section section;
- section.members += property->getters();
- section.members += property->setters();
- section.members += property->resetters();
+ section.members_ += property->getters();
+ section.members_ += property->setters();
+ section.members_ += property->resetters();
- if (!section.members.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!section.members_.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<p><b>Access functions:</b></p>\n";
- generateSectionList(section, node, marker, CodeMarker::Accessors);
+ generateSectionList(section, node, marker, Sections::Accessors);
Section notifiers;
- notifiers.members += property->notifiers();
+ notifiers.members_ += property->notifiers();
- if (!notifiers.members.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!notifiers.members_.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<p><b>Notifier signal:</b></p>\n";
//out() << "<p>This signal is emitted when the property value is changed.</p>\n";
- generateSectionList(notifiers, node, marker, CodeMarker::Accessors);
+ generateSectionList(notifiers, node, marker, Sections::Accessors);
else if (node->isFunction()) {
@@ -4257,11 +4253,11 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlSummary(const Section& section,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker)
- if (!section.members.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!section.members_.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<ul>\n";
NodeList::ConstIterator m;
- m = section.members.constBegin();
- while (m != section.members.constEnd()) {
+ m = section.members_.constBegin();
+ while (m != section.members_.constEnd()) {
out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
if ((*m)->type() == Node::QmlPropertyGroup) {
@@ -4364,7 +4360,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateDetailedQmlMember(Node *node,
node->type() == Node::QmlSignalHandler ||
node->type() == Node::QmlMethod) {
out() << qmlItemHeader.arg(nodeRef, "tblQmlFuncNode", refForNode(node));
- generateSynopsis(node, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed, false);
+ generateSynopsis(node, relative, marker, Sections::Detailed, false);
out() << qmlItemFooter;
out() << "<div class=\"qmldoc\">";
diff --git a/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.h b/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.h
index aa9ef2903..df949261e 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.h
+++ b/src/qdoc/htmlgenerator.h
@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ private:
QString generateAllQmlMembersFile(QmlTypeNode* qml_cn, CodeMarker* marker);
QString generateLowStatusMemberFile(Aggregate *inner,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::Status status);
+ Sections::Status status);
QString generateQmlMemberFile(QmlTypeNode* qcn,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::Status status);
+ Sections::Status status);
void generateClassHierarchy(const Node *relative, NodeMap &classMap);
void generateAnnotatedList(const Node* relative, CodeMarker* marker, const NodeMultiMap& nodeMap);
void generateAnnotatedLists(const Node* relative, CodeMarker* marker, const NodeMultiMap& nodeMap);
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ private:
void generateSectionList(const Section& section,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style);
+ Sections::Style style);
void generateQmlSummary(const Section& section,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker);
@@ -191,11 +191,11 @@ private:
void generateSection(const NodeList& nl,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style);
+ Sections::Style style);
void generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style,
+ Sections::Style style,
bool alignNames = false,
const QString* prefix = 0);
void generateSectionInheritedList(const Section& section, const Node *relative);
diff --git a/src/qdoc/main.cpp b/src/qdoc/main.cpp
index 563915d49..f13412333 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/main.cpp
+++ b/src/qdoc/main.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
#include "loggingcategory.h"
#include "webxmlgenerator.h"
#include "location.h"
-#include "plaincodemarker.h"
#include "puredocparser.h"
#include "tokenizer.h"
#include "tree.h"
diff --git a/src/qdoc/node.h b/src/qdoc/node.h
index e6d6d2de8..a5ae1d3a9 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/node.h
+++ b/src/qdoc/node.h
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ public:
QString outputFileName() const override { return outputFileName_; }
QmlPropertyNode* hasQmlProperty(const QString& ) const override;
QmlPropertyNode* hasQmlProperty(const QString&, bool attached) const override;
- virtual QmlTypeNode* qmlBaseNode() { return 0; }
+ virtual QmlTypeNode* qmlBaseNode() const { return 0; }
void addChild(Node* child, const QString& title);
const QStringList& groupNames() const { return groupNames_; }
void appendGroupName(const QString& t) override { groupNames_.append(t); }
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ public:
const QString& qmlBaseName() const { return qmlBaseName_; }
void setQmlBaseName(const QString& name) { qmlBaseName_ = name; }
bool qmlBaseNodeNotSet() const { return (qmlBaseNode_ == 0); }
- QmlTypeNode* qmlBaseNode() override { return qmlBaseNode_; }
+ QmlTypeNode* qmlBaseNode() const override { return qmlBaseNode_; }
