path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/chromevox/common/math_semantic_tree_test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/chromevox/common/math_semantic_tree_test.js')
1 files changed, 6188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/chromevox/common/math_semantic_tree_test.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/chromevox/common/math_semantic_tree_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d6948aebd65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/chromevox/common/math_semantic_tree_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6188 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Include test fixture.
+ * Test fixture.
+ * @constructor
+ * @extends {ChromeVoxUnitTestBase}
+ */
+function CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest() {}
+CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest.prototype = {
+ __proto__: ChromeVoxUnitTestBase.prototype,
+ /** @override */
+ closureModuleDeps: [
+ 'cvox.SemanticAttr',
+ 'cvox.SemanticTree',
+ 'cvox.SemanticUtil',
+ 'cvox.XpathUtil'
+ ],
+ /** @override */
+ setUp: function() {
+ this.nodeCounter = 0;
+ this.xpathBlacklist = [];
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.setupAttributes();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds some unicode characters via hex code to the right category.
+ *
+ * This method is necessary as the test framework can not handle code
+ * containing utf-8 encoded characters.
+ */
+ setupAttributes: function() {
+ var attr = cvox.SemanticAttr.getInstance();
+ attr.neutralFences.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x00A6));
+ attr.dashes.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x2015));
+ attr.neutralFences.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x2016));
+ attr.arrows.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x2192));
+ attr.sumOps.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x2211));
+ attr.additions.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x2213));
+ attr.multiplications.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x2218));
+ attr.intOps.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x222B));
+ attr.inequalities.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x2264));
+ attr.additions.unshift(cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x2295));
+ var open = cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x3008);
+ var close = cvox.SemanticUtil.numberToUnicode(0x3009);
+ attr.openClosePairs[open] = close;
+ attr.leftFences.unshift(open);
+ attr.rightFences.unshift(close);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes XML nodes according to the XPath elements in the blacklist.
+ * @param {Node} xml Xml representation of the semantic node.
+ */
+ customizeXml: function(xml) {
+ this.xpathBlacklist.forEach(
+ function(xpath) {
+ var removes = cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath(xpath, xml);
+ removes.forEach(
+ function(node) {
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Tests if for a given mathml snippet results in a particular semantic tree.
+ * @param {string} mml MathML expression.
+ * @param {string} sml XML snippet for the semantic tree.
+ */
+ executeTreeTest: function(mml, sml) {
+ var mathMl = '<math id=' + this.nodeCounter + '>' + mml + '';
+ this.loadHtml(mathMl);
+ var node = document.getElementById((this.nodeCounter++).toString());
+ var stree = new cvox.SemanticTree(/** @type {!Element} */(node));
+ var sxml = stree.xml(this.brief);
+ this.customizeXml(sxml);
+ var dp = new DOMParser();
+ var xml = dp.parseFromString('<stree>' + sml + '</stree>', 'text/xml');
+ var xmls = new XMLSerializer();
+ assertEquals(xmls.serializeToString(xml),
+ xmls.serializeToString(sxml));
+ }
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeRelations', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>=</mo>',
+ '<relation>=</relation>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>b</mi>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content><relation>=</relation></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>c</mi>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content><relation>=</relation><relation>=</relation></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>c</mi>' +
+ '<mo>\u2264</mo><mi>d</mi>',
+ '<multirel>' +
+ '<content><relation>=</relation><relation>=</relation>' +
+ '<relation>\u2264</relation></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</multirel>');
+// Operators.
