Test Class TestQDoc::Test TestCPP TestCPP Reference Documentation A class in a namespace. Header Test CMake find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS QDocTest REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::QDocTest) qmake QT += testcpp Inherited By TestQDoc::TestDerived Detailed Description Member Type Documentation Test::enum ClassicEnum ClassicEnum public active unspecified Constant Description TestQDoc::Test::Yee 0 TestQDoc::Test::Haw 1 TestQDoc::Test::Howdy 2 TestQDoc::Test::Partner 3 Test::enum ScopedEnum ScopedEnum public active unspecified Constant Value Description TestQDoc::Test::ScopedEnum::This 0x01 Something TestQDoc::Test::ScopedEnum::That 0x02 Something else TestQDoc::Test::ScopedEnum::All This | That Everything A scoped enum. Test::SomeType SomeTypepublic active unspecified A typedef. Member Function Documentation [protected] Test::void overload() [protected, since Test 1.2] Test::void overload(bool b) Overloads that share a documentation comment, optionally taking a parameter b. [default] Test::Test() Test default constructor Test() = default public active unspecified Default constructor. [default] Test::TestQDoc::Test &operator=(TestQDoc::Test &&other) TestQDoc::Test & operator= default TestQDoc::Test && other move-assign TestQDoc::Test & operator=(TestQDoc::Test &&other) = default public active unspecified Move-assigns other. Test::void (*)(bool) funcPtr(bool b, const char *s) void (*)(bool) funcPtr bool b const char * s plain void (*)(bool) funcPtr(bool b, const char *s) public active unspecified Returns a pointer to a function that takes a boolean. Uses b and s. Test::void inlineFunction() inlineFunction plain void inlineFunction() public active unspecified An inline function, documented using the \fn QDoc command. Test::int someFunction(int, int v = 0) int someFunction int int v 0 plain int someFunction(int, int v) public active unspecified Function that takes a parameter v. Also returns the value of v. Test::void someFunctionDefaultArg(int i, bool b = false) someFunctionDefaultArg int i bool b false plain void someFunctionDefaultArg(int i, bool b) public active unspecified Function that takes a parameter i and b. [virtual] Test::void virtualFun() virtual virtualFun plain void virtualFun() public active unspecified Function that must be reimplemented. Related Non-Members bool operator==(const TestQDoc::Test &lhs, const TestQDoc::Test &rhs) bool operator== const TestQDoc::Test & lhs const TestQDoc::Test & rhs plain bool operator==(const TestQDoc::Test &lhs, const TestQDoc::Test &rhs) public active unspecified Returns true if lhs and rhs are equal. Macro Documentation [since Test 1.1] QDOCTEST_MACRO2(int &x) QDOCTEST_MACR int & x macrowithparams QDOCTEST_MACRO2(int &x) public active unspecified A macro with argument x. This function was introduced in Test 1.1. Obsolete Members for Test The following members of class Test are deprecated. We strongly advise against using them in new code. Member Function Documentation Test::TestQDoc::Test &operator++() Test::TestQDoc::Test &operator--() This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code. Test::void anotherObsoleteMember() anotherObsoleteMember plain void anotherObsoleteMember() public deprecated unspecified This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code. Use obsoleteMember() instead. Test::void deprecatedMember() deprecatedMember plain void deprecatedMember() public deprecated unspecified This function is deprecated since 6.0. We strongly advise against using it in new code. Use someFunction() instead. Test::void obsoleteMember() obsoleteMember plain void obsoleteMember() public deprecated unspecified This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code. Use someFunction() instead.