path: root/chromium/ash/wm/workspace/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ash/wm/workspace/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 545 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ash/wm/workspace/ b/chromium/ash/wm/workspace/
deleted file mode 100644
index 597acbf88ec..00000000000
--- a/chromium/ash/wm/workspace/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ash/wm/workspace/multi_window_resize_controller.h"
-#include "ash/screen_ash.h"
-#include "ash/shell.h"
-#include "ash/shell_window_ids.h"
-#include "ash/wm/coordinate_conversion.h"
-#include "ash/wm/window_animations.h"
-#include "ash/wm/workspace/workspace_event_handler.h"
-#include "ash/wm/workspace/workspace_window_resizer.h"
-#include "grit/ash_resources.h"
-#include "ui/aura/client/screen_position_client.h"
-#include "ui/aura/root_window.h"
-#include "ui/aura/window.h"
-#include "ui/aura/window_delegate.h"
-#include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
-#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
-#include "ui/views/corewm/compound_event_filter.h"
-#include "ui/views/view.h"
-#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
-#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
-using aura::Window;
-namespace ash {
-namespace internal {
-namespace {
-// Delay before showing.
-const int kShowDelayMS = 400;
-// Delay before hiding.
-const int kHideDelayMS = 500;
-// Padding from the bottom/right edge the resize widget is shown at.
-const int kResizeWidgetPadding = 15;
-bool ContainsX(Window* window, int x) {
- return window->bounds().x() <= x && window->bounds().right() >= x;
-bool ContainsY(Window* window, int y) {
- return window->bounds().y() <= y && window->bounds().bottom() >= y;
-bool Intersects(int x1, int max_1, int x2, int max_2) {
- return x2 <= max_1 && max_2 > x1;
-} // namespace
-// View contained in the widget. Passes along mouse events to the
-// MultiWindowResizeController so that it can start/stop the resize loop.
-class MultiWindowResizeController::ResizeView : public views::View {
- public:
- explicit ResizeView(MultiWindowResizeController* controller,
- Direction direction)
- : controller_(controller),
- direction_(direction),
- image_(NULL) {
- ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
- int image_id =
- image_ = rb.GetImageNamed(image_id).ToImageSkia();
- }
- // views::View overrides:
- virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() OVERRIDE {
- return gfx::Size(image_->width(), image_->height());
- }
- virtual void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE {
- canvas->DrawImageInt(*image_, 0, 0);
- }
- virtual bool OnMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE {
- gfx::Point location(event.location());
- views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(this, &location);
- controller_->StartResize(location);
- return true;
- }
- virtual bool OnMouseDragged(const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE {
- gfx::Point location(event.location());
- views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(this, &location);
- controller_->Resize(location, event.flags());
- return true;
- }
- virtual void OnMouseReleased(const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE {
- controller_->CompleteResize(event.flags());
- }
- virtual void OnMouseCaptureLost() OVERRIDE {
- controller_->CancelResize();
- }
- virtual gfx::NativeCursor GetCursor(
- const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE {
- int component = (direction_ == LEFT_RIGHT) ? HTRIGHT : HTBOTTOM;
- return views::corewm::CompoundEventFilter::CursorForWindowComponent(
- component);
- }
- private:
- MultiWindowResizeController* controller_;
- const Direction direction_;
- const gfx::ImageSkia* image_;
-// MouseWatcherHost implementation for MultiWindowResizeController. Forwards
-// Contains() to MultiWindowResizeController.
-class MultiWindowResizeController::ResizeMouseWatcherHost :
- public views::MouseWatcherHost {
- public:
- ResizeMouseWatcherHost(MultiWindowResizeController* host) : host_(host) {}
- // MouseWatcherHost overrides:
- virtual bool Contains(const gfx::Point& point_in_screen,
- MouseEventType type) OVERRIDE {
- return host_->IsOverWindows(point_in_screen);
- }
- private:
- MultiWindowResizeController* host_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ResizeMouseWatcherHost);
- : window1(NULL),
- window2(NULL),
- direction(TOP_BOTTOM){
-MultiWindowResizeController::ResizeWindows::~ResizeWindows() {
-bool MultiWindowResizeController::ResizeWindows::Equals(
- const ResizeWindows& other) const {
- return window1 == other.window1 &&
- window2 == other.window2 &&
- direction == other.direction;
-MultiWindowResizeController::MultiWindowResizeController() {
-MultiWindowResizeController::~MultiWindowResizeController() {
- window_resizer_.reset();
- Hide();
-void MultiWindowResizeController::Show(Window* window,
- int component,
- const gfx::Point& point_in_window) {
- // When the resize widget is showing we ignore Show() requests. Instead we
- // only care about mouse movements from MouseWatcher. This is necessary as
- // WorkspaceEventHandler only sees mouse movements over the windows, not all
- // windows or over the desktop.