+ * Test operator trees with pre- and postfixes.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrePostfixOperators', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ // Pathological operator only case.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>-</mo><mo>+</mo>',
+ '<prefixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>-' +
+ '<content><operator>-</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>');
+ // Single identifier with prefixes.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>a</mi>',
+ '<prefixop>+ +' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>');
+ // Single identifier with prefix and negative.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>-</mo><mi>a</mi>',
+ '<prefixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>-' +
+ '<content><operator>-</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>');
+ // Single identifier with postfixes.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mo>-</mo>',
+ '<postfixop>+ -' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>-</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</postfixop>');
+ // Single identifier with pre- and postfixes.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mo>+</mo>',
+ '<postfixop>+ +' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>+ +' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</postfixop>');
+ // Single identifier with mixed pre- and postfixes.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>\u2213</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2213</mo><mo>+</mo>',
+ '<postfixop>\u2213 +' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2213</operator><operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>\u2213 +' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2213</operator><operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</postfixop>');
+ // Two identifiers with pre- and postfixes.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2213</mo><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mi>b</mi><mo>+</mo>',
+ '<infixop>\u2213' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2213</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>+ +' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '<postfixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</postfixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Three identifiers with pre- and postfixes.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2213</mo><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mi>b</mi><mo>+</mo><mo>\u2213</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>+</mo>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2213' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2213</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>+ +' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '<prefixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<postfixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>\u2213' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2213</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</postfixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ * Test operator trees with single operator.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeSingleOperators', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ // Single identifier.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi>',
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>');
+ // Single implicit node.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mi>b</mi>',
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2062</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Implicit multi node.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mi>b</mi><mi>c</mi>',
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2062</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Single addition.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Multi addition.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>c</mi>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Multi addition with implicit node.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mi>c</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>d</mi>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2062</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ * Test operator trees with multiple operators.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeMultipleOperators', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ // Addition and subtraction.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>-</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>d</mi>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>-' +
+ '<content><operator>-</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Addition and subtraction.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>-</mo>' +
+ '<mi>d</mi><mo>-</mo><mi>e</mi>',
+ '<infixop>-' +
+ '<content><operator>-</operator><operator>-</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Addition and explicit multiplication.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>\u2218</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mi>d</mi>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2218' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2218</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Addition with explicit and implicit multiplication.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>\u2218</mo><mi>c</mi><mi>d</mi>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mi>e</mi><mo>\u2218</mo><mi>f</mi>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2218' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2218</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2062</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2218' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2218</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Two Additions, subtraction plus explicit and implicit multiplication,
+ // one prefix and one postfix.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>c</mi><mi>d</mi>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mi>e</mi><mo>\u2218</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>-</mo><mi>g</mi>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>h</mi><mo>\u2295</mo><mi>i</mi>' +
+ '<mo>\u2295</mo><mi>j</mi><mo>+</mo><mo>+</mo>',
+ '<infixop>\u2295' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2295</operator>' +
+ '<operator>\u2295</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>-' +
+ '<content><operator>-</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2062</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2218' +
+ '<content><operator>\u2218</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>g</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<prefixop>+' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>h</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>i</identifier>' +
+ '<postfixop>+ +' +
+ '<content><operator>+</operator><operator>+</operator></content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>j</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</postfixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+// Fences.
+ * Test regular directed fences.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeRegularFences', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ // No fence.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Empty parentheses.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>(</mo><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Single Fenced Expression.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Single Fenced Expression and operators.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>c</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>d</mi></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Parallel Parenthesis.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>c</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Nested Parenthesis.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>(</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Nested parenthesis and brackets.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>(</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mi>c</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Nested parenthesis, brackets, braces and superscript operator.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>(</mo><msup><mi>a</mi><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>[</mo><mi>i</mi>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mi>n</mi><mo>]</mo></mrow></msup><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mo>{</mo><mi>c</mi><mi>d</mi><mo>-</mo><mo>[</mo>' +
+ '<mi>e</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>}</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>i</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>{</fence>' +
