# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Generated from qttools.pro. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) include(.cmake.conf) project(QtTools # special case VERSION "${QT_REPO_MODULE_VERSION}" DESCRIPTION "Qt Tools" # special case HOMEPAGE_URL "https://qt.io/" LANGUAGES CXX C ) # add platform specific compontents set(optional_components "") if(WIN32) list(APPEND optional_components AxContainer) endif() find_package(Qt6 ${PROJECT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS BuildInternals Core Network) find_package(Qt6 ${PROJECT_VERSION} QUIET CONFIG OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS DBus Xml Widgets Quick QuickWidgets Qml Sql PrintSupport OpenGL OpenGLWidgets ${optional_components}) qt_build_repo() # special case begin # Add tool dependencies that were deferred by qt_internal_add_docs. qt_internal_add_deferred_dependencies() # special case end