void setQmlBaseNode(QmlTypeNode* b) { qmlBaseNode_ = b; }
void requireCppClass() { cnodeRequired_ = true; }
bool cppClassRequired() const { return cnodeRequired_; }
diff --git a/src/qdoc/openedlist.cpp b/src/qdoc/openedlist.cpp
index 99a8ec827..79a0e8a63 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/openedlist.cpp
+++ b/src/qdoc/openedlist.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
static const char roman[] = "m\2d\5c\2l\5x\2v\5i";
-OpenedList::OpenedList( Style style )
+OpenedList::OpenedList( ListStyle style )
: sty( style ), ini( 1 ), nex( 0 )
diff --git a/src/qdoc/openedlist.h b/src/qdoc/openedlist.h
index 8b584658c..77f134a9b 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/openedlist.h
+++ b/src/qdoc/openedlist.h
@@ -44,18 +44,18 @@ class OpenedList
- enum Style { Bullet, Tag, Value, Numeric, UpperAlpha, LowerAlpha,
- UpperRoman, LowerRoman };
+ enum ListStyle { Bullet, Tag, Value, Numeric, UpperAlpha, LowerAlpha,
+ UpperRoman, LowerRoman };
: sty( Bullet ), ini( 1 ), nex( 0 ) { }
- OpenedList( Style style );
+ OpenedList( ListStyle style );
OpenedList( const Location& location, const QString& hint );
void next() { nex++; }
bool isStarted() const { return nex >= ini; }
- Style style() const { return sty; }
+ ListStyle style() const { return sty; }
QString styleString() const;
int number() const { return nex; }
QString numberString() const;
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ private:
static QString toRoman( int n );
static int fromRoman( const QString& str );
- Style sty;
+ ListStyle sty;
int ini;
int nex;
QString pref;
diff --git a/src/qdoc/plaincodemarker.cpp b/src/qdoc/plaincodemarker.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b2aa9d5f4..000000000
--- a/src/qdoc/plaincodemarker.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-#include "plaincodemarker.h"
-bool PlainCodeMarker::recognizeCode( const QString& /* code */ )
- return true;
-bool PlainCodeMarker::recognizeExtension( const QString& /* ext */ )
- return true;
-bool PlainCodeMarker::recognizeLanguage( const QString& /* lang */ )
- return false;
-Atom::AtomType PlainCodeMarker::atomType() const
- return Atom::Code;
-QString PlainCodeMarker::markedUpCode( const QString& code,
- const Node * /* relative */,
- const Location & /* location */ )
- return protect( code );
-QString PlainCodeMarker::markedUpSynopsis( const Node * /* node */,
- const Node * /* relative */,
- SynopsisStyle /* style */ )
- return "foo";
-QString PlainCodeMarker::markedUpName( const Node * /* node */ )
- return QString();
-QString PlainCodeMarker::markedUpFullName( const Node * /* node */,
- const Node * /* relative */ )
- return QString();
-QString PlainCodeMarker::markedUpEnumValue(const QString & /* enumValue */,
- const Node * /* relative */)
- return QString();
-QString PlainCodeMarker::markedUpIncludes( const QStringList& /* includes */ )
- return QString();
-QString PlainCodeMarker::functionBeginRegExp( const QString& /* funcName */ )
- return QString();
-QString PlainCodeMarker::functionEndRegExp( const QString& /* funcName */ )
- return QString();
-QList<Section> PlainCodeMarker::sections(const Aggregate * /* innerNode */,
- SynopsisStyle /* style */,
- Status /* status */)
- return QList<Section>();
diff --git a/src/qdoc/plaincodemarker.h b/src/qdoc/plaincodemarker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb831b315..000000000
--- a/src/qdoc/plaincodemarker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
- plaincodemarker.h
-#include "codemarker.h"
-class PlainCodeMarker : public CodeMarker
- PlainCodeMarker();
- ~PlainCodeMarker();
- bool recognizeCode( const QString& code ) override;
- bool recognizeExtension( const QString& ext ) override;
- bool recognizeLanguage( const QString& lang ) override;
- Atom::AtomType atomType() const override;
- QString markedUpCode( const QString& code, const Node *relative, const Location &location ) override;
- QString markedUpSynopsis( const Node *node, const Node *relative,
- SynopsisStyle style ) override;
- QString markedUpName( const Node *node ) override;
- QString markedUpFullName( const Node *node, const Node *relative ) override;
- QString markedUpEnumValue(const QString &enumValue, const Node *relative) override;
- QString markedUpIncludes( const QStringList& includes ) override;
- QString functionBeginRegExp( const QString& funcName ) override;
- QString functionEndRegExp( const QString& funcName ) override;
- QList<Section> sections(const Aggregate *innerNode, SynopsisStyle style, Status status) override;
diff --git a/src/qdoc/ b/src/qdoc/
index 229c2c676..c88074a66 100644
--- a/src/qdoc/
+++ b/src/qdoc/
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ HEADERS += atom.h \
loggingcategory.h \
node.h \
openedlist.h \
- plaincodemarker.h \
puredocparser.h \
qdocdatabase.h \
qdoctagfiles.h \
qdocindexfiles.h \
quoter.h \
+ sections.h \
separator.h \
text.h \
tokenizer.h \
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ SOURCES += atom.cpp \
main.cpp \
node.cpp \
openedlist.cpp \
- plaincodemarker.cpp \
puredocparser.cpp \
qdocdatabase.cpp \
qdoctagfiles.cpp \
qdocindexfiles.cpp \
quoter.cpp \
+ sections.cpp \
separator.cpp \
text.cpp \
tokenizer.cpp \