- if (resize_widget_)
- return;
- ResizeWindows windows(DetermineWindows(window, component, point_in_window));
- if (IsShowing()) {
- if (windows_.Equals(windows))
- return; // Over the same windows.
- DelayedHide();
- }
- if (!windows.is_valid())
- return;
- Hide();
- windows_ = windows;
- windows_.window1->AddObserver(this);
- windows_.window2->AddObserver(this);
- show_location_in_parent_ = point_in_window;
- Window::ConvertPointToTarget(
- window, window->parent(), &show_location_in_parent_);
- if (show_timer_.IsRunning())
- return;
- show_timer_.Start(
- FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kShowDelayMS),
- this, &MultiWindowResizeController::ShowIfValidMouseLocation);
-void MultiWindowResizeController::Hide() {
- hide_timer_.Stop();
- if (window_resizer_)
- return; // Ignore hides while actively resizing.
- if (windows_.window1) {
- windows_.window1->RemoveObserver(this);
- windows_.window1 = NULL;
- }
- if (windows_.window2) {
- windows_.window2->RemoveObserver(this);
- windows_.window2 = NULL;
- }
- show_timer_.Stop();
- if (!resize_widget_)
- return;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < windows_.other_windows.size(); ++i)
- windows_.other_windows[i]->RemoveObserver(this);
- mouse_watcher_.reset();
- resize_widget_.reset();
- windows_ = ResizeWindows();
-void MultiWindowResizeController::MouseMovedOutOfHost() {
- Hide();
-void MultiWindowResizeController::OnWindowDestroying(
- aura::Window* window) {
- // Have to explicitly reset the WindowResizer, otherwise Hide() does nothing.
- window_resizer_.reset();
- Hide();
- aura::Window* window) const {
- gfx::Point mouse_location(
- gfx::Screen::GetScreenFor(window)->GetCursorScreenPoint());
- wm::ConvertPointFromScreen(window, &mouse_location);
- const int component =
- window->delegate()->GetNonClientComponent(mouse_location);
- return DetermineWindows(window, component, mouse_location);
- Window* window,
- int window_component,
- const gfx::Point& point) const {
- ResizeWindows result;
- gfx::Point point_in_parent(point);
- Window::ConvertPointToTarget(window, window->parent(), &point_in_parent);
- switch (window_component) {
- case HTRIGHT:
- result.direction = LEFT_RIGHT;
- result.window1 = window;
- result.window2 = FindWindowByEdge(
- window, HTLEFT, window->bounds().right(), point_in_parent.y());
- break;
- case HTLEFT:
- result.direction = LEFT_RIGHT;
- result.window1 = FindWindowByEdge(
- window, HTRIGHT, window->bounds().x(), point_in_parent.y());
- result.window2 = window;
- break;
- case HTTOP:
- result.direction = TOP_BOTTOM;
- result.window1 = FindWindowByEdge(
- window, HTBOTTOM, point_in_parent.x(), window->bounds().y());
- result.window2 = window;
- break;
- case HTBOTTOM:
- result.direction = TOP_BOTTOM;
- result.window1 = window;
- result.window2 = FindWindowByEdge(
- window, HTTOP, point_in_parent.x(), window->bounds().bottom());
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return result;
-Window* MultiWindowResizeController::FindWindowByEdge(
- Window* window_to_ignore,
- int edge_want,
- int x,
- int y) const {
- Window* parent = window_to_ignore->parent();
- const Window::Windows& windows(parent->children());
- for (Window::Windows::const_reverse_iterator i = windows.rbegin();
- i != windows.rend(); ++i) {
- Window* window = *i;
- if (window == window_to_ignore || !window->IsVisible())
- continue;
- switch (edge_want) {
- case HTLEFT:
- if (ContainsY(window, y) && window->bounds().x() == x)
- return window;
- break;
- case HTRIGHT:
- if (ContainsY(window, y) && window->bounds().right() == x)
- return window;
- break;
- case HTTOP:
- if (ContainsX(window, x) && window->bounds().y() == y)
- return window;
- break;
- case HTBOTTOM:
- if (ContainsX(window, x) && window->bounds().bottom() == y)
- return window;
- break;
- default:
- }
- // Window doesn't contain the edge, but if window contains |point|
- // it's obscuring any other window that could be at the location.
