path: root/chromium/build/android/pylib/local/emulator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/build/android/pylib/local/emulator/')
1 files changed, 496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/build/android/pylib/local/emulator/ b/chromium/build/android/pylib/local/emulator/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fab9061e90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/build/android/pylib/local/emulator/
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import contextlib
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import socket
+import stat
+import subprocess
+import textwrap
+import threading
+from google.protobuf import text_format # pylint: disable=import-error
+from import device_utils
+from import adb_wrapper
+from devil.utils import cmd_helper
+from devil.utils import timeout_retry
+from py_utils import tempfile_ext
+from pylib import constants
+from pylib.local.emulator.proto import avd_pb2
+_ALL_PACKAGES = object()
+_DEFAULT_AVDMANAGER_PATH = os.path.join(constants.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, 'tools',
+ 'bin', 'avdmanager')
+class AvdException(Exception):
+ """Raised when this module has a problem interacting with an AVD."""
+ def __init__(self, summary, command=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
+ message_parts = [summary]
+ if command:
+ message_parts.append(' command: %s' % ' '.join(command))
+ if stdout:
+ message_parts.append(' stdout:')
+ message_parts.extend(' %s' % line for line in stdout.splitlines())
+ if stderr:
+ message_parts.append(' stderr:')
+ message_parts.extend(' %s' % line for line in stderr.splitlines())
+ super(AvdException, self).__init__('\n'.join(message_parts))
+def _Load(avd_proto_path):
+ """Loads an Avd proto from a textpb file at the given path.
+ Should not be called outside of this module.
+ Args:
+ avd_proto_path: path to a textpb file containing an Avd message.
+ """
+ with open(avd_proto_path) as avd_proto_file:
+ return text_format.Merge(, avd_pb2.Avd())
+class _AvdManagerAgent(object):
+ """Private utility for interacting with avdmanager."""
+ def __init__(self, avd_home, sdk_root):
+ """Create an _AvdManagerAgent.
+ Args:
+ avd_home: path to ANDROID_AVD_HOME directory.
+ Typically something like /path/to/dir/.android/avd
+ sdk_root: path to SDK root directory.
+ """
+ self._avd_home = avd_home
+ self._sdk_root = sdk_root
+ self._env = dict(os.environ)
+ # avdmanager, like many tools that have evolved from `android`
+ # (, uses toolsdir to find the SDK root.
+ # Pass avdmanager a fake directory under the directory in which
+ # we install the system images s.t. avdmanager can find the
+ # system images.
+ fake_tools_dir = os.path.join(self._sdk_root, 'non-existent-tools')
+ self._env.update({
+ self._avd_home,
+ '' % fake_tools_dir,
+ })
+ def Create(self, avd_name, system_image, force=False):
+ """Call `avdmanager create`.
+ Args:
+ avd_name: name of the AVD to create.
+ system_image: system image to use for the AVD.
+ force: whether to force creation, overwriting any existing
+ AVD with the same name.
+ """
+ create_cmd = [
+ '-v',
+ 'create',
+ 'avd',
+ '-n',
+ avd_name,
+ '-k',
+ system_image,
+ ]
+ if force:
+ create_cmd += ['--force']
+ create_proc = cmd_helper.Popen(
+ create_cmd,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ env=self._env)
+ output, error = create_proc.communicate(input='\n')
+ if create_proc.returncode != 0:
+ raise AvdException(
+ 'AVD creation failed',
+ command=create_cmd,
+ stdout=output,
+ stderr=error)
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+' %s', line)
+ def Delete(self, avd_name):
+ """Call `avdmanager delete`.
+ Args:
+ avd_name: name of the AVD to delete.
+ """
+ delete_cmd = [
+ '-v',
+ 'delete',
+ 'avd',
+ '-n',
+ avd_name,
+ ]
+ try:
+ for line in cmd_helper.IterCmdOutputLines(delete_cmd, env=self._env):
+' %s', line)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise AvdException('AVD deletion failed: %s' % str(e), command=delete_cmd)
+class AvdConfig(object):
+ """Represents a particular AVD configuration.
+ This class supports creation, installation, and execution of an AVD
+ from a given Avd proto message, as defined in
+ //build/android/pylib/local/emulator/proto/avd.proto.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, avd_proto_path):
+ """Create an AvdConfig object.
+ Args:
+ avd_proto_path: path to a textpb file containing an Avd message.
+ """
+ self._config = _Load(avd_proto_path)
+ self._emulator_home = os.path.join(constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT,
+ self._config.avd_package.dest_path)
+ self._emulator_sdk_root = os.path.join(
+ constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, self._config.emulator_package.dest_path)
+ self._emulator_path = os.path.join(self._emulator_sdk_root, 'emulator',
+ 'emulator')
+ self._initialized = False
+ self._initializer_lock = threading.Lock()
+ def Create(self,
+ force=False,
+ snapshot=False,
+ keep=False,
+ cipd_json_output=None):
+ """Create an instance of the AVD CIPD package.
