path: root/chromium/ash/wm/workspace/workspace_window_resizer.h
diff options
authorAndras Becsi <>2014-03-18 13:16:26 +0100
committerFrederik Gladhorn <>2014-03-20 15:55:39 +0100
commit3f0f86b0caed75241fa71c95a5d73bc0164348c5 (patch)
tree92b9fb00f2e9e90b0be2262093876d4f43b6cd13 /chromium/ash/wm/workspace/workspace_window_resizer.h
parente90d7c4b152c56919d963987e2503f9909a666d2 (diff)
Update to new stable branch 1750
This also includes an updated ninja and chromium dependencies needed on Windows. Change-Id: Icd597d80ed3fa4425933c9f1334c3c2e31291c42 Reviewed-by: Zoltan Arvai <> Reviewed-by: Zeno Albisser <>
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ash/wm/workspace/workspace_window_resizer.h')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ash/wm/workspace/workspace_window_resizer.h b/chromium/ash/wm/workspace/workspace_window_resizer.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..015e96ddb36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/ash/wm/workspace/workspace_window_resizer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <vector>
+#include "ash/wm/window_resizer.h"
+#include "ash/wm/workspace/magnetism_matcher.h"
+#include "ash/wm/workspace/snap_types.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "ui/aura/window_tracker.h"
+namespace ash {
+namespace wm {
+class WindowState;
+namespace internal {
+class DockedWindowLayoutManager;
+class PhantomWindowController;
+class SnapSizer;
+class WindowSize;
+// WindowResizer implementation for workspaces. This enforces that windows are
+// not allowed to vertically move or resize outside of the work area. As windows
+// are moved outside the work area they are shrunk. We remember the height of
+// the window before it was moved so that if the window is again moved up we
+// attempt to restore the old height.
+class ASH_EXPORT WorkspaceWindowResizer : public WindowResizer {
+ public:
+ // When dragging an attached window this is the min size we'll make sure is
+ // visible. In the vertical direction we take the max of this and that from
+ // the delegate.
+ static const int kMinOnscreenSize;
+ // Min height we'll force on screen when dragging the caption.
+ // TODO: this should come from a property on the window.
+ static const int kMinOnscreenHeight;
+ // Snap region when dragging close to the edges. That is, as the window gets
+ // this close to an edge of the screen it snaps to the edge.
+ static const int kScreenEdgeInset;
+ // Distance in pixels that the cursor must move past an edge for a window
+ // to move or resize beyond that edge.
+ static const int kStickyDistancePixels;
+ virtual ~WorkspaceWindowResizer();
+ static WorkspaceWindowResizer* Create(
+ aura::Window* window,
+ const gfx::Point& location_in_parent,
+ int window_component,
+ aura::client::WindowMoveSource source,
+ const std::vector<aura::Window*>& attached_windows);
+ // WindowResizer:
+ virtual void Drag(const gfx::Point& location_in_parent,
+ int event_flags) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void CompleteDrag(int event_flags) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void RevertDrag() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual aura::Window* GetTarget() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual const gfx::Point& GetInitialLocation() const OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ WorkspaceWindowResizer(const Details& details,
+ const std::vector<aura::Window*>& attached_windows);
+ private:
+ friend class WorkspaceWindowResizerTest;
+ // Returns the final bounds to place the window at. This differs from
+ // the current when snapping.
+ gfx::Rect GetFinalBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) const;
+ // Lays out the attached windows. |bounds| is the bounds of the main window.
+ void LayoutAttachedWindows(gfx::Rect* bounds);
+ // Calculates the new sizes of the attached windows, given that the main
+ // window has been resized (along the primary axis) by |delta|.
+ // |available_size| is the maximum length of the space that the attached
+ // windows are allowed to occupy (ie: the distance between the right/bottom
+ // edge of the primary window and the right/bottom of the desktop area).
+ // Populates |sizes| with the desired sizes of the attached windows, and
+ // returns the number of pixels that couldn't be allocated to the attached
+ // windows (due to min/max size constraints).
+ // Note the return value can be positive or negative, a negative value
+ // indicating that that many pixels couldn't be removed from the attached
+ // windows.
+ int CalculateAttachedSizes(
+ int delta,
+ int available_size,
+ std::vector<int>* sizes) const;
+ // Divides |amount| evenly between |sizes|. If |amount| is negative it
+ // indicates how many pixels |sizes| should be shrunk by.
+ // Returns how many pixels failed to be allocated/removed from |sizes|.
+ int GrowFairly(int amount, std::vector<WindowSize>& sizes) const;
+ // Calculate the ratio of pixels that each WindowSize in |sizes| should
+ // receive when growing or shrinking.
