QDoc Test C++ Classes TestCPP TestCPP Reference Documentation A test module page. This module was introduced in Qt 2.0. A test module page. This module was introduced in Qt 2.0. Namespaces CrossModuleRef Namespace that has documented functions in multiple modules. TestQDoc A namespace. Classes TestQDoc::Test A class in a namespace. TestQDoc::TestDerived A class in a namespace, derived from Test. Detailed Description This is just a test. /* Look, Ma! {I'm made of arguments!} */ This module was introduced in version 5.15. 1.0 Linking to function-like things someFunctionDefaultArg() QDOCTEST_MACRO2() QDOCTEST_MACRO2(int &x) section() section() is a section title open( parenthesis C++11 added std::move(T&& t) section()