diff --git a/src/qdoc/sections.cpp b/src/qdoc/sections.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c91ae72ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qdoc/sections.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met:
+#include <qobjectdefs.h>
+#include "sections.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+const Aggregate *Sections::aggregate_ = 0;
+static FastSection privateFuncs("Private Functions", "private function", "private functions");
+static FastSection privateSlots("Private Slots", "private slot", "private slots");
+static FastSection privateTypes("Private Types", "private type", "private types");
+static FastSection protectedFuncs("Protected Functions", "protected function", "protected functions");
+static FastSection protectedSlots("Protected Slots", "protected slot", "protected slots");
+static FastSection protectedTypes("Protected Types", "protected type", "protected types");
+static FastSection protectedVars("Protected Variables", "protected type", "protected variables");
+static FastSection publicFuncs("Public Functions", "public function", "public functions");
+static FastSection publicSignals("Signals", "signal", "signals");
+static FastSection publicSlots("Public Slots", "public slot", "public slots");
+static FastSection publicTypes("Public Types", "public type", "public types");
+static FastSection publicVars("Public Variables", "public variable", "public variables");
+static FastSection properties("Properties", "property", "properties");
+static FastSection relatedNonMembs("Related Non-Members", "related non-member", "related non-members");
+static FastSection staticPrivMembs("Static Private Members", "static private member", "static private members");
+static FastSection staticProtMembs("Static Protected Members", "static protected member", "static protected members");
+static FastSection staticPubMembs("Static Public Members", "static public member", "static public members");
+static FastSection macros("Macros", "macro", "macros");
+static FastSection detMemberFuncs("Member Function Documentation", "func", "member", "members");
+static FastSection detMemberTypes("Member Type Documentation", "types", "member", "members");
+static FastSection detMemberVars("Member Variable Documentation", "vars", "member", "members");
+static FastSection detProperties("Property Documentation", "prop", "member", "members");
+static FastSection detRelatedNonMembs("Related Non-Members", "relnonmem", "member", "members");
+static FastSection detMacros("Macro Documentation", "macros", "member", "members");
+ The destructor must delete each member of the
+ list of QML class lists, if it is not empty;
+ */
+ if (!classKeysNodesList_.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<classKeysNodesList_.size(); i++) {
+ ClassKeysNodes* classKeysNodes = classKeysNodesList_[i];
+ classKeysNodesList_[i] = 0;
+ delete classKeysNodes;
+ }
+ }
+ The destructor must delete the QML class maps in the class
+ map list, if the class map list is not empty.
+ */
+ clear();
+ The FastSection variables are now static variables so we
+ don't have to repeatedly construct and destroy them. But
+ we do need to clear them for each call to sections() or
+ qmlSections().
+ */
+void FastSection::clear()
+ memberMap_.clear();
+ reimpMemberMap_.clear();
+ if (!classMapList_.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<classMapList_.size(); i++) {
+ ClassMap* classMap = classMapList_[i];
+ classMapList_[i] = 0;
+ delete classMap;
+ }
+ }
+ inherited_.clear();
+ \class Sections
+ \brief A class for creating a list of collections for documentation
+ Each element in the list is a Section struct, which contains all the
+ elements that will be documented in a section of a reference page.
+ */
+ Construct a name for the \a node that can be used for sorting
+ a set of nodes into equivalence classes. If \a name is provided,
+ start with that name. Itherwise start with the name in \a node.
+ */
+QString Sections::sortName(const Node *node, const QString* name)
+ QString nodeName;
+ if (name != 0)
+ nodeName = *name;
+ else
+ nodeName = node->name();
+ int numDigits = 0;
+ for (int i = nodeName.size() - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+ if ( == -1)
+ break;
+ ++numDigits;
+ }
+ // we want 'qint8' to appear before 'qint16'
+ if (numDigits > 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4 - numDigits; ++i)
+ nodeName.insert(nodeName.size()-numDigits-1, QLatin1Char('0'));
+ }
+ if (node->isFunction()) {
+ const FunctionNode *func = static_cast<const FunctionNode *>(node);
+ QString sortNo;
+ if (func->isSomeCtor())
+ sortNo = QLatin1String("C");
+ else if (func->isDtor())
+ sortNo = QLatin1String("D");
+ else if (nodeName.startsWith(QLatin1String("operator"))
+ && nodeName.length() > 8
+ && !nodeName[8].isLetterOrNumber())
+ sortNo = QLatin1String("F");
+ else
+ sortNo = QLatin1String("E");
+ return sortNo + nodeName + QLatin1Char(' ') + QString::number(func->overloadNumber(), 36);
+ }
+ if (node->isClass())
+ return QLatin1Char('A') + nodeName;
+ if (node->isProperty() || node->isVariable())
+ return QLatin1Char('E') + nodeName;
+ if (node->isQmlMethod() || node->isQmlSignal() || node->isQmlSignalHandler())
+ return QLatin1Char('E') + nodeName;
+ return QLatin1Char('B') + nodeName;
+ Insert the \a node into the temporary section \a fs. Whether
+ the \a node is actually inserted can depend on the \a style
+ and the \a status.