+ '<fence>}</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>-' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>-</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ * Test neutral fences.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeNeutralFences', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ // Empty bars.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>|</mo><mo>|</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Simple bar fence.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>|</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>|</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Parallel bar fences.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>|</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>|</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mo>\u00A6</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>\u00A6</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ // Nested bar fences.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>\u00A6</mo><mo>|</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>|</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>\u00A6</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ * Mixed neutral and regular fences.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeMixedFences', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ // Empty parenthsis inside bars.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>|</mo><mo>(</mo><mo>)</mo><mo>|</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Bars inside parentheses.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>(</mo><mo>|</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>|</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>d</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Parentheses inside bards.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>|</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>|</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Parentheses inside bards.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>[</mo><mo>|</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>|</mo>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>+</mo><mo>\u00A6</mo><mi>d</mi>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>e</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>\u00A6</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u00A6</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ * Mixed with isolated bars.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeMixedFencesWithBars', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.xpathBlacklist = ['descendant::punctuated/content'];
+ // Set notation.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>{</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>,</mo>' +
+ '<mi>z</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>|</mo><mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo>' +
+ '<mo>z</mo><mo>}</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>{</fence>' +
+ '<fence>}</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>,</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>,</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>z</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<identifier>z</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Disjunction of bracketed parallel statements.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>]</mo>' +
+ '<mo>|</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>]</mo>' +
+ '</mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>'
+ );
+ // Metric over the above.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mi>b</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>|</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mi>y</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>&#x2016;</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>');
+ // Mix of metrics and bracketed expression and single bars.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>]</mo><mo>|</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>[</mo>' +
+ '<mi>u</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>v</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>|</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>z</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>u</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>v</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>z</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ this.xpathBlacklist = [];
+ * Pathological cases with only opening fences.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeOpeningFencesOnly', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.xpathBlacklist = ['descendant::punctuated/content'];
+ // Single.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>[</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fence>[</fence>');
+ // Single right.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>[</mo></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Single middle.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>[</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Single left.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>[</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Multiple.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>[</mo><mi>b</mi><mi>c</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>d</mi>' +
+ '<mo>{</mo><mi>e</mi><mo>&#x3008;</mo><mi>f</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<punctuation>(</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>{</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u3008</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Multiple plus inner fenced.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>[</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>[</mo><mo>(</mo><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>c</mi><mo>)</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>{</mo><mi>e</mi><mo>&#x3008;</mo>' +
+ '<mi>f</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>(</punctuation>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<punctuation>{</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u3008</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ this.xpathBlacklist = [];
+ * Pathological cases with only closing fences.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeClosingFencesOnly', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.xpathBlacklist = ['descendant::punctuated/content'];
+ // Single.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>]</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fence>]</fence>');
+ // Single right.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>]</mo></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Single middle.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>]</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Single left.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>]</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Multiple.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>]</mo><mi>b</mi><mi>c</mi><mo>)</mo><mi>d</mi>' +
+ '<mo>}</mo><mi>e</mi><mo>&#x3009;</mo><mi>f</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<punctuation>)</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>}</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u3009</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Multiple plus inner fenced.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>]</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>c</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo><mo>)</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>}</mo><mi>e</mi><mo>&#x3009;</mo>' +
+ '<mi>f</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>)</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>}</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u3009</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ this.xpathBlacklist = [];
+ * Pathological cases with only neutral fences.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeNeutralFencesOnly', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.xpathBlacklist = ['descendant::punctuated/content'];
+ // Single.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>|</mo></mrow>',
+ '<fence>|</fence>');
+ // Single right.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>|</mo></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Single middle.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>|</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Single left.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>|</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Two different bars.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>|</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>c</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Three different bars.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>|</mo><mi>c</mi>' +
+ '<mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>d</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Multiple plus inner fenced.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>]</mo><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>|</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mi>y</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>z</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>z</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ this.xpathBlacklist = [];
+ * Pathological cases with mixed fences.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeMixedUnmatchedFences', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.xpathBlacklist = ['descendant::punctuated/content'];
+ // Close, neutral, open.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>]</mo><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>|</mo><mi>c</mi>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>(</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Neutrals and close.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>|</mo><mi>c</mi>' +
+ '<mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>]</mo><mi>e</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Neutrals and open.
