• OutputFromQDocFiles - A test project for QDoc build artifacts
  • Exhaustive testing of QDoc commands

    This is a section1

    This is a section2

    This is a section3

    This is a section4
    This is bad code

    This text should have a line break riiiiight

    All your text belong to bold ...And this is an examble of only bold being, well, bold.

    // If I knew JavaScript, this is where I would write it.

    And if I knew qmltext, I guess this is where that would go.

    This a caption

    Lorem legal ipsum

    This is a quotation.

    This is raw. Like the

    Eddie Murphy

    movie. Just not as funny.

    Look, ma! I made a sidebar!

    Table item in a table row
    Another item in a different row

    Important: This is really important.

    For example, if you have code like

    This is old code.

    you can rewrite it as

    This is new and shiny!

    Note: The code above doesn't compile

    Warning: The following commands have yet to be tested: footnote link sincelist header index topicref // or just don’t care, remove it image inlineimage printline printto printuntil // what’s the difference between printto and printuntil??? quotefile quotefromfile quotefunction skipline skipto skipuntil span snippet codeline overload sub sup tableofcontents tt uicontrol endmapref endomit underline unicode