+ */
+void Sections::insert(FastSection &fs, Node *node, Style style, Status status)
+ bool irrelevant = false;
+ bool inheritedMember = false;
+ if (!node->relates()) {
+ Aggregate* p = node->parent();
+ if (p->isQmlPropertyGroup())
+ p = p->parent();
+ if (!p->isNamespace() && p != aggregate_) {
+ if ((!p->isQmlType() && !p->isJsType()) || !p->isAbstract())
+ inheritedMember = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (node->isPrivate()) {
+ irrelevant = true;
+ }
+ else if (node->isFunction()) {
+ FunctionNode *func = (FunctionNode *) node;
+ irrelevant = (inheritedMember && (func->isSomeCtor() || func->isDtor()));
+ }
+ else if (node->isClass() || node->isEnumType() || node->isTypedef()) {
+ irrelevant = (inheritedMember && style != Subpage);
+ if (!irrelevant && style == Detailed && node->isTypedef()) {
+ const TypedefNode* tdn = static_cast<const TypedefNode*>(node);
+ if (tdn->associatedEnum())
+ irrelevant = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!irrelevant) {
+ if (status == Compat) {
+ irrelevant = (node->status() != Node::Compat);
+ }
+ else if (status == Obsolete) {
+ irrelevant = (node->status() != Node::Obsolete);
+ }
+ else {
+ irrelevant = (node->status() == Node::Compat ||
+ node->status() == Node::Obsolete);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!irrelevant) {
+ if (!inheritedMember || style == Subpage) {
+ QString key = sortName(node);
+ fs.memberMap_.insertMulti(key, node);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (node->parent()->isClass() || node->parent()->isNamespace()) {
+ if (fs.inherited_.isEmpty() || fs.inherited_.last().first != node->parent()) {
+ QPair<Aggregate *, int> p(node->parent(), 0);
+ fs.inherited_.append(p);
+ }
+ fs.inherited_.last().second++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Returns \c true if \a node represents a reimplemented member
+ function in the class of the FastSection \a fs. If it is
+ a reimplemented function, then it is inserted into the
+ reimplemented member map in \a fs. The test is performed
+ only if \a status is \e OK. True is returned if \a node
+ is inserted into the map. Otherwise, false is returned.
+ */
+bool Sections::insertReimpFunc(FastSection& fs, Node* node, Status status)
+ if (!node->isPrivate() && (node->relates() == 0)) {
+ const FunctionNode* fn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(node);
+ if (!fn->reimplementedFrom().isEmpty() && (status == Okay)) {
+ if (fn->parent() == aggregate_) {
+ QString key = sortName(fn);
+ if (!fs.reimpMemberMap_.contains(key)) {
+ fs.reimpMemberMap_.insert(key,node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ If \a fs is not empty, convert it to a Section and append
+ the new Section to \a sectionList.
+ */
+void Sections::append(QList<Section>& sectionList, const FastSection& fs, bool includeKeys)
+ if (!fs.isEmpty()) {
+ Section section(fs.name_, fs.divClass_, fs.singular_, fs.plural_);
+ sectionList.append(section);
+ Section* s = &sectionList[sectionList.size()-1];
+ if (fs.classMapList_.isEmpty()) {
+ Section section(fs.name_, fs.divClass_, fs.singular_, fs.plural_);
+ if (includeKeys)
+ s->keys_ = fs.memberMap_.keys();
+ s->members_ = fs.memberMap_.values();
+ s->reimpMembers_ = fs.reimpMemberMap_.values();
+ s->inherited_ = fs.inherited_;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (int i=0; i<fs.classMapList_.size(); i++) {
+ ClassMap* classMap = fs.classMapList_[i];
+ ClassKeysNodes* ckn = new ClassKeysNodes;
+ ckn->first = classMap->first;
+ ckn->second.second = classMap->second.values();
+ ckn->second.first = classMap->second.keys();
+ s->classKeysNodesList_.append(ckn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void clearClassSummaryVars()
+ privateFuncs.clear();
+ privateSlots.clear();
+ privateTypes.clear();
+ protectedFuncs.clear();
+ protectedSlots.clear();
+ protectedTypes.clear();
+ protectedVars.clear();
+ publicFuncs.clear();
+ publicSignals.clear();
+ publicSlots.clear();
+ publicTypes.clear();
+ publicVars.clear();
+ properties.clear();
+ relatedNonMembs.clear();
+ staticPrivMembs.clear();
+ staticProtMembs.clear();
+ staticPubMembs.clear();
+ macros.clear();
+static void clearClassDetailedVars()
+ detMemberFuncs.clear();
+ detMemberTypes.clear();
+ detMemberVars.clear();
+ detProperties.clear();
+ detRelatedNonMembs.clear();
+ detMacros.clear();
+QList<Section> Sections::getStdCppSections(const Aggregate *aggregate, Style style, Status status)
+ QList<Section> sections;
+ setCurrentNode(aggregate);
+ if (aggregate->isClass()) {
+ if (style == Summary)
+ getCppClassStdSummarySections(sections, style, status);
+ else if (style == Detailed)
+ getCppClassStdDetailedSections(sections, style, status);
+ else
+ getAllCppClassMembers(sections, style, status);
+ } else if (style == Summary || style == Detailed) {
+ getAllStdCppSections(sections, style, status);
+ }
+ return sections;
+void Sections::getAllStdCppSections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status)
+ FastSection namespaces("Namespaces",
+ style == Detailed ? "nmspace" : QString(),
+ "namespace",
+ "namespaces");
+ FastSection classes("Classes",
+ style == Detailed ? "classes" : QString(),
