path: root/chromium/ash/wm/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ash/wm/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ash/wm/ b/chromium/ash/wm/
deleted file mode 100644
index f60a0308f87..00000000000
--- a/chromium/ash/wm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ash/ash_constants.h"
-#include "ash/shell.h"
-#include "ash/test/ash_test_base.h"
-#include "ash/test/cursor_manager_test_api.h"
-#include "ash/wm/custom_frame_view_ash.h"
-#include "ash/wm/resize_shadow.h"
-#include "ash/wm/resize_shadow_controller.h"
-#include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "ui/aura/root_window.h"
-#include "ui/aura/test/event_generator.h"
-#include "ui/base/cursor/cursor.h"
-#include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
-#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
-#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
-namespace ash {
-namespace test {
-namespace {
-// views::WidgetDelegate which uses ash::CustomFrameViewAsh.
-class TestWidgetDelegate : public views::WidgetDelegateView {
- public:
- TestWidgetDelegate() {}
- virtual ~TestWidgetDelegate() {}
- // views::WidgetDelegateView overrides:
- virtual bool CanResize() const OVERRIDE {
- return true;
- }
- virtual bool CanMaximize() const OVERRIDE {
- return true;
- }
- virtual views::NonClientFrameView* CreateNonClientFrameView(
- views::Widget* widget) OVERRIDE {
- return new ash::CustomFrameViewAsh(widget);
- }
- private:
-} // namespace
-// The test tests that the mouse cursor is changed and that the resize shadows
-// are shown when the mouse is hovered over the window edge.
-class ResizeShadowAndCursorTest : public AshTestBase {
- public:
- ResizeShadowAndCursorTest() {}
- virtual ~ResizeShadowAndCursorTest() {}
- // AshTestBase override:
- virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
- AshTestBase::SetUp();
- views::Widget* widget(views::Widget::CreateWindowWithContextAndBounds(
- new TestWidgetDelegate(), CurrentContext(), gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)));
- widget->Show();
- window_ = widget->GetNativeView();
- // Add a child window to |window_| in order to properly test that the resize
- // handles and the resize shadows are shown when the mouse is
- // ash::kResizeInsideBoundsSize inside of |window_|'s edges.
- aura::Window* child = CreateTestWindowInShell(
- SK_ColorWHITE, 0, gfx::Rect(0, 10, 100, 90));
- window_->AddChild(child);
- }
- // Returns the hit test code if there is a resize shadow. Returns HTNOWHERE if
- // there is no resize shadow.
- int ResizeShadowHitTest() const {
- ash::internal::ResizeShadow* resize_shadow =
- ash::Shell::GetInstance()->resize_shadow_controller()->
- GetShadowForWindowForTest(window_);
- return resize_shadow ? resize_shadow->GetLastHitTestForTest() : HTNOWHERE;
- }
- // Returns true if there is a resize shadow.
- bool HasResizeShadow() const {
- return ResizeShadowHitTest() != HTNOWHERE;
- }
- // Returns the current cursor type.
- int GetCurrentCursorType() const {
- CursorManagerTestApi test_api(ash::Shell::GetInstance()->cursor_manager());
- return test_api.GetCurrentCursor().native_type();
- }
- // Called for each step of a scroll sequence initiated at the bottom right
- // corner of |window_|. Tests whether the resize shadow is shown.
- void ProcessBottomRightResizeGesture(ui::EventType type,
- const gfx::Vector2dF& delta) {
- if (type == ui::ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_END) {
- // After gesture scroll ends, there should be no resize shadow.
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasResizeShadow());
- } else {
- EXPECT_EQ(HTBOTTOMRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- }
- }
- aura::Window* window() {
- return window_;
- }
- private:
- aura::Window* window_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ResizeShadowAndCursorTest);
-// Test whether the resize shadows are visible and the cursor type based on the
-// mouse's position.
-TEST_F(ResizeShadowAndCursorTest, MouseHover) {
- aura::test::EventGenerator generator(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(ash::wm::GetWindowState(window())->IsNormalShowState());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(50, 50);
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasResizeShadow());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorNull, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(gfx::Point(50, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ(HTTOP, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorNorthResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(50, 50);
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasResizeShadow());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorNull, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(100, 100);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTBOTTOMRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorSouthEastResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(50, 100);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTBOTTOM, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorSouthResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(50, 100 + ash::kResizeOutsideBoundsSize - 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTBOTTOM, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorSouthResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(50, 100 + ash::kResizeOutsideBoundsSize + 10);
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasResizeShadow());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorNull, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(50, 100 - ash::kResizeInsideBoundsSize);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTBOTTOM, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorSouthResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(50, 100 - ash::kResizeInsideBoundsSize - 10);
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasResizeShadow());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorNull, GetCurrentCursorType());
-// Test that the resize shadows stay visible and that the cursor stays the same
-// as long as a user is resizing a window.
-TEST_F(ResizeShadowAndCursorTest, MouseDrag) {
- aura::test::EventGenerator generator(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(ash::wm::GetWindowState(window())->IsNormalShowState());
- gfx::Size initial_size(window()->bounds().size());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(100, 50);
- generator.PressLeftButton();
- EXPECT_EQ(HTRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorEastResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(110, 50);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorEastResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.ReleaseLeftButton();
- EXPECT_EQ(HTRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorEastResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- gfx::Size new_size(window()->bounds().size());
- EXPECT_NE(new_size.ToString(), initial_size.ToString());
-// Test that the resize shadows stay visible while resizing a window via touch.
-TEST_F(ResizeShadowAndCursorTest, Touch) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(ash::wm::GetWindowState(window())->IsNormalShowState());
- aura::test::EventGenerator generator(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow());
- int start = 100 + ash::kResizeOutsideBoundsSize - 1;
- generator.GestureScrollSequenceWithCallback(
- gfx::Point(start, start),
- gfx::Point(start + 50, start + 50),
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100),
- 3,
- base::Bind(&ResizeShadowAndCursorTest::ProcessBottomRightResizeGesture,
- base::Unretained(this)));
-// Test that the resize shadows are not visible and that the default cursor is
-// used when the window is maximized.
-TEST_F(ResizeShadowAndCursorTest, MaximizeRestore) {
- aura::test::EventGenerator generator(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(ash::wm::GetWindowState(window())->IsNormalShowState());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(100, 50);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorEastResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(100 - ash::kResizeInsideBoundsSize, 50);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorEastResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- ash::wm::GetWindowState(window())->Maximize();
- gfx::Rect bounds(window()->GetBoundsInRootWindow());
- gfx::Point right_center(bounds.right() - 1,
- (bounds.y() + bounds.bottom()) / 2);
- generator.MoveMouseTo(right_center);
- EXPECT_FALSE(HasResizeShadow());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorNull, GetCurrentCursorType());
- ash::wm::GetWindowState(window())->Restore();
- generator.MoveMouseTo(100, 50);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorEastResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
- generator.MoveMouseTo(100 - ash::kResizeInsideBoundsSize, 50);
- EXPECT_EQ(HTRIGHT, ResizeShadowHitTest());
- EXPECT_EQ(ui::kCursorEastResize, GetCurrentCursorType());
-} // namespace test
-} // namespace ash