path: root/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t
diff options
authorJocelyn Turcotte <>2014-08-08 14:30:41 +0200
committerJocelyn Turcotte <>2014-08-12 13:49:54 +0200
commitab0a50979b9eb4dfa3320eff7e187e41efedf7a9 (patch)
tree498dfb8a97ff3361a9f7486863a52bb4e26bb898 /chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t
parent4ce69f7403811819800e7c5ae1318b2647e778d1 (diff)
Update Chromium to beta version 37.0.2062.68
Change-Id: I188e3b5aff1bec75566014291b654eb19f5bc8ca Reviewed-by: Andras Becsi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t')
58 files changed, 0 insertions, 2552 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/00_load.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/00_load.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 916c826b15a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/00_load.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 5 };
- use_ok('JSON');
-ok( exists $INC{ 'JSON/' }, 'load backportPP' );
-ok( ! exists $INC{ 'JSON/' }, q/didn't load PP/ );
-is( JSON->backend, 'JSON::PP' );
-ok( JSON->backend->is_pp );
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/00_pod.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/00_pod.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e8e30825130..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/00_pod.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-$^W = 1;
-use Test::More;
-eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
-plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;
-all_pod_files_ok ();
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/01_utf8.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/01_utf8.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 442fc4091a0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/01_utf8.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 9 };
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use utf8;
-use JSON;
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->utf8 (1)->encode ("ü") eq "\"\xc3\xbc\"");
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->encode ("ü") eq "\"ü\"");
-SKIP: {
- skip "UNICODE handling is disabale.", 7 unless $JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8;
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->ascii (1)->utf8 (1)->encode (chr 0x8000) eq '"\u8000"');
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->ascii (1)->utf8 (1)->pretty (1)->encode (chr 0x10402) eq "\"\\ud801\\udc02\"\n");
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->utf8 (1)->decode ('"ü"') };
-ok $@ =~ /malformed UTF-8/;
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"ü"') eq "ü");
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\u00fc"') eq "ü");
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\ud801\udc02' . "\x{10204}\"") eq "\x{10402}\x{10204}");
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\"\n\\\\\r\t\f\b"') eq "\"\012\\\015\011\014\010");
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/02_error.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/02_error.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c757d357c8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/02_error.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 31 };
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use utf8;
-use JSON;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\-1]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\undef]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\2]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\{}]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\[]]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\\1]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\u1234\udc00"') }; ok $@ =~ /missing high /;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('"\ud800"') }; ok $@ =~ /missing low /;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\ud800\u1234"') }; ok $@ =~ /surrogate pair /;
-eval { JSON->new->decode ('null') }; ok $@ =~ /allow_nonref/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('+0') }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('.2') }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('bare') }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('naughty') }; ok $@ =~ /null/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('01') }; ok $@ =~ /leading zero/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('00') }; ok $@ =~ /leading zero/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('-0.') }; ok $@ =~ /decimal point/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('-0e') }; ok $@ =~ /exp sign/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('-e+1') }; ok $@ =~ /initial minus/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ("\"\n\"") }; ok $@ =~ /invalid character/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ("\"\x01\"") }; ok $@ =~ /invalid character/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode ('[5') }; ok $@ =~ /parsing array/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode ('{"5"') }; ok $@ =~ /':' expected/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode ('{"5":null') }; ok $@ =~ /parsing object/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode (undef) }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode (\5) }; ok !!$@; # Can't coerce readonly
-eval { JSON->new->decode ([]) }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode (\*STDERR) }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode (*STDERR) }; ok !!$@; # cannot coerce GLOB
-eval { decode_json ("\"\xa0") }; ok $@ =~ /malformed.*character/;
-eval { decode_json ("\"\xa0\"") }; ok $@ =~ /malformed.*character/;
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/03_types.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/03_types.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f22c09bcca5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/03_types.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 76 };
-use JSON;
-ok (!defined JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('null'));
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('true') == 1);
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('false') == 0);
-my $true = JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('true');
-ok ($true eq 1);
-ok (JSON::is_bool $true);
-my $false = JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('false');
-ok ($false == !$true);
-ok (JSON::is_bool $false);
-ok (++$false == 1);
-ok (!JSON::is_bool $false);
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('5') == 5);
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('-5') == -5);
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('5e1') == 50);
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('-333e+0') == -333);
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('2.5') == 2.5);
-ok (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('""') eq "");
-ok ('[1,2,3,4]' eq encode_json decode_json ('[1,2, 3,4]'));
-ok ('[{},[],[],{}]' eq encode_json decode_json ('[{},[], [ ] ,{ }]'));
-ok ('[{"1":[5]}]' eq encode_json [{1 => [5]}]);
-ok ('{"1":2,"3":4}' eq JSON->new->canonical (1)->encode (decode_json '{ "1" : 2, "3" : 4 }'));
-ok ('{"1":2,"3":1.2}' eq JSON->new->canonical (1)->encode (decode_json '{ "1" : 2, "3" : 1.2 }'));
-ok ('[true]' eq encode_json [JSON::true]);
-ok ('[false]' eq encode_json [JSON::false]);
-ok ('[true]' eq encode_json [\1]);
-ok ('[false]' eq encode_json [\0]);
-ok ('[null]' eq encode_json [undef]);
-ok ('[true]' eq encode_json [JSON::true]);
-ok ('[false]' eq encode_json [JSON::false]);
-for my $v (1, 2, 3, 5, -1, -2, -3, -4, 100, 1000, 10000, -999, -88, -7, 7, 88, 999, -1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8) {
- ok ($v == ((decode_json "[$v]")->[0]));
- ok ($v == ((decode_json encode_json [$v])->[0]));
-ok (30123 == ((decode_json encode_json [30123])->[0]));
-ok (32123 == ((decode_json encode_json [32123])->[0]));
-ok (32456 == ((decode_json encode_json [32456])->[0]));
-ok (32789 == ((decode_json encode_json [32789])->[0]));
-ok (32767 == ((decode_json encode_json [32767])->[0]));
-ok (32768 == ((decode_json encode_json [32768])->[0]));
-my @sparse; @sparse[0,3] = (1, 4);
-ok ("[1,null,null,4]" eq encode_json \@sparse);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/06_pc_pretty.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/06_pc_pretty.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c90e288114..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/06_pc_pretty.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::PC and modified to use JSON
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 9 };
-use JSON;
-my ($js,$obj,$json);
-my $pc = new JSON;
-$obj = {foo => "bar"};
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = [10, "hoge", {foo => "bar"}];
-$pc->pretty (1);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
- 10,
- "hoge",
- {
- "foo" : "bar"
- }
-$obj = { foo => [ {a=>"b"}, 0, 1, 2 ] };
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = { foo => [ {a=>"b"}, 0, 1, 2 ] };
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
- "foo" : [
- {
- "a" : "b"
- },
- 0,
- 1,
- 2
- ]
-$obj = { foo => [ {a=>"b"}, 0, 1, 2 ] };
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {foo => "bar"};
-$pc->indent(3); # original -- $pc->indent(1);
-is($pc->encode($obj), qq|{\n "foo":"bar"\n}\n|, "nospace");
-is($pc->encode($obj), qq|{\n "foo": "bar"\n}\n|, "after");
-is($pc->encode($obj), qq|{\n "foo" : "bar"\n}\n|, "both");
-is($pc->encode($obj), qq|{\n "foo" :"bar"\n}\n|, "before");
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/07_pc_esc.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/07_pc_esc.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d5158019ab8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/07_pc_esc.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# このファイルのエンコーディングはUTF-8
-# copied over from JSON::PC and modified to use JSON
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 17 };
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use utf8;
-use JSON;
-my ($js,$obj,$str);
-my $pc = new JSON;
-$obj = {test => qq|abc"def|};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {qq|te"st| => qq|abc"def|};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => qq|abc/def|}; # / => \/
-$str = $pc->encode($obj); # but since version 0.99
-is($str,q|{"test":"abc/def"}|); # this handling is deleted.
