path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/google_now/background_unittest.gtestjs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/resources/google_now/background_unittest.gtestjs')
1 files changed, 1148 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/google_now/background_unittest.gtestjs b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/google_now/background_unittest.gtestjs
index 0099576f4a1..22ac6152ee4 100644
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/google_now/background_unittest.gtestjs
+++ b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/google_now/background_unittest.gtestjs
@@ -24,7 +24,12 @@ GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest.prototype = {
-TEST_F('GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest', 'AreTasksConflicting', function() {
+var TEST_NAME = 'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest';
+ * Tasks Conflict Test
+ */
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'AreTasksConflicting', function() {
function testTaskPair(newTaskName, scheduledTaskName, expected) {
assertTrue(areTasksConflicting(newTaskName, scheduledTaskName) == expected,
'(' + newTaskName + ', ' + scheduledTaskName + ')');
@@ -52,24 +57,549 @@ TEST_F('GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest', 'AreTasksConflicting', function() {
+ * Server Request Tests
+ */
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'AuthServerRequestSuccess', function() {
+ expectServerRequests(this, 200, '{}');
+ var callbackCalled = false;
+ requestFromServer('GET', 'test/target').then(function(request) {
+ callbackCalled = true;
+ assertTrue(request.status === 200);
+ assertTrue(request.responseText === '{}');
+ });
+ assertTrue(callbackCalled);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'AuthServerRequestForbidden', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis(['authenticationManager.removeToken']);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).authenticationManager_removeToken(ANYTHING);
+ expectServerRequests(this, 403, '');
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestFromServer('GET', 'test/target').then(function(request) {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ }).catch(function(request) {
+ // The promise is rejected on HTTP failures.
+ catchCalled = true;
+ assertTrue(request.status === 403);
+ });
+ assertFalse(thenCalled);
+ assertTrue(catchCalled);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'AuthServerRequestNoAuth', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis(['authenticationManager.removeToken']);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).authenticationManager_removeToken(ANYTHING);
+ expectServerRequests(this, 401, '');
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestFromServer('GET', 'test/target').then(function(request) {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ }).catch(function(request) {
+ // The promise is rejected on HTTP failures.
+ catchCalled = true;
+ assertTrue(request.status === 401);
+ });
+ assertFalse(thenCalled);
+ assertTrue(catchCalled);
+function expectServerRequests(fixture, httpStatus, responseText) {
+ fixture.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'authenticationManager.getAuthToken',
+ 'buildServerRequest'
+ ]);
+ function XMLHttpRequest() {}
+ XMLHttpRequest.prototype = {
+ addEventListener: function(type, listener, wantsUntrusted) {},
+ setRequestHeader: function(header, value) {},
+ send: function() {}
+ }
+ fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).authenticationManager_getAuthToken()
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.resolve('token')));
+ var mockXMLHttpRequest = mock(XMLHttpRequest);
+ var mockXMLHttpRequestProxy = mockXMLHttpRequest.proxy();
+ fixture.mockApis.expects(once())
+ .will(returnValue(mockXMLHttpRequestProxy));
+ mockXMLHttpRequest.expects(once())
+ .setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer token');
+ var loadEndSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ mockXMLHttpRequest.expects(once())
+ .addEventListener(
+ loadEndSavedArgs.match(eq('loadend')),
+ loadEndSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING),
+ loadEndSavedArgs.match(eq(false)));
+ mockXMLHttpRequestProxy.status = httpStatus;
+ mockXMLHttpRequestProxy.response = responseText;
+ mockXMLHttpRequestProxy.responseText = responseText;
+ mockXMLHttpRequest.expects(once()).send()
+ .will(invokeCallback(loadEndSavedArgs, 1, mockXMLHttpRequestProxy));
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'AuthServerRequestNoToken', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'authenticationManager.getAuthToken',
+ 'buildServerRequest'
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).authenticationManager_getAuthToken()
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.reject()));
+ this.mockApis.expects(never()).buildServerRequest()
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestFromServer('GET', 'test/target').then(function(request) {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ }).catch(function() {
+ catchCalled = true;
+ });
+ assertFalse(thenCalled);
+ assertTrue(catchCalled);
+ * requestNotificationGroupsFromServer Tests
+ */
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'RequestNotificationGroupsFromServerEmpty', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'shouldShowExplanatoryCard',
+ 'recordEvent',
+ 'requestFromServer'
+ ]);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).shouldShowExplanatoryCard()