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>|</mo>' +
+ '<mi>c</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>d</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Multiple fences, fenced and operations
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>]</mo><mo>|</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>|</mo>' +
+ '<mi>x</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>z</mi>' +
+ '<mo>]</mo></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>z</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Multiple fences, fenced and operations
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>]</mo><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mo>[</mo><mo>|</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>]</mo><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>|</mo><mi>[</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mi>y</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mi>z</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '<fence>\u2016</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuation>]</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '<fence>|</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>z</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ // Multiple fences, fenced and operations
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo>' +
+ '<mo>&#x2016;</mo><mo>[</mo><mo>+</mo><mo>[</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>&#x2016;</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>]</mo><mo>+</mo><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mo>|</mo><mi>d</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>e</mi><mi>[</mi><mo>&#x2016;</mo>' +
+ '<mi>y</mi><mo>&#x00A6;</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>z</mi></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<postfixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<prefixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>c</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</postfixop>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>|</punctuation>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>e</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<punctuation>[</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2016</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u00A6</punctuation>' +
+ '<prefixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>z</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</prefixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ this.xpathBlacklist = [];
+ * Simple function applications
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeSimpleFuncsSingle', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi></mrow>',
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi>' +
+ '<mo>,</mo><mi>z</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>,</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation>,</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>,</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>,</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>z</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><msub><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msub>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><msubsup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn>' +
+ '<mn>1</mn></msubsup><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mover><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></mover>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<overscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</overscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><munder><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></munder>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<underscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</underscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><munderover><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn>' +
+ '<mn>1</mn></munderover><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<overscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<underscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</underscore>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</overscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fraction>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fraction>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>y</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ * Simple functions with surrounding operators.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeSimpleFuncsWithOps', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mn>2</mn></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo>' +
+ '<mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>=</mo><mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Multiple simple functions.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeSimpleFuncsMulti', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>g</mi>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>g</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>g</mi>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>h</mi><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>g</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>h</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>g</mi>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>h</mi><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>g</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>h</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Nested simple functions.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeSimpleFuncsNested', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>g</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>g</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>h</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mi>g</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>h</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>g</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>h</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mi>g</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>h</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>g</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>P</mi><mo>[</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>]</mo>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>P</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>[</fence>' +
+ '<fence>]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ * Simple functions with explicit function application.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeSimpleFuncsExplicitApp', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>f</mi><mo>\u2061</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>y</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>f</mi><mo>\u2061</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>y</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<msub><mi>f</mi><mn>1</mn></msub><mo>\u2061</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<msup><msub><mi>f</mi><mn>n</mn></msub><mn>2</mn></msup>' +
+ '<mo>\u2061</mo><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><msup><msub><mi>f</mi><mn>m</mn></msub><mn>2</mn></msup>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>f</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>m</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ * Prefix function applications
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsSingle', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><msub><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msub>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><msubsup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn>' +
+ '<mn>1</mn></msubsup><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mover><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></mover>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<overscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</overscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><munder><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></munder>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<underscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</underscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><munderover><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn>' +