+ "class",
+ "classes");
+ FastSection types(style == Summary ? "Types" : "Type Documentation",
+ style == Detailed ? "types" : QString(),
+ "type",
+ "types");
+ FastSection variables(style == Summary ? "Variables" : "Variable Documentation",
+ style == Detailed ? "vars" : QString(),
+ "variable",
+ "variables");
+ FastSection staticVars("Static Variables",
+ QString(),
+ "static variable",
+ "static variables");
+ FastSection functions(style == Summary ? "Functions" : "Function Documentation",
+ style == Detailed ? "func" : QString(),
+ "function",
+ "functions");
+ FastSection macros(style == Summary ? "Macros" : "Macro Documentation",
+ style == Detailed ? "macros" : QString(),
+ "macro",
+ "macros");
+ bool documentAll = true;
+ NodeList nodeList = aggregate_->childNodes();
+ nodeList += aggregate_->relatedNodes();
+ if (aggregate_->isNamespace()) {
+ const NamespaceNode* ns = static_cast<const NamespaceNode*>(aggregate_);
+ if (!ns->hasDoc())
+ documentAll = false;
+ if (style == Summary) {
+ if (!ns->orphans().isEmpty())
+ nodeList += ns->orphans();
+ }
+ }
+ NodeList::ConstIterator c = nodeList.constBegin();
+ while (c != nodeList.constEnd()) {
+ Node *n = *c;
+ if (documentAll || n->hasDoc()) {
+ switch (n->type()) {
+ case Node::Namespace:
+ insert(namespaces, n, style, status);
+ break;
+ case Node::Class:
+ insert(classes, n, style, status);
+ break;
+ case Node::Enum:
+ case Node::Typedef:
+ insert(types, n, style, status);
+ break;
+ case Node::Function:
+ {
+ FunctionNode *func = static_cast<FunctionNode *>(n);
+ if (func->isMacro())
+ insert(macros, n, style, status);
+ else
+ insert(functions, n, style, status);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Node::Variable:
+ {
+ const VariableNode* var = static_cast<const VariableNode*>(n);
+ if (!var->doc().isEmpty()) {
+ if (var->isStatic())
+ insert(staticVars, n, style, status);
+ else
+ insert(variables, n, style, status);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Node::SharedComment:
+ {
+ SharedCommentNode *scn = static_cast<SharedCommentNode *>(n);
+ if (!scn->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(functions, scn, style, status);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ append(sections, namespaces);
+ append(sections, classes);
+ append(sections, types);
+ append(sections, variables);
+ append(sections, staticVars);
+ append(sections, functions);
+ append(sections, macros);
+void Sections::getCppClassStdSummarySections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status)
+ clearClassSummaryVars();
+ NodeList::ConstIterator r = aggregate_->relatedNodes().constBegin();
+ while (r != aggregate_->relatedNodes().constEnd()) {
+ if ((*r)->isFunction()) {
+ FunctionNode *func = static_cast<FunctionNode *>(*r);
+ if (func->isMacro())
+ insert(macros, *r, style, status);
+ else
+ insert(relatedNonMembs, *r, style, status);
+ } else {
+ insert(relatedNonMembs, *r, style, status);
+ }
+ ++r;
+ }
+ bool documentAll = true;
+ if (aggregate_->parent() && !aggregate_->name().isEmpty() && !aggregate_->hasDoc())
+ documentAll = false;
+ QStack<const Aggregate *> stack;
+ stack.push(aggregate_);
+ while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
+ const Aggregate* ancestor = stack.pop();
+ NodeList::ConstIterator c = ancestor->childNodes().constBegin();
+ while (c != ancestor->childNodes().constEnd()) {
+ Node* n = *c;
+ if (!documentAll && !n->hasDoc()) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool isSlot = false;
+ bool isSignal = false;
+ bool isStatic = false;
+ if (n->isFunction()) {
+ const FunctionNode *func = (const FunctionNode *) n;
+ isSlot = (func->isSlot());
+ isSignal = (func->isSignal());
+ isStatic = func->isStatic();
+ if (func->hasAssociatedProperties() && !func->hasActiveAssociatedProperty()) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ } else if (func->isIgnored()) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n->isVariable()) {
+ const VariableNode *var = static_cast<const VariableNode *>(n);
+ isStatic = var->isStatic();
+ } else if (n->isTypedef()) {
+ if (n->name() == QLatin1String("QtGadgetHelper")) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (n->access()) {
+ case Node::Public:
+ if (isSlot) {
+ insert(publicSlots, n, style, status);
+ }
+ else if (isSignal) {
+ insert(publicSignals, n, style, status);
+ } else if (isStatic) {
+ if (!n->isVariable() || !n->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(staticPubMembs, n, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isProperty()) {
+ insert(properties, n, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isVariable()) {
+ if (!n->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(publicVars, n, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isFunction()) {
+ if (!insertReimpFunc(publicFuncs,n,status))
+ insert(publicFuncs, n, style, status);
+ } else if (!n->isSharedCommentNode()) {
+ insert(publicTypes, n, style, status);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Node::Protected:
+ if (isSlot) {
+ insert(protectedSlots, n, style, status);
+ } else if (isStatic) {