-$obj = $pc->decode($str);
-$obj = {test => q|abc\def|};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => "abc\bdef"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => "abc\fdef"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => "abc\ndef"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => "abc\rdef"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => "abc-def"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => "abc(def"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => "abc\\def"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {test => "あいうえお"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = {"あいうえお" => "かきくけこ"};
-$str = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = $pc->decode(q|{"id":"abc\ndef"}|);
-$obj = $pc->decode(q|{"id":"abc\\\ndef"}|);
-$obj = $pc->decode(q|{"id":"abc\\\\\ndef"}|);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/08_pc_base.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/08_pc_base.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ca060920c4b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/08_pc_base.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-# copied over from JSON::PC and modified to use JSON
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 20 };
-use JSON;
-my ($js,$obj);
-my $pc = new JSON;
-$js = q|{}|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'{}', '{}');
-$js = q|[]|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'[]', '[]');
-$js = q|{"foo":"bar"}|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'{"foo":"bar"}', '{"foo":"bar"}');
-$js = q|{"foo":""}|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'{"foo":""}', '{"foo":""}');
-$js = q|{"foo":" "}|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'{"foo":" "}' ,'{"foo":" "}');
-$js = q|{"foo":"0"}|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'{"foo":"0"}',q|{"foo":"0"} - autoencode (default)|);
-$js = q|{"foo":"0 0"}|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'{"foo":"0 0"}','{"foo":"0 0"}');
-$js = q|[1,2,3]|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-$js = q|{"foo":{"bar":"hoge"}}|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-$js = q|[{"foo":[1,2,3]},-0.12,{"a":"b"}]|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-$obj = ["\x01"];
-is($js = $pc->encode($obj),'["\\u0001"]');
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$obj = ["\e"];
-is($js = $pc->encode($obj),'["\\u001b"]');
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-$js = '{"id":"}';
-eval q{ $pc->decode($js) };
-like($@, qr/unexpected end/i);
-$obj = { foo => sub { "bar" } };
-eval q{ $js = $pc->encode($obj) };
-like($@, qr/JSON can only/i, 'invalid value (coderef)');
-#$obj = { foo => bless {}, "Hoge" };
-#eval q{ $js = $pc->encode($obj) };
-#like($@, qr/JSON can only/i, 'invalid value (blessd object)');
-$obj = { foo => \$js };
-eval q{ $js = $pc->encode($obj) };
-like($@, qr/cannot encode reference/i, 'invalid value (ref)');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/09_pc_extra_number.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/09_pc_extra_number.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ce60ee59cfb..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/09_pc_extra_number.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::PC and modified to use JSON
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 };
-use JSON;
-my ($js,$obj);
-my $pc = new JSON;
-$js = '{"foo":0}';
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->{foo}, 0, "normal 0");
-$js = '{"foo":0.1}';
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->{foo}, 0.1, "normal 0.1");
-$js = '{"foo":10}';
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->{foo}, 10, "normal 10");
-$js = '{"foo":-10}';
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->{foo}, -10, "normal -10");
-$js = '{"foo":0, "bar":0.1}';
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->{foo},0, "normal 0");
-is($obj->{bar},0.1,"normal 0.1");
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/10_pc_keysort.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/10_pc_keysort.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 823e5a6842a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/10_pc_keysort.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::PC and modified to use JSON
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 1 };
-use JSON;
-my ($js,$obj);
-my $pc = JSON->new->canonical(1);
-$obj = {a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, d=>4, e=>5, f=>6, g=>7, h=>8, i=>9};
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js, q|{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5,"f":6,"g":7,"h":8,"i":9}|);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/11_pc_expo.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/11_pc_expo.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e587d8c103..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/11_pc_expo.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::PC and modified to use JSON
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 8 };
-use JSON;
-my ($js,$obj);
-my $pc = new JSON;
-$js = q|[-12.34]|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->[0], -12.34, 'digit -12.34');
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'[-12.34]', 'digit -12.34');
-$js = q|[-1.234e5]|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->[0], -123400, 'digit -1.234e5');
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-is($js,'[-123400]', 'digit -1.234e5');
-$js = q|[1.23E-4]|;
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->[0], 0.000123, 'digit 1.23E-4');
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-if ( $js =~ /\[1/ ) { # for 5.6.2 on Darwin 8.10.0
- like($js, qr/[1.23[eE]-04]/, 'digit 1.23E-4');
-else {
- is($js,'[0.000123]', 'digit 1.23E-4');
-$js = q|[1.01e+67]|; # 30 -> 67 ... patched by H.Merijn Brand
-$obj = $pc->decode($js);
-is($obj->[0], 1.01e+67, 'digit 1.01e+67');
-$js = $pc->encode($obj);
-like($js,qr/\[1.01[Ee]\+0?67\]/, 'digit 1.01e+67');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/12_blessed.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/12_blessed.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd79077965..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/12_blessed.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 16 };
-use JSON;
-my $o1 = bless { a => 3 }, "XX";
-my $o2 = bless \(my $dummy = 1), "YY";
-sub XX::TO_JSON {
- {'__',""}
-my $js = JSON->new;
-eval { $js->encode ($o1) }; ok ($@ =~ /allow_blessed/);
-eval { $js->encode ($o2) }; ok ($@ =~ /allow_blessed/);
-ok ($js->encode ($o1) eq "null");
-ok ($js->encode ($o2) eq "null");
-ok ($js->encode ($o1) eq '{"__":""}');
-ok ($js->encode ($o2) eq "null");
-$js->filter_json_object (sub { 5 });
-$js->filter_json_single_key_object (a => sub { shift });
-$js->filter_json_single_key_object (b => sub { 7 });
-ok ("ARRAY" eq ref $js->decode ("[]"));
-ok (5 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{}]') });
-ok (6 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{"a":6}]') });
-ok (5 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{"a":4,"b":7}]') });
-ok (7 == $js->decode ('[{"a":4,"b":7}]')->[0]{b});
-ok (3 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{"a":3}]') });
-$js->filter_json_object (sub { });
-ok (7 == $js->decode ('[{"a":4,"b":7}]')->[0]{b});
-ok (9 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{"a":9}]') });
-$js->filter_json_single_key_object ("a");
-ok (4 == $js->decode ('[{"a":4}]')->[0]{a});
-#$js->filter_json_single_key_object (a => sub {});
-$js->filter_json_single_key_object (a => sub { return; }); # sub {} is not suitable for Perl 5.6
-ok (4 == $js->decode ('[{"a":4}]')->[0]{a});
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/13_limit.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/13_limit.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ca8b0c363b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/13_limit.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };
-use JSON;
-my $def = 512;
-my $js = JSON->new;
- local $^W = undef; # avoid for warning 'Deep recursion on subroutin'
-ok (!eval { $js->decode (("[" x ($def + 1)) . ("]" x ($def + 1))) });
-ok (ref $js->decode (("[" x $def) . ("]" x $def)));
-ok (ref $js->decode (("{\"\":" x ($def - 1)) . "[]" . ("}" x ($def - 1))));
-ok (!eval { $js->decode (("{\"\":" x $def) . "[]" . ("}" x $def)) });
-ok (ref $js->max_depth (32)->decode (("[" x 32) . ("]" x 32)));
-ok ($js->max_depth(1)->encode ([]));
-ok (!eval { $js->encode ([[]]), 1 });
-ok ($js->max_depth(2)->encode ([{}]));
-ok (!eval { $js->encode ([[{}]]), 1 });
-ok (eval { ref $js->max_size (8)->decode ("[ ]") });
-eval { $js->max_size (8)->decode ("[ ]") }; ok ($@ =~ /max_size/);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/14_latin1.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/14_latin1.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 238a88b9c34..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/14_latin1.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 4 };
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use JSON;
-SKIP: {
- skip "UNICODE handling is disabale.", 4 unless $JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8;
-my $xs = JSON->new->latin1->allow_nonref;
-ok $xs->encode ("\x{12}\x{89} ") eq "\"\\u0012\x{89} \"";
-ok $xs->encode ("\x{12}\x{89}\x{abc}") eq "\"\\u0012\x{89}\\u0abc\"";
-ok $xs->decode ("\"\\u0012\x{89}\"" ) eq "\x{12}\x{89}";
-ok $xs->decode ("\"\\u0012\x{89}\\u0abc\"") eq "\x{12}\x{89}\x{abc}";
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/15_prefix.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/15_prefix.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 3071be277f8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/15_prefix.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..4\n"; }
-use JSON;
-my $xs = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-eval { $xs->decode ("[] ") };
-print $@ ? "not " : "", "ok 1\n";
-eval { $xs->decode ("[] x") };
-print $@ ? "" : "not ", "ok 2\n";
-print 2 == ($xs->decode_prefix ("[][]"))[1] ? "" : "not ", "ok 3\n";
-print 3 == ($xs->decode_prefix ("[1] t"))[1] ? "" : "not ", "ok 4\n";
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/16_tied.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/16_tied.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 50d7272b4b2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/16_tied.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
-use JSON;
-use Tie::Hash;
-use Tie::Array;
-my $js = JSON->new;
-tie my %h, 'Tie::StdHash';
-%h = (a => 1);
-ok ($js->encode (\%h) eq '{"a":1}');
-tie my @a, 'Tie::StdArray';
-@a = (1, 2);
-ok ($js->encode (\@a) eq '[1,2]');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/17_relaxed.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/17_relaxed.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e87a966593f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/17_relaxed.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 8 };
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use utf8;
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new->relaxed;
-ok ('[1,2,3]' eq encode_json $json->decode (' [1,2, 3]'));
-ok ('[1,2,4]' eq encode_json $json->decode ('[1,2, 4 , ]'));
-ok (!eval { $json->decode ('[1,2, 3,4,,]') });
-ok (!eval { $json->decode ('[,1]') });
-ok ('{"1":2}' eq encode_json $json->decode (' {"1":2}'));
-ok ('{"1":2}' eq encode_json $json->decode ('{"1":2,}'));
-ok (!eval { $json->decode ('{,}') });
-ok ('[1,2]' eq encode_json $json->decode ("[1#,2\n ,2,# ] \n\t]"));
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/18_json_checker.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/18_json_checker.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9945abeb2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/18_json_checker.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# use the testsuite from
-# except for fail18.json, as we do not support a depth of 20 (but 16 and 32).
