path: root/chromium/build/toolchain/win/rc/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/build/toolchain/win/rc/')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/build/toolchain/win/rc/ b/chromium/build/toolchain/win/rc/
index 2eff7d2fa30..a01a5ab6c3f 100755
--- a/chromium/build/toolchain/win/rc/
+++ b/chromium/build/toolchain/win/rc/
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ def RunRc(preprocessed_output, is_utf8, flags):
rc_cmd.append('/fo' + flags.output)
if is_utf8:
- # TODO(thakis): rc currently always prints full paths for /showIncludes,
+ # TODO(thakis): cl currently always prints full paths for /showIncludes,
# but clang-cl /P doesn't. Which one is right?
if flags.show_includes:
@@ -172,9 +172,65 @@ def RunRc(preprocessed_output, is_utf8, flags):
rc_cmd += flags.includes
p = subprocess.Popen(rc_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+ if flags.show_includes and p.returncode == 0:
+ # Since tool("rc") can't have deps, add deps on this script and on
+ # and its deps here, so that rc edges become dirty if changes.
+ print('Note: including file: ../../build/toolchain/win/')
+ print('Note: including file: ../../build/toolchain/win/rc/')
+ print(
+ 'Note: including file: ../../build/toolchain/win/rc/linux64/rc.sha1')
+ print('Note: including file: ../../build/toolchain/win/rc/mac/rc.sha1')
+ print(
+ 'Note: including file: ../../build/toolchain/win/rc/win/rc.exe.sha1')
return p.returncode
+def CompareToMsRcOutput(preprocessed_output, is_utf8, flags):
+ msrc_in = flags.output + '.preprocessed.rc'
+ # Strip preprocessor line markers.
+ preprocessed_output = re.sub(r'^#.*$', '', preprocessed_output, flags=re.M)
+ if is_utf8:
+ preprocessed_output = preprocessed_output.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-16le')
+ with open(msrc_in, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(preprocessed_output)
+ msrc_out = flags.output + '_ms_rc'
+ msrc_cmd = ['rc', '/nologo', '/fo' + msrc_out]
+ # Make sure rc-relative resources can be found. rc.exe looks for external
+ # resource files next to the file, but the preprocessed file isn't where the
+ # input was.
+ # Note that rc searches external resource files in the order of
+ # 1. next to the input file
+ # 2. relative to cwd
+ # 3. next to -I directories
+ # Changing the cwd means we'd have to rewrite all -I flags, so just add
+ # the input file dir as -I flag. That technically gets the order of 1 and 2
+ # wrong, but in Chromium's build the cwd is the gn out dir, and generated
+ # files there are in obj/ and gen/, so this difference doesn't matter in
+ # practice.
+ if os.path.dirname(flags.input):
+ msrc_cmd += [ '-I' + os.path.dirname(flags.input) ]
+ # Microsoft rc.exe searches for referenced files relative to -I flags in
+ # addition to the pwd, so -I flags need to be passed both to both
+ # the preprocessor and rc.
+ msrc_cmd += flags.includes
+ # Input must come last.
+ msrc_cmd += [ msrc_in ]
+ rc_exe_exit_code =
+ # Assert Microsoft rc.exe and produced identical .res files.
+ if rc_exe_exit_code == 0:
+ import filecmp
+ assert filecmp.cmp(msrc_out, flags.output)
+ return rc_exe_exit_code
def main():
# This driver has to do these things:
# 1. Parse flags.
@@ -185,7 +241,17 @@ def main():
flags = ParseFlags()
rc_file_data, is_utf8 = ReadInput(flags.input)
preprocessed_output = Preprocess(rc_file_data, flags)
- return RunRc(preprocessed_output, is_utf8, flags)
+ rc_exe_exit_code = RunRc(preprocessed_output, is_utf8, flags)
+ # 5. On Windows, we also call Microsoft's rc.exe and check that we produced
+ # the same output.
+ # Since Microsoft's rc has a preprocessor that only accepts 32 characters
+ # for macro names, feed the clang-preprocessed source into it instead
+ # of using ms rc's preprocessor.
+ if sys.platform == 'win32' and rc_exe_exit_code == 0:
+ rc_exe_exit_code = CompareToMsRcOutput(preprocessed_output, is_utf8, flags)
+ return rc_exe_exit_code
if __name__ == '__main__':