+ '<mn>1</mn></munderover><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<overscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<underscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</underscore>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</overscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<fraction>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fraction>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>y</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ * Prefix functions applications with surrounding operators.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsWithOps', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mn>2</mn></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo>' +
+ '<mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>=</mo><mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Multiple prefix function applications.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsMulti', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>cos</mi>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>cos</mi>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>tan</mi><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>tan</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>cos</mi>' +
+ '<mo>(</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>tan</mi><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>tan</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Prefix function applications with sub- and superscripts.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsScripts', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msub><mi>sin</mi><mn>1</mn></msub><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msubsup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn><mn>1</mn></msubsup><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><msup><mi>cos</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Prefix function applications with unfenced arguments.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsUnfenced', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><msub><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msub></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><msubsup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn><mn>1</mn>' +
+ '</msubsup></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mover><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></mover></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<overscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</overscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><munder><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></munder></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<underscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</underscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><munderover><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn><mn>1</mn>' +
+ '</munderover></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<overscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<underscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</underscore>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</overscore>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fraction>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fraction>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ * Prefix function applications with unfenced arguments in an operator
+ * expression.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsUnfencedOps', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mn>2</mn></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>a</mo><mo>=</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo>' +
+ '<mo>b</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Multiple prefix function applications with unfenced arguments.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsMultiUnfenced', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>cos</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>cos</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo>' +
+ '<mi>tan</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>tan</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>cos</mi><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo>' +
+ '<mi>tan</mi><mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>tan</function>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Prefix function applications with sub- and superscripts and unfenced
+ * arguments.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsScriptUnfenced',
+ function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msub><mi>sin</mi><mn>1</mn></msub><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msubsup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn><mn>1</mn></msubsup>' +
+ '<mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><msup>' +
+ '<mi>cos</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msubsup><msubsup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn><mn>1</mn>' +
+ '</msubsup><mi>n</mi><mi>m</mi></msubsup><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<subscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</subscript>' +
+ '<identifier>m</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ * Prefix functions without arguments.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsNoArgs', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>sin</mi>',
+ '<function>sin</function>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<msup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn></msup>',
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<msup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><msup><mi>cos</mi>' +
+ '<mn>2</mn></msup>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msup><mi>sin</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<msup><mi>cos</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>=</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn>' +
+ '<mi>csc</mi></mfrac></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<fraction>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number>1</number>' +
+ '<function>csc</function>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fraction>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Nested prefix function applications, both with and without fenced arguments.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreePrefixFuncsNested', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>log</mi><mi>cos</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>log</function>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>ln</mi><mo>' +
+ '(</mo><mi>sin</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>ln</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>log</mi><mi>cos</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>=' +
+ '</mo><mi>ln</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>sin</mi><mo>' +
+ '(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>log</function>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>cos</function>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>ln</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>sin</function>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Variations of tables representing matrices, vectors, case statements,
+ * multiline equations and regular tables.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeTables', function() {
+ this.brief = false;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"><mi mathvariant="bold">A</mi>' +
+ '<mo>=</mo><mo>[</mo><mtable rowspacing="4pt" columnspacing="1em">' +
+ '<mtr><mtd><mn>0</mn></mtd><mtd><mn>1</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd>' +
+ '<mn>2</mn></mtd><mtd><mn>3</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable><mo>]</mo>' +
+ '</mrow>',
+ '<relseq role="equality" id="16">=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="1">=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="bold" id="0">A</identifier>' +
+ '<matrix role="unknown" id="13">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence role="open" id="2">[</fence>' +