- if (window->bounds().Contains(x, y))
- return NULL;
- }
- return NULL;
-aura::Window* MultiWindowResizeController::FindWindowTouching(
- aura::Window* window,
- Direction direction) const {
- int right = window->bounds().right();
- int bottom = window->bounds().bottom();
- Window* parent = window->parent();
- const Window::Windows& windows(parent->children());
- for (Window::Windows::const_reverse_iterator i = windows.rbegin();
- i != windows.rend(); ++i) {
- Window* other = *i;
- if (other == window || !other->IsVisible())
- continue;
- switch (direction) {
- case TOP_BOTTOM:
- if (other->bounds().y() == bottom &&
- Intersects(other->bounds().x(), other->bounds().right(),
- window->bounds().x(), window->bounds().right())) {
- return other;
- }
- break;
- case LEFT_RIGHT:
- if (other->bounds().x() == right &&
- Intersects(other->bounds().y(), other->bounds().bottom(),
- window->bounds().y(), window->bounds().bottom())) {
- return other;
- }
- break;
- default:
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void MultiWindowResizeController::FindWindowsTouching(
- aura::Window* start,
- Direction direction,
- std::vector<aura::Window*>* others) const {
- while (start) {
- start = FindWindowTouching(start, direction);
- if (start)
- others->push_back(start);
- }
-void MultiWindowResizeController::DelayedHide() {
- if (hide_timer_.IsRunning())
- return;
- hide_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE,
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kHideDelayMS),
- this, &MultiWindowResizeController::Hide);
-void MultiWindowResizeController::ShowIfValidMouseLocation() {
- if (DetermineWindowsFromScreenPoint(windows_.window1).Equals(windows_) ||
- DetermineWindowsFromScreenPoint(windows_.window2).Equals(windows_)) {
- ShowNow();
- } else {
- Hide();
- }
-void MultiWindowResizeController::ShowNow() {
- DCHECK(!resize_widget_.get());
- DCHECK(windows_.is_valid());
- show_timer_.Stop();
- resize_widget_.reset(new views::Widget);
- views::Widget::InitParams params(views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
- params.opacity = views::Widget::InitParams::TRANSLUCENT_WINDOW;
- params.ownership = views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET;
- params.parent = Shell::GetContainer(
- Shell::GetTargetRootWindow(),
- internal::kShellWindowId_AlwaysOnTopContainer);
- params.can_activate = false;
- ResizeView* view = new ResizeView(this, windows_.direction);
- resize_widget_->set_focus_on_creation(false);
- resize_widget_->Init(params);
- views::corewm::SetWindowVisibilityAnimationType(
- resize_widget_->GetNativeWindow(),
- resize_widget_->GetNativeWindow()->SetName("MultiWindowResizeController");
- resize_widget_->SetContentsView(view);
- show_bounds_in_screen_ = ScreenAsh::ConvertRectToScreen(
- windows_.window1->parent(),
- CalculateResizeWidgetBounds(show_location_in_parent_));
- resize_widget_->SetBounds(show_bounds_in_screen_);
- resize_widget_->Show();
- mouse_watcher_.reset(new views::MouseWatcher(
- new ResizeMouseWatcherHost(this),
- this));
- mouse_watcher_->set_notify_on_exit_time(
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kHideDelayMS));
- mouse_watcher_->Start();
-bool MultiWindowResizeController::IsShowing() const {
- return resize_widget_.get() || show_timer_.IsRunning();
-void MultiWindowResizeController::StartResize(
- const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) {
- DCHECK(!window_resizer_.get());
- DCHECK(windows_.is_valid());
- hide_timer_.Stop();
- gfx::Point location_in_parent(location_in_screen);
- aura::client::GetScreenPositionClient(windows_.window2->GetRootWindow())->
- ConvertPointFromScreen(windows_.window2->parent(), &location_in_parent);
- std::vector<aura::Window*> windows;
- windows.push_back(windows_.window2);
- DCHECK(windows_.other_windows.empty());
- FindWindowsTouching(windows_.window2, windows_.direction,
- &windows_.other_windows);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < windows_.other_windows.size(); ++i) {
- windows_.other_windows[i]->AddObserver(this);
- windows.push_back(windows_.other_windows[i]);
- }
- int component = windows_.direction == LEFT_RIGHT ? HTRIGHT : HTBOTTOM;
- window_resizer_.reset(WorkspaceWindowResizer::Create(
- windows_.window1,
- location_in_parent,
- component,
- windows));
-void MultiWindowResizeController::Resize(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen,
- int event_flags) {
- gfx::Point location_in_parent(location_in_screen);
- aura::client::GetScreenPositionClient(windows_.window1->GetRootWindow())->
- ConvertPointFromScreen(windows_.window1->parent(), &location_in_parent);
- window_resizer_->Drag(location_in_parent, event_flags);
- gfx::Rect bounds = ScreenAsh::ConvertRectToScreen(
- windows_.window1->parent(),
- CalculateResizeWidgetBounds(location_in_parent));
- if (windows_.direction == LEFT_RIGHT)
- bounds.set_y(show_bounds_in_screen_.y());
- else
- bounds.set_x(show_bounds_in_screen_.x());
- resize_widget_->SetBounds(bounds);
-void MultiWindowResizeController::CompleteResize(int event_flags) {
- window_resizer_->CompleteDrag(event_flags);
- window_resizer_.reset();
- // Mouse may still be over resizer, if not hide.
