path: root/chromium/ash/desktop_background/desktop_background_controller.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ash/desktop_background/desktop_background_controller.h b/chromium/ash/desktop_background/desktop_background_controller.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cfbc8ea5df..00000000000
--- a/chromium/ash/desktop_background/desktop_background_controller.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ash/ash_export.h"
-#include "ash/display/display_controller.h"
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "base/observer_list.h"
-#include "base/timer/timer.h"
-#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
-typedef unsigned int SkColor;
-class CommandLine;
-namespace aura {
-class Window;
-namespace ash {
-enum WallpaperLayout {
- // Center the wallpaper on the desktop without scaling it. The wallpaper
- // may be cropped.
- // Scale the wallpaper (while preserving its aspect ratio) to cover the
- // desktop; the wallpaper may be cropped.
- // Scale the wallpaper (without preserving its aspect ratio) to match the
- // desktop's size.
- // Tile the wallpaper over the background without scaling it.
-enum WallpaperResolution {
-const SkColor kLoginWallpaperColor = 0xFEFEFE;
-// The width and height of small/large resolution wallpaper. When screen size is
-// smaller than |kSmallWallpaperMaxWidth| and |kSmallWallpaperMaxHeight|, the
-// small resolution wallpaper should be used. Otherwise, uses the large
-// resolution wallpaper.
-ASH_EXPORT extern const int kSmallWallpaperMaxWidth;
-ASH_EXPORT extern const int kSmallWallpaperMaxHeight;
-ASH_EXPORT extern const int kLargeWallpaperMaxWidth;
-ASH_EXPORT extern const int kLargeWallpaperMaxHeight;
-// The width and heigh of wallpaper thumbnails.
-ASH_EXPORT extern const int kWallpaperThumbnailWidth;
-ASH_EXPORT extern const int kWallpaperThumbnailHeight;
-class DesktopBackgroundControllerObserver;
-class WallpaperResizer;
-// Loads selected desktop wallpaper from file system asynchronously and updates
-// background layer if loaded successfully.
-class ASH_EXPORT DesktopBackgroundController
- : public DisplayController::Observer {
- public:
- enum BackgroundMode {
- };
- DesktopBackgroundController();
- virtual ~DesktopBackgroundController();
- BackgroundMode desktop_background_mode() const {
- return desktop_background_mode_;
- }
- void set_command_line_for_testing(CommandLine* command_line) {
- command_line_for_testing_ = command_line;
- }
- // Add/Remove observers.
- void AddObserver(DesktopBackgroundControllerObserver* observer);
- void RemoveObserver(DesktopBackgroundControllerObserver* observer);
- // Provides current image on the background, or empty gfx::ImageSkia if there
- // is no image, e.g. background is none.
- gfx::ImageSkia GetWallpaper() const;
- WallpaperLayout GetWallpaperLayout() const;
- // Initialize root window's background.
- void OnRootWindowAdded(aura::Window* root_window);
- // Loads builtin wallpaper asynchronously and sets to current wallpaper
- // after loaded. Returns true if the controller started loading the
- // wallpaper and false otherwise (i.e. the appropriate wallpaper was
- // already loading or loaded).
- bool SetDefaultWallpaper(bool is_guest);
- // Sets the user selected custom wallpaper. Called when user selected a file
- // from file system or changed the layout of wallpaper.
- void SetCustomWallpaper(const gfx::ImageSkia& image, WallpaperLayout layout);
- // Cancels the current wallpaper loading operation.
- void CancelPendingWallpaperOperation();
- // Creates an empty wallpaper. Some tests require a wallpaper widget is ready
- // when running. However, the wallpaper widgets are now created asynchronously
- // . If loading a real wallpaper, there are cases that these tests crash
- // because the required widget is not ready. This function synchronously
- // creates an empty widget for those tests to prevent crashes. An example test
- // is SystemGestureEventFilterTest.ThreeFingerSwipe.
- void CreateEmptyWallpaper();
- // Returns the appropriate wallpaper resolution for all root windows.
- WallpaperResolution GetAppropriateResolution();
- // Move all desktop widgets to locked container.
- // Returns true if the desktop moved.
- bool MoveDesktopToLockedContainer();
- // Move all desktop widgets to unlocked container.
- // Returns true if the desktop moved.
- bool MoveDesktopToUnlockedContainer();
- // Overrides DisplayController::Observer:
- virtual void OnDisplayConfigurationChanged() OVERRIDE;
- private:
- friend class DesktopBackgroundControllerTest;
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DesktopBackgroundControllerTest, GetMaxDisplaySize);
- // An operation to asynchronously loads wallpaper.
- class WallpaperLoader;
- // Returns true if the specified default wallpaper is already being
- // loaded by |wallpaper_loader_| or stored in |current_wallpaper_|.
- bool DefaultWallpaperIsAlreadyLoadingOrLoaded(
- const base::FilePath& image_file, int image_resource_id) const;
- // Returns true if the specified custom wallpaper is already stored
- // in |current_wallpaper_|.
- bool CustomWallpaperIsAlreadyLoaded(const gfx::ImageSkia& image) const;
- // Creates view for all root windows, or notifies them to repaint if they
- // already exist.
- void SetDesktopBackgroundImageMode();
- // Creates a new background widget and sets the background mode to image mode.
- // Called after a default wallpaper has been loaded successfully.
- void OnDefaultWallpaperLoadCompleted(scoped_refptr<WallpaperLoader> loader);
- // Creates and adds component for current mode (either Widget or Layer) to
- // |root_window|.
- void InstallDesktopController(aura::Window* root_window);
- // Creates and adds component for current mode (either Widget or Layer) to
- // all root windows.
- void InstallDesktopControllerForAllWindows();
- // Moves all desktop components from one container to other across all root
- // windows. Returns true if a desktop moved.
- bool ReparentBackgroundWidgets(int src_container, int dst_container);
- // Returns id for background container for unlocked and locked states.
- int GetBackgroundContainerId(bool locked);
- // Send notification that background animation finished.
- void NotifyAnimationFinished();
- // Reload the wallpaper.
- void UpdateWallpaper();
- void set_wallpaper_reload_delay_for_test(bool value) {
- wallpaper_reload_delay_ = value;
- }
- // Returns the maximum size of all displays combined in native
- // resolutions. Note that this isn't the bounds of the display who
- // has maximum resolutions. Instead, this returns the size of the
- // maximum width of all displays, and the maximum height of all displays.
- static gfx::Size GetMaxDisplaySizeInNative();
- // If non-NULL, used in place of the real command line.
- CommandLine* command_line_for_testing_;
- // Can change at runtime.
- bool locked_;
- BackgroundMode desktop_background_mode_;
- SkColor background_color_;
- ObserverList<DesktopBackgroundControllerObserver> observers_;
- // The current wallpaper.
- scoped_ptr<WallpaperResizer> current_wallpaper_;
- // If a default wallpaper is stored in |current_wallpaper_|, the path and
- // resource ID that were passed to WallpaperLoader when loading it.
- // Otherwise, empty and -1, respectively.
- base::FilePath current_default_wallpaper_path_;
- int current_default_wallpaper_resource_id_;
- gfx::Size current_max_display_size_;
- scoped_refptr<WallpaperLoader> wallpaper_loader_;
- base::WeakPtrFactory<DesktopBackgroundController> weak_ptr_factory_;
- base::OneShotTimer<DesktopBackgroundController> timer_;
- int wallpaper_reload_delay_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DesktopBackgroundController);
-} // namespace ash