+ '<fence role="close" id="14">]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<row role="matrix" id="7">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="matrix" id="4">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="3">0</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="matrix" id="6">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="5">1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '<row role="matrix" id="12">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="matrix" id="9">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="8">2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="matrix" id="11">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="10">3</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</matrix>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>[</mo><mtable rowspacing="4pt" columnspacing="1em"><mtr>' +
+ '<mtd><mn>0</mn></mtd><mtd><mn>1</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd>' +
+ '<mn>2</mn></mtd><mtd><mn>3</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable>' +
+ '<mo>]</mo>',
+ '<matrix role="unknown" id="11">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence role="open" id="0">[</fence>' +
+ '<fence role="close" id="12">]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<row role="matrix" id="5">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="matrix" id="2">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="1">0</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="matrix" id="4">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="3">1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '<row role="matrix" id="10">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="matrix" id="7">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="6">2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="matrix" id="9">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="8">3</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</matrix>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"><mi mathvariant="bold">V</mi>' +
+ '<mo>=</mo><mo>[</mo><mtable rowspacing="4pt" columnspacing="1em">' +
+ '<mtr><mtd><mn>1</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mn>2</mn></mtd></mtr>' +
+ '<mtr><mtd><mn>3</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable><mo>]</mo></mrow>',
+ '<relseq role="equality" id="15">=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="1">=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="bold" id="0">V</identifier>' +
+ '<vector role="unknown" id="12">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence role="open" id="2">[</fence>' +
+ '<fence role="close" id="13">]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<line role="vector" id="5">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="3">1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '<line role="vector" id="8">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="6">2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '<line role="vector" id="11">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="9">3</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</vector>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mo>[</mo><mtable rowspacing="4pt" columnspacing="1em">' +
+ '<mtr><mtd><mn>1</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mn>2</mn></mtd></mtr>' +
+ '<mtr><mtd><mn>3</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable><mo>]</mo>',
+ '<vector role="unknown" id="10">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence role="open" id="0">[</fence>' +
+ '<fence role="close" id="11">]</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<line role="vector" id="3">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="1">1</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '<line role="vector" id="6">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="4">2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '<line role="vector" id="9">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="7">3</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</vector>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>{</mo><mtable><mtr><mtd><mi>a</mi></mtd><mtd>' +
+ '<mtext>often</mtext></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>b</mi></mtd>' +
+ '<mtd><mtext>sometimes</mtext></mtd></mtr></mtable></mrow>',
+ '<cases role="unknown" id="11">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="openfence" id="0">{</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<row role="cases" id="5">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="2">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="1">a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="4">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="3">often</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '<row role="cases" id="10">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="7">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="6">b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="9">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="8">sometimes</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cases>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi mathvariant="bold">A</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>{</mo><mtable>' +
+ '<mtr><mtd><mi>a</mi></mtd><mtd><mtext>often</mtext></mtd></mtr>' +
+ '<mtr><mtd><mi>b</mi></mtd><mtd><mtext>sometimes</mtext></mtd></mtr>' +
+ '</mtable></mrow>',
+ '<relseq role="equality" id="14">=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="1">=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="bold" id="0">A</identifier>' +
+ '<cases role="unknown" id="13">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="openfence" id="2">{</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<row role="cases" id="7">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="4">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="3">a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="6">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="5">often</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '<row role="cases" id="12">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="9">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="8">b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="11">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="10">sometimes</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cases>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>{</mo><mtable><mtr><mtd><mi>a</mi></mtd><mtd>' +
+ '<mtext>often</mtext></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>b</mi></mtd><mtd>' +
+ '<mtext>sometimes</mtext></mtd></mtr></mtable><mo>.</mo></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated role="endpunct" id="13">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="fullstop" id="12">.</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cases role="unknown" id="11">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="openfence" id="0">{</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<row role="cases" id="5">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="2">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="1">a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="4">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="3">often</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '<row role="cases" id="10">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="7">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="6">b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="9">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="8">sometimes</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cases>' +
+ '<punctuation role="fullstop" id="12">.</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>{</mo><mtable><mtr><mtd><mi>a</mi></mtd>' +
+ '<mtd><mtext>often</mtext></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>b</mi></mtd>' +
+ '<mtd><mtext>sometimes</mtext></mtd></mtr></mtable>' +
+ '<mo>,</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>.</mo></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated role="sequence" id="17">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="12">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="14">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation role="fullstop" id="16">.</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cases role="unknown" id="11">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="openfence" id="0">{</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<row role="cases" id="5">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="2">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="1">a</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="4">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="3">often</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '<row role="cases" id="10">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="7">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="6">b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="cases" id="9">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="8">sometimes</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cases>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="12">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="13">b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="14">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="15">c</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation role="fullstop" id="16">.</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mo>{</mo><mtable><mtr><mtd><mi>a</mi><mo>,</mo>' +