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-#no warnings;
-local $^W = undef;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 39 };
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new->utf8->max_depth(32)->canonical;
-binmode DATA;
-my $num = 1;
-for (;;) {
- $/ = "\n# ";
- chomp (my $test = <DATA>)
- or last;
- $/ = "\n";
- my $name = <DATA>;
- if (my $perl = eval { $json->decode ($test) }) {
- ok ($name =~ /^pass/, $name);
-#print $json->encode ($perl), "\n";
- is ($json->encode ($json->decode ($json->encode ($perl))), $json->encode ($perl));
- } else {
- ok ($name =~ /^fail/, "$name ($@)");
- }
-"A JSON payload should be an object or array, not a string."
-# fail1.json
-{"Extra value after close": true} "misplaced quoted value"
-# fail10.json
-{"Illegal expression": 1 + 2}
-# fail11.json
-{"Illegal invocation": alert()}
-# fail12.json
-{"Numbers cannot have leading zeroes": 013}
-# fail13.json
-{"Numbers cannot be hex": 0x14}
-# fail14.json
-["Illegal backslash escape: \x15"]
-# fail15.json
-# fail16.json
-["Illegal backslash escape: \017"]
-# fail17.json
-[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[["Too deep"]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
-# fail18.json
-{"Missing colon" null}
-# fail19.json
-["Unclosed array"
-# fail2.json
-{"Double colon":: null}
-# fail20.json
-{"Comma instead of colon", null}
-# fail21.json
-["Colon instead of comma": false]
-# fail22.json
-["Bad value", truth]
-# fail23.json
-['single quote']
-# fail24.json
-[" tab character in string "]
-# fail25.json
-["tab\ character\ in\ string\ "]
-# fail26.json
-# fail27.json
-# fail28.json
-# fail29.json
-{unquoted_key: "keys must be quoted"}
-# fail3.json
-# fail30.json
-# fail31.json
-{"Comma instead if closing brace": true,
-# fail32.json
-# fail33.json
-["extra comma",]
-# fail4.json
-["double extra comma",,]
-# fail5.json
-[ , "<-- missing value"]
-# fail6.json
-["Comma after the close"],
-# fail7.json
-["Extra close"]]
-# fail8.json
-{"Extra comma": true,}
-# fail9.json
- "JSON Test Pattern pass1",
- {"object with 1 member":["array with 1 element"]},
- {},
- [],
- -42,
- true,
- false,
- null,
- {
- "integer": 1234567890,
- "real": -9876.543210,
- "e": 0.123456789e-12,
- "E": 1.234567890E+34,
- "": 23456789012E66,
- "zero": 0,
- "one": 1,
- "space": " ",
- "quote": "\"",
- "backslash": "\\",
- "controls": "\b\f\n\r\t",
- "slash": "/ & \/",
- "alpha": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz",
- "digit": "0123456789",
- "0123456789": "digit",
- "special": "`1~!@#$%^&*()_+-={':[,]}|;.</>?",
- "hex": "\u0123\u4567\u89AB\uCDEF\uabcd\uef4A",
- "true": true,
- "false": false,
- "null": null,
- "array":[ ],
- "object":{ },
- "address": "50 St. James Street",
- "url": "",
- "comment": "// /* <!-- --",
- "# -- --> */": " ",
- " s p a c e d " :[1,2 , 3
-4 , 5 , 6 ,7 ],"compact":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
- "jsontext": "{\"object with 1 member\":[\"array with 1 element\"]}",
- "quotes": "&#34; \u0022 %22 0x22 034 &#x22;",
- "\/\\\"\uCAFE\uBABE\uAB98\uFCDE\ubcda\uef4A\b\f\n\r\t`1~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:',./<>?"
-: "A key can be any string"
- },
- 0.5 ,98.6
-# pass1.json
-[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[["Not too deep"]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
-# pass2.json
- "JSON Test Pattern pass3": {
- "The outermost value": "must be an object or array.",
- "In this test": "It is an object."
