// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include class tst_lconvert : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: tst_lconvert() : dataDir(QFINDTESTDATA("data/")) , lconvert(QLibraryInfo::path(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) + "/lconvert") {} private slots: void initTestCase(); void readverifies_data(); void readverifies(); void converts_data(); void converts(); void roundtrips_data(); void roundtrips(); void chains_data(); void chains(); void merge(); private: void doWait(QProcess *cvt, int stage); void doCompare(QIODevice *actual, const QString &expectedFn); void verifyReadFail(const QString &fn); // args can be empty or have one element less than stations void convertChain(const QString &inFileName, const QString &outFileName, const QStringList &stations, const QList &args); void convertRoundtrip(const QString &fileName, const QStringList &stations, const QList &args); QString dataDir; QString lconvert; }; void tst_lconvert::initTestCase() { if (!QFile::exists(dataDir + QLatin1String("plural-1.po"))) QProcess::execute(QLatin1String("perl"), QStringList() << dataDir + QLatin1String("makeplurals.pl") << dataDir + QLatin1String("")); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(dataDir + QLatin1String("plural-1.po"))); } void tst_lconvert::doWait(QProcess *cvt, int stage) { if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) { cvt->kill(); cvt->waitForFinished(); } else { QVERIFY2(cvt->waitForFinished(3000), qPrintable(QString("Process %1 hung").arg(stage))); QVERIFY2(cvt->exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit, qPrintable(QString("Process %1 crashed").arg(stage))); QVERIFY2(cvt->exitCode() == 0, qPrintable(QString("Process %1 exited with status %2. Errors:\n%3") .arg(stage).arg(cvt->exitCode()) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(cvt->readAllStandardError())))); } } void tst_lconvert::doCompare(QIODevice *actualDev, const QString &expectedFn) { QList actual = actualDev->readAll().split('\n'); QFile file(expectedFn); QVERIFY(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)); QList expected = file.readAll().split('\n'); int i = 0, ei = expected.size(), gi = actual.size(); for (; ; i++) { if (i == gi) { if (i == ei) return; gi = 0; break; } else if (i == ei) { ei = 0; break; } else if (actual.at(i) != expected.at(i)) { while ((ei - 1) >= i && (gi - 1) >= i && actual.at(gi - 1) == expected.at(ei - 1)) ei--, gi--; break; } } QByteArray diff; for (int j = qMax(0, i - 3); j < i; j++) diff += expected.at(j) + '\n'; diff += "<<<<<<< got\n"; for (int j = i; j < gi; j++) { diff += actual.at(j) + '\n'; if (j >= i + 5) { diff += "...\n"; break; } } diff += "=========\n"; for (int j = i; j < ei; j++) { diff += expected.at(j) + '\n'; if (j >= i + 5) { diff += "...\n"; break; } } diff += ">>>>>>> expected\n"; for (int j = ei; j < qMin(ei + 3, expected.size()); j++) diff += expected.at(j) + '\n'; QFAIL(qPrintable("Output for " + expectedFn + " does not meet expectations:\n" + diff)); } void tst_lconvert::verifyReadFail(const QString &fn) { QProcess cvt; cvt.start(lconvert, QStringList() << (dataDir + fn)); QVERIFY2(cvt.waitForStarted(), qPrintable(cvt.errorString())); QVERIFY(cvt.waitForFinished(10000)); QVERIFY(cvt.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit); QVERIFY2(cvt.exitCode() == 2, "Accepted invalid input"); } void tst_lconvert::convertChain(const QString &_inFileName, const QString &_outFileName, const QStringList &stations, const QList &argList) { QList cvts; QString fileName = dataDir + _inFileName; QString outFileName = dataDir + _outFileName; for (int i = 0; i < stations.size() - 1; i++) { QProcess *cvt = new QProcess(this); if (cvts.isEmpty()) cvt->setStandardInputFile(fileName); else cvts.last()->setStandardOutputProcess(cvt); cvts.append(cvt); } for (int i = 0; i < stations.size() - 1; i++) { QStringList args; if (!argList.isEmpty()) args += argList[i]; args << "-if" << stations[i] << "-i" << "-" << "-of" << stations[i + 1]; cvts.at(i)->start(lconvert, args, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text); } for (QProcess *cvt : std::as_const(cvts)) QVERIFY2(cvt->waitForStarted(), qPrintable(cvt->errorString())); int st = 0; for (QProcess *cvt : std::as_const(cvts)) doWait(cvt, ++st); if (!QTest::currentTestFailed()) doCompare(cvts.last(), outFileName); qDeleteAll(cvts); } void tst_lconvert::convertRoundtrip(const QString &_fileName, const QStringList &stations, const QList &argList) { convertChain(_fileName, _fileName, stations, argList); } void tst_lconvert::readverifies_data() { QTest::addColumn("fileName"); QTest::addColumn("format"); QTest::newRow("ts") << "test20.ts" << "ts"; QTest::newRow("empty comment") << "test-empty-comment.po" << "po"; QTest::newRow("translator comment") << "test-translator-comment.po" << "po"; QTest::newRow("developer comment") << "test-developer-comment.po" << "po"; QTest::newRow("kde context") << "test-kde-ctxt.po" << "po"; QTest::newRow("kde fuzzy") << "test-kde-fuzzy.po" << "po"; QTest::newRow("kde plurals") << "test-kde-plurals.po" << "po"; QTest::newRow("kde multiline") << "test-kde-multiline.po" << "po"; QTest::newRow("po linewrapping") << "wrapping.po" << "po"; QTest::newRow("relative locations") << "relative.ts" << "ts"; QTest::newRow("message ids") << "msgid.ts" << "ts"; QTest::newRow("length