+ '<mtext>often</mtext></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>b</mi><mo>,</mo>' +
+ '<mtext>sometimes</mtext></mtd></mtr></mtable><mo>,</mo><mi>b</mi>' +
+ '<mo>,</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>.</mo></mrow>',
+ '<punctuated role="sequence" id="19">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="14">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="16">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<punctuation role="fullstop" id="18">.</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cases role="unknown" id="13">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="openfence" id="0">{</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<line role="cases" id="6">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated role="sequence" id="4">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="2">,</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="1">a</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="2">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="3">often</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '<line role="cases" id="12">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<punctuated role="sequence" id="10">' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="8">,</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="7">b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="8">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<text role="unknown" id="9">sometimes</text>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cases>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="14">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="15">b</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation role="unknown" id="16">,</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="17">c</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation role="fullstop" id="18">.</punctuation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mtable><mtr><mtd><mi>x</mi><maligngroup/><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn>' +
+ '</mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>y</mi><maligngroup/><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn>' +
+ '</mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi><maligngroup/><mo>=</mo>' +
+ '<mn>6</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable>',
+ '<multiline role="unknown" id="21">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<line role="multiline" id="5">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<relseq role="equality" id="3">=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="1">=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="0">x</identifier>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="2">4</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '<line role="multiline" id="11">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<relseq role="equality" id="9">=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="7">=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="6">y</identifier>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="8">2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '<line role="multiline" id="20">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<relseq role="equality" id="18">=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="14">=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop role="implicit" id="17">\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator role="multiplication" id="16">\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="12">x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="13">y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="15">6</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</line>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</multiline>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mtable><mtr><mtd><mi>x</mi></mtd><mtd><mo>=</mo></mtd><mtd><mn>4</mn>' +
+ '</mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>y</mi></mtd><mtd><mo>=</mo></mtd><mtd>' +
+ '<mn>2</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi></mtd><mtd>' +
+ '<mo>=</mo></mtd><mtd><mn>6</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable>',
+ '<table role="unknown" id="24">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<row role="table" id="6">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="1">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="0">x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="3">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="2">=</relation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="5">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="4">4</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '<row role="table" id="13">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="8">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="7">y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="10">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="9">=</relation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="12">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="11">2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '<row role="table" id="23">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="18">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop role="implicit" id="17">\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator role="multiplication" id="16">\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="14">x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier role="latinletter" font="normal" id="15">y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="20">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<relation role="equality" id="19">=</relation>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '<cell role="table" id="22">' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<number role="integer" font="normal" id="21">6</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</cell>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</row>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</table>');
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeLimitFunctions', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><munder><mi>lim</mi><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2192</mo>' +
+ '<mi>\u221E</mi></mrow></munder><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><munder><mi>lim</mi><mrow><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>\u2192</mo><mi>\u221E</mi></mrow></munder><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><msup><munder><mi>lim</mi><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2192</mo>' +
+ '<mi>\u221E</mi></mrow></munder><mo>+</mo></msup><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limupper>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limupper>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><munderover><mi>lim</mi><mo>\u2015</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>\u2192</mo><mi>\u221E</mi></mrow></munderover><mo>(</mo>' +
+ '<mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2015</punctuation>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><munder><mi>liminf</mi><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2192</mo>' +
+ '<mi>\u221E</mi></mrow></munder><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo>' +
+ '<mo>+</mo><munder><mi>limsup</mi><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>\u2192</mo>' +
+ '<mi>\u221E</mi></mrow></munder><mo>(</mo><mi>y</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>liminf</function>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>limsup</function>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<fenced>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<fence>(</fence>' +
