# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # We can't create the same interface imported target multiple times, CMake will complain if we do # that. This can happen if the find_package call is done in multiple different subdirectories. if(TARGET Hunspell::Hunspell) set(Hunspell_FOUND ON) return() endif() find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(hunspell hunspell IMPORTED_TARGET) set(__hunspell_target_name "PkgConfig::hunspell") if (NOT TARGET "${__hunspell_target_name}") set(Hunspell_FOUND 0) return() endif() add_library(Hunspell::Hunspell INTERFACE IMPORTED) target_link_libraries(Hunspell::Hunspell INTERFACE ${__hunspell_target_name}) set(Hunspell_FOUND TRUE) unset(__hunspell_target_name)