// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "docparser.h" #include "codemarker.h" #include "doc.h" #include "docprivate.h" #include "editdistance.h" #include "macro.h" #include "openedlist.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; DocUtilities &DocParser::s_utilities = DocUtilities::instance(); enum { CMD_A, CMD_ANNOTATEDLIST, CMD_B, CMD_BADCODE, CMD_BOLD, CMD_BR, CMD_BRIEF, CMD_C, CMD_CAPTION, CMD_CODE, CMD_CODELINE, CMD_DIV, CMD_DOTS, CMD_E, CMD_ELSE, CMD_ENDCODE, CMD_ENDDIV, CMD_ENDFOOTNOTE, CMD_ENDIF, CMD_ENDLEGALESE, CMD_ENDLINK, CMD_ENDLIST, CMD_ENDMAPREF, CMD_ENDOMIT, CMD_ENDQUOTATION, CMD_ENDRAW, CMD_ENDSECTION1, CMD_ENDSECTION2, CMD_ENDSECTION3, CMD_ENDSECTION4, CMD_ENDSIDEBAR, CMD_ENDTABLE, CMD_FOOTNOTE, CMD_GENERATELIST, CMD_HEADER, CMD_HR, CMD_I, CMD_IF, CMD_IMAGE, CMD_IMPORTANT, CMD_INCLUDE, CMD_INLINEIMAGE, CMD_INDEX, CMD_INPUT, CMD_KEYWORD, CMD_L, CMD_LEGALESE, CMD_LI, CMD_LINK, CMD_LIST, CMD_META, CMD_NOTE, CMD_O, CMD_OMIT, CMD_OMITVALUE, CMD_OVERLOAD, CMD_PRINTLINE, CMD_PRINTTO, CMD_PRINTUNTIL, CMD_QUOTATION, CMD_QUOTEFILE, CMD_QUOTEFROMFILE, CMD_RAW, CMD_ROW, CMD_SA, CMD_SECTION1, CMD_SECTION2, CMD_SECTION3, CMD_SECTION4, CMD_SIDEBAR, CMD_SINCELIST, CMD_SKIPLINE, CMD_SKIPTO, CMD_SKIPUNTIL, CMD_SNIPPET, CMD_SPAN, CMD_SUB, CMD_SUP, CMD_TABLE, CMD_TABLEOFCONTENTS, CMD_TARGET, CMD_TT, CMD_UICONTROL, CMD_UNDERLINE, CMD_UNICODE, CMD_VALUE, CMD_WARNING, CMD_QML, CMD_ENDQML, CMD_CPP, CMD_ENDCPP, CMD_QMLTEXT, CMD_ENDQMLTEXT, CMD_CPPTEXT, CMD_ENDCPPTEXT, NOT_A_CMD }; static struct { const char *english; int no; QString *alias; } cmds[] = { { "a", CMD_A, nullptr }, { "annotatedlist", CMD_ANNOTATEDLIST, nullptr }, { "b", CMD_B, nullptr }, { "badcode", CMD_BADCODE, nullptr }, { "bold", CMD_BOLD, nullptr }, { "br", CMD_BR, nullptr }, { "brief", CMD_BRIEF, nullptr }, { "c", CMD_C, nullptr }, { "caption", CMD_CAPTION, nullptr }, { "code", CMD_CODE, nullptr }, { "codeline", CMD_CODELINE, nullptr }, { "div", CMD_DIV, nullptr }, { "dots", CMD_DOTS, nullptr }, { "e", CMD_E, nullptr }, { "else", CMD_ELSE, nullptr }, { "endcode", CMD_ENDCODE, nullptr }, { "enddiv", CMD_ENDDIV, nullptr }, { "endfootnote", CMD_ENDFOOTNOTE, nullptr }, { "endif", CMD_ENDIF, nullptr }, { "endlegalese", CMD_ENDLEGALESE, nullptr }, { "endlink", CMD_ENDLINK, nullptr }, { "endlist", CMD_ENDLIST, nullptr }, { "endmapref", CMD_ENDMAPREF, nullptr }, { "endomit", CMD_ENDOMIT, nullptr }, { "endquotation", CMD_ENDQUOTATION, nullptr }, { "endraw", CMD_ENDRAW, nullptr }, { "endsection1", CMD_ENDSECTION1, nullptr }, // ### don't document for now { "endsection2", CMD_ENDSECTION2, nullptr }, // ### don't document for now { "endsection3", CMD_ENDSECTION3, nullptr }, // ### don't document for now { "endsection4", CMD_ENDSECTION4, nullptr }, // ### don't document for now { "endsidebar", CMD_ENDSIDEBAR, nullptr }, { "endtable", CMD_ENDTABLE, nullptr }, { "footnote", CMD_FOOTNOTE, nullptr }, { "generatelist", CMD_GENERATELIST, nullptr }, { "header", CMD_HEADER, nullptr }, { "hr", CMD_HR, nullptr }, { "i", CMD_I, nullptr }, { "if", CMD_IF, nullptr }, { "image", CMD_IMAGE, nullptr }, { "important", CMD_IMPORTANT, nullptr }, { "include", CMD_INCLUDE, nullptr }, { "inlineimage", CMD_INLINEIMAGE, nullptr }, { "index", CMD_INDEX, nullptr }, // ### don't document for now { "input", CMD_INPUT, nullptr }, { "keyword", CMD_KEYWORD, nullptr }, { "l", CMD_L, nullptr }, { "legalese", CMD_LEGALESE, nullptr }, { "li", CMD_LI, nullptr }, { "link", CMD_LINK, nullptr }, { "list", CMD_LIST, nullptr }, { "meta", CMD_META, nullptr }, { "note", CMD_NOTE, nullptr }, { "o", CMD_O, nullptr }, { "omit", CMD_OMIT, nullptr }, { "omitvalue", CMD_OMITVALUE, nullptr }, { "overload", CMD_OVERLOAD, nullptr }, { "printline", CMD_PRINTLINE, nullptr }, { "printto", CMD_PRINTTO, nullptr }, { "printuntil", CMD_PRINTUNTIL, nullptr }, { "quotation", CMD_QUOTATION, nullptr }, { "quotefile", CMD_QUOTEFILE, nullptr }, { "quotefromfile", CMD_QUOTEFROMFILE, nullptr }, { "raw", CMD_RAW, nullptr }, { "row", CMD_ROW, nullptr }, { "sa", CMD_SA, nullptr }, { "section1", CMD_SECTION1, nullptr }, { "section2", CMD_SECTION2, nullptr }, { "section3", CMD_SECTION3, nullptr }, { "section4", CMD_SECTION4, nullptr }, { "sidebar", CMD_SIDEBAR, nullptr }, { "sincelist", CMD_SINCELIST, nullptr }, { "skipline", CMD_SKIPLINE, nullptr }, { "skipto", CMD_SKIPTO, nullptr }, { "skipuntil", CMD_SKIPUNTIL, nullptr }, { "snippet", CMD_SNIPPET, nullptr }, { "span", CMD_SPAN, nullptr }, { "sub", CMD_SUB, nullptr }, { "sup", CMD_SUP, nullptr }, { "table", CMD_TABLE, nullptr }, { "tableofcontents", CMD_TABLEOFCONTENTS, nullptr }, { "target", CMD_TARGET, nullptr }, { "tt", CMD_TT, nullptr }, { "uicontrol", CMD_UICONTROL, nullptr }, { "underline", CMD_UNDERLINE, nullptr }, { "unicode", CMD_UNICODE, nullptr }, { "value", CMD_VALUE, nullptr }, { "warning", CMD_WARNING, nullptr }, { "qml", CMD_QML, nullptr }, { "endqml", CMD_ENDQML, nullptr }, { "cpp", CMD_CPP, nullptr }, { "endcpp", CMD_ENDCPP, nullptr }, { "qmltext", CMD_QMLTEXT, nullptr }, { "endqmltext", CMD_ENDQMLTEXT, nullptr }, { "cpptext", CMD_CPPTEXT, nullptr }, { "endcpptext", CMD_ENDCPPTEXT, nullptr }, { nullptr, 0, nullptr } }; int DocParser::s_tabSize; QStringList DocParser::s_ignoreWords; bool DocParser::s_quoting = false; FileResolver *DocParser::file_resolver{ nullptr }; static QString cleanLink(const QString &link) { qsizetype colonPos = link.indexOf(':'); if ((colonPos == -1) || (!link.startsWith("file:") && !link.startsWith("mailto:"))) return link; return link.mid(colonPos + 1).simplified(); } void DocParser::initialize(const Config &config, FileResolver &file_resolver) { s_tabSize = config.getInt(CONFIG_TABSIZE); s_ignoreWords = config.getStringList(CONFIG_IGNOREWORDS); int i = 0; while (cmds[i].english) { cmds[i].alias = new QString(Doc::alias(cmds[i].english)); s_utilities.cmdHash.insert(*cmds[i].alias, cmds[i].no); if (cmds[i].no != i) Location::internalError(QStringLiteral("command %1 missing").arg(i)); ++i; } // If any of the formats define quotinginformation, activate quoting DocParser::s_quoting = config.getBool(CONFIG_QUOTINGINFORMATION); const auto &outputFormats = config.getOutputFormats(); for (const auto &format : outputFormats) DocParser::s_quoting = DocParser::s_quoting || config.getBool(format + Config::dot + CONFIG_QUOTINGINFORMATION); // KLUDGE: file_resolver is temporarily a pointer. See the // comment for file_resolver in the header file for more context. DocParser::file_resolver = &file_resolver; } void DocParser::terminate() { int i = 0; while (cmds[i].english) { delete cmds[i].alias; cmds[i].alias = nullptr; ++i; } } /*! Parse the \a source string to build a Text data structure in \a docPrivate. The Text data structure is a linked list of Atoms. \a metaCommandSet is the set of metacommands that may be found in \a source. These metacommands are not markup text commands. They are topic commands and related metacommands. */ void DocParser::parse(const QString &source, DocPrivate *docPrivate, const QSet &metaCommandSet, const QSet &possibleTopics) { m_input = source; m_position = 0; m_inputLength = m_input.size(); m_cachedLocation = docPrivate->m_start_loc; m_cachedPosition = 0; m_private = docPrivate; m_private->m_text << Atom::Nop; m_private->m_topics.clear(); m_paragraphState = OutsideParagraph; m_inTableHeader = false; m_inTableRow = false; m_inTableItem = false; m_indexStartedParagraph = false; m_pendingParagraphLeftType = Atom::Nop; m_pendingParagraphRightType = Atom::Nop; m_braceDepth = 0; m_currentSection = Doc::NoSection; m_openedCommands.push(CMD_OMIT); m_quoter.reset(); CodeMarker *marker = nullptr; Atom *currentLinkAtom = nullptr; QString p1, p2; QStack preprocessorSkipping; int numPreprocessorSkipping = 0; while (m_position < m_inputLength) { QChar ch = m_input.at(m_position); switch (ch.unicode()) { case '\\': { QString cmdStr; m_backslashPosition = m_position; ++m_position; while (m_position < m_inputLength) { ch = m_input.at(m_position); if (ch.isLetterOrNumber()) { cmdStr += ch; ++m_position; } else { break; } } m_endPosition = m_position; if (cmdStr.isEmpty()) { if (m_position < m_inputLength) { enterPara(); if (m_input.at(m_position).isSpace()) { skipAllSpaces(); appendChar(QLatin1Char(' ')); } else { appendChar(m_input.at(m_position++)); } } } else { // Ignore quoting atoms to make