+ .will(returnValue(false));
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ var requestFromServerArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).requestFromServer(
+ requestFromServerArgs.match(eq('GET')),
+ requestFromServerArgs.match(ANYTHING))
+ .will(returnValue(
+ Promise.resolve({status: 200, responseText: "{}"})));
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestNotificationGroupsFromServer([]).then(function() {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ }).catch(function() {
+ catchCalled = true;
+ });
+ assertTrue(thenCalled);
+ assertFalse(catchCalled);
+ var pathAndQuery = requestFromServerArgs.arguments[1];
+ var query = pathAndQuery.split('?')[1];
+ assertTrue('timeZoneOffsetMs') >= 0);
+ assertTrue('uiLocale') >= 0);
+ assertFalse('cardExplanation') >= 0);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'RequestNotificationGroupsFromServerWithGroups', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'shouldShowExplanatoryCard',
+ 'recordEvent',
+ 'requestFromServer'
+ ]);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).shouldShowExplanatoryCard()
+ .will(returnValue(false));
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ var requestFromServerArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).requestFromServer(
+ requestFromServerArgs.match(eq('GET')),
+ requestFromServerArgs.match(ANYTHING))
+ .will(returnValue(
+ Promise.resolve({status: 200, responseText: "{}"})));
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestNotificationGroupsFromServer(['A', 'B', 'C']).then(function() {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ }).catch(function() {
+ catchCalled = true;
+ });
+ assertTrue(thenCalled);
+ assertFalse(catchCalled);
+ var pathAndQuery = requestFromServerArgs.arguments[1];
+ var query = pathAndQuery.split('?')[1];
+ assertTrue('timeZoneOffsetMs') >= 0);
+ assertTrue('uiLocale') >= 0);
+ assertFalse('cardExplanation') >= 0);
+ assertTrue('requestTypes=A') >= 0);
+ assertTrue('requestTypes=B') >= 0);
+ assertTrue('requestTypes=C') >= 0);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'RequestNotificationGroupsFromServerExplanatory', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'shouldShowExplanatoryCard',
+ 'recordEvent',
+ 'requestFromServer'
+ ]);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).shouldShowExplanatoryCard()
+ .will(returnValue(true));
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ var requestFromServerArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).requestFromServer(
+ requestFromServerArgs.match(eq('GET')),
+ requestFromServerArgs.match(ANYTHING))
+ .will(returnValue(
+ Promise.resolve({status: 200, responseText: "{}"})));
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestNotificationGroupsFromServer([]).then(function() {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ }).catch(function() {
+ catchCalled = true;
+ });
+ assertTrue(thenCalled);
+ assertFalse(catchCalled);
+ var pathAndQuery = requestFromServerArgs.arguments[1];
+ var query = pathAndQuery.split('?')[1];
+ assertTrue('timeZoneOffsetMs') >= 0);
+ assertTrue('uiLocale') >= 0);
+ assertTrue('cardExplanation=true') >= 0);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'RequestNotificationGroupsFromServerFailure', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'shouldShowExplanatoryCard',
+ 'recordEvent',
+ 'requestFromServer'
+ ]);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).shouldShowExplanatoryCard()
+ .will(returnValue(false));
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ var requestFromServerArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).requestFromServer(
+ requestFromServerArgs.match(eq('GET')),
+ requestFromServerArgs.match(ANYTHING))
+ .will(returnValue(
+ Promise.reject({status: 401})));
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestNotificationGroupsFromServer([]).then(function() {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ }).catch(function() {
+ catchCalled = true;
+ });
+ assertFalse(thenCalled);
+ assertTrue(catchCalled);
+ * requestAndUpdateOptIn Tests
+ */
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'RequestAndUpdateOptInOptedIn', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ '',
+ 'requestFromServer'
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).requestFromServer('GET', 'settings/optin')
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.resolve({
+ status: 200,
+ responseText: '{"value": true}'})));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once())
+ .chrome_storage_local_set(eqJSON({googleNowEnabled: true}));
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestAndUpdateOptedIn().then(function(optedIn) {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ assertTrue(optedIn);
+ }).catch(function() {
+ catchCalled = true;
+ });
+ assertTrue(thenCalled);
+ assertFalse(catchCalled);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'RequestAndUpdateOptInOptedOut', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ '',
+ 'requestFromServer'
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).requestFromServer('GET', 'settings/optin')
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.resolve({
+ status: 200,
+ responseText: '{"value": false}'})));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once())
+ .chrome_storage_local_set(eqJSON({googleNowEnabled: false}));
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestAndUpdateOptedIn().then(function(optedIn) {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ assertFalse(optedIn);