- }
-# pass3.json
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/19_incr.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/19_incr.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 771a01ace26..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/19_incr.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 697 };
-use JSON;
-if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
-eval <<'TEST' or die "Failed to eval test code for version $]: $@";
-sub splitter {
- my ($coder, $text) = @_;
- $coder->canonical(1) if $] >= 5.017009;
- for (0 .. length $text) {
- my $a = substr $text, 0, $_;
- my $b = substr $text, $_;
- $coder->incr_parse ($a);
- $coder->incr_parse ($b);
- my $data = $coder->incr_parse;
- ok ($data);
- is ($coder->encode ($data), $coder->encode ($coder->decode ($text)), "data");
- ok ($coder->incr_text =~ /^\s*$/, "tailws");
- }
-splitter +JSON->new , ' ["x\\"","\\u1000\\\\n\\nx",1,{"\\\\" :5 , "": "x"}]';
-splitter +JSON->new , '[ "x\\"","\\u1000\\\\n\\nx" , 1,{"\\\\ " :5 , "": " x"} ] ';
-splitter +JSON->new->allow_nonref, '"test"';
-splitter +JSON->new->allow_nonref, ' "5" ';
- my $text = '[5],{"":1} , [ 1,2, 3], {"3":null}';
- my $coder = new JSON;
- for (0 .. length $text) {
- my $a = substr $text, 0, $_;
- my $b = substr $text, $_;
- $coder->incr_parse ($a);
- $coder->incr_parse ($b);
- my $j1 = $coder->incr_parse; ok ($coder->incr_text =~ s/^\s*,//, "cskip1");
- my $j2 = $coder->incr_parse; ok ($coder->incr_text =~ s/^\s*,//, "cskip2");
- my $j3 = $coder->incr_parse; ok ($coder->incr_text =~ s/^\s*,//, "cskip3");
- my $j4 = $coder->incr_parse; ok ($coder->incr_text !~ s/^\s*,//, "cskip4");
- my $j5 = $coder->incr_parse; ok ($coder->incr_text !~ s/^\s*,//, "cskip5");
- ok ('[5]' eq encode_json $j1, "cjson1");
- ok ('{"":1}' eq encode_json $j2, "cjson2");
- ok ('[1,2,3]' eq encode_json $j3, "cjson3");
- ok ('{"3":null}' eq encode_json $j4, "cjson4");
- ok (!defined $j5, "cjson5");
- }
- my $text = '[x][5]';
- my $coder = new JSON;
- $coder->incr_parse ($text);
- ok (!eval { $coder->incr_parse }, "sparse1");
- ok (!eval { $coder->incr_parse }, "sparse2");
- $coder->incr_skip;
- ok ('[5]' eq $coder->encode (scalar $coder->incr_parse), "sparse3");
-else {
-eval <<'TEST' or die "Failed to eval test code for version $]: $@";
-my $incr_text;
-sub splitter {
- my ($coder, $text) = @_;
- for (0 .. length $text) {
- my $a = substr $text, 0, $_;
- my $b = substr $text, $_;
- $coder->incr_parse ($a);
- $coder->incr_parse ($b);
- my $data = $coder->incr_parse;
- ok ($data);
- ok ($coder->encode ($data) eq $coder->encode ($coder->decode ($text)), "data");
- ok (($incr_text = $coder->incr_text) =~ /^\s*$/, "tailws");
- }
-splitter +JSON->new , ' ["x\\"","\\u1000\\\\n\\nx",1,{"\\\\" :5 , "": "x"}]';
-splitter +JSON->new , '[ "x\\"","\\u1000\\\\n\\nx" , 1,{"\\\\ " :5 , "": " x"} ] ';
-splitter +JSON->new->allow_nonref, '"test"';
-splitter +JSON->new->allow_nonref, ' "5" ';
- my $text = '[5],{"":1} , [ 1,2, 3], {"3":null}';
- my $coder = new JSON;
- for (0 .. length $text) {
- my $a = substr $text, 0, $_;
- my $b = substr $text, $_;
- $coder->incr_parse ($a);
- $coder->incr_parse ($b);
- my $j1 = $coder->incr_parse; ok ( $coder->incr_text( ($incr_text = $coder->incr_text) =~ s/^\s*,// and $incr_text ), "cskip1");
- my $j2 = $coder->incr_parse; ok ( $coder->incr_text( ($incr_text = $coder->incr_text) =~ s/^\s*,// and $incr_text ), "cskip2");
- my $j3 = $coder->incr_parse; ok ( $coder->incr_text( ($incr_text = $coder->incr_text) =~ s/^\s*,// and $incr_text ), "cskip3");
- my $j4 = $coder->incr_parse; ok (($incr_text = $coder->incr_text) !~ s/^\s*,//, "cskip4");
- my $j5 = $coder->incr_parse; ok (($incr_text = $coder->incr_text) !~ s/^\s*,//, "cskip5");
- ok ('[5]' eq encode_json $j1, "cjson1");
- ok ('{"":1}' eq encode_json $j2, "cjson2");
- ok ('[1,2,3]' eq encode_json $j3, "cjson3");
- ok ('{"3":null}' eq encode_json $j4, "cjson4");
- ok (!defined $j5, "cjson5");
- }
- my $text = '[x][5]';
- my $coder = new JSON;
- $coder->incr_parse ($text);
- ok (!eval { $coder->incr_parse }, "sparse1");
- ok (!eval { $coder->incr_parse }, "sparse2");
- $coder->incr_skip;
- ok ('[5]' eq $coder->encode (scalar $coder->incr_parse), "sparse3");
-} # for 5.005
- my $coder = JSON->new->max_size (5);
- ok (!$coder->incr_parse ("[ "), "incsize1");
- eval q{ !$coder->incr_parse ("] ") }; ok ($@ =~ /6 bytes/, "incsize2 $@");
- my $coder = JSON->new->max_depth (3);
- ok (!$coder->incr_parse ("[[["), "incdepth1");
- eval q{ !$coder->incr_parse (" [] ") }; ok ($@ =~ /maximum nesting/, "incdepth2 $@");
- my $coder = JSON->new;
- my $res = eval { $coder->incr_parse("]") };
- my $e = $@; # test more clobbers $@, we need it twice
- ok(!$res, "unbalanced bracket" );
- ok($e, "got error");
- like( $e, qr/malformed/, "malformed json string error" );
- $coder->incr_skip;
- is_deeply(eval { $coder->incr_parse("[42]") }, [42], "valid data after incr_skip");
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/20_unknown.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/20_unknown.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 7686929ee0a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/20_unknown.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 10 };
-use strict;
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new;
-eval q| $json->encode( [ sub {} ] ) |;
-ok( $@ =~ /encountered CODE/, $@ );
-eval q| $json->encode( [ \-1 ] ) |;
-ok( $@ =~ /cannot encode reference to scalar/, $@ );
-eval q| $json->encode( [ \undef ] ) |;
-ok( $@ =~ /cannot encode reference to scalar/, $@ );
-eval q| $json->encode( [ \{} ] ) |;
-ok( $@ =~ /cannot encode reference to scalar/, $@ );
-is( $json->encode( [ sub {} ] ), '[null]' );
-is( $json->encode( [ \-1 ] ), '[null]' );
-is( $json->encode( [ \undef ] ), '[null]' );
-is( $json->encode( [ \{} ] ), '[null]' );
-SKIP: {
- skip "this test is for Perl 5.8 or later", 2 if( $] < 5.008 );
-my $fh;
-open( $fh, '>hoge.txt' ) or die $!;
-eval q| $json->encode( [ $fh ] ) |;
-ok( $@ =~ /encountered GLOB/, $@ );
-is( $json->encode( [ $fh ] ), '[null]' );
-close $fh;
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/21_evans_bugrep.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/21_evans_bugrep.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e6200da67e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/21_evans_bugrep.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 };
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use JSON;
-print JSON->backend, "\t", JSON->backend->VERSION, "\n";
-my $data = ["\x{3042}\x{3044}\x{3046}\x{3048}\x{304a}",
- "\x{304b}\x{304d}\x{304f}\x{3051}\x{3053}"];
-my $j = new JSON;
-my $js = $j->encode($data);
-$j = undef;
-my @parts = (substr($js, 0, int(length($js) / 2)),
- substr($js, int(length($js) / 2)));
-$j = JSON->new;
-my $object = $j->incr_parse($parts[0]);
-ok( !defined $object );
-eval {
- $j->incr_text;
-like( $@, qr/incr_text can not be called when the incremental parser already started parsing/ );
-$object = $j->incr_parse($parts[1]);
-ok( defined $object );
-is( $object->[0], $data->[0] );
-is( $object->[1], $data->[1] );
-eval {
- $j->incr_text;
-ok( !$@ );
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/22_comment_at_eof.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/22_comment_at_eof.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a388a78d78c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/22_comment_at_eof.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# the oritinal test case was provided by
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 13;
-use JSON;
-use Data::Dumper qw( Dumper );
-sub decoder {
- my ($str) = @_;
- my $json = JSON->new->relaxed;
- $json->incr_parse($_[0]);
- my $rv;
- if (!eval { $rv = $json->incr_parse(); 1 }) {
- $rv = "died with $@";
- }
- local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
- local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
- local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
- return Dumper($rv);
-is( decoder( "[]" ), '[]', 'array baseline' );
-is( decoder( " []" ), '[]', 'space ignored before array' );
-is( decoder( "\n[]" ), '[]', 'newline ignored before array' );
-is( decoder( "# foo\n[]" ), '[]', 'comment ignored before array' );
-is( decoder( "# fo[o\n[]"), '[]', 'comment ignored before array' );
-is( decoder( "# fo]o\n[]"), '[]', 'comment ignored before array' );
-is( decoder( "[# fo]o\n]"), '[]', 'comment ignored inside array' );
-is( decoder( "" ), 'undef', 'eof baseline' );