appendToCode() // append to the correct atom. if (!s_quoting || !isQuote(m_private->m_text.lastAtom())) m_lastAtom = m_private->m_text.lastAtom(); int cmd = s_utilities.cmdHash.value(cmdStr, NOT_A_CMD); switch (cmd) { case CMD_A: enterPara(); p1 = getArgument(); append(Atom::FormattingLeft, ATOM_FORMATTING_PARAMETER); append(Atom::String, p1); append(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_PARAMETER); m_private->m_params.insert(p1); break; case CMD_BADCODE: leavePara(); append(Atom::CodeBad, getCode(CMD_BADCODE, marker, getMetaCommandArgument(cmdStr))); break; case CMD_BR: enterPara(); append(Atom::BR); break; case CMD_BOLD: location().warning(QStringLiteral("'\\bold' is deprecated. Use '\\b'")); Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case CMD_B: startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_BOLD, cmd); break; case CMD_BRIEF: leavePara(); enterPara(Atom::BriefLeft, Atom::BriefRight); break; case CMD_C: enterPara(); p1 = untabifyEtc(getArgument(true)); marker = CodeMarker::markerForCode(p1); append(Atom::C, marker->markedUpCode(p1, nullptr, location())); break; case CMD_CAPTION: leavePara(); enterPara(Atom::CaptionLeft, Atom::CaptionRight); break; case CMD_CODE: leavePara(); append(Atom::Code, getCode(CMD_CODE, nullptr, getMetaCommandArgument(cmdStr))); break; case CMD_QML: leavePara(); append(Atom::Qml, getCode(CMD_QML, CodeMarker::markerForLanguage(QLatin1String("QML")), getMetaCommandArgument(cmdStr))); break; case CMD_QMLTEXT: append(Atom::QmlText); break; case CMD_DIV: leavePara(); p1 = getArgument(true); append(Atom::DivLeft, p1); m_openedCommands.push(cmd); break; case CMD_ENDDIV: leavePara(); append(Atom::DivRight); closeCommand(cmd); break; case CMD_CODELINE: if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, " "); } if (isCode(m_lastAtom) && m_lastAtom->string().endsWith("\n\n")) m_lastAtom->chopString(); appendToCode("\n"); break; case CMD_DOTS: { QString arg = getOptionalArgument(); if (arg.isEmpty()) arg = "4"; if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, arg); } if (isCode(m_lastAtom) && m_lastAtom->string().endsWith("\n\n")) m_lastAtom->chopString(); int indent = arg.toInt(); for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) appendToCode(" "); appendToCode("...\n"); break; } case CMD_ELSE: if (!preprocessorSkipping.empty()) { if (preprocessorSkipping.top()) { --numPreprocessorSkipping; } else { ++numPreprocessorSkipping; } preprocessorSkipping.top() = !preprocessorSkipping.top(); (void)getRestOfLine(); // ### should ensure that it's empty if (numPreprocessorSkipping) skipToNextPreprocessorCommand(); } else { location().warning( QStringLiteral("Unexpected '\\%1'").arg(cmdName(CMD_ELSE))); } break; case CMD_ENDCODE: closeCommand(cmd); break; case CMD_ENDQML: closeCommand(cmd); break; case CMD_ENDQMLTEXT: append(Atom::EndQmlText); break; case CMD_ENDFOOTNOTE: if (closeCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); append(Atom::FootnoteRight); } break; case CMD_ENDIF: if (preprocessorSkipping.size() > 0) { if (preprocessorSkipping.pop()) --numPreprocessorSkipping; (void)getRestOfLine(); // ### should ensure that it's empty if (numPreprocessorSkipping) skipToNextPreprocessorCommand(); } else { location().warning( QStringLiteral("Unexpected '\\%1'").arg(cmdName(CMD_ENDIF))); } break; case CMD_ENDLEGALESE: if (closeCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); append(Atom::LegaleseRight); } break; case CMD_ENDLINK: if (closeCommand(cmd)) { if (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() == Atom::String && m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->string().endsWith(QLatin1Char(' '))) m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->chopString(); append(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK); } break; case CMD_ENDLIST: if (closeCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); if (m_openedLists.top().isStarted()) { append(Atom::ListItemRight, m_openedLists.top().styleString()); append(Atom::ListRight, m_openedLists.top().styleString()); } m_openedLists.pop(); } break; case CMD_ENDOMIT: closeCommand(cmd); break; case CMD_ENDQUOTATION: if (closeCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); append(Atom::QuotationRight); } break; case CMD_ENDRAW: location().warning( QStringLiteral("Unexpected '\\%1'").arg(cmdName(CMD_ENDRAW))); break; case CMD_ENDSECTION1: endSection(Doc::Section1, cmd); break; case CMD_ENDSECTION2: endSection(Doc::Section2, cmd); break; case CMD_ENDSECTION3: endSection(Doc::Section3, cmd); break; case CMD_ENDSECTION4: endSection(Doc::Section4, cmd); break; case CMD_ENDSIDEBAR: if (closeCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); append(Atom::SidebarRight); } break; case CMD_ENDTABLE: if (closeCommand(cmd)) { leaveTableRow(); append(Atom::TableRight); } break; case CMD_FOOTNOTE: if (openCommand(cmd)) { enterPara(); append(Atom::FootnoteLeft); } break; case CMD_ANNOTATEDLIST: append(Atom::AnnotatedList, getArgument()); break; case CMD_SINCELIST: append(Atom::SinceList, getRestOfLine().simplified()); break; case CMD_GENERATELIST: { QString arg1 = getArgument(); QString arg2 = getOptionalArgument(); if (!arg2.isEmpty()) arg1 += " " + arg2; append(Atom::GeneratedList, arg1); } break; case CMD_HEADER: if (m_openedCommands.top() == CMD_TABLE) { leaveTableRow(); append(Atom::TableHeaderLeft); m_inTableHeader = true; } else { if (m_openedCommands.contains(CMD_TABLE)) location().warning(QStringLiteral("Cannot use '\\%1' within '\\%2'") .arg(cmdName(CMD_HEADER), cmdName(m_openedCommands.top()))); else location().warning( QStringLiteral("Cannot use '\\%1' outside of '\\%2'") .arg(cmdName(CMD_HEADER), cmdName(CMD_TABLE))); } break; case CMD_I: location().warning(QStringLiteral( "'\\i' is deprecated. Use '\\e' for italic or '\\li' for list item")); Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case CMD_E: startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_ITALIC, cmd); break; case CMD_HR: leavePara(); append(Atom::HR); break; case CMD_IF: preprocessorSkipping.push(!Tokenizer::isTrue(getRestOfLine())); if (preprocessorSkipping.top()) ++numPreprocessorSkipping; if (numPreprocessorSkipping) skipToNextPreprocessorCommand(); break; case CMD_IMAGE: leaveValueList(); append(Atom::Image, getArgument()); append(Atom::ImageText, getRestOfLine()); break; case CMD_IMPORTANT: leavePara(); enterPara(Atom::ImportantLeft, Atom::ImportantRight); break; case CMD_INCLUDE: case CMD_INPUT: { QString fileName = getArgument(); QStringList parameters; QString identifier; if (isLeftBraceAhead()) { identifier = getArgument(); while (isLeftBraceAhead() && parameters.size() < 9) parameters << getArgument(); } else { identifier = getRestOfLine(); } include(fileName, identifier, parameters); break; } case CMD_INLINEIMAGE: enterPara(); append(Atom::InlineImage, getArgument()); //Append ImageText only if the following //argument is enclosed in braces. if (isLeftBraceAhead()) { append(Atom::ImageText, getArgument()); append(Atom::String, " "); } break; case CMD_INDEX: if (m_paragraphState == OutsideParagraph) { enterPara(); m_indexStartedParagraph = true; } else { const Atom *last = m_private->m_text.lastAtom(); if (m_indexStartedParagraph && (last->type() != Atom::FormattingRight || last->string() != ATOM_FORMATTING_INDEX)) m_indexStartedParagraph = false; } startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_INDEX, cmd); break; case CMD_KEYWORD: insertTarget(getRestOfLine(), true); break; case CMD_L: enterPara(); if (isLeftBracketAhead()) p2 = getBracketedArgument(); if (isLeftBraceAhead()) { p1 = getArgument(); append(p1, p2); if (!p2.isEmpty() && !(m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->error().isEmpty())) location().warning( QStringLiteral( "Check parameter in '[ ]' of '\\l' command: '%1', " "possible misspelling, or unrecognized module name") .arg(m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->error())); if (isLeftBraceAhead()) { currentLinkAtom = m_private->m_text.lastAtom(); startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK, cmd); } else { append(Atom::FormattingLeft, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK); append(Atom::String, cleanLink(p1)); append(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK); } } else { p1 = getArgument(); append(p1, p2); if (!p2.isEmpty() && !