This is a simple page for testing purposes only. QDoc generates documentation for software projects. It does this by extracting QDoc comments from project source files. QDoc comments are signified by a C-style-like comment tag followed by an exclamation point, like this: /*! This text is contained within QDoc comment tags. */.
Supported file types QDoc parses .cpp and .qdoc files. It does extract comments from header (.h) files.
Further information This test document is written with the purpose of testing the output QDoc generates when parsing .qdoc files. It is fairly simple and makes use of a limited subset of QDoc's command. Those commands are: \page \title \brief \e (for emphasizing "QDoc comments") \c (for multiple monospace-formatted entries) \section1 \list \li \endlist
Linking There are multiple ways to create hyperlinks to other topics: Linking to a page title Linking to a section title Linking using a \target string Linking using a \keyword string