• Test
  • Test Class

    class TestQDoc::Test

    A class in a namespace. More...

    Header: #include <Test>
    qmake: QT += testcpp
    Inherited By:


    Public Types

    struct Struct
    typedef SomeType
    (alias) Specialized

    Public Functions

    void inlineFunction()
    int someFunction(int v = 0)
    void someFunctionDefaultArg(int i, bool b = false)
    virtual void virtualFun()

    Protected Functions

    void funcTemplate(T1 a, T2 b)
    void overload()
    void overload(bool b)



    Detailed Description

    Member Type Documentation

    typedef Test::SomeType

    A typedef.

    [alias] template<typename T> Test::Specialized

    This is a type alias for Struct<int, T>.

    Member Function Documentation

    [protected] void Test::overload()

    [protected] void Test::overload(bool b)

    Overloads that share a documentation comment, optionally taking a parameter b.

    This function was introduced in Test 1.2.

    [protected] template <typename T1, typename T2> void Test::funcTemplate(T1 a, T2 b)

    Function template with two parameters, a and b.

    void Test::inlineFunction()

    An inline function, documented using the \fn QDoc command.

    int Test::someFunction(int v = 0)

    Function that takes a parameter v. Also returns the value of v.

    void Test::someFunctionDefaultArg(int i, bool b = false)

    Function that takes a parameter i and b.

    [virtual] void Test::virtualFun()

    Function that must be reimplemented.

    Macro Documentation


    A macro with argument x.

    This function was introduced in Test 1.1.