+ '<fence>)</fence>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</fenced>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><munder><mi>lim</mi><mrow><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mo>\u2192</mo><mi>\u221E</mi></mrow></munder><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo>' +
+ '<mi>b</mi></mrow>',
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>a</identifier>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<identifier>b</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><munder><mi>lim</mi><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2192</mo><mi>\u221E</mi>' +
+ '</mrow></munder><mi>lim</mi><munder><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>\u2192</mo>' +
+ '<mi>\u221E</mi></mrow></munder><mi>x</mi><mi>y</mi></mrow>',
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<infixop>\u2062' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>\u2062</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<underscore>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</underscore>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>liminf</mi>',
+ '<function>liminf</function>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<munder><mi>lim</mi><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2192</mo><mi>\u221E</mi>' +
+ '</mrow></munder>',
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<relseq>\u2192' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>\u2192</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>liminf</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>limsup</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>lim</mi>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>liminf</function>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>limsup</function>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<appl>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2061</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<function>lim</function>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</appl>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ * Variations of big operators.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeBigOps', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><munderover><mi>\u2211</mi><mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn>' +
+ '</mrow><mi>\u221E</mi></munderover><msup><mi>n</mi><mn>2</mn>' +
+ '</msup></mrow>',
+ '<bigop>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u2211</largeop>' +
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '<number>0</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</bigop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><munderover><mi>\u2211</mi><mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn>' +
+ '</mrow><mi>\u221E</mi></munderover><munderover><mi>\u2211</mi><mrow>' +
+ '<mi>m</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow><mi>\u221E</mi></munderover><msup>' +
+ '<mi>n</mi><mn>m</mn></msup></mrow>',
+ '<bigop>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u2211</largeop>' +
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '<number>0</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>' +
+ '<bigop>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u2211</largeop>' +
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>m</identifier>' +
+ '<number>0</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '<identifier>\u221E</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>m</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</bigop>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</bigop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><munder><mi>\u2211</mi><mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow>' +
+ '</munder><msup><mi>n</mi><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow>',
+ '<bigop>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u2211</largeop>' +
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '<number>0</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<superscript>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>n</identifier>' +
+ '<number>2</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</superscript>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</bigop>');
+ * Variations of integrals.
+ */
+TEST_F('CvoxSemanticTreeUnitTest', 'StreeIntegrals', function() {
+ this.brief = true;
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>\u222B</mi>',
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>\u222B</mi><mi>dx</mi>',
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '<identifier>dx</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>\u222B</mi><mi>x</mi><mi>dx</mi></mrow>',
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>dx</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>\u222B</mi><mi>x</mi><mi>d</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2063</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2063</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mrow><mi>\u222B</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+' +
+ '</mo><mi>y</mi><mi>d</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow>',
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>y</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2063</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2063</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<munderover><mi>\u222B</mi><mn>0</mn><mn>10</mn></munderover>',
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<number>0</number>' +
+ '<number>10</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<munder><mi>\u222B</mi><mn>X</mn></munder>',
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<identifier>X</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<munderover><mi>\u222B</mi><mn>0</mn><mn>10</mn></munderover><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mi>d</mi><mi>x</mi>',
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<number>0</number>' +
+ '<number>10</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuated>' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2063</punctuation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<identifier>d</identifier>' +
+ '<punctuation>\u2063</punctuation>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</punctuated>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<munder><mi>\u222B</mi><mn>X</mn></munder><mi>x</mi><mi>dx</mi>',
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limlower>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<identifier>X</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limlower>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>dx</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<munderover><mi>\u222B</mi><mn>0</mn><mn>10</mn></munderover><mi>x</mi>' +
+ '<mi>dx</mi><mo>+</mo><munderover><mi>\u222B</mi><mn>10</mn><mn>20</mn>' +
+ '</munderover><mi>x</mi><mi>dx</mi><mo>=</mo><munderover><mi>\u222B</mi>' +
+ '<mn>0</mn><mn>20</mn></munderover><mi>x</mi><mi>dx</mi>',
+ '<relseq>=' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<relation>=</relation>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<infixop>+' +
+ '<content>' +
+ '<operator>+</operator>' +
+ '</content>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<number>0</number>' +
+ '<number>10</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>dx</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>' +
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<number>10</number>' +
+ '<number>20</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>dx</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</infixop>' +
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<limboth>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<number>0</number>' +
+ '<number>20</number>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</limboth>' +
+ '<identifier>x</identifier>' +
+ '<identifier>dx</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</relseq>');
+ this.executeTreeTest(
+ '<mi>\u222B</mi><mi>\u222B</mi><mi>\u222B</mi>' +
+ '<mi>dx</mi><mi>dy</mi><mi>dz</mi>',
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<integral>' +
+ '<children>' +
+ '<largeop>\u222B</largeop>' +
+ '<empty/>' +
+ '<identifier>dx</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>' +
+ '<identifier>dy</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>' +
+ '<identifier>dz</identifier>' +
+ '</children>' +
+ '</integral>');