(m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->error().isEmpty())) location().warning( QStringLiteral( "Check parameter in '[ ]' of '\\l' command: '%1', " "possible misspelling, or unrecognized module name") .arg(m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->error())); append(Atom::FormattingLeft, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK); append(Atom::String, cleanLink(p1)); append(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK); } p2.clear(); break; case CMD_LEGALESE: leavePara(); if (openCommand(cmd)) append(Atom::LegaleseLeft); docPrivate->m_hasLegalese = true; break; case CMD_LINK: if (openCommand(cmd)) { enterPara(); p1 = getArgument(); append(p1); append(Atom::FormattingLeft, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK); skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); } break; case CMD_LIST: if (openCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); m_openedLists.push(OpenedList(location(), getOptionalArgument())); } break; case CMD_META: m_private->constructExtra(); p1 = getArgument(); m_private->extra->m_metaMap.insert(p1, getArgument()); break; case CMD_NOTE: leavePara(); enterPara(Atom::NoteLeft, Atom::NoteRight); break; case CMD_O: location().warning(QStringLiteral("'\\o' is deprecated. Use '\\li'")); Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case CMD_LI: leavePara(); if (m_openedCommands.top() == CMD_LIST) { if (m_openedLists.top().isStarted()) append(Atom::ListItemRight, m_openedLists.top().styleString()); else append(Atom::ListLeft, m_openedLists.top().styleString()); m_openedLists.top().next(); append(Atom::ListItemNumber, m_openedLists.top().numberString()); append(Atom::ListItemLeft, m_openedLists.top().styleString()); enterPara(); } else if (m_openedCommands.top() == CMD_TABLE) { p1 = "1,1"; p2.clear(); if (isLeftBraceAhead()) { p1 = getArgument(); if (isLeftBraceAhead()) p2 = getArgument(); } if (!m_inTableHeader && !m_inTableRow) { location().warning( QStringLiteral("Missing '\\%1' or '\\%2' before '\\%3'") .arg(cmdName(CMD_HEADER), cmdName(CMD_ROW), cmdName(CMD_LI))); append(Atom::TableRowLeft); m_inTableRow = true; } else if (m_inTableItem) { append(Atom::TableItemRight); m_inTableItem = false; } append(Atom::TableItemLeft, p1, p2); m_inTableItem = true; } else location().warning( QStringLiteral("Command '\\%1' outside of '\\%2' and '\\%3'") .arg(cmdName(cmd), cmdName(CMD_LIST), cmdName(CMD_TABLE))); break; case CMD_OMIT: getUntilEnd(cmd); break; case CMD_OMITVALUE: { p1 = getArgument(); if (!m_private->m_enumItemList.contains(p1)) m_private->m_enumItemList.append(p1); if (!m_private->m_omitEnumItemList.contains(p1)) m_private->m_omitEnumItemList.append(p1); skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); // Skip potential description paragraph while (m_position < m_inputLength && !isBlankLine()) { skipAllSpaces(); if (qsizetype pos = m_position; pos < m_input.size() && m_input.at(pos++).unicode() == '\\') { QString nextCmdStr; while (pos < m_input.size() && m_input[pos].isLetterOrNumber()) nextCmdStr += m_input[pos++]; int nextCmd = s_utilities.cmdHash.value(cmdStr, NOT_A_CMD); if (nextCmd == cmd || nextCmd == CMD_VALUE) break; } getRestOfLine(); } break; } case CMD_PRINTLINE: { leavePara(); QString rest = getRestOfLine(); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, rest); } appendToCode(m_quoter.quoteLine(location(), cmdStr, rest)); break; } case CMD_PRINTTO: { leavePara(); QString rest = getRestOfLine(); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, rest); } appendToCode(m_quoter.quoteTo(location(), cmdStr, rest)); break; } case CMD_PRINTUNTIL: { leavePara(); QString rest = getRestOfLine(); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, rest); } appendToCode(m_quoter.quoteUntil(location(), cmdStr, rest)); break; } case CMD_QUOTATION: if (openCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); append(Atom::QuotationLeft); } break; case CMD_QUOTEFILE: { leavePara(); QString fileName = getArgument(); quoteFromFile(fileName); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, fileName); } append(Atom::Code, m_quoter.quoteTo(location(), cmdStr, QString())); m_quoter.reset(); break; } case CMD_QUOTEFROMFILE: { leavePara(); QString arg = getArgument(); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, arg); } quoteFromFile(arg); break; } case CMD_RAW: leavePara(); p1 = getRestOfLine(); if (p1.isEmpty()) location().warning(QStringLiteral("Missing format name after '\\%1'") .arg(cmdName(CMD_RAW))); append(Atom::FormatIf, p1); append(Atom::RawString, untabifyEtc(getUntilEnd(cmd))); append(Atom::FormatElse); append(Atom::FormatEndif); break; case CMD_ROW: if (m_openedCommands.top() == CMD_TABLE) { p1.clear(); if (isLeftBraceAhead()) p1 = getArgument(true); leaveTableRow(); append(Atom::TableRowLeft, p1); m_inTableRow = true; } else { if (m_openedCommands.contains(CMD_TABLE)) location().warning(QStringLiteral("Cannot use '\\%1' within '\\%2'") .arg(cmdName(CMD_ROW), cmdName(m_openedCommands.top()))); else location().warning(QStringLiteral("Cannot use '\\%1' outside of '\\%2'") .arg(cmdName(CMD_ROW), cmdName(CMD_TABLE))); } break; case CMD_SA: parseAlso(); break; case CMD_SECTION1: startSection(Doc::Section1, cmd); break; case CMD_SECTION2: startSection(Doc::Section2, cmd); break; case CMD_SECTION3: startSection(Doc::Section3, cmd); break; case CMD_SECTION4: startSection(Doc::Section4, cmd); break; case CMD_SIDEBAR: if (openCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); append(Atom::SidebarLeft); } break; case CMD_SKIPLINE: { leavePara(); QString rest = getRestOfLine(); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, rest); } m_quoter.quoteLine(location(), cmdStr, rest); break; } case CMD_SKIPTO: { leavePara(); QString rest = getRestOfLine(); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, rest); } m_quoter.quoteTo(location(), cmdStr, rest); break; } case CMD_SKIPUNTIL: { leavePara(); QString rest = getRestOfLine(); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::CodeQuoteCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::CodeQuoteArgument, rest); } m_quoter.quoteUntil(location(), cmdStr, rest); break; } case CMD_SPAN: p1 = ATOM_FORMATTING_SPAN + getArgument(true); startFormat(p1, cmd); break; case CMD_SNIPPET: { leavePara(); QString snippet = getArgument(); QString identifier = getRestOfLine(); if (s_quoting) { append(Atom::SnippetCommand, cmdStr); append(Atom::SnippetLocation, snippet); append(Atom::SnippetIdentifier, identifier); } marker = CodeMarker::markerForFileName(snippet); quoteFromFile(snippet); appendToCode(m_quoter.quoteSnippet(location(), identifier), marker->atomType()); break; } case CMD_SUB: startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_SUBSCRIPT, cmd); break; case CMD_SUP: startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_SUPERSCRIPT, cmd); break; case CMD_TABLE: leaveValueList(); p1 = getOptionalArgument(); p2 = getOptionalArgument(); if (openCommand(cmd)) { leavePara(); append(Atom::TableLeft, p1, p2); m_inTableHeader = false; m_inTableRow = false; m_inTableItem = false; } break; case CMD_TABLEOFCONTENTS: p1 = "1"; if (isLeftBraceAhead()) p1 = getArgument(); p1 += QLatin1Char(','); p1 += QString::number((int)getSectioningUnit()); append(Atom::TableOfContents, p1); break; case CMD_TARGET: insertTarget(getRestOfLine(), false); break; case CMD_TT: startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_TELETYPE, cmd); break; case CMD_UICONTROL: startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_UICONTROL, cmd); break; case CMD_UNDERLINE: startFormat(ATOM_FORMATTING_UNDERLINE, cmd); break; case CMD_UNICODE: { enterPara(); p1 = getArgument(); bool ok; uint unicodeChar = p1.toUInt(&ok, 0); if (!ok || (unicodeChar == 0x0000) || (unicodeChar > 0xFFFE)) location().warning( QStringLiteral("Invalid Unicode character '%1' specified with '%2'") .arg(p1, cmdName(CMD_UNICODE))); else append(Atom::String, QChar(unicodeChar)); break; } case CMD_VALUE: leaveValue(); if (m_openedLists.top().style() == OpenedList::Value) { QString p2; p1 = getArgument(); if (p1.startsWith(QLatin1String("[since ")) && p1.endsWith(QLatin1String("]"))) { p2 = p1.mid(7, p1.size() - 8); p1 = getArgument(); } if (!m_private->m_enumItemList.contains(p1)) m_private->m_enumItemList.append(p1); m_openedLists.top().next(); append(Atom::ListTagLeft, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); append(Atom::String, p1); append(Atom::ListTagRight, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); if (!p2.isEmpty()) { append(Atom::SinceTagLeft, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); append(Atom::String, p2); append(Atom::SinceTagRight, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); } append(Atom::ListItemLeft, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); if (isBlankLine()) append(Atom::Nop); } else { // ### unknown problems } break; case CMD_WARNING: leavePara(); enterPara(Atom::WarningLeft, Atom::WarningRight); break; case CMD_OVERLOAD: leavePara(); m_private->m_metacommandsUsed.insert(cmdStr); p1.clear(); if (!isBlankLine()) p1 = getRestOfLine(); if (!p1.isEmpty()) { append(Atom::ParaLeft); append(Atom::String, "This function overloads "); append(Atom::AutoLink, p1); append(Atom::String, "."); append(Atom::ParaRight); } else { append(Atom::ParaLeft); append(Atom::String, "This is an overloaded function."); append(Atom::ParaRight); p1 = getMetaCommandArgument(cmdStr); } m_private->m_metaCommandMap[cmdStr].append(ArgPair(p1, QString())); break; case NOT_A_CMD: if (metaCommandSet.contains(cmdStr)) { QString arg; QString bracketedArg; m_private->m_metacommandsUsed.insert(cmdStr); if (isLeftBracketAhead()) bracketedArg = getBracketedArgument(); // Force a linebreak after \obsolete or \deprecated // to treat potential arguments as a new text paragraph. if (m_position < m_inputLength && (cmdStr == QLatin1String("obsolete") || cmdStr == QLatin1String("deprecated"))) m_input[m_position] = '\n'; else arg = getMetaCommandArgument(cmdStr); m_private->m_metaCommandMap[cmdStr].append(ArgPair(arg, bracketedArg)); if (possibleTopics.contains(cmdStr)) { if (!cmdStr.endsWith(QLatin1String("propertygroup"))) m_private->m_topics.append(Topic(cmdStr, arg)); } } else if (s_utilities.macroHash.contains(cmdStr)) { const Macro ¯o = s_utilities.macroHash.value(cmdStr); QStringList macroArgs; int numPendingFi = 0; int numFormatDefs = 0; for (auto it = macro.m_otherDefs.constBegin(); it != macro.m_otherDefs.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.key() != "match") { if (numFormatDefs == 0) macroArgs = getMacroArguments(cmdStr, macro); append(Atom::FormatIf, it.key()); expandMacro(*it, macroArgs); ++numFormatDefs; if (it == macro.m_otherDefs.constEnd()) { append(Atom::FormatEndif); } else { append(Atom::FormatElse); ++numPendingFi; } } } while (numPendingFi-- > 0) append(Atom::FormatEndif); if (!macro.m_defaultDef.isEmpty()) { if (numFormatDefs > 0) { macro.m_defaultDefLocation.warning( QStringLiteral("Macro cannot have both " "format-specific and qdoc-" "syntax definitions")); } else { QString expanded = expandMacroToString(cmdStr, macro); m_input.replace(m_backslashPosition, m_endPosition - m_backslashPosition, expanded); m_inputLength = m_input.size(); m_position = m_backslashPosition; } } } else if (isAutoLinkString(cmdStr)) { appendWord(cmdStr); } else { if (!cmdStr.endsWith("propertygroup")) { // The QML property group commands are no longer required // for grouping QML properties. They are allowed but ignored. location().warning(QStringLiteral("Unknown command '\\%1'").arg(cmdStr), detailsUnknownCommand(metaCommandSet, cmdStr)); } enterPara(); append(Atom::UnknownCommand, cmdStr); } } } // case '\\' (qdoc markup command) break; } case '-': { // Catch en-dash (--) and em-dash (---) markup here. enterPara(); qsizetype dashCount = 1; ++m_position; // Figure out how many hyphens in a row. while ((m_position < m_inputLength) && (m_input.at(m_position) == '-')) { ++dashCount; ++m_position; } if (dashCount == 3) { // 3 hyphens, append an em-dash character. const QChar emDash(8212); appendChar(emDash); } else if (dashCount == 2) { // 2 hyphens; append an en-dash character. const QChar enDash(8211); appendChar(enDash); } else { // dashCount is either one or more than three. Append a hyphen // the appropriate number of times. This ensures '----' doesn't // end up as an em-dash followed by a hyphen in the output. for (qsizetype i = 0; i < dashCount; ++i) appendChar('-'); } break; } case '{': enterPara(); appendChar('{'); ++m_braceDepth; ++m_position; break; case '}': { --m_braceDepth; ++m_position; auto format = m_pendingFormats.find(m_braceDepth); if (format == m_pendingFormats.end()) { enterPara(); appendChar('}'); } else { append(Atom::FormattingRight, *format); if (*format == ATOM_FORMATTING_INDEX) { if (m_indexStartedParagraph) skipAllSpaces(); } else if (*format == ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK) { // hack for C++ to support links like // \l{QString::}{count()} if (currentLinkAtom && currentLinkAtom->string().endsWith("::")) { QString suffix = Text::subText(currentLinkAtom, m_private->m_text.lastAtom()) .toString(); currentLinkAtom->appendString(suffix); } currentLinkAtom = nullptr; } m_pendingFormats.erase(format); } break; } // Do not parse content after '//!' comments case '/': { if (m_position + 2 < m_inputLength) if (m_input.at(m_position + 1) == '/') if (m_input.at(m_position + 2) == '!') { m_position += 2; getRestOfLine(); break; } Q_FALLTHROUGH(); // fall through } default: { bool newWord; switch (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type()) { case Atom::ParaLeft: newWord = true; break; default: newWord = false; } if (m_paragraphState == OutsideParagraph) { if (ch.isSpace()) { ++m_position; newWord = false; } else { enterPara(); newWord = true; } } else { if (ch.isSpace()) { ++m_position; if ((ch == '\n') && (m_paragraphState == InSingleLineParagraph || isBlankLine())) { leavePara(); newWord = false; } else { appendChar(' '); newWord = true; } } else { newWord = true; } } if (newWord) { qsizetype startPos = m_position; // No auto-linking inside links bool autolink = (!m_pendingFormats.isEmpty() && m_pendingFormats.last() == ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK) ? false : isAutoLinkString(m_input, m_position); if (m_position == startPos) { if (!ch.isSpace()) { appendChar(ch); ++m_position; } } else { QString word = m_input.mid(startPos, m_position - startPos); if (autolink) { if (s_ignoreWords.contains(word) || word.startsWith(QString("__"))) appendWord(word); else append(Atom::AutoLink, word); } else { appendWord(word); } } } } // default: } // switch (ch.unicode()) } leaveValueList(); // for compatibility if (m_openedCommands.top() == CMD_LEGALESE) { append(Atom::LegaleseRight); m_openedCommands.pop(); } if (m_openedCommands.top() != CMD_OMIT) { location().warning( QStringLiteral("Missing '\\%1'").arg(endCmdName(m_openedCommands.top()))); } else if (preprocessorSkipping.size() > 0) { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Missing '\\%1'").arg(cmdName(CMD_ENDIF))); } if (m_currentSection > Doc::NoSection) { append(Atom::SectionRight, QString::number(m_currentSection)); m_currentSection = Doc::NoSection; } m_private->m_text.stripFirstAtom(); } /*! Returns the current location. */ Location &DocParser::location() { while (!m_openedInputs.isEmpty() && m_openedInputs.top() <= m_position) { m_cachedLocation.pop(); m_cachedPosition = m_openedInputs.pop(); } while (m_cachedPosition < m_position) m_cachedLocation.advance(m_input.at(m_cachedPosition++)); return m_cachedLocation; } QString DocParser::detailsUnknownCommand(const QSet &metaCommandSet, const QString &str) { QSet commandSet = metaCommandSet; int i = 0; while (cmds[i].english != nullptr) { commandSet.insert(*cmds[i].alias); ++i; } if (s_utilities.aliasMap.contains(str)) return QStringLiteral("The command '\\%1' was renamed '\\%2' by the configuration" " file. Use the new name.") .arg(str, s_utilities.aliasMap[str]); QString best = nearestName(str, commandSet); if (best.isEmpty()) return QString(); return QStringLiteral("Maybe you meant '\\%1'?").arg(best); } void DocParser::insertTarget(const QString &target, bool keyword) { if (m_targetMap.contains(target)) { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Duplicate target name '%1'").arg(target)); m_targetMap[target].warning(QStringLiteral("(The previous occurrence is here)")); } else { m_targetMap.insert(target, location()); m_private->constructExtra(); if (keyword) { append(Atom::Keyword, target); m_private->extra->m_keywords.append(m_private->m_text.lastAtom()); } else { append(Atom::Target, target); m_private->extra->m_targets.append(m_private->m_text.lastAtom()); } } } void