+ This method:
+ - installs the requisite system image
+ - creates the AVD
+ - modifies the AVD's ini files to support running chromium tests
+ in chromium infrastructure
+ - optionally starts & stops the AVD for snapshotting (default no)
+ - creates and uploads an instance of the AVD CIPD package
+ - optionally deletes the AVD (default yes)
+ Args:
+ force: bool indicating whether to force create the AVD.
+ snapshot: bool indicating whether to snapshot the AVD before creating
+ the CIPD package.
+ keep: bool indicating whether to keep the AVD after creating
+ the CIPD package.
+ cipd_json_output: string path to pass to `cipd create` via -json-output.
+ """
+'Installing required packages.')
+ self.Install(packages=[
+ self._config.emulator_package,
+ self._config.system_image_package,
+ ])
+ android_avd_home = os.path.join(self._emulator_home, 'avd')
+ if not os.path.exists(android_avd_home):
+ os.makedirs(android_avd_home)
+ avd_manager = _AvdManagerAgent(
+ avd_home=android_avd_home, sdk_root=self._emulator_sdk_root)
+'Creating AVD.')
+ avd_manager.Create(
+ avd_name=self._config.avd_name,
+ system_image=self._config.system_image_name,
+ force=force)
+ try:
+'Modifying AVD configuration.')
+ # Clear out any previous configuration or state from this AVD.
+ root_ini = os.path.join(android_avd_home,
+ '%s.ini' % self._config.avd_name)
+ avd_dir = os.path.join(android_avd_home, '%s.avd' % self._config.avd_name)
+ config_ini = os.path.join(avd_dir, 'config.ini')
+ with open(root_ini, 'a') as root_ini_file:
+ root_ini_file.write('path.rel=avd/%s.avd\n' % self._config.avd_name)
+ with open(config_ini, 'a') as config_ini_file:
+ config_ini_file.write(
+ textwrap.dedent("""\
+ disk.dataPartition.size=4G
+ hw.lcd.density=160
+ hw.lcd.height=960
+ hw.lcd.width=480
+ """))
+ # Start & stop the AVD.
+ self._Initialize()
+ instance = _AvdInstance(self._emulator_path, self._config.avd_name,
+ self._emulator_home)
+ instance.Start(read_only=False, snapshot_save=snapshot)
+ device_utils.DeviceUtils(instance.serial).WaitUntilFullyBooted(
+ timeout=180, retries=0)
+ instance.Stop()
+ # The multiinstance lock file seems to interfere with the emulator's
+ # operation in some circumstances (beyond the obvious -read-only ones),
+ # and there seems to be no mechanism by which it gets closed or deleted.
+ # See for context.
+ multiInstanceLockFile = os.path.join(avd_dir, 'multiinstance.lock')
+ if os.path.exists(multiInstanceLockFile):
+ os.unlink(multiInstanceLockFile)
+ package_def_content = {
+ 'package':
+ self._config.avd_package.package_name,
+ 'root':
+ self._emulator_home,
+ 'install_mode':
+ 'copy',
+ 'data': [
+ {
+ 'dir': os.path.relpath(avd_dir, self._emulator_home)
+ },
+ {
+ 'file': os.path.relpath(root_ini, self._emulator_home)
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+'Creating AVD CIPD package.')
+ logging.debug('ensure file content: %s',
+ json.dumps(package_def_content, indent=2))
+ with tempfile_ext.TemporaryFileName(suffix='.json') as package_def_path:
+ with open(package_def_path, 'w') as package_def_file:
+ json.dump(package_def_content, package_def_file)
+' %s', self._config.avd_package.package_name)
+ cipd_create_cmd = [
+ 'cipd',
+ 'create',
+ '-pkg-def',
+ package_def_path,
+ ]
+ if cipd_json_output:
+ cipd_create_cmd.extend([
+ '-json-output',
+ cipd_json_output,
+ ])
+ try:
+ for line in cmd_helper.IterCmdOutputLines(cipd_create_cmd):
+' %s', line)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise AvdException(
+ 'CIPD package creation failed: %s' % str(e),
+ command=cipd_create_cmd)
+ finally:
+ if not keep:
+'Deleting AVD.')
+ avd_manager.Delete(avd_name=self._config.avd_name)
+ def Install(self, packages=_ALL_PACKAGES):
+ """Installs the requested CIPD packages.
+ Returns: None
+ Raises: AvdException on failure to install.
+ """
+ pkgs_by_dir = {}
+ if packages is _ALL_PACKAGES:
+ packages = [
+ self._config.avd_package,
+ self._config.emulator_package,
+ self._config.system_image_package,
+ ]
+ for pkg in packages:
+ if not pkg.dest_path in pkgs_by_dir:
+ pkgs_by_dir[pkg.dest_path] = []
+ pkgs_by_dir[pkg.dest_path].append(pkg)
+ for pkg_dir, pkgs in pkgs_by_dir.iteritems():
+'Installing packages in %s', pkg_dir)
+ cipd_root = os.path.join(constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, pkg_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(cipd_root):
+ os.makedirs(cipd_root)
+ ensure_path = os.path.join(cipd_root, '.ensure')
+ with open(ensure_path, 'w') as ensure_file:
+ # Make CIPD ensure that all files are present, even if
+ # it thinks the package is installed.