+ if (!n->isVariable() || !n->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(staticProtMembs, n, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isVariable()) {
+ if (!n->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(protectedVars, n, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isFunction()) {
+ if (!insertReimpFunc(protectedFuncs, n, status))
+ insert(protectedFuncs, n, style, status);
+ } else {
+ insert(protectedTypes, n, style, status);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Node::Private:
+ if (isSlot) {
+ insert(privateSlots, n, style, status);
+ } else if (isStatic) {
+ if (!n->isVariable() || !n->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(staticPrivMembs, n, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isFunction()) {
+ if (!insertReimpFunc(privateFuncs, n, status))
+ insert(privateFuncs, n, style, status);
+ } else {
+ insert(privateTypes, n, style, status);
+ }
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ if (ancestor->isClass()) {
+ const ClassNode* cn = static_cast<const ClassNode*>(ancestor);
+ QList<RelatedClass>::ConstIterator r = cn->baseClasses().constBegin();
+ while (r != cn->baseClasses().constEnd()) {
+ if (r->node_)
+ stack.prepend(r->node_);
+ ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ append(sections, publicTypes);
+ append(sections, properties);
+ append(sections, publicFuncs);
+ append(sections, publicSlots);
+ append(sections, publicSignals);
+ append(sections, publicVars);
+ append(sections, staticPubMembs);
+ append(sections, protectedTypes);
+ append(sections, protectedFuncs);
+ append(sections, protectedSlots);
+ append(sections, protectedVars);
+ append(sections, staticProtMembs);
+ append(sections, privateTypes);
+ append(sections, privateFuncs);
+ append(sections, privateSlots);
+ append(sections, staticPrivMembs);
+ append(sections, relatedNonMembs);
+ append(sections, macros);
+void Sections::getCppClassStdDetailedSections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status)
+ clearClassDetailedVars();
+ NodeList::ConstIterator r = aggregate_->relatedNodes().constBegin();
+ while (r != aggregate_->relatedNodes().constEnd()) {
+ Node* n = *r;
+ if (n->isFunction()) {
+ FunctionNode *func = static_cast<FunctionNode *>(n);
+ if (func->isMacro())
+ insert(detMacros, n, style, status);
+ else if (!func->isSharingComment())
+ insert(detRelatedNonMembs, n, style, status);
+ } else {
+ insert(detRelatedNonMembs, n, style, status);
+ }
+ ++r;
+ }
+ bool documentAll = true;
+ if (aggregate_->parent() && !aggregate_->name().isEmpty() && !aggregate_->hasDoc())
+ documentAll = false;
+ NodeList::ConstIterator c = aggregate_->childNodes().constBegin();
+ while (c != aggregate_->childNodes().constEnd()) {
+ Node* n = *c;
+ if (n->isSharingComment()) {
+ // do nothing
+ } else if (!documentAll && !n->hasDoc()) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ } else if (n->isEnumType() || n->isTypedef()) {
+ if (n->name() == QLatin1String("QtGadgetHelper")) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ insert(detMemberTypes, *c, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isProperty()) {
+ insert(detProperties, *c, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isVariable()) {
+ if (!n->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(detMemberVars, *c, style, status);
+ } else if (n->isFunction()) {
+ FunctionNode *function = static_cast<FunctionNode *>(n);
+ if (function->isIgnored()) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!function->isSharingComment()) {
+ if (!function->hasAssociatedProperties() || !function->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(detMemberFuncs, function, style, status);
+ }
+ } else if (n->isSharedCommentNode()) {
+ SharedCommentNode *scn = static_cast<SharedCommentNode *>(n);
+ if (!scn->doc().isEmpty())
+ insert(detMemberFuncs, scn, style, status);
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ append(sections, detMemberTypes);
+ append(sections, detProperties);
+ append(sections, detMemberFuncs);
+ append(sections, detMemberVars);
+ append(sections, detRelatedNonMembs);
+ append(sections, detMacros);
+ Build the "all members" list for a C++ class.
+ */
+void Sections::getAllCppClassMembers(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status)
+ FastSection all(QString(), QString(), "member", "members");
+ QStack<const Aggregate*> stack;
+ stack.push(aggregate_);
+ while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
+ const Aggregate* ancestor = stack.pop();
+ NodeList::ConstIterator c = ancestor->childNodes().constBegin();
+ while (c != ancestor->childNodes().constEnd()) {
+ Node *n = *c;
+ if (!n->isPrivate() && !n->isProperty())
+ insert(all, n, style, status);
+ ++c;
+ }
+ if (ancestor->isClass()) {
+ const ClassNode* cn = static_cast<const ClassNode*>(ancestor);
+ QList<RelatedClass>::ConstIterator r = cn->baseClasses().constBegin();
+ while (r != cn->baseClasses().constEnd()) {
+ if (r->node_)
+ stack.prepend(r->node_);
+ ++r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ append(sections, all);
+ This function is for documenting QML properties. It returns
+ the list of documentation sections for the children of the
+ \a aggregate.