+ }).catch(function() {
+ catchCalled = true;
+ });
+ assertTrue(thenCalled);
+ assertFalse(catchCalled);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'RequestAndUpdateOptInFailure', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ '',
+ 'requestFromServer'
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).requestFromServer('GET', 'settings/optin')
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.reject({status: 404})));
+ this.mockApis.expects(never()).chrome_storage_local_set();
+ var thenCalled = false;
+ var catchCalled = false;
+ requestAndUpdateOptedIn().then(function() {
+ thenCalled = true;
+ }).catch(function() {
+ catchCalled = true;
+ });
+ assertFalse(thenCalled);
+ assertTrue(catchCalled);
+ * pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck Tests
+ */
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheckOptedIn', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'requestAndUpdateOptedIn',
+ 'instrumented.metricsPrivate.getVariationParams',
+ 'optInPollAttempts.start'
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).requestAndUpdateOptedIn()
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)));
+ this.mockApis.expects(never())
+ .instrumented_metricsPrivate_getVariationParams();
+ this.mockApis.expects(never()).optInPollAttempts_start();
+ pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck();
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheckOptedOut', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'requestAndUpdateOptedIn',
+ 'instrumented.metricsPrivate.getVariationParams',
+ 'optInPollAttempts.start'
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).requestAndUpdateOptedIn()
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)));
+ var getVariationParamsSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once())
+ .instrumented_metricsPrivate_getVariationParams(
+ getVariationParamsSavedArgs.match(eq('GoogleNow')),
+ getVariationParamsSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING))
+ .will(invokeCallback(getVariationParamsSavedArgs, 1, {}));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once())
+ pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck();
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheckFailure', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'requestAndUpdateOptedIn',
+ 'instrumented.metricsPrivate.getVariationParams',
+ 'optInPollAttempts.start'
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).requestAndUpdateOptedIn()
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.reject()));
+ var getVariationParamsSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once())
+ .instrumented_metricsPrivate_getVariationParams(
+ getVariationParamsSavedArgs.match(eq('GoogleNow')),
+ getVariationParamsSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING))
+ .will(invokeCallback(getVariationParamsSavedArgs, 1, {}));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once())
+ pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck();
+ * getGroupsToRequest Tests
+ */
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'GetGroupsToRequestNone', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'fillFromChromeLocalStorage',
+ ''
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once())
+ .fillFromChromeLocalStorage(eqJSON({notificationGroups: {}}))
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.resolve({notificationGroups: {}})));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).Date_now().will(returnValue(20));
+ getGroupsToRequest().then(function(groupsToRequest) {
+ assertTrue(JSON.stringify(groupsToRequest) === '[]');
+ });
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'GetGroupsToRequestWithGroups', function() {
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'fillFromChromeLocalStorage',
+ ''
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once())
+ .fillFromChromeLocalStorage(eqJSON({notificationGroups: {}}))
+ .will(returnValue(Promise.resolve({notificationGroups: {
+ TIME18: {nextPollTime: 18},
+ TIME19: {nextPollTime: 19},
+ TIME20: {nextPollTime: 20},
+ TIME21: {nextPollTime: 21},
+ TIME22: {nextPollTime: 22},
+ }})));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).Date_now().will(returnValue(20));
+ getGroupsToRequest().then(function(groupsToRequest) {
+ assertTrue(groupsToRequest.length == 3);
+ assertTrue(groupsToRequest.indexOf('TIME18') >= 0);
+ assertTrue(groupsToRequest.indexOf('TIME19') >= 0);
+ assertTrue(groupsToRequest.indexOf('TIME20') >= 0);
+ });
+ * combineGroup Tests
+ */
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'CombineGroup', function() {
+ // Tests combineGroup function. Verifies that both notifications with and
+ // without show time are handled correctly and that cards are correctly
+ // added to existing cards with same ID or start a new combined card.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var combinedCards = {
+ };
+ var receivedNotificationNoShowTime = {
+ chromeNotificationId: 'EXISTING CARD',
+ trigger: {hideTimeSec: 1}
+ };
+ var receivedNotificationWithShowTime = {
+ chromeNotificationId: 'NEW CARD',
+ trigger: {showTimeSec: 2, hideTimeSec: 3}
+ }
+ var storedGroup = {
+ cardsTimestamp: 10000,
+ cards: [
+ receivedNotificationNoShowTime,
+ receivedNotificationWithShowTime
+ ]
+ };
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ combineGroup(combinedCards, storedGroup);
+ // Check the output value.