-is( decoder( " " ), 'undef', 'space ignored before eof' );
-is( decoder( "\n" ), 'undef', 'newline ignored before eof' );
-is( decoder( "#,foo\n" ), 'undef', 'comment ignored before eof' );
-is( decoder( "# []o\n" ), 'undef', 'comment ignored before eof' );
-is( decoder( qq/#\n[#foo\n"#\\n"#\n]/), '["#\n"]', 'array and string in multiple lines' );
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/99_binary.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/99_binary.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 254b08ea7fa..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/99_binary.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2432 };
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use JSON;
-SKIP: {
- skip "UNICODE handling is disabale.", 2432 unless $JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8;
-sub test($) {
- my $js;
- $js = JSON->new->allow_nonref(0)->utf8->ascii->shrink->encode ([$_[0]]);
- ok ($_[0] eq ((decode_json $js)->[0]));
- $js = JSON->new->allow_nonref(0)->utf8->ascii->encode ([$_[0]]);
- ok ($_[0] eq (JSON->new->utf8->shrink->decode($js))->[0]);
- $js = JSON->new->allow_nonref(0)->utf8->shrink->encode ([$_[0]]);
- ok ($_[0] eq ((decode_json $js)->[0]));
- $js = JSON->new->allow_nonref(1)->utf8->encode ([$_[0]]);
- ok ($_[0] eq (JSON->new->utf8->shrink->decode($js))->[0]);
- $js = JSON->new->allow_nonref(1)->ascii->encode ([$_[0]]);
- ok ($_[0] eq JSON->new->decode ($js)->[0]);
- $js = JSON->new->allow_nonref(0)->ascii->encode ([$_[0]]);
- ok ($_[0] eq JSON->new->shrink->decode ($js)->[0]);
- $js = JSON->new->allow_nonref(1)->shrink->encode ([$_[0]]);
- ok ($_[0] eq JSON->new->decode ($js)->[0]);
- $js = JSON->new->allow_nonref(0)->encode ([$_[0]]);
- ok ($_[0] eq JSON->new->shrink->decode ($js)->[0]);
-srand 0; # doesn't help too much, but its at least more deterministic
-#for (1..768) {
-for (1..64, 125..129, 255..257, 512, 704, 736, 768) {
- test join "", map chr ($_ & 255), 0..$_;
- test join "", map chr rand 255, 0..$_;
- test join "", map chr ($_ * 97 & ~0x4000), 0..$_;
- test join "", map chr (rand (2**20) & ~0x800), 0..$_;
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/ b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e0861d2e4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#package utf8;
-package _unicode_handling;
-# this is a dummy pragma for 5.005.
- if ($] < 5.006) {
- $INC{''} = './';
- eval q|
- sub utf8::import { }
- sub utf8::unimport { }
- |;
- $JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8 = 0;
- }
- else {
- $JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8 = 1;
- if ($] > 5.007 and $] < 5.008003) {
-# $JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8 = 0;
- }
- }
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e00_func.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e00_func.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c291d059afe..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e00_func.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new;
-my $js = 'abc';
-is(to_json($js, {allow_nonref => 1}), '"abc"');
-is(from_json('"abc"', {allow_nonref => 1}), 'abc');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e01_property.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e01_property.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 2418ff354ad..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e01_property.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 90 };
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use JSON;
-my @simples =
- qw/utf8 indent canonical space_before space_after allow_nonref shrink allow_blessed
- convert_blessed relaxed
- /;
-if ($JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8) {
- unshift @simples, 'ascii';
- unshift @simples, 'latin1';
-SKIP: {
- skip "UNICODE handling is disabale.", 14 unless $JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8;
-my $json = new JSON;
-for my $name (@simples) {
- my $method = 'get_' . $name;
- ok(! $json->$method(), $method . ' default');
- $json->$name();
- ok($json->$method(), $method . ' set true');
- $json->$name(0);
- ok(! $json->$method(), $method . ' set false');
- $json->$name();
- ok($json->$method(), $method . ' set true again');
-ok($json->get_max_depth == 512, 'get_max_depth default');
-ok($json->get_max_depth == 7, 'get_max_depth set 7 => 7');
-ok($json->get_max_depth != 0, 'get_max_depth no arg');
-ok($json->get_max_size == 0, 'get_max_size default');
-ok($json->get_max_size == 7, 'get_max_size set 7 => 7');
-ok($json->get_max_size == 0, 'get_max_size no arg');
-for my $name (@simples) {
- $json->$name();
- ok($json->property($name), $name);
- $json->$name(0);
- ok(! $json->property($name), $name);
- $json->$name();
- ok($json->property($name), $name);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e02_bool.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e02_bool.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b7eb0d5d1..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e02_bool.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };
-use JSON;
-my $json = new JSON;
-is($json->encode([!1]), '[""]');
-is($json->encode([!!2]), '["1"]');
-is($json->encode([ 'a' eq 'b' ]), '[""]');
-is($json->encode([ 'a' eq 'a' ]), '["1"]');
-is($json->encode([ ('a' eq 'b') + 1 ]), '[1]');
-is($json->encode([ ('a' eq 'a') + 1 ]), '[2]');
-ok(JSON::true eq 'true');
-ok(JSON::true eq '1');
-ok(JSON::true == 1);
-isa_ok(JSON::true, JSON->backend . '::Boolean');
-isa_ok(JSON::true, 'JSON::Boolean');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e03_bool2.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e03_bool2.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 9daee6bbf52..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e03_bool2.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 26 };
-use JSON;
-is(to_json([JSON::true]), q|[true]|);
-is(to_json([JSON::false]), q|[false]|);
-is(to_json([JSON::null]), q|[null]|);
-my $jsontext = q|[true,false,null]|;
-my $obj = from_json($jsontext);
-isa_ok($obj->[0], 'JSON::Boolean');
-isa_ok($obj->[1], 'JSON::Boolean');
-ok(!defined $obj->[2], 'null is undef');
-ok($obj->[0] == 1);
-ok($obj->[0] != 0);
-ok($obj->[1] == 0);
-ok($obj->[1] != 1);
-ok($obj->[0] eq 'true', 'eq true');
-ok($obj->[0] ne 'false', 'ne false');
-ok($obj->[1] eq 'false', 'eq false');
-ok($obj->[1] ne 'true', 'ne true');
-ok($obj->[0] eq $obj->[0]);
-ok($obj->[0] ne $obj->[1]);
-ok(JSON::true eq 'true');
-ok(JSON::true ne 'false');
-ok(JSON::true ne 'null');
-ok(JSON::false eq 'false');
-ok(JSON::false ne 'true');
-ok(JSON::false ne 'null');
-ok(!defined JSON::null);
-is(from_json('[true]' )->[0], JSON::true);
-is(from_json('[false]')->[0], JSON::false);
-is(from_json('[null]' )->[0], JSON::null);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e04_sortby.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e04_sortby.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 853b2603562..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e04_sortby.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
-use JSON;
-my ($js,$obj);
-my $pc = JSON->new;
-$obj = {a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, d=>4, e=>5, f=>6, g=>7, h=>8, i=>9};
-$js = $pc->sort_by(1)->encode($obj);
-is($js, q|{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5,"f":6,"g":7,"h":8,"i":9}|);
-$js = $pc->sort_by(sub { $JSON::PP::a cmp $JSON::PP::b })->encode($obj);
-is($js, q|{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5,"f":6,"g":7,"h":8,"i":9}|);
-$js = $pc->sort_by('hoge')->encode($obj);
-is($js, q|{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5,"f":6,"g":7,"h":8,"i":9}|);
-sub JSON::PP::hoge { $JSON::PP::a cmp $JSON::PP::b }
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e05_esc_slash.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e05_esc_slash.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e50cb0a64c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e05_esc_slash.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-my $js = '/';
-is($json->encode($js), '"/"');
-is($json->escape_slash->encode($js), '"\/"');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e06_allow_barekey.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e06_allow_barekey.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aad65d8b7e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e06_allow_barekey.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-eval q| $json->decode('{foo:"bar"}') |;
-ok($@); # in XS and PP, the error message differs.