variants") << "variants.ts" << "ts"; QTest::newRow("qph") << "phrasebook.qph" << "qph"; } void tst_lconvert::readverifies() { QFETCH(QString, fileName); QFETCH(QString, format); convertRoundtrip(fileName, QStringList() << format << format, QList()); } void tst_lconvert::converts_data() { QTest::addColumn("inFileName"); QTest::addColumn("outFileName"); QTest::addColumn("format"); QTest::newRow("broken utf8") << "test-broken-utf8.po" << "test-broken-utf8.po.out" << "po"; QTest::newRow("line joins") << "test-slurp.po" << "test-slurp.po.out" << "po"; QTest::newRow("escapes") << "test-escapes.po" << "test-escapes.po.out" << "po"; QTest::newRow("xlf seg") << "test-trans_seg.xlf" << "test-trans_seg.ts.out" << "ts"; } void tst_lconvert::converts() { QFETCH(QString, inFileName); QFETCH(QString, outFileName); QFETCH(QString, format); QString outFileNameFq = dataDir + outFileName; QProcess cvt; cvt.start(lconvert, QStringList() << "-i" << (dataDir + inFileName) << "-of" << format, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text); QVERIFY2(cvt.waitForStarted(), qPrintable(cvt.errorString())); doWait(&cvt, 0); if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) return; doCompare(&cvt, outFileNameFq); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList); void tst_lconvert::chains_data() { QTest::addColumn("inFileName"); QTest::addColumn("outFileName"); QTest::addColumn("stations"); QTest::addColumn >("args"); QTest::newRow("no-untranslated") << "untranslated.ts" << "untranslated.ts.out" << QStringList({"ts", "ts"}) << QList({QStringList("-no-untranslated")}); } void tst_lconvert::chains() { QFETCH(QString, inFileName); QFETCH(QString, outFileName); QFETCH(QStringList, stations); QFETCH(QList, args); convertChain(inFileName, outFileName, stations, args); } void tst_lconvert::roundtrips_data() { QTest::addColumn("fileName"); QTest::addColumn("stations"); QTest::addColumn >("args"); QStringList poTsPo; poTsPo << "po" << "ts" << "po"; QStringList poXlfPo; poXlfPo << "po" << "xlf" << "po"; QStringList tsPoTs; tsPoTs << "ts" << "po" << "ts"; QStringList tsXlfTs; tsXlfTs << "ts" << "xlf" << "ts"; QStringList tsQmTs; tsQmTs << "ts" << "qm" << "ts"; QStringList qmTsQm; qmTsQm << "qm" << "ts" << "qm"; QList noArgs; QList filterPoArgs; filterPoArgs << QStringList() << (QStringList() << "-drop-tag" << "po:*"); QList outDeArgs; outDeArgs << QStringList() << (QStringList() << "-target-language" << "de"); QList outCnArgs; outCnArgs << QStringList() << (QStringList() << "-target-language" << "cn"); QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (translator comment)") << "test-translator-comment.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-xliff-po (translator comment)") << "test-translator-comment.po" << poXlfPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (developer comment)") << "test-developer-comment.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-xliff-po (developer comment)") << "test-developer-comment.po" << poXlfPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("ts20-po-ts20") << "test20.ts" << tsPoTs << filterPoArgs; QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (de)") << "test1-de.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (cn)") << "test1-cn.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-xliff-po (de)") << "test1-de.po" << poXlfPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-xliff-po (cn)") << "test1-cn.po" << poXlfPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (singular)") << "singular.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (plural-1)") << "plural-1.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (plural-2)") << "plural-2.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (plural-3)") << "plural-3.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-xliff-po (singular)") << "singular.po" << poXlfPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-xliff-po (plural-1)") << "plural-1.po" << poXlfPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-xliff-po (plural-2)") << "plural-2.po" << poXlfPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-xliff-po (plural-3)") << "plural-3.po" << poXlfPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("po-ts-po (references)") << "test-refs.po" << poTsPo << noArgs; QTest::newRow("ts-qm-ts (plurals-de)") << "plurals-de.ts" << tsQmTs << outDeArgs; QTest::newRow("ts-qm-ts (plurals-cn)") << "plurals-cn.ts" << tsQmTs << outCnArgs; QTest::newRow("ts-qm-ts (variants)") << "variants.ts" << tsQmTs << outDeArgs; QTest::newRow("ts-po-ts (msgid)") << "msgid.ts" << tsPoTs << noArgs; QTest::newRow("ts-xliff-ts (msgid)") << "msgid.ts" << tsXlfTs << noArgs; QTest::newRow("ts-po-ts (endless loop)") << "endless-po-loop.ts" << tsPoTs << noArgs; QTest::newRow("ts-qm-ts (whitespace)") << "whitespace.ts" << tsQmTs << noArgs; QTest::newRow("qm-ts-qm (untranslated)") << "untranslated.qm" << qmTsQm << noArgs; } void tst_lconvert::roundtrips() { QFETCH(QString, fileName); QFETCH(QStringList, stations); QFETCH(QList, args); convertRoundtrip(fileName, stations, args); } void tst_lconvert::merge() { QProcess cvt; QStringList args; args << (dataDir + "idxmerge.ts") << (dataDir + "idxmerge-add.ts"); cvt.start(lconvert, args, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text); doWait(&cvt, 1); if (!QTest::currentTestFailed()) doCompare(&cvt, dataDir + "idxmerge.ts.out"); } QTEST_APPLESS_MAIN(tst_lconvert) #include "tst_lconvert.moc"