+ ensure_file.write('$ParanoidMode CheckPresence\n\n')
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ ensure_file.write('%s %s\n' % (pkg.package_name, pkg.version))
+' %s %s', pkg.package_name, pkg.version)
+ ensure_cmd = [
+ 'cipd',
+ 'ensure',
+ '-ensure-file',
+ ensure_path,
+ '-root',
+ cipd_root,
+ ]
+ try:
+ for line in cmd_helper.IterCmdOutputLines(ensure_cmd):
+' %s', line)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise AvdException(
+ 'Failed to install CIPD package %s: %s' % (pkg.package_name,
+ str(e)),
+ command=ensure_cmd)
+ # The emulator requires that some files are writable.
+ for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk(self._emulator_home):
+ for f in filenames:
+ path = os.path.join(dirname, f)
+ mode = os.lstat(path).st_mode
+ if mode & stat.S_IRUSR:
+ mode = mode | stat.S_IWUSR
+ os.chmod(path, mode)
+ def _Initialize(self):
+ if self._initialized:
+ return
+ with self._initializer_lock:
+ if self._initialized:
+ return
+ # Emulator start-up looks for the adb daemon. Make sure it's running.
+ adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.StartServer()
+ # Emulator start-up tries to check for the SDK root by looking for
+ # platforms/ and platform-tools/. Ensure they exist.
+ # See for context.
+ required_dirs = [
+ os.path.join(self._emulator_sdk_root, 'platforms'),
+ os.path.join(self._emulator_sdk_root, 'platform-tools'),
+ ]
+ for d in required_dirs:
+ if not os.path.exists(d):
+ os.makedirs(d)
+ def CreateInstance(self):
+ """Creates an AVD instance without starting it.
+ Returns:
+ An _AvdInstance.
+ """
+ self._Initialize()
+ return _AvdInstance(self._emulator_path, self._config.avd_name,
+ self._emulator_home)
+ def StartInstance(self):
+ """Starts an AVD instance.
+ Returns:
+ An _AvdInstance.
+ """
+ instance = self.CreateInstance()
+ instance.Start()
+ return instance
+class _AvdInstance(object):
+ """Represents a single running instance of an AVD.
+ This class should only be created directly by AvdConfig.StartInstance,
+ but its other methods can be freely called.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, emulator_path, avd_name, emulator_home):
+ """Create an _AvdInstance object.
+ Args:
+ emulator_path: path to the emulator binary.
+ avd_name: name of the AVD to run.
+ emulator_home: path to the emulator home directory.
+ """
+ self._avd_name = avd_name
+ self._emulator_home = emulator_home
+ self._emulator_path = emulator_path
+ self._emulator_proc = None
+ self._emulator_serial = None
+ self._sink = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s|%s' % (self._avd_name, (self._emulator_serial or id(self)))
+ def Start(self, read_only=True, snapshot_save=False, window=False):
+ """Starts the emulator running an instance of the given AVD."""
+ with tempfile_ext.TemporaryFileName() as socket_path, (contextlib.closing(
+ socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX))) as sock:
+ sock.bind(socket_path)
+ emulator_cmd = [
+ self._emulator_path,
+ '-avd',
+ self._avd_name,
+ '-report-console',
+ 'unix:%s' % socket_path,
+ ]
+ if read_only:
+ emulator_cmd.append('-read-only')
+ if not snapshot_save:
+ emulator_cmd.append('-no-snapshot-save')
+ emulator_env = {}
+ if self._emulator_home:
+ emulator_env['ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME'] = self._emulator_home
+ if window:
+ if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ:
+ emulator_env['DISPLAY'] = os.environ.get('DISPLAY')
+ else:
+ raise AvdException('Emulator failed to start: DISPLAY not defined')
+ else:
+ emulator_cmd.append('-no-window')
+ sock.listen(1)
+'Starting emulator.')
+ # TODO(jbudorick): Add support for logging emulator stdout & stderr at
+ # higher logging levels.
+ self._sink = open('/dev/null', 'w')
+ self._emulator_proc = cmd_helper.Popen(
+ emulator_cmd, stdout=self._sink, stderr=self._sink, env=emulator_env)
+ # Waits for the emulator to report its serial as requested via
+ # -report-console. See for more.
+ def listen_for_serial(s):
+'Waiting for connection from emulator.')
+ with contextlib.closing(s.accept()[0]) as conn:
+ val = conn.recv(1024)
+ return 'emulator-%d' % int(val)
+ try:
+ self._emulator_serial = timeout_retry.Run(
+ listen_for_serial, timeout=30, retries=0, args=[sock])
+'%s started', self._emulator_serial)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.Stop()
+ raise AvdException('Emulator failed to start: %s' % str(e))
+ def Stop(self):
+ """Stops the emulator process."""
+ if self._emulator_proc:
+ if self._emulator_proc.poll() is None:
+ self._emulator_proc.terminate()
+ self._emulator_proc.wait()
+ self._emulator_proc = None
+ if self._sink:
+ self._sink.close()
+ self._sink = None
+ @property
+ def serial(self):
+ return self._emulator_serial