DocParser::include(const QString &fileName, const QString &identifier, const QStringList ¶meters) { if (location().depth() > 16) location().fatal(QStringLiteral("Too many nested '\\%1's").arg(cmdName(CMD_INCLUDE))); QString filePath = Config::instance().getIncludeFilePath(fileName); if (filePath.isEmpty()) { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Cannot find qdoc include file '%1'").arg(fileName)); } else { QFile inFile(filePath); if (!inFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { location().warning( QStringLiteral("Cannot open qdoc include file '%1'").arg(filePath)); } else { location().push(fileName); QTextStream inStream(&inFile); QString includedContent = inStream.readAll(); inFile.close(); if (identifier.isEmpty()) { expandArgumentsInString(includedContent, parameters); m_input.insert(m_position, includedContent); m_inputLength = m_input.size(); m_openedInputs.push(m_position + includedContent.size()); } else { QStringList lineBuffer = includedContent.split(QLatin1Char('\n')); qsizetype bufLen{lineBuffer.size()}; qsizetype i; QStringView trimmedLine; for (i = 0; i < bufLen; ++i) { trimmedLine = QStringView{lineBuffer[i]}.trimmed(); if (trimmedLine.startsWith(QLatin1String("//!")) && trimmedLine.contains(identifier)) break; } if (i < bufLen - 1) { ++i; } else { location().warning( QStringLiteral("Cannot find '%1' in '%2'").arg(identifier, filePath)); return; } QString result; do { trimmedLine = QStringView{lineBuffer[i]}.trimmed(); if (trimmedLine.startsWith(QLatin1String("//!")) && trimmedLine.contains(identifier)) break; else result += lineBuffer[i] + QLatin1Char('\n'); ++i; } while (i < bufLen); expandArgumentsInString(result, parameters); if (result.isEmpty()) { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Empty qdoc snippet '%1' in '%2'") .arg(identifier, filePath)); } else { m_input.insert(m_position, result); m_inputLength = m_input.size(); m_openedInputs.push(m_position + result.size()); } } } } } void DocParser::startFormat(const QString &format, int cmd) { enterPara(); for (const auto &item : std::as_const(m_pendingFormats)) { if (item == format) { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Cannot nest '\\%1' commands").arg(cmdName(cmd))); return; } } append(Atom::FormattingLeft, format); if (isLeftBraceAhead()) { skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); m_pendingFormats.insert(m_braceDepth, format); ++m_braceDepth; ++m_position; } else { append(Atom::String, getArgument()); append(Atom::FormattingRight, format); if (format == ATOM_FORMATTING_INDEX && m_indexStartedParagraph) { skipAllSpaces(); m_indexStartedParagraph = false; } } } bool DocParser::openCommand(int cmd) { int outer = m_openedCommands.top(); bool ok = true; if (cmd != CMD_LINK) { if (outer == CMD_LIST) { ok = (cmd == CMD_FOOTNOTE || cmd == CMD_LIST); } else if (outer == CMD_SIDEBAR) { ok = (cmd == CMD_LIST || cmd == CMD_QUOTATION || cmd == CMD_SIDEBAR); } else if (outer == CMD_QUOTATION) { ok = (cmd == CMD_LIST); } else if (outer == CMD_TABLE) { ok = (cmd == CMD_LIST || cmd == CMD_FOOTNOTE || cmd == CMD_QUOTATION); } else if (outer == CMD_FOOTNOTE || outer == CMD_LINK) { ok = false; } } if (ok) { m_openedCommands.push(cmd); } else { location().warning( QStringLiteral("Can't use '\\%1' in '\\%2'").arg(cmdName(cmd), cmdName(outer))); } return ok; } /*! Returns \c true if \a word qualifies for auto-linking. A word qualifies for auto-linking if either: \list \li It is composed of only upper and lowercase characters \li AND It contains at least one uppercase character that is not the first character of word \li AND it contains at least two lowercase characters \endlist Or \list \li It is composed only of uppercase characters, lowercase characters, characters in [_@] and the \c {"::"} sequence. \li It contains at least one uppercase character that is not the first character of word or it contains at least one lowercase character \li AND it contains at least one character in [_@] or it contains at least one \c {"::"} sequence. \endlist Inserting or suffixing, but not prefixing, any sequence in [0-9]+ in a word that qualifies for auto-linking by the above rules preserves the auto-linkability of the word. Suffixing the sequence \c {"()"} to a word that qualifies for auto-linking by the above rules preserves the auto-linkability of a word. FInally, a word qualifies for auto-linking if: \list \li It is composed of only uppercase characters, lowercase characters and the sequence \c {"()"} \li AND it contains one lowercase character and a sequence of zero, one or two upper or lowercase characters \li AND it contains exactly one sequence \c {"()"} \li AND it contains one sequence \c {"()"} as the last two characters of word \endlist For example, \c {"fOo"}, \c {"FooBar"} and \c {"foobaR"} qualify for auto-linking by the first rule. \c {"QT_DEBUG"}, \c {"::Qt"} and \c {"std::move"} qualifies for auto-linking by the second rule. \c {"SIMDVector256"} qualifies by suffixing \c {"SIMDVector"}, which qualifies by the first rule, with the sequence \c {"256"} \c {"FooBar::Bar()"} qualifies by suffixing \c {"FooBar::Bar"}, which qualifies by the first and second rule, with the sequence \c {"()"}. \c {"Foo()"} and \c {"a()"} qualifies by the last rule. Instead, \c {"Q"}, \c {"flower"}, \c {"_"} and \c {"()"} do not qualify for auto-linking. The rules are intended as a heuristic to catch common cases in the Qt documentation where a word might represent an important documented element such as a class or a method that could be linked to while at the same time avoiding catching common words such as \c {"A"} or \c {"Nonetheless"}. The heuristic assumes that Qt's codebase respects a style where camelCasing is the standard for most of the elements, a function call is identified by the use of parenthesis and certain elements, such as macros, might be fully uppercase. Furthemore, it assumes that the Qt codebase is written in a language that has an identifier grammar similar to the one for C++. */ inline bool DocParser::isAutoLinkString(const QString &word) { qsizetype start = 0; return isAutoLinkString(word, start) && (start == word.size()); } /*! Returns \c true if a prefix of a substring of \a word qualifies for auto-linking. Respects the same parsing rules as the unary overload. \a curPos defines the offset, from the first character of \ word, at which the parsed substring starts. When the call completes, \a curPos represents the offset, from the first character of word, that is the successor of the offset of the last parsed character. If the return value of the call is \c true, it is guaranteed that the prefix of the substring of \word that contains the characters from the initial value of \a curPos and up to but not including \a curPos qualifies for auto-linking. If \a curPos is initially zero, the considered substring is the entirety of \a word. */ bool DocParser::isAutoLinkString(const QString &word, qsizetype &curPos) { qsizetype len = word.size(); qsizetype startPos = curPos; int numUppercase = 0; int numLowercase = 0; int numStrangeSymbols = 0; while (curPos < len) { unsigned char latin1Ch = word.at(curPos).toLatin1(); if (islower(latin1Ch)) { ++numLowercase; ++curPos; } else if (isupper(latin1Ch)) { if (curPos > startPos) ++numUppercase; ++curPos; } else if (isdigit(latin1Ch)) { if (curPos > startPos) ++curPos; else break; } else if (latin1Ch == '_' || latin1Ch == '@') { ++numStrangeSymbols; ++curPos; } else if ((latin1Ch == ':') && (curPos < len - 1) && (word.at(curPos + 1) == QLatin1Char(':'))) { ++numStrangeSymbols; curPos += 2; } else if (latin1Ch == '(') { if ((curPos < len - 1) && (word.at(curPos + 1) == QLatin1Char(')'))) { ++numStrangeSymbols; m_position += 2; } break; } else { break; } } return ((numUppercase >= 1 && numLowercase >= 2) || (numStrangeSymbols > 0 && (numUppercase + numLowercase >= 1))); } bool DocParser::closeCommand(int endCmd) { if (endCmdFor(m_openedCommands.top()) == endCmd && m_openedCommands.size() > 1) { m_openedCommands.pop(); return true; } else { bool contains = false; QStack opened2 = m_openedCommands; while (opened2.size() > 1) { if (endCmdFor(opened2.top()) == endCmd) { contains = true; break; } opened2.pop(); } if (contains) { while (endCmdFor(m_openedCommands.top()) != endCmd && m_openedCommands.size() > 