+ var expectedCombinedCards = {
+ 1,
+ {
+ receivedNotification: receivedNotificationNoShowTime,
+ hideTime: 11000
+ }
+ ],
+ 'NEW CARD': [
+ {
+ receivedNotification: receivedNotificationWithShowTime,
+ showTime: 12000,
+ hideTime: 13000
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ assertEquals(
+ JSON.stringify(expectedCombinedCards),
+ JSON.stringify(combinedCards));
* Mocks global functions and APIs that initialize() depends upon.
* @param {Test} fixture Test fixture.
function mockInitializeDependencies(fixture) {
+ 'pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck',
+ 'removeAllCards',
- 'startPollingCards'
+ 'startPollingCards',
+ 'stopPollingCards'
- 'chrome.location.clearWatch',
+ 'fillFromChromeLocalStorage',
- 'instrumented.preferencesPrivate.googleGeolocationAccessEnabled.get',
- '',
+ 'instrumented.webstorePrivate.getBrowserLogin',
+ 'optInPollAttempts.isRunning',
+ 'optInPollAttempts.stop',
@@ -84,7 +614,6 @@ function mockInitializeDependencies(fixture) {
* expects() calls cannot be chained with the same argument matchers.
* @param {object} fixture Test fixture.
* @param {string} testIdentityToken getAuthToken callback token.
- * @param {boolean} testGeolocationPref Geolocation Preference callback value.
* @param {object} testExperimentVariationParams Response of
* metricsPrivate.getVariationParams.
* @param {string} testExperimentVariationParams Response of
@@ -95,18 +624,14 @@ function mockInitializeDependencies(fixture) {
function expectStateMachineCalls(
- testGeolocationPref,
testGoogleNowEnabled) {
- var authenticationManagerIsSignedInSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- authenticationManager_isSignedIn(
- authenticationManagerIsSignedInSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(
- authenticationManagerIsSignedInSavedArgs,
- 0,
- testIdentityToken));
+ authenticationManager_isSignedIn().
+ will(returnValue(new Promise(function(resolve) {
+ resolve(!!testIdentityToken);
+ })));
var getVariationParamsSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
@@ -116,14 +641,6 @@ function expectStateMachineCalls(
getVariationParamsSavedArgs, 1, testExperimentVariationParams));
- var googleGeolocationPrefGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
- instrumented_preferencesPrivate_googleGeolocationAccessEnabled_get(
- googleGeolocationPrefGetSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({})),
- googleGeolocationPrefGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(
- googleGeolocationPrefGetSavedArgs, 1, {value: testGeolocationPref}));
var notificationGetPermissionLevelSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
@@ -133,16 +650,26 @@ function expectStateMachineCalls(
- var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
- instrumented_storage_local_get(
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('googleNowEnabled')),
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(
- storageGetSavedArgs, 1, {googleNowEnabled: testGoogleNowEnabled}));
+ expectChromeLocalStorageGet(
+ fixture,
+ {googleNowEnabled: false},
+ {googleNowEnabled: testGoogleNowEnabled});
+ var updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ updateCardsAttempts_isRunning(
+ updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
+ will(
+ invokeCallback(
+ updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs, 0, undefined));
- fixture.mockGlobals.expects(once()).
- setBackgroundEnable(ANYTHING);
+ var optInPollAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ optInPollAttempts_isRunning(
+ optInPollAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
+ will(
+ invokeCallback(
+ optInPollAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs, 0, undefined));
@@ -152,328 +679,653 @@ function expectStateMachineCalls(
* outside of this context with the same argument matchers.
* expects() calls cannot be chained with the same argument matchers.
-function expectInitialization(mockApisObj) {
+function expectInitialization(fixture) {
var tasksAddSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- mockApisObj.expects(once()).
+ fixture.mockApis.expects(once()).
will(invokeCallback(tasksAddSavedArgs, 1, function() {}));
- var updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- mockApisObj.expects(once()).
- updateCardsAttempts_isRunning(
- updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(
- invokeCallback(
- updateCardsAttemptsIsRunningSavedArgs, 0, false));
+ // The ordering here between stubs and expects is important.
+ // We only care about the EXTENSION_START event. The other events are covered
+ // by the NoCards tests below. Reversing the calls will cause all recordEvent
+ // calls to be unexpected.
+ fixture.mockGlobals.stubs().recordEvent(ANYTHING);
+ fixture.mockGlobals.