-is($json->decode('{foo:"bar"}')->{foo}, 'bar');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e07_allow_singlequote.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e07_allow_singlequote.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5591fc4f67d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e07_allow_singlequote.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 4 };
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-eval q| $json->decode("{'foo':'bar'}") |;
-ok($@); # in XS and PP, the error message differs.
-is($json->decode(q|{'foo':"bar"}|)->{foo}, 'bar');
-is($json->decode(q|{'foo':'bar'}|)->{foo}, 'bar');
-is($json->allow_barekey->decode(q|{foo:'bar'}|)->{foo}, 'bar');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e08_decode.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e08_decode.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 3782dfd8832..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e08_decode.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# decode on Perl 5.005, 5.6, 5.8 or later
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 };
-use JSON;
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-no utf8;
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-is($json->decode(q|"ü"|), "ü"); # utf8
-is($json->decode(q|"\u00fc"|), "\xfc"); # latin1
-is($json->decode(q|"\u00c3\u00bc"|), "\xc3\xbc"); # utf8
-my $str = 'あ'; # Japanese 'a' in utf8
-is($json->decode(q|"\u00e3\u0081\u0082"|), $str);
-utf8::decode($str); # usually UTF-8 flagged on, but no-op for 5.005.
-is($json->decode(q|"\u3042"|), $str);
-my $utf8 = $json->decode(q|"\ud808\udf45"|); # chr 12345
-utf8::encode($utf8); # UTf-8 flaged off
-is($utf8, "\xf0\x92\x8d\x85");
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e09_encode.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e09_encode.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 05acb15fb26..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e09_encode.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# decode on Perl 5.005, 5.6, 5.8 or later
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 7 };
-use JSON;
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-no utf8;
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-is($json->encode("ü"), q|"ü"|); # as is
-is($json->encode("\xfc"), q|"\u00fc"|); # latin1
-is($json->encode("\xc3\xbc"), q|"\u00c3\u00bc"|); # utf8
-is($json->encode("ü"), q|"\u00c3\u00bc"|); # utf8
-is($json->encode('あ'), q|"\u00e3\u0081\u0082"|);
-if ($] >= 5.006) {
- is($json->encode(chr hex 3042 ), q|"\u3042"|);
- is($json->encode(chr hex 12345 ), q|"\ud808\udf45"|);
-else {
- is($json->encode(chr hex 3042 ), $json->encode(chr 66));
- is($json->encode(chr hex 12345 ), $json->encode(chr 69));
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e10_bignum.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e10_bignum.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5774f7d20ae..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e10_bignum.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 };
-use JSON -support_by_pp;
-eval q| require Math::BigInt |;
-SKIP: {
- skip "Can't load Math::BigInt.", 6 if ($@);
- my $v = Math::BigInt->VERSION;
- $v =~ s/_.+$// if $v;
-my $fix = !$v ? '+'
- : $v < 1.6 ? '+'
- : '';
-my $json = new JSON;
-my $num = $json->decode(q|100000000000000000000000000000000000000|);
-isa_ok($num, 'Math::BigInt');
-is("$num", $fix . '100000000000000000000000000000000000000');
-is($json->encode($num), $fix . '100000000000000000000000000000000000000');
-$num = $json->decode(q|2.0000000000000000001|);
-isa_ok($num, 'Math::BigFloat');
-is("$num", '2.0000000000000000001');
-is($json->encode($num), '2.0000000000000000001');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e11_conv_blessed_univ.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e11_conv_blessed_univ.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 18d09d43fb0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e11_conv_blessed_univ.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
-use JSON -convert_blessed_universally;
-my $obj = Test->new( [ 1, 2, {foo => 'bar'} ] );
-$obj->[3] = Test2->new( { a => 'b' } );
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_blessed->convert_blessed;
-is( $json->encode( $obj ), '[1,2,{"foo":"bar"},"hoge"]' );
-is( $json->encode( $obj ), 'null' );
-is( $json->encode( $obj ), '[1,2,{"foo":"bar"},"hoge"]' );
-package Test;
-sub new {
- bless $_[1], $_[0];
-package Test2;
-sub new {
- bless $_[1], $_[0];
-sub TO_JSON {
- "hoge";
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e12_upgrade.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e12_upgrade.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 820eed8be9b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e12_upgrade.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
-use JSON;
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref->utf8;
-my $str = '\\u00c8';
-my $value = $json->decode( '"\\u00c8"' );
-#use Devel::Peek;
-#Dump( $value );
-is( $value, chr 0xc8 );
-SKIP: {
- skip "UNICODE handling is disabale.", 1 unless $JSON::can_handle_UTF16_and_utf8;
- ok( utf8::is_utf8( $value ) );
-eval { $json->decode( '"' . chr(0xc8) . '"' ) };
-ok( $@ =~ /malformed UTF-8 character in JSON string/ );
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e13_overloaded_eq.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e13_overloaded_eq.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 2956aac0521..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e13_overloaded_eq.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
- $ENV{ PERL_JSON_BACKEND } = "JSON::backportPP";
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new->convert_blessed;
-my $obj = OverloadedObject->new( 'foo' );
-ok( $obj eq 'foo' );
-is( $json->encode( [ $obj ] ), q{["foo"]} );
-# #64783
-my $foo = bless {}, 'Foo';
-my $bar = bless {}, 'Bar';
-eval q{ $json->encode( $foo ) };
-eval q{ $json->encode( $bar ) };
-package Foo;
-use strict;
-use overload (
- 'eq' => sub { 0 },
- '""' => sub { $_[0] },
- fallback => 1,
-sub TO_JSON {
- return $_[0];
-package Bar;
-use strict;
-use overload (
- 'eq' => sub { 0 },
- '""' => sub { $_[0] },
- fallback => 1,
-sub TO_JSON {
- return overload::StrVal($_[0]);
-package OverloadedObject;
-use overload 'eq' => sub { $_[0]->{v} eq $_[1] }, '""' => sub { $_[0]->{v} }, fallback => 1;
-sub new {
- bless { v => $_[1] }, $_[0];
-sub TO_JSON { "$_[0]"; }
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e14_decode_prefix.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e14_decode_prefix.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ba39abf28b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e14_decode_prefix.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 8;
- $ENV{ PERL_JSON_BACKEND } = "JSON::backportPP";
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new;
-my $complete_text = qq/{"foo":"bar"}/;
-my $garbaged_text = qq/{"foo":"bar"}\n/;
-my $garbaged_text2 = qq/{"foo":"bar"}\n\n/;
-my $garbaged_text3 = qq/{"foo":"bar"}\n----/;
-is( ( $json->decode_prefix( $complete_text ) ) [1], 13 );
-is( ( $json->decode_prefix( $garbaged_text ) ) [1], 13 );
-is( ( $json->decode_prefix( $garbaged_text2 ) ) [1], 13 );
-is( ( $json->decode_prefix( $garbaged_text3 ) ) [1], 13 );
-eval { $json->decode( "\n" ) }; ok( $@ =~ /malformed JSON/ );
-eval { $json->decode('null') }; ok $@ =~ /allow_nonref/;
-eval { $json->decode_prefix( "\n" ) }; ok( $@ =~ /malformed JSON/ );
-eval { $json->decode_prefix('null') }; ok $@ =~ /allow_nonref/;
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e15_tie_ixhash.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e15_tie_ixhash.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e8991d2f36..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e15_tie_ixhash.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
-use JSON;
-# from
-SKIP: {
- eval {require Tie::IxHash};
- skip "Can't load Tie::IxHash.", 2 if ($@);
- my %columns;
- tie %columns, 'Tie::IxHash';
- %columns = (
- id => 'int',
- 1 => 'a',
- 2 => 'b',
- 3 => 'c',
- 4 => 'd',
- 5 => 'e',
- );
- my $js = to_json(\%columns);
- is( $js, q/{"id":"int","1":"a","2":"b","3":"c","4":"d","5":"e"}/ );
- $js = to_json(\%columns, {pretty => 1});
- is( $js, <<'STR' );
- "id" : "int",
- "1" : "a",
- "2" : "b",
- "3" : "c",
- "4" : "d",
- "5" : "e"
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e16_incr_parse_fixed.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e16_incr_parse_fixed.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d148552e5db..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e16_incr_parse_fixed.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- $ENV{ PERL_JSON_BACKEND } = $ARGV[0] || 'JSON::backportPP';
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
-use JSON;
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref();
-my @vs = $json->incr_parse('"a\"bc');
-ok( not scalar(@vs) );
-@vs = $json->incr_parse('"');