1) { location().warning( QStringLiteral("Missing '\\%1' before '\\%2'") .arg(endCmdName(m_openedCommands.top()), cmdName(endCmd))); m_openedCommands.pop(); } } else { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Unexpected '\\%1'").arg(cmdName(endCmd))); } return false; } } void DocParser::startSection(Doc::Sections unit, int cmd) { leaveValueList(); if (m_currentSection == Doc::NoSection) { m_currentSection = (Doc::Sections)(unit); m_private->constructExtra(); } else endSection(unit, cmd); append(Atom::SectionLeft, QString::number(unit)); m_private->constructExtra(); m_private->extra->m_tableOfContents.append(m_private->m_text.lastAtom()); m_private->extra->m_tableOfContentsLevels.append(unit); enterPara(Atom::SectionHeadingLeft, Atom::SectionHeadingRight, QString::number(unit)); m_currentSection = unit; } void DocParser::endSection(int, int) // (int unit, int endCmd) { leavePara(); append(Atom::SectionRight, QString::number(m_currentSection)); m_currentSection = (Doc::NoSection); } void DocParser::parseAlso() { leavePara(); skipSpacesOnLine(); while (m_position < m_inputLength && m_input[m_position] != '\n') { QString target; QString str; bool skipMe = false; if (m_input[m_position] == '{') { target = getArgument(); skipSpacesOnLine(); if (m_position < m_inputLength && m_input[m_position] == '{') { str = getArgument(); // hack for C++ to support links like \l{QString::}{count()} if (target.endsWith("::")) target += str; } else { str = target; } } else { target = getArgument(); str = cleanLink(target); if (target == QLatin1String("and") || target == QLatin1String(".")) skipMe = true; } if (!skipMe) { Text also; also << Atom(Atom::Link, target) << Atom(Atom::FormattingLeft, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK) << str << Atom(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK); m_private->addAlso(also); } skipSpacesOnLine(); if (m_position < m_inputLength && m_input[m_position] == ',') { m_position++; skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); } else if (m_position >= m_inputLength || m_input[m_position] != '\n') { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Missing comma in '\\%1'").arg(cmdName(CMD_SA))); } } } void DocParser::append(Atom::AtomType type, const QString &string) { Atom::AtomType lastType = m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type(); if ((lastType == Atom::Code) && m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->string().endsWith(QLatin1String("\n\n"))) m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->chopString(); m_private->m_text << Atom(type, string); } void DocParser::append(const QString &string) { Atom::AtomType lastType = m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type(); if ((lastType == Atom::Code) && m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->string().endsWith(QLatin1String("\n\n"))) m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->chopString(); m_private->m_text << Atom(Atom::Link, string); } void DocParser::append(Atom::AtomType type, const QString &p1, const QString &p2) { Atom::AtomType lastType = m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type(); if ((lastType == Atom::Code) && m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->string().endsWith(QLatin1String("\n\n"))) m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->chopString(); m_private->m_text << Atom(type, p1, p2); } void DocParser::append(const QString &p1, const QString &p2) { Atom::AtomType lastType = m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type(); if ((lastType == Atom::Code) && m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->string().endsWith(QLatin1String("\n\n"))) m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->chopString(); if (p2.isEmpty()) m_private->m_text << Atom(Atom::Link, p1); else m_private->m_text << LinkAtom(p1, p2); } void DocParser::appendChar(QChar ch) { if (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() != Atom::String) append(Atom::String); Atom *atom = m_private->m_text.lastAtom(); if (ch == QLatin1Char(' ')) { if (!atom->string().endsWith(QLatin1Char(' '))) atom->appendChar(QLatin1Char(' ')); } else atom->appendChar(ch); } void DocParser::appendWord(const QString &word) { if (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() != Atom::String) { append(Atom::String, word); } else m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->appendString(word); } void DocParser::appendToCode(const QString &markedCode) { if (!isCode(m_lastAtom)) { append(Atom::Code); m_lastAtom = m_private->m_text.lastAtom(); } m_lastAtom->appendString(markedCode); } void DocParser::appendToCode(const QString &markedCode, Atom::AtomType defaultType) { if (!isCode(m_lastAtom)) { append(defaultType, markedCode); m_lastAtom = m_private->m_text.lastAtom(); } else { m_lastAtom->appendString(markedCode); } } void DocParser::enterPara(Atom::AtomType leftType, Atom::AtomType rightType, const QString &string) { if (m_paragraphState == OutsideParagraph) { if ((m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() != Atom::ListItemLeft) && (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() != Atom::DivLeft)) { leaveValueList(); } append(leftType, string); m_indexStartedParagraph = false; m_pendingParagraphLeftType = leftType; m_pendingParagraphRightType = rightType; m_pendingParagraphString = string; if (leftType == Atom::SectionHeadingLeft) { m_paragraphState = InSingleLineParagraph; } else { m_paragraphState = InMultiLineParagraph; } skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); } } void DocParser::leavePara() { if (m_paragraphState != OutsideParagraph) { if (!m_pendingFormats.isEmpty()) { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Missing '}'")); m_pendingFormats.clear(); } if (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() == m_pendingParagraphLeftType) { m_private->m_text.stripLastAtom(); } else { if (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() == Atom::String && m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->string().endsWith(QLatin1Char(' '))) { m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->chopString(); } append(m_pendingParagraphRightType, m_pendingParagraphString); } m_paragraphState = OutsideParagraph; m_indexStartedParagraph = false; m_pendingParagraphRightType = Atom::Nop; m_pendingParagraphString.clear(); } } void DocParser::leaveValue() { leavePara(); if (m_openedLists.isEmpty()) { m_openedLists.push(OpenedList(OpenedList::Value)); append(Atom::ListLeft, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); } else { if (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() == Atom::Nop) m_private->m_text.stripLastAtom(); append(Atom::ListItemRight, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); } } void DocParser::leaveValueList() { leavePara(); if (!m_openedLists.isEmpty() && (m_openedLists.top().style() == OpenedList::Value)) { if (m_private->m_text.lastAtom()->type() == Atom::Nop) m_private->m_text.stripLastAtom(); append(Atom::ListItemRight, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); append(Atom::ListRight, ATOM_LIST_VALUE); m_openedLists.pop(); } } void DocParser::leaveTableRow() { if (m_inTableItem) { leavePara(); append(Atom::TableItemRight); m_inTableItem = false; } if (m_inTableHeader) { append(Atom::TableHeaderRight); m_inTableHeader = false; } if (m_inTableRow) { append(Atom::TableRowRight); m_inTableRow = false; } } void DocParser::quoteFromFile(const QString &filename) { // KLUDGE: We dereference file_resolver as it is temporarily a pointer. // See the comment for file_resolver in the header files for more context. // // We spefically dereference it, instead of using the arrow // operator, to better represent that we do not consider this as // an actual pointer, as it should not be. // // Do note that we are considering it informally safe to // dereference the pointer, as we expect it to always hold a value // at this point, but actual enforcement of this appears nowhere // in the codebase. auto maybe_resolved_file{(*file_resolver).resolve(filename)}; if (!maybe_resolved_file) { // TODO: [uncentralized-admonition][failed-resolve-file] // This warning is required in multiple places. // To ensure the consistency of the warning and avoid // duplicating code everywhere, provide a centralized effort // where the warning message