+ */
+QList<Section> Sections::getStdQmlSections(Aggregate* aggregate, Style style, Status status)
+ QList<Section> sections;
+ setCurrentNode(aggregate);
+ if (aggregate) {
+ if (style == Summary)
+ getQmlTypeStdSummarySections(sections, style, status);
+ else if (style == Detailed)
+ getQmlTypeStdDetailedSections(sections, style, status);
+ else
+ getAllQmlTypeMembers(sections);
+ }
+ return sections;
+void Sections::getQmlTypeStdSummarySections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status)
+ FastSection qmlproperties("Properties", QString(), "property", "properties");
+ FastSection qmlattachedproperties("Attached Properties", QString(), "attached property", "attached properties");
+ FastSection qmlsignals("Signals", QString(), "signal", "signals");
+ FastSection qmlsignalhandlers("Signal Handlers", QString(), "signal handler", "signal handlers");
+ FastSection qmlattachedsignals("Attached Signals", QString(), "attached signal", "attached signals");
+ FastSection qmlmethods("Methods", QString(), "method", "methods");
+ FastSection qmlattachedmethods("Attached Methods", QString(), "attached method", "attached methods");
+ const Aggregate* qcn = aggregate_;
+ while (qcn != 0) {
+ NodeList::ConstIterator c = qcn->childNodes().constBegin();
+ while (c != qcn->childNodes().constEnd()) {
+ if ((*c)->status() == Node::Internal) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((*c)->isQmlPropertyGroup() || (*c)->isJsPropertyGroup()) {
+ insert(qmlproperties, *c, style, status);
+ }
+ else if ((*c)->isQmlProperty() || (*c)->isJsProperty()) {
+ const QmlPropertyNode* pn = static_cast<const QmlPropertyNode*>(*c);
+ if (pn->isAttached())
+ insert(qmlattachedproperties,*c,style, status);
+ else {
+ insert(qmlproperties,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((*c)->isQmlSignal() || (*c)->isJsSignal()) {
+ const FunctionNode* sn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(*c);
+ if (sn->isAttached())
+ insert(qmlattachedsignals,*c,style, status);
+ else
+ insert(qmlsignals,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ else if ((*c)->isQmlSignalHandler() || (*c)->isJsSignalHandler()) {
+ insert(qmlsignalhandlers,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ else if ((*c)->isQmlMethod() || (*c)->isJsMethod()) {
+ const FunctionNode* mn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(*c);
+ if (mn->isAttached())
+ insert(qmlattachedmethods,*c,style, status);
+ else
+ insert(qmlmethods,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ if (qcn->qmlBaseNode() != 0) {
+ qcn = static_cast<QmlTypeNode*>(qcn->qmlBaseNode());
+ if (!qcn->isAbstract())
+ qcn = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ qcn = 0;
+ }
+ append(sections,qmlproperties);
+ append(sections,qmlattachedproperties);
+ append(sections,qmlsignals);
+ append(sections,qmlsignalhandlers);
+ append(sections,qmlattachedsignals);
+ append(sections,qmlmethods);
+ append(sections,qmlattachedmethods);
+void Sections::getQmlTypeStdDetailedSections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status)
+ FastSection qmlproperties( "Property Documentation","qmlprop","member","members");
+ FastSection qmlattachedproperties("Attached Property Documentation","qmlattprop",
+ "member","members");
+ FastSection qmlsignals("Signal Documentation","qmlsig","signal","signals");
+ FastSection qmlsignalhandlers("Signal Handler Documentation","qmlsighan","signal handler","signal handlers");
+ FastSection qmlattachedsignals("Attached Signal Documentation","qmlattsig",
+ "signal","signals");
+ FastSection qmlmethods("Method Documentation","qmlmeth","member","members");
+ FastSection qmlattachedmethods("Attached Method Documentation","qmlattmeth",
+ "member","members");
+ const Aggregate* qcn = aggregate_;
+ while (qcn != 0) {
+ NodeList::ConstIterator c = qcn->childNodes().constBegin();
+ while (c != qcn->childNodes().constEnd()) {
+ if ((*c)->status() == Node::Internal) {
+ ++c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((*c)->isQmlPropertyGroup() || (*c)->isJsPropertyGroup()) {
+ insert(qmlproperties,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ else if ((*c)->isQmlProperty() || (*c)->isJsProperty()) {
+ const QmlPropertyNode* pn = static_cast<const QmlPropertyNode*>(*c);
+ if (pn->isAttached())
+ insert(qmlattachedproperties,*c,style, status);
+ else
+ insert(qmlproperties,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ else if ((*c)->isQmlSignal() || (*c)->isJsSignal()) {
+ const FunctionNode* sn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(*c);
+ if (sn->isAttached())
+ insert(qmlattachedsignals,*c,style, status);
+ else
+ insert(qmlsignals,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ else if ((*c)->isQmlSignalHandler() || (*c)->isJsSignalHandler()) {
+ insert(qmlsignalhandlers,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ else if ((*c)->isQmlMethod() || (*c)->isJsMethod()) {
+ const FunctionNode* mn = static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(*c);
+ if (mn->isAttached())
+ insert(qmlattachedmethods,*c,style, status);
+ else
+ insert(qmlmethods,*c,style, status);
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ if (qcn->qmlBaseNode() != 0) {
+ qcn = static_cast<QmlTypeNode*>(qcn->qmlBaseNode());
+ if (!qcn->isAbstract())
+ qcn = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ qcn = 0;
+ }
+ append(sections,qmlproperties);
+ append(sections,qmlattachedproperties);
+ append(sections,qmlsignals);
+ append(sections,qmlsignalhandlers);
+ append(sections,qmlattachedsignals);
+ append(sections,qmlmethods);
+ append(sections,qmlattachedmethods);
+ This is where the list of all members including inherited
+ members is prepared.
+void Sections::getAllQmlTypeMembers(QList<Section> &sections)
+ ClassMap* classMap = 0;
+ FastSection all(QString(), QString(), "member", "members");
+ const Aggregate* current = aggregate_;
+ while (current != 0) {
+ /*
+ If the QML type is abstract, do not create
+ a new entry in the list for it. Instead,
+ add its members to the current entry.