+ expects(once()).recordEvent(GoogleNowEvent.EXTENSION_START);
- 'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
- 'Initialize_ToastStateEmpty',
- function() {
- // Tests the case when getAuthToken fails most likely because the user is
- // not signed in. In this case, the function should quietly exit after
- // finding out that getAuthToken fails.
- // Setup and expectations.
- var testIdentityToken = undefined;
- var testGeolocationPref = false;
- var testExperimentVariationParams = {};
- var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'denied';
- var testGoogleNowEnabled = undefined;
- mockInitializeDependencies(this);
- this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
- GoogleNowEvent.EXTENSION_START);
- this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
- GoogleNowEvent.STOPPED);
- expectInitialization(this.mockApis);
- expectStateMachineCalls(
- this,
- testIdentityToken,
- testGeolocationPref,
- testExperimentVariationParams,
- testNotificationPermissionLevel,
- testGoogleNowEnabled);
- // Invoking the tested function.
- initialize();
- });
- 'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
- 'DISABLED_Initialize_ToastStateEmpty2',
- function() {
- // Tests the case when getAuthToken succeeds, and the user has never
- // responded to the toast.
- // In this case, the function should invoke showWelcomeToast().
- // Setup and expectations.
- var testIdentityToken = 'some identity token';
- var testGeolocationPref = false;
- var testExperimentVariationParams = {};
- var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'denied';
- var testGoogleNowEnabled = undefined;
- mockInitializeDependencies(this);
- this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
- GoogleNowEvent.EXTENSION_START);
- expectInitialization(this.mockApis);
- expectStateMachineCalls(
- this,
- testIdentityToken,
- testGeolocationPref,
- testExperimentVariationParams,
- testNotificationPermissionLevel,
- testGoogleNowEnabled);
- var chromeNotificationGetAllSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- this.mockApis.expects(exactly(1)).
- instrumented_notifications_getAll(
- chromeNotificationGetAllSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(
- invokeCallback(chromeNotificationGetAllSavedArgs, 0, {}),
- invokeCallback(chromeNotificationGetAllSavedArgs, 0, {}));
- // Invoking the tested function.
- initialize();
- });
-TEST_F('GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest', 'Initialize_RunGoogleNow', function() {
- // Tests if Google Now will invoke startPollingCards when all
- // of the required state is fulfilled.
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME,'Initialize_SignedOut', function() {
+ // Tests the case when getAuthToken fails most likely because the user is
+ // not signed in. In this case, the function should quietly exit after
+ // finding out that getAuthToken fails.
// Setup and expectations.
- var testIdentityToken = 'some identity token';
- var testGeolocationPref = true;
+ var testIdentityToken = undefined;
var testExperimentVariationParams = {};
- var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'granted';
- var testGoogleNowEnabled = true;
+ var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'denied';
+ var testGoogleNowEnabled = undefined;
- this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
- GoogleNowEvent.EXTENSION_START);
- expectInitialization(this.mockApis);
+ expectInitialization(this);
- testGeolocationPref,
- this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).startPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).setBackgroundEnable(false);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).startPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).stopPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).optInPollAttempts_stop();
// Invoking the tested function.
- 'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
- 'DISABLED_Initialize_NoGeolocation',
- function() {
- // Tests the case where everything is in place except for the
- // Geolocation Preference after the user responded to the toast.
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME,'Initialize_NotificationDisabled', function() {
+ // Tests the case when Google Now is disabled in the notifications center.
// Setup and expectations.