can be generated (but not // issued). // The current format is based on what was used before, review // it when it is moved out. QString details = std::transform_reduce( (*file_resolver).get_search_directories().cbegin(), (*file_resolver).get_search_directories().cend(), u"Searched directories:"_s, std::plus(), [](const DirectoryPath &directory_path) -> QString { return u' ' + directory_path.value(); } ); location().warning(u"Cannot find file to quote from: %1"_s.arg(filename), details); // REMARK: The following is duplicated from // Doc::quoteFromFile. If, for some reason (such as a file // that is inaccessible), the quoting fails but, previously, // the logic duplicated here was still run. // This is not true anymore as quoteFromFile does require a // resolved file to be run now. // It is not entirely clear if this is required for the // semantics of DocParser to be preserved, but for the sake of // avoiding premature breakages this was retained. // Do note that this should be considered temporary as the // quoter state, if any will be preserved, should not be // managed in such a spread and unlocal way. m_quoter.reset(); CodeMarker *marker = CodeMarker::markerForFileName(QString{}); m_quoter.quoteFromFile(filename, QString{}, marker->markedUpCode(QString{}, nullptr, location())); } else Doc::quoteFromFile(location(), m_quoter, *maybe_resolved_file); } /*! Expands a macro in-place in input. Expects the current \e pos in the input to point to a backslash, and the macro to have a default definition. Format-specific macros are currently not expanded. \note In addition to macros, a valid use for a backslash in an argument include escaping non-alnum characters, and splitting a single argument across multiple lines by escaping newlines. Escaping is also handled here. Returns \c true on successful macro expansion. */ bool DocParser::expandMacro() { Q_ASSERT(m_input[m_position].unicode() == '\\'); QString cmdStr; qsizetype backslashPos = m_position++; while (m_position < m_input.size() && m_input[m_position].isLetterOrNumber()) cmdStr += m_input[m_position++]; m_endPosition = m_position; if (!cmdStr.isEmpty()) { if (s_utilities.macroHash.contains(cmdStr)) { const Macro ¯o = s_utilities.macroHash.value(cmdStr); if (!macro.m_defaultDef.isEmpty()) { QString expanded = expandMacroToString(cmdStr, macro); m_input.replace(backslashPos, m_position - backslashPos, expanded); m_inputLength = m_input.size(); m_position = backslashPos; return true; } else { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Macro '%1' does not have a default definition") .arg(cmdStr)); } } else { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Unknown macro '%1'").arg(cmdStr)); m_position = ++backslashPos; } } else if (m_input[m_position].isSpace()) { skipAllSpaces(); } else if (m_input[m_position].unicode() == '\\') { // allow escaping a backslash m_input.remove(m_position--, 1); --m_inputLength; } return false; } void DocParser::expandMacro(const QString &def, const QStringList &args) { if (args.isEmpty()) { append(Atom::RawString, def); } else { QString rawString; for (int j = 0; j < def.size(); ++j) { if (int paramNo = def[j].unicode(); paramNo >= 1 && paramNo <= args.length()) { if (!rawString.isEmpty()) { append(Atom::RawString, rawString); rawString.clear(); } append(Atom::String, args[paramNo - 1]); } else { rawString += def[j]; } } if (!rawString.isEmpty()) append(Atom::RawString, rawString); } } QString DocParser::expandMacroToString(const QString &name, const Macro ¯o) { const QString &def{macro.m_defaultDef}; QString rawString; if (macro.numParams == 0) { rawString = macro.m_defaultDef; } else { QStringList args{getMacroArguments(name, macro)}; for (int j = 0; j < def.size(); ++j) { int paramNo = def[j].unicode(); rawString += (paramNo >= 1 && paramNo <= args.length()) ? args[paramNo - 1] : def[j]; } } QString matchExpr{macro.m_otherDefs.value("match")}; if (matchExpr.isEmpty()) return rawString; QString result; QRegularExpression re(matchExpr); int capStart = (re.captureCount() > 0) ? 1 : 0; qsizetype i = 0; QRegularExpressionMatch match; while ((match = re.match(rawString, i)).hasMatch()) { for (int c = capStart; c <= re.captureCount(); ++c) result += match.captured(c); i = match.capturedEnd(); } return result; } Doc::Sections DocParser::getSectioningUnit() { QString name = getOptionalArgument(); if (name == "section1") { return Doc::Section1; } else if (name == "section2") { return Doc::Section2; } else if (name == "section3") { return Doc::Section3; } else if (name == "section4") { return Doc::Section4; } else if (name.isEmpty()) { return Doc::NoSection; } else { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Invalid section '%1'").arg(name)); return Doc::NoSection; } } /*! Gets an argument that is enclosed in braces and returns it without the enclosing braces. On entry, the current character is the left brace. On exit, the current character is the one that comes after the right brace. If \a verbatim is true, extra whitespace is retained in the returned string. Otherwise, extra whitespace is removed. */ QString DocParser::getBracedArgument(bool verbatim) { QString arg; int delimDepth = 0; if (m_position < m_input.size() && m_input[m_position] == '{') { ++m_position; while (m_position < m_input.size() && delimDepth >= 0) { switch (m_input[m_position].unicode()) { case '{': ++delimDepth; arg += QLatin1Char('{'); ++m_position; break; case '}': --delimDepth; if (delimDepth >= 0) arg += QLatin1Char('}'); ++m_position; break; case '\\': if (verbatim || !expandMacro()) arg += m_input[m_position++]; break; default: if (m_input[m_position].isSpace() && !verbatim) arg += QChar(' '); else arg += m_input[m_position]; ++m_position; } } if (delimDepth > 0) location().warning(QStringLiteral("Missing '}'")); } m_endPosition = m_position; return arg; } /*! Typically, an argument ends at the next white-space. However, braces can be used to group words: {a few words} Also, opening and closing parentheses have to match. Thus, printf("%d\n", x) is an argument too, although it contains spaces. Finally, trailing punctuation is not included in an argument, nor is 's. */ QString DocParser::getArgument(bool verbatim) { skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); int delimDepth = 0; qsizetype startPos = m_position; QString arg = getBracedArgument(verbatim); if (arg.isEmpty()) { while ((m_position < m_input.size()) && ((delimDepth > 0) || ((delimDepth == 0) && !m_input[m_position].isSpace()))) { switch (m_input[m_position].unicode()) { case '(': case '[': case '{': ++delimDepth; arg += m_input[m_position]; ++m_position; break; case ')': case ']': case '}': --delimDepth; if (m_position == startPos || delimDepth >= 0) { arg += m_input[m_position]; ++m_position; } break; case '\\': if (verbatim || !expandMacro()) arg += m_input[m_position++]; break; default: arg += m_input[m_position]; ++m_position; } } m_endPosition = m_position; if ((arg.size() > 1) && (QString(".,:;!?").indexOf(m_input[m_position - 1]) != -1) && !arg.endsWith("...")) { arg.truncate(arg.size() - 1); --m_position; } if (arg.size() > 2 && m_input.mid(m_position - 2, 2) == "'s") { arg.truncate(arg.size() - 2); m_position -= 2; } } return arg.simplified(); } /*! Gets an argument that is enclosed in brackets and returns it without the enclosing brackets. On entry, the current character is the left bracket. On exit, the current character is the one that comes after the right bracket. */ QString DocParser::getBracketedArgument() { QString arg; int delimDepth = 0; skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); if (m_position < m_input.size() && m_input[m_position] == '[') { ++m_position; while (m_position < m_input.size() && delimDepth >= 0) { switch (m_input[m_position].unicode()) { case '[': ++delimDepth; arg += QLatin1Char('['); ++m_position; break; case ']': --delimDepth; if (delimDepth >= 0) arg += QLatin1Char(']'); ++m_position; break; case '\\': arg += m_input[m_position]; ++m_position; break; default: arg += m_input[m_position]; ++m_position; } } if (delimDepth > 0) location().warning(QStringLiteral("Missing ']'")); } return arg; } /*! Returns the list of arguments passed to a \a macro with name \a name. If a macro takes more than a single argument, they are expected to be wrapped in braces. */ QStringList DocParser::getMacroArguments(const QString &name, const Macro ¯o) { QStringList args; for (int i = 0; i < macro.numParams; ++i) { if (macro.numParams == 1 || isLeftBraceAhead()) { args << getArgument(); } else { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Macro '\\%1' invoked with too few" " arguments (expected %2, got %3)") .arg(name) .arg(macro.numParams) .arg(i)); break; } } return args; } QString DocParser::getOptionalArgument() { skipSpacesOrOneEndl(); if (m_position + 1 < m_input.size() && m_input[m_position] == '\\' && m_input[m_position + 1].isLetterOrNumber()) { return QString(); } else { return getArgument(); } } QString DocParser::getRestOfLine() { QString t; skipSpacesOnLine(); bool trailingSlash = false; do { qsizetype begin = m_position; while (m_position < m_input.size() && m_input[m_position] != '\n') { if (m_input[m_position] == '\\' && !trailingSlash) { trailingSlash = true; ++m_position; while ((m_position < m_input.size()) && m_input[m_position].isSpace() && (m_input[m_position] != '\n')) ++m_position; } else { trailingSlash = false; ++m_position; } } if (!t.isEmpty()) t += QLatin1Char(' '); t += m_input.mid(begin, m_position - begin).simplified(); if (trailingSlash) { t.chop(1); t = t.simplified(); } if (m_position < m_input.size()) ++m_position; } while (m_position < m_input.size() && trailingSlash); return t; } /*! The metacommand argument is normally the remaining text to the right of the metacommand itself. The extra blanks are stripped and the argument string is returned. */ QString DocParser::getMetaCommandArgument(const QString &cmdStr) { skipSpacesOnLine(); qsizetype begin = m_position; int parenDepth = 0; while (m_position < m_input.size() && (m_input[m_position] != '\n' || parenDepth > 0)) { if (m_input.at(m_position) == '(') ++parenDepth; else if (m_input.at(m_position) == ')') --parenDepth; else if (m_input.at(m_position) == '\\' && expandMacro()) continue; ++m_position; } if (m_position == m_input.size() && parenDepth > 0) { m_position = begin; location().warning(QStringLiteral("Unbalanced parentheses in '%1'").arg(cmdStr)); } QString t = m_input.mid(begin, m_position - begin).simplified(); skipSpacesOnLine(); return t; } QString DocParser::getUntilEnd(int cmd) { int endCmd = endCmdFor(cmd); QRegularExpression rx("\\\\" + cmdName(endCmd) + "\\b"); QString t; auto match = rx.match(m_input, m_position); if (!match.hasMatch()) { location().warning(QStringLiteral("Missing '\\%1'").arg(cmdName(endCmd))); m_position = m_input.size(); } else { qsizetype end = match.capturedStart(); t = m_input.mid(m_position, end - m_position); m_position = match.capturedEnd(); } return t; } void DocParser::expandArgumentsInString(QString &str, const QStringList &args) { if (args.isEmpty()) return; qsizetype paramNo; qsizetype j = 0; while (j < str.size()) { if (str[j] == '\\' && j < str.size() - 1 && (paramNo = str[j + 1].digitValue()) >= 1 && paramNo <= args.size()) { const QString &r = args[paramNo - 1]; str.replace(j, 2, r); j += qMin(1, r.size()); } else { ++j; } } } /*! Returns the marked-up code following the code-quoting command \a cmd, expanding any arguments passed in \a argStr. Uses the \a marker to mark up the code. If it's \c nullptr, resolve the marker based on the topic and the quoted code itself. */ QString DocParser::getCode(int cmd, CodeMarker *marker, const QString &argStr) { QString code = untabifyEtc(getUntilEnd(cmd)); expandArgumentsInString(code, argStr.split(" ", Qt::SkipEmptyParts)); int indent = indentLevel(code); code = dedent(indent, code); // If we're in a QML topic, check if the QML marker recognizes the code if (!marker && !m_private->m_topics.isEmpty() && m_private->m_topics[0].m_topic.startsWith("qml")) { auto qmlMarker = CodeMarker::markerForLanguage("QML"); marker = (qmlMarker && qmlMarker->recognizeCode(code)) ? qmlMarker : nullptr; } if (marker == nullptr) marker = CodeMarker::markerForCode(code); return marker->markedUpCode(code, nullptr, location()); } bool DocParser::isBlankLine() { qsizetype i = m_position; while (i < m_inputLength && m_input[i].isSpace()) { if (m_input[i] == '\n') return true; ++i; } return false; } bool DocParser::isLeftBraceAhead() { int numEndl = 0; qsizetype i = m_position; while (i < m_inputLength && m_input[i].isSpace() && numEndl < 2) { // ### bug with '\\' if (m_input[i] == '\n') numEndl++; ++i; } return numEndl < 2 && i < m_inputLength && m_input[i] == '{'; } bool DocParser::isLeftBracketAhead() { int numEndl = 0; qsizetype i = m_position; while (i < m_inputLength && m_input[i].isSpace() && numEndl < 2) { // ### bug with '\\' if (m_input[i] == '\n') numEndl++; ++i; } return numEndl < 2 && i < m_inputLength && m_input[i] == '['; } /*! Skips to the next non-space character or EOL. */ void DocParser::skipSpacesOnLine() { while ((m_position < m_input.size()) && m_input[m_position].isSpace() && (m_input[m_position].unicode() != '\n')) ++m_position; } /*! Skips spaces and one EOL. */ void DocParser::skipSpacesOrOneEndl() { qsizetype firstEndl = -1; while (m_position < m_input.size() && m_input[m_position].isSpace()) { QChar ch = m_input[m_position]; if (ch == '\n') { if (firstEndl == -1) { firstEndl = m_position; } else { m_position = firstEndl; break; } } ++m_position; } } void DocParser::skipAllSpaces() { while (m_position < m_inputLength && m_input[m_position].isSpace()) ++m_position; } void DocParser::skipToNextPreprocessorCommand() { QRegularExpression rx("\\\\(?:" + cmdName(CMD_IF) + QLatin1Char('|') + cmdName(CMD_ELSE) + QLatin1Char('|') + cmdName(CMD_ENDIF) + ")\\b"); auto match = rx.match(m_input, m_position + 1); // ### + 1 necessary? if (!match.hasMatch()) m_position = m_input.size(); else m_position = match.capturedStart(); } int DocParser::endCmdFor(int cmd) { switch (cmd) { case CMD_BADCODE: return CMD_ENDCODE; case CMD_CODE: return CMD_ENDCODE; case CMD_DIV: return CMD_ENDDIV; case CMD_QML: return CMD_ENDQML; case CMD_QMLTEXT: return CMD_ENDQMLTEXT; case CMD_FOOTNOTE: return CMD_ENDFOOTNOTE; case CMD_LEGALESE: return CMD_ENDLEGALESE; case CMD_LINK: return CMD_ENDLINK; case CMD_LIST: return CMD_ENDLIST; case CMD_OMIT: return CMD_ENDOMIT; case CMD_QUOTATION: return CMD_ENDQUOTATION; case CMD_RAW: return CMD_ENDRAW; case CMD_SECTION1: return CMD_ENDSECTION1; case CMD_SECTION2: return CMD_ENDSECTION2; case CMD_SECTION3: return CMD_ENDSECTION3; case CMD_SECTION4: return CMD_ENDSECTION4; case CMD_SIDEBAR: return CMD_ENDSIDEBAR; case CMD_TABLE: return CMD_ENDTABLE; default: return cmd; } } QString DocParser::cmdName(int cmd) { return *cmds[cmd].alias; } QString DocParser::endCmdName(int cmd) { return cmdName(endCmdFor(cmd)); } QString DocParser::untabifyEtc(const QString &str) { QString result; result.reserve(str.size()); int column = 0; for (const auto &character : str) { if (character == QLatin1Char('\r')) continue; if (character == QLatin1Char('\t')) { result += &" "[column % s_tabSize]; column = ((column / s_tabSize) + 1) * s_tabSize; continue; } if (character == QLatin1Char('\n')) { while (result.endsWith(QLatin1Char(' '))) result.chop(1); result += character; column = 0; continue; } result += character; ++column; } while (result.endsWith("\n\n")) result.truncate(result.size() - 1); while (result.startsWith(QLatin1Char('\n'))) result = result.mid(1); return result; } int DocParser::indentLevel(const QString &str) { int minIndent = INT_MAX; int column = 0; for (const auto &character : str) { if (character == '\n') { column = 0; } else { if (character != ' ' && column < minIndent) minIndent = column; ++column; } } return minIndent; } QString DocParser::dedent(int level, const QString &str) { if (level == 0) return str; QString result; int column = 0; for (const auto &character : str) { if (character == QLatin1Char('\n')) { result += '\n'; column = 0; } else { if (column >= level) result += character; ++column; } } return result; } /*! Returns \c true if \a atom represents a code snippet. */ bool DocParser::isCode(const Atom *atom) { Atom::AtomType type = atom->type(); return (type == Atom::Code || type == Atom::Qml); } /*! Returns \c true if \a atom represents quoting information. */ bool DocParser::isQuote(const Atom *atom) { Atom::AtomType type = atom->type(); return (type == Atom::CodeQuoteArgument || type == Atom::CodeQuoteCommand || type == Atom::SnippetCommand || type == Atom::SnippetIdentifier || type == Atom::SnippetLocation); } QT_END_NAMESPACE