+ However, if the first class is abstract,
+ there is no current entry. In that case,
+ create a new entry in the list anyway.
+ I'm not sure that is correct, but it at
+ least can prevent a crash.
+ */
+ if (!current->isAbstract() || !classMap) {
+ classMap = new ClassMap;
+ classMap->first = static_cast<const QmlTypeNode*>(current);
+ all.classMapList_.append(classMap);
+ }
+ NodeList::ConstIterator c = current->childNodes().constBegin();
+ while (c != current->childNodes().constEnd()) {
+ if ((*c)->isQmlPropertyGroup() || (*c)->isJsPropertyGroup()) {
+ const QmlPropertyGroupNode* qpgn = static_cast<const QmlPropertyGroupNode*>(*c);
+ NodeList::ConstIterator p = qpgn->childNodes().constBegin();
+ while (p != qpgn->childNodes().constEnd()) {
+ if ((*p)->isQmlProperty() || (*c)->isJsProperty()) {
+ QString key = (*p)->name();
+ key = sortName(*p, &key);
+ all.memberMap_.insert(key,*p);
+ classMap->second.insert(key,*p);
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ QString key = (*c)->name();
+ key = sortName(*c, &key);
+ all.memberMap_.insert(key,*c);
+ classMap->second.insert(key,*c);
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ if (current->qmlBaseNode() == current) {
+ qDebug() << "qdoc internal error: circular type definition."
+ << "QML type" << current->name()
+ << "can't be its own base type";
+ break;
+ }
+ current = current->qmlBaseNode();
+ while (current) {
+ if (current->isAbstract())
+ break;
+ if (current->isInternal())
+ current = current->qmlBaseNode();
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ append(sections, all, true);
diff --git a/src/qdoc/sections.h b/src/qdoc/sections.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbb573173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qdoc/sections.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met:
+#ifndef SECTIONS_H
+#define SECTIONS_H
+#include <qpair.h>
+#include "node.h"
+typedef QMultiMap<QString, Node*> MemberMap; // the string is the member signature
+typedef QPair<const QmlTypeNode*, MemberMap> ClassMap; // the node is the QML type
+typedef QList<ClassMap*> ClassMapList;
+typedef QPair<QStringList, NodeList> KeysAndNodes;
+typedef QPair<const QmlTypeNode*, KeysAndNodes> ClassKeysNodes;
+typedef QList<ClassKeysNodes*> ClassKeysNodesList;
+struct Section
+ QString name_;
+ QString divClass_;
+ QString singular_;
+ QString plural_;
+ QStringList keys_;
+ NodeList members_;
+ NodeList reimpMembers_;
+ QList<QPair<Aggregate *, int> > inherited_;
+ ClassKeysNodesList classKeysNodesList_;
+ Section() { }
+ Section(const QString& name,
+ const QString& divClass,
+ const QString& singular,
+ const QString& plural)
+ : name_(name), divClass_(divClass), singular_(singular), plural_(plural) { }
+ ~Section();
+ void appendMember(Node* node) { members_.append(node); }
+ void appendReimpMember(Node* node) { reimpMembers_.append(node); }
+struct FastSection
+ QString name_;
+ QString divClass_;
+ QString singular_;
+ QString plural_;
+ QMultiMap<QString, Node *> memberMap_;
+ QMultiMap<QString, Node *> reimpMemberMap_;
+ ClassMapList classMapList_;
+ QList<QPair<Aggregate *, int> > inherited_;
+ FastSection(const QString& name, const QString& singular, const QString& plural)
+ : name_(name), singular_(singular), plural_(plural) { }
+ FastSection(const QString& name,
+ const QString& divClass,
+ const QString& singular,
+ const QString& plural)
+ : name_(name), divClass_(divClass), singular_(singular), plural_(plural) { }
+ ~FastSection();
+ void clear();
+ bool isEmpty() const {
+ return (memberMap_.isEmpty() &&
+ inherited_.isEmpty() &&
+ reimpMemberMap_.isEmpty() &&
+ classMapList_.isEmpty());
+ }
+class Sections
+ public:
+ enum Style { Summary, Detailed, Subpage, Accessors };
+ enum Status { Compat, Obsolete, Okay };
+ Sections() { }
+ ~Sections() { }
+ static QList<Section> getStdCppSections(const Aggregate *aggregate, Style style, Status status);
+ static QList<Section> getStdQmlSections(Aggregate* aggregate, Style style, Status status = Okay);
+ static QString sortName(const Node *node, const QString* name = 0);
+ static void insert(FastSection &fs, Node *node, Style style, Status status);
+ static bool insertReimpFunc(FastSection& fs, Node* node, Status status);
+ static void append(QList<Section>& sections, const FastSection& fs, bool includeKeys = false);
+ static void setCurrentNode(const Aggregate *t) { aggregate_ = t; }
+ private:
+ static void getAllCppClassMembers(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status);
+ static void getCppClassStdSummarySections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status);
+ static void getCppClassStdDetailedSections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status);
+ static void getAllStdCppSections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status);
+ static void getAllQmlTypeMembers(QList<Section> &sections);
+ static void getQmlTypeStdSummarySections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status);
+ static void getQmlTypeStdDetailedSections(QList<Section> &sections, Style style, Status status);
+ private:
+ static const Aggregate *aggregate_;