- gfx::Point screen_loc = Shell::GetScreen()->GetCursorScreenPoint();
- if (!resize_widget_->GetWindowBoundsInScreen().Contains(screen_loc)) {
- Hide();
- } else {
- // If the mouse is over the resizer we need to remove observers on any of
- // the |other_windows|. If we start another resize we'll recalculate the
- // |other_windows| and invoke AddObserver() as necessary.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < windows_.other_windows.size(); ++i)
- windows_.other_windows[i]->RemoveObserver(this);
- windows_.other_windows.clear();
- }
-void MultiWindowResizeController::CancelResize() {
- if (!window_resizer_)
- return; // Happens if window was destroyed and we nuked the WindowResizer.
- window_resizer_->RevertDrag();
- window_resizer_.reset();
- Hide();
-gfx::Rect MultiWindowResizeController::CalculateResizeWidgetBounds(
- const gfx::Point& location_in_parent) const {
- gfx::Size pref = resize_widget_->GetContentsView()->GetPreferredSize();
- int x = 0, y = 0;
- if (windows_.direction == LEFT_RIGHT) {
- x = windows_.window1->bounds().right() - pref.width() / 2;
- y = location_in_parent.y() + kResizeWidgetPadding;
- if (y + pref.height() / 2 > windows_.window1->bounds().bottom() &&
- y + pref.height() / 2 > windows_.window2->bounds().bottom()) {
- y = location_in_parent.y() - kResizeWidgetPadding - pref.height();
- }
- } else {
- x = location_in_parent.x() + kResizeWidgetPadding;
- if (x + pref.height() / 2 > windows_.window1->bounds().right() &&
- x + pref.height() / 2 > windows_.window2->bounds().right()) {
- x = location_in_parent.x() - kResizeWidgetPadding - pref.width();
- }
- y = windows_.window1->bounds().bottom() - pref.height() / 2;
- }
- return gfx::Rect(x, y, pref.width(), pref.height());
-bool MultiWindowResizeController::IsOverWindows(
- const gfx::Point& location_in_screen) const {
- if (window_resizer_)
- return true; // Ignore hides while actively resizing.
- if (resize_widget_->GetWindowBoundsInScreen().Contains(location_in_screen))
- return true;
- int hit1, hit2;
- if (windows_.direction == TOP_BOTTOM) {
- hit1 = HTBOTTOM;
- hit2 = HTTOP;
- } else {
- hit1 = HTRIGHT;
- hit2 = HTLEFT;
- }
- return IsOverWindow(windows_.window1, location_in_screen, hit1) ||
- IsOverWindow(windows_.window2, location_in_screen, hit2);
-bool MultiWindowResizeController::IsOverWindow(
- aura::Window* window,
- const gfx::Point& location_in_screen,
- int component) const {
- if (!window->delegate())
- return false;
- gfx::Point window_loc(location_in_screen);
- aura::Window::ConvertPointToTarget(
- window->GetRootWindow(), window, &window_loc);
- return window->HitTest(window_loc) &&
- window->delegate()->GetNonClientComponent(window_loc) == component;
-} // namespace internal
-} // namespace ash