+ void CalculateGrowthRatios(const std::vector<WindowSize*>& sizes,
+ std::vector<float>* out_ratios) const;
+ // Adds a WindowSize to |sizes| for each attached window.
+ void CreateBucketsForAttached(std::vector<WindowSize>* sizes) const;
+ // If possible snaps the window to a neary window. Updates |bounds| if there
+ // was a close enough window.
+ void MagneticallySnapToOtherWindows(gfx::Rect* bounds);
+ // If possible snaps the resize to a neary window. Updates |bounds| if there
+ // was a close enough window.
+ void MagneticallySnapResizeToOtherWindows(gfx::Rect* bounds);
+ // Finds the neareset window to magentically snap to. Updates
+ // |magnetism_window_| and |magnetism_edge_| appropriately. |edges| is a
+ // bitmask of the MagnetismEdges to match again. Returns true if a match is
+ // found.
+ bool UpdateMagnetismWindow(const gfx::Rect& bounds, uint32 edges);
+ // Adjusts the bounds of the window: magnetically snapping, ensuring the
+ // window has enough on screen... |snap_size| is the distance from an edge of
+ // the work area before the window is snapped. A value of 0 results in no
+ // snapping.
+ void AdjustBoundsForMainWindow(int snap_size, gfx::Rect* bounds);
+ // Stick the window bounds to the work area during a move.
+ bool StickToWorkAreaOnMove(const gfx::Rect& work_area,
+ int sticky_size,
+ gfx::Rect* bounds) const;
+ // Stick the window bounds to the work area during a resize.
+ void StickToWorkAreaOnResize(const gfx::Rect& work_area,
+ int sticky_size,
+ gfx::Rect* bounds) const;
+ // Returns a coordinate along the primary axis. Used to share code for
+ // left/right multi window resize and top/bottom resize.
+ int PrimaryAxisSize(const gfx::Size& size) const;
+ int PrimaryAxisCoordinate(int x, int y) const;
+ // Updates the bounds of the phantom window for window snapping.
+ void UpdateSnapPhantomWindow(const gfx::Point& location,
+ const gfx::Rect& bounds);
+ // Restacks the windows z-order position so that one of the windows is at the
+ // top of the z-order, and the rest directly underneath it.
+ void RestackWindows();
+ // Returns the SnapType for the specified point. SNAP_NONE is used if no
+ // snapping should be used.
+ SnapType GetSnapType(const gfx::Point& location) const;
+ // Docks the dragged window if |should_dock| and the window can be docked.
+ // Undocks the window if |should_dock| is false.
+ void SetDraggedWindowDocked(bool should_dock);
+ aura::Window* window() const { return details_.window; }
+ wm::WindowState* window_state() { return details_.window_state; }
+ const Details details_;
+ const std::vector<aura::Window*> attached_windows_;
+ bool did_lock_cursor_;
+ // Set to true once Drag() is invoked and the bounds of the window change.
+ bool did_move_or_resize_;
+ // True if the window initially had |bounds_changed_by_user_| set in state.
+ bool initial_bounds_changed_by_user_;
+ // The initial size of each of the windows in |attached_windows_| along the
+ // primary axis.
+ std::vector<int> initial_size_;
+ // Sum of the minimum sizes of the attached windows.
+ int total_min_;
+ // Sum of the sizes in |initial_size_|.
+ int total_initial_size_;
+ // Gives a previews of where the the window will end up. Only used if there
+ // is a grid and the caption is being dragged.
+ scoped_ptr<PhantomWindowController> snap_phantom_window_controller_;
+ // Used to determine the target position of a snap.
+ scoped_ptr<SnapSizer> snap_sizer_;
+ // Last SnapType.
+ SnapType snap_type_;
+ // Number of mouse moves since the last bounds change. Only used for phantom
+ // placement to track when the mouse is moved while pushed against the edge of
+ // the screen.
+ int num_mouse_moves_since_bounds_change_;
+ // The mouse location passed to Drag().
+ gfx::Point last_mouse_location_;
+ // Window the drag has magnetically attached to.
+ aura::Window* magnetism_window_;
+ // Used to verify |magnetism_window_| is still valid.
+ aura::WindowTracker window_tracker_;
+ // If |magnetism_window_| is non-NULL this indicates how the two windows
+ // should attach.
+ MatchedEdge magnetism_edge_;
+ // Dock container window layout manager.
+ DockedWindowLayoutManager* dock_layout_;
+ // Used to determine if this has been deleted during a drag such as when a tab
+ // gets dragged into another browser window.
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<WorkspaceWindowResizer> weak_ptr_factory_;
+ // Current instance for use by the WorkspaceWindowResizerTest.
+ static WorkspaceWindowResizer* instance_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WorkspaceWindowResizer);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace ash