var testIdentityToken = 'some identity token';
- var testGeolocationPref = false;
var testExperimentVariationParams = {};
var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'denied';
var testGoogleNowEnabled = undefined;
+ mockInitializeDependencies(this);
+ expectInitialization(this);
+ expectStateMachineCalls(
+ this,
+ testIdentityToken,
+ testExperimentVariationParams,
+ testNotificationPermissionLevel,
+ testGoogleNowEnabled);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).setBackgroundEnable(false);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).startPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).stopPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).optInPollAttempts_stop();
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ initialize();
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'Initialize_NoBackground', function() {
+ // Tests when the no background variation is received.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var testIdentityToken = 'some identity token';
+ var testExperimentVariationParams = {canEnableBackground: 'false'};
+ var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'granted';
+ var testGoogleNowEnabled = true;
- this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
- GoogleNowEvent.EXTENSION_START);
+ expectInitialization(this);
- this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
- GoogleNowEvent.USER_SUPPRESSED);
+ expectStateMachineCalls(
+ this,
+ testIdentityToken,
+ testExperimentVariationParams,
+ testNotificationPermissionLevel,
+ testGoogleNowEnabled);
- expectInitialization(this.mockApis);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).setBackgroundEnable(false);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).startPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).stopPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).optInPollAttempts_stop();
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ initialize();
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'Initialize_GoogleNowDisabled', function() {
+ // Tests when the user has Google Now disabled.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var testIdentityToken = 'some identity token';
+ var testExperimentVariationParams = {};
+ var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'granted';
+ var testGoogleNowEnabled = false;
+ mockInitializeDependencies(this);
+ expectInitialization(this);
- testGeolocationPref,
+ testGoogleNowEnabled);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).setBackgroundEnable(false);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).startPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).stopPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck();
+ this.mockApis.expects(never()).optInPollAttempts_stop();
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ initialize();
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'Initialize_RunGoogleNow', function() {
+ // Tests if Google Now will invoke startPollingCards when all
+ // of the required state is fulfilled.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var testIdentityToken = 'some identity token';
+ var testExperimentVariationParams = {};
+ var testNotificationPermissionLevel = 'granted';
+ var testGoogleNowEnabled = true;
+ mockInitializeDependencies(this);
+ expectInitialization(this);
+ expectStateMachineCalls(
+ this,
+ testIdentityToken,
+ testExperimentVariationParams,
- var chromeNotificationGetAllSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- this.mockApis.expects(exactly(2)).
- instrumented_notifications_getAll(
- chromeNotificationGetAllSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(
- invokeCallback(chromeNotificationGetAllSavedArgs, 0, {}),
- invokeCallback(chromeNotificationGetAllSavedArgs, 0, {}));
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).setBackgroundEnable(true);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).startPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).stopPollingCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).pollOptedInNoImmediateRecheck();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).optInPollAttempts_stop();
// Invoking the tested function.
+ * No Cards Event Recording Tests
+ */
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'NoCardsSignedOut', function() {
+ var signedIn = false;
+ var notificationEnabled = false;
+ var googleNowEnabled = false;
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'recordEvent',
+ 'removeAllCards',
+ 'setBackgroundEnable',
+ 'setShouldPollCards',
+ 'setShouldPollOptInStatus']);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setBackgroundEnable(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setShouldPollCards(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setShouldPollOptInStatus(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ GoogleNowEvent.STOPPED);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ GoogleNowEvent.SIGNED_OUT);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ updateRunningState(signedIn, true, notificationEnabled, googleNowEnabled);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'NoCardsNotificationsDisabled', function() {
+ var signedIn = true;
+ var notificationEnabled = false;
+ var googleNowEnabled = false;
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'recordEvent',
+ 'removeAllCards',
+ 'setBackgroundEnable',
+ 'setShouldPollCards',
+ 'setShouldPollOptInStatus']);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setBackgroundEnable(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setShouldPollCards(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setShouldPollOptInStatus(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ GoogleNowEvent.STOPPED);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ GoogleNowEvent.SIGNED_OUT);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ updateRunningState(signedIn, true, notificationEnabled, googleNowEnabled);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'NoCardsGoogleNowDisabled', function() {
+ var signedIn = true;
+ var notificationEnabled = true;
+ var googleNowEnabled = false;
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'recordEvent',
+ 'removeAllCards',
+ 'setBackgroundEnable',
+ 'setShouldPollCards',
+ 'setShouldPollOptInStatus']);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setBackgroundEnable(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setShouldPollCards(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setShouldPollOptInStatus(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ GoogleNowEvent.STOPPED);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ GoogleNowEvent.SIGNED_OUT);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once()).recordEvent(
+ updateRunningState(signedIn, true, notificationEnabled, googleNowEnabled);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'NoCardsEverythingEnabled', function() {
+ var signedIn = true;
+ var notificationEnabled = true;
+ var googleNowEnabled = true;
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'recordEvent',
+ 'removeAllCards',
+ 'setBackgroundEnable',
+ 'setShouldPollCards',
+ 'setShouldPollOptInStatus']);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().removeAllCards();
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setBackgroundEnable(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setShouldPollCards(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.stubs().setShouldPollOptInStatus(ANYTHING);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ GoogleNowEvent.STOPPED);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ GoogleNowEvent.SIGNED_OUT);
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).recordEvent(
+ updateRunningState(signedIn, true, notificationEnabled, googleNowEnabled);
* Mocks global functions and APIs that onNotificationClicked() depends upon.