-is( $vs[0], "a\"bc" );
-$json = JSON->new;
-@vs = $json->incr_parse('"a\"bc');
-ok( not scalar(@vs) );
-@vs = eval { $json->incr_parse('"') };
-ok($@ =~ qr/JSON text must be an object or array/);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e90_misc.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e90_misc.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a5a68182dcb..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/e90_misc.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
- $ENV{ PERL_JSON_BACKEND } = $ARGV[0] || 'JSON::backportPP';
-use JSON;
-# reported by
-eval { JSON->to_json( 5, { allow_nonref => 1 } ) };
-is( q{"5"}, JSON::to_json( "5", { allow_nonref => 1 } ) );
-is( q{5}, JSON::to_json( 5, { allow_nonref => 1 } ) );
-is( q{"JSON"}, JSON::to_json( 'JSON', { allow_nonref => 1 } ) );
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x00_load.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x00_load.t
deleted file mode 100644
index bb870f3bc6d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x00_load.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 1 };
-use JSON;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 1, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
- ok(1, "load JSON::XS");
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x02_error.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x02_error.t
deleted file mode 100644
index b4f9a807302..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x02_error.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 31 };
-local $^W;
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-use utf8;
-use JSON;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 31, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\-1]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\undef]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\2]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\{}]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\[]]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->encode ([\\1]) }; ok $@ =~ /cannot encode reference/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\u1234\udc00"') }; ok $@ =~ /missing high /;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('"\ud800"') }; ok $@ =~ /missing low /;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\ud800\u1234"') }; ok $@ =~ /surrogate pair /;
-eval { JSON->new->decode ('null') }; ok $@ =~ /allow_nonref/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('+0') }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('.2') }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('bare') }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('naughty') }; ok $@ =~ /null/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('01') }; ok $@ =~ /leading zero/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('00') }; ok $@ =~ /leading zero/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('-0.') }; ok $@ =~ /decimal point/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ('-0e') }; ok $@ =~ /exp sign/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('-e+1') }; ok $@ =~ /initial minus/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode ("\"\n\"") }; ok $@ =~ /invalid character/;
-eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ("\"\x01\"") }; ok $@ =~ /invalid character/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode ('[5') }; ok $@ =~ /parsing array/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode ('{"5"') }; ok $@ =~ /':' expected/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode ('{"5":null') }; ok $@ =~ /parsing object/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode (undef) }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode (\5) }; ok !!$@; # Can't coerce readonly
-eval { JSON->new->decode ([]) }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode (\*STDERR) }; ok $@ =~ /malformed/;
-eval { JSON->new->decode (*STDERR) }; ok !!$@; # cannot coerce GLOB
-# differences between JSON::XS and JSON::PP
-eval { decode_json ("\"\xa0") }; ok $@ =~ /malformed.*character/;
-eval { decode_json ("\"\xa0\"") }; ok $@ =~ /malformed.*character/;
-#eval { decode_json ("\"\xa0") }; ok $@ =~ /JSON text must be an object or array/;
-#eval { decode_json ("\"\xa0\"") }; ok $@ =~ /JSON text must be an object or array/;
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x12_blessed.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x12_blessed.t
deleted file mode 100644
index b6df13aef79..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x12_blessed.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 16 };
-use JSON;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 16, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my $o1 = bless { a => 3 }, "XX";
-my $o2 = bless \(my $dummy = 1), "YY";
-sub XX::TO_JSON {
- {'__',""}
-my $js = JSON->new;
-eval { $js->encode ($o1) }; ok ($@ =~ /allow_blessed/);
-eval { $js->encode ($o2) }; ok ($@ =~ /allow_blessed/);
-ok ($js->encode ($o1) eq "null");
-ok ($js->encode ($o2) eq "null");
-ok ($js->encode ($o1) eq '{"__":""}');
-ok ($js->encode ($o2) eq "null");
-$js->filter_json_object (sub { 5 });
-$js->filter_json_single_key_object (a => sub { shift });
-$js->filter_json_single_key_object (b => sub { 7 });
-ok ("ARRAY" eq ref $js->decode ("[]"));
-ok (5 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{}]') });
-ok (6 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{"a":6}]') });
-ok (5 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{"a":4,"b":7}]') });
-ok (7 == $js->decode ('[{"a":4,"b":7}]')->[0]{b});
-ok (3 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{"a":3}]') });
-$js->filter_json_object (sub { });
-ok (7 == $js->decode ('[{"a":4,"b":7}]')->[0]{b});
-ok (9 eq join ":", @{ $js->decode ('[{"a":9}]') });
-$js->filter_json_single_key_object ("a");
-ok (4 == $js->decode ('[{"a":4}]')->[0]{a});
-$js->filter_json_single_key_object (a => sub {});
-ok (4 == $js->decode ('[{"a":4}]')->[0]{a});
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x16_tied.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x16_tied.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f219fc21559..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x16_tied.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
-use JSON;
-use Tie::Hash;
-use Tie::Array;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 2, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my $js = JSON->new;
-tie my %h, 'Tie::StdHash';
-%h = (a => 1);
-ok ($js->encode (\%h) eq '{"a":1}');
-tie my @a, 'Tie::StdArray';
-@a = (1, 2);
-ok ($js->encode (\@a) eq '[1,2]');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x17_strange_overload.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x17_strange_overload.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 440bfe24a00..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/x17_strange_overload.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
-SKIP: {
- eval q{
- use JSON::XS;
- use JSON ();
- };
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 2, if $@;
- skip "JSON::XS version < " . JSON->require_xs_version, 2
- if JSON::XS->VERSION < JSON->require_xs_version;
- is("" . JSON::XS::true(), 'true');
- is("" . JSON::true(), 'true');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe01_property.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe01_property.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b894cd9600..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe01_property.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 90 };
-use JSON;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 90, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my @simples =
- qw/ascii latin1 utf8 indent canonical space_before space_after allow_nonref shrink allow_blessed
- convert_blessed relaxed
- /;
-my $json = new JSON;
-for my $name (@simples) {
- my $method = 'get_' . $name;
- ok(! $json->$method(), $method . ' default');
- $json->$name();
- ok($json->$method(), $method . ' set true');
- $json->$name(0);
- ok(! $json->$method(), $method . ' set false');
- $json->$name();
- ok($json->$method(), $method . ' set true again');
-ok($json->get_max_depth == 512, 'get_max_depth default');
-ok($json->get_max_depth == 7, 'get_max_depth set 7 => 7');
-ok($json->get_max_depth != 0, 'get_max_depth no arg');
-ok($json->get_max_size == 0, 'get_max_size default');
-ok($json->get_max_size == 7, 'get_max_size set 7 => 7');
-ok($json->get_max_size == 0, 'get_max_size no arg');
-for my $name (@simples) {
- $json->$name();
- ok($json->property($name), $name);
- $json->$name(0);
- ok(! $json->property($name), $name);
- $json->$name();
- ok($json->property($name), $name);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe02_bool.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe02_bool.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 04eacd7533a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe02_bool.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use strict;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };
-use JSON;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 11, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my $json = new JSON;
-is($json->encode([!1]), '[""]');
-is($json->encode([!!2]), '["1"]');
-is($json->encode([ 'a' eq 'b' ]), '[""]');
-is($json->encode([ 'a' eq 'a' ]), '["1"]');
-is($json->encode([ ('a' eq 'b') + 1 ]), '[1]');
-is($json->encode([ ('a' eq 'a') + 1 ]), '[2]');
-ok(JSON::true eq 'true');
-ok(JSON::true eq '1');
-ok(JSON::true == 1);
-isa_ok(JSON::true, JSON->backend . '::Boolean');
-isa_ok(JSON::true, 'JSON::Boolean');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe03_bool2.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe03_bool2.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d68b32d9b0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe03_bool2.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 26 };
-use JSON;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 26, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-is(to_json([JSON::true]), q|[true]|);
-is(to_json([JSON::false]), q|[false]|);
-is(to_json([JSON::null]), q|[null]|);
-my $jsontext = q|[true,false,null]|;
-my $obj = from_json($jsontext);
-isa_ok($obj->[0], 'JSON::Boolean');
-isa_ok($obj->[1], 'JSON::Boolean');
-ok(!defined $obj->[2], 'null is undef');
-ok($obj->[0] == 1);
-ok($obj->[0] != 0);
-ok($obj->[1] == 0);
-ok($obj->[1] != 1);
-ok($obj->[0] eq 'true', 'eq true');
-ok($obj->[0] ne 'false', 'ne false');
-ok($obj->[1] eq 'false', 'eq false');
-ok($obj->[1] ne 'true', 'ne true');
-ok($obj->[0] eq $obj->[0]);
-ok($obj->[0] ne $obj->[1]);
-ok(JSON::true eq 'true');
-ok(JSON::true ne 'false');
-ok(JSON::true ne 'null');
-ok(JSON::false eq 'false');
-ok(JSON::false ne 'true');
-ok(JSON::false ne 'null');
-ok(!defined JSON::null);
-is(from_json('[true]' )->[0], JSON::true);
-is(from_json('[false]')->[0], JSON::false);
-is(from_json('[null]' )->[0], JSON::null);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe04support_by_pp.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe04support_by_pp.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f8c88734e2a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe04support_by_pp.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
-use JSON -support_by_pp;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 3, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my $json = new JSON;
-is($json->escape_slash(0)->allow_nonref->encode("/"), '"/"');
-is($json->escape_slash(1)->allow_nonref->encode("/"), '"\/"');
-is($json->escape_slash(0)->allow_nonref->encode("/"), '"/"');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe05_indent_length.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe05_indent_length.t
deleted file mode 100644
index fc28fa35103..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe05_indent_length.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 7 };
-use JSON -support_by_pp;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 7, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my $json = new JSON;
-is($json->indent_length(2)->encode([1,{foo => 'bar'}, "1", "/"]), qq|[1,{"foo":"bar"},"1","/"]|);
-is($json->indent->encode([1,{foo => 'bar'}, "1", "/"]), qq|[
- 1,
- {
- "foo":"bar"
- },
- "1",
- "/"
-is($json->escape_slash(1)->pretty->indent_length(2)->encode([1,{foo => 'bar'}, "1", "/"]), qq|[
- 1,
- {
- "foo" : "bar"
- },
- "1",
- "\\/"
-is($json->escape_slash(1)->pretty->indent_length(3)->encode([1,{foo => 'bar'}, "1", "/"]), qq|[
- 1,
- {
- "foo" : "bar"
- },
- "1",
- "\\/"
-is($json->escape_slash(1)->pretty->indent_length(15)->encode([1,{foo => 'bar'}, "1", "/"]), qq|[
- 1,
- {
- "foo" : "bar"
- },
- "1",
- "\\/"
-is($json->indent_length(0)->encode([1,{foo => 'bar'}, "1", "/"]), qq|[
-"foo" : "bar"
- ->encode([1,{foo => 'bar'}, "1", "/"]), qq|[1,{"foo":"bar"},"1","/"]|);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe08_decode.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe08_decode.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ed78fbbc30f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe08_decode.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# decode on Perl 5.005, 5.6, 5.8 or later
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 };
-use JSON;
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-no utf8;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 6, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
-is($json->decode(q|"ü"|), "ü"); # utf8
-is($json->decode(q|"\u00fc"|), "\xfc"); # latin1
-is($json->decode(q|"\u00c3\u00bc"|), "\xc3\xbc"); # utf8
-my $str = 'あ'; # Japanese 'a' in utf8
-is($json->decode(q|"\u00e3\u0081\u0082"|), $str);
-utf8::decode($str); # usually UTF-8 flagged on, but no-op for 5.005.
-is($json->decode(q|"\u3042"|), $str);
-my $utf8 = $json->decode(q|"\ud808\udf45"|); # chr 12345
-utf8::encode($utf8); # UTf-8 flaged off
-is($utf8, "\xf0\x92\x8d\x85");
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe10_bignum.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe10_bignum.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d72b8ad16e0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe10_bignum.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 };
-use JSON -support_by_pp;
-eval q| require Math::BigInt |;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 6, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
- skip "Can't load Math::BigInt.", 6 if ($@);
-my $json = new JSON;
-print $json->backend, "\n";
-my $num = $json->decode(q|100000000000000000000000000000000000000|);
-isa_ok($num, 'Math::BigInt');
-is($num, '100000000000000000000000000000000000000');
-is($json->encode($num), '100000000000000000000000000000000000000');
-$num = $json->decode(q|2.0000000000000000001|);
-isa_ok($num, 'Math::BigFloat');
-is($num, '2.0000000000000000001');
-is($json->encode($num), '2.0000000000000000001');
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe11_conv_blessed_univ.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe11_conv_blessed_univ.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ccc0c1384a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe11_conv_blessed_univ.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
-use JSON -convert_blessed_universally;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 3, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my $obj = Test->new( [ 1, 2, {foo => 'bar'} ] );
-$obj->[3] = Test2->new( { a => 'b' } );
-my $json = JSON->new->allow_blessed->convert_blessed;
-is( $json->encode( $obj ), '[1,2,{"foo":"bar"},"hoge"]' );
-is( $json->encode( $obj ), 'null' );
-is( $json->encode( $obj ), '[1,2,{"foo":"bar"},"hoge"]' );
-package Test;
-sub new {
- bless $_[1], $_[0];
-package Test2;
-sub new {
- bless $_[1], $_[0];
-sub TO_JSON {
- "hoge";
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe12_boolean.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe12_boolean.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d790d507d7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe12_boolean.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 4 };
-use JSON -support_by_pp;
- use lib qw(t);
- use _unicode_handling;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 4, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
-my $json = new JSON;
-my $bool = $json->allow_nonref->decode('true');
-# it's normal
-isa_ok( $bool, 'JSON::Boolean' );
-is( $json->encode([ JSON::true ]), '[true]' );
-# make XS non support flag enable!
-$bool = $json->allow_singlequote->decode('true');
-isa_ok( $bool, 'JSON::Boolean' );
-is( $json->encode([ JSON::true ]), '[true]' );
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe19_xs_and_suportbypp.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe19_xs_and_suportbypp.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c9e2f57dc3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe19_xs_and_suportbypp.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
-use JSON -support_by_pp;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 2, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
- my $json = JSON->new->allow_barekey;
- for (1..2) {
- is_deeply( test($json, q!{foo:"foo"}! ), {foo=>'foo'} );
- JSON->new->allow_singlequote(0);
- }
-sub test {
- my ($coder, $str) = @_;
- my $rv;
- return $rv if eval { $rv = $coder->decode($str); 1 };
- chomp( my $e = $@ );
- return "died with \"$e\"";
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe20_croak_message.t b/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe20_croak_message.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 1af44dd0dc7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/JSON/JSON-2.59/t/xe20_croak_message.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 1 };
-use JSON; # currently it can't pass with -support_by_pp;
-SKIP: {
- skip "can't use JSON::XS.", 1, unless( JSON->backend->is_xs );
- my $json = JSON->new;
- eval q{ $json->encode( undef ) };
- like( $@, qr/line 1\./ );