* @param {Test} fixture Test fixture.
function mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(fixture) {
- '',
- '',
- '',
- 'instrumented.tabs.create']);
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'fillFromChromeLocalStorage',
+ 'instrumented.tabs.create']);
- 'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
- 'OnNotificationClicked_NoData',
- function() {
- // Tests the case when there is no data associated with notification id.
- // In this case, the function should do nothing.
- // Setup and expectations.
- var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
- var testNotificationData = {};
- mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
- this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
- var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- this.mockApis.expects(once()).
- instrumented_storage_local_get(
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('notificationsData')),
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(storageGetSavedArgs, 1, testNotificationData));
- // Invoking the tested function.
- onNotificationClicked(
- testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
- });
- 'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
- 'OnNotificationClicked_ActionUrlsUndefined',
- function() {
- // Tests the case when the data associated with notification id is
- // 'undefined'.
- // In this case, the function should do nothing.
- // Setup and expectations.
- var testActionUrls = undefined;
- var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
- var testNotificationData = {
- notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
- };
- mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
- this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
- var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- this.mockApis.expects(once()).
- instrumented_storage_local_get(
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('notificationsData')),
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(storageGetSavedArgs, 1, testNotificationData));
- this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once()).selector(undefined).will(
- returnValue(undefined));
- // Invoking the tested function.
- onNotificationClicked(
- testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
- });
- 'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
- 'OnNotificationClicked_TabCreateSuccess',
- function() {
- // Tests the selected URL is OK and crome.tabs.create suceeds.
- // Setup and expectations.
- var testActionUrls = {testField: 'TEST VALUE'};
- var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
- var testNotificationData = {
- notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
- };
- var testActionUrl = '';
- var testCreatedTab = {windowId: 239};
- mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
- this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
- var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- this.mockApis.expects(once()).
- instrumented_storage_local_get(
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('notificationsData')),
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(storageGetSavedArgs, 1, testNotificationData));
- this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once()).selector(testActionUrls).will(
- returnValue(testActionUrl));
- var chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- this.mockApis.expects(once()).
- instrumented_tabs_create(
- chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({url: testActionUrl})),
- chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs, 1, testCreatedTab));
- this.mockApis.expects(once()).chrome_windows_update(
- testCreatedTab.windowId,
- eqJSON({focused: true}));
- // Invoking the tested function.
- onNotificationClicked(
- testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
- });
- 'GoogleNowBackgroundUnitTest',
- 'OnNotificationClicked_TabCreateFail',
- function() {
- // Tests the selected URL is OK and crome.tabs.create fails.
- // In this case, the function should invoke as a
- // second attempt.
- // Setup and expectations.
- var testActionUrls = {testField: 'TEST VALUE'};
- var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
- var testNotificationData = {
- notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
- };
- var testActionUrl = '';
- var testCreatedTab = undefined; // chrome.tabs.create fails
- mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
- this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
- var storageGetSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- this.mockApis.expects(once()).
- instrumented_storage_local_get(
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(eq('notificationsData')),
- storageGetSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(storageGetSavedArgs, 1, testNotificationData));
- this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once()).selector(testActionUrls).will(
- returnValue(testActionUrl));
- var chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
- this.mockApis.expects(once()).
- instrumented_tabs_create(
- chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({url: testActionUrl})),
- chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
- will(invokeCallback(chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs, 1, testCreatedTab));
- this.mockApis.expects(once()).chrome_windows_create(
- eqJSON({url: testActionUrl, focused: true}));
- // Invoking the tested function.
- onNotificationClicked(
- testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
- });
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'OnNotificationClicked_NoData', function() {
+ // Tests the case when there is no data associated with notification id.
+ // In this case, the function should do nothing.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
+ var testNotificationDataRequest = {notificationsData: {}};
+ var testNotificationData = {notificationsData: {}};
+ mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
+ this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
+ expectChromeLocalStorageGet(
+ this, testNotificationDataRequest, testNotificationData);
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ onNotificationClicked(
+ testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'OnNotificationClicked_ActionUrlsUndefined', function() {
+ // Tests the case when the data associated with notification id is
+ // 'undefined'.
+ // In this case, the function should do nothing.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var testActionUrls = undefined;
+ var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
+ var testNotificationDataRequest = {notificationsData: {}};
+ var testNotificationData = {
+ notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
+ };
+ mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
+ this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
+ expectChromeLocalStorageGet(
+ this, testNotificationDataRequest, testNotificationData);
+ this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once())
+ .selector(eqJSON(
+ testNotificationData.notificationsData[testNotificationId]))
+ .will(returnValue(undefined));
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ onNotificationClicked(
+ testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'OnNotificationClicked_TabCreateSuccess', function() {
+ // Tests the selected URL is OK and crome.tabs.create suceeds.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var testActionUrls = {testField: 'TEST VALUE'};
+ var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
+ var testNotificationDataRequest = {notificationsData: {}};
+ var testNotificationData = {
+ notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
+ };
+ var testActionUrl = '';
+ var testCreatedTab = {windowId: 239};
+ mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
+ this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
+ expectChromeLocalStorageGet(
+ this, testNotificationDataRequest, testNotificationData);
+ this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once())
+ .selector(eqJSON(
+ testNotificationData.notificationsData[testNotificationId]))
+ .will(returnValue(testActionUrl));
+ var chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ instrumented_tabs_create(
+ chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({url: testActionUrl})),
+ chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
+ will(invokeCallback(chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs, 1, testCreatedTab));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).chrome_windows_update(
+ testCreatedTab.windowId,
+ eqJSON({focused: true}));
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ onNotificationClicked(
+ testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'OnNotificationClicked_TabCreateFail', function() {
+ // Tests the selected URL is OK and crome.tabs.create fails.
+ // In this case, the function should invoke as a
+ // second attempt.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var testActionUrls = {testField: 'TEST VALUE'};
+ var testNotificationId = 'TEST_ID';
+ var testNotificationDataRequest = {notificationsData: {}};
+ var testNotificationData = {
+ notificationsData: {'TEST_ID': {actionUrls: testActionUrls}}
+ };
+ var testActionUrl = '';
+ var testCreatedTab = undefined; // chrome.tabs.create fails
+ mockOnNotificationClickedDependencies(this);
+ this.makeMockLocalFunctions(['selector']);
+ expectChromeLocalStorageGet(
+ this, testNotificationDataRequest, testNotificationData);
+ this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once())
+ .selector(eqJSON(
+ testNotificationData.notificationsData[testNotificationId]))
+ .will(returnValue(testActionUrl));
+ var chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ instrumented_tabs_create(
+ chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(eqJSON({url: testActionUrl})),
+ chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
+ will(invokeCallback(chromeTabsCreateSavedArgs, 1, testCreatedTab));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).chrome_windows_create(
+ eqJSON({url: testActionUrl, focused: true}));
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ onNotificationClicked(
+ testNotificationId, this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().selector);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'ShowNotificationGroups', function() {
+ // Tests showNotificationGroups function. Checks that the function properly
+ // deletes the card that didn't get an update, updates existing card and
+ // creates a new card that previously didn't exist.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var existingNotifications = {
+ };
+ var keptCard = {
+ chromeNotificationId: 'SHOULD BE KEPT',
+ trigger: {showTimeSec: 0, hideTimeSec: 0}
+ };
+ var keptNotification = {
+ receivedNotification: keptCard,
+ showTime: 0,
+ hideTime: 0
+ };
+ var newCard = {
+ chromeNotificationId: 'NEW CARD',
+ trigger: {showTimeSec: 0, hideTimeSec: 0}
+ };
+ var newNotification = {
+ receivedNotification: newCard,
+ showTime: 0,
+ hideTime: 0
+ };
+ var notificationGroups = {
+ 'TEST GROUP 1': {cards: [keptCard], cardsTimestamp: 0},
+ 'TEST GROUP 2': {cards: [newCard], cardsTimestamp: 0}
+ };
+ var fakeOnCardShownFunction = 'FAKE ON CARD SHOWN FUNCTION';
+ var expectedUpdatedNotifications = {
+ };
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'cardSet.update',
+ '',
+ 'instrumented.notifications.getAll'
+ ]);
+ this.makeMockLocalFunctions([
+ 'onSuccess'
+ ]);
+ var notificationsGetAllSavedArgs = new SaveMockArguments();
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ instrumented_notifications_getAll(
+ notificationsGetAllSavedArgs.match(ANYTHING)).
+ will(invokeCallback(
+ notificationsGetAllSavedArgs, 0, existingNotifications));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ cardSet_update(
+ eqJSON([keptNotification]),
+ eqJSON(notificationGroups),
+ fakeOnCardShownFunction).
+ will(returnValue('KEPT CARD NOTIFICATION DATA'));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ cardSet_update(
+ eqJSON([newNotification]),
+ eqJSON(notificationGroups),
+ fakeOnCardShownFunction).
+ will(returnValue('NEW CARD NOTIFICATION DATA'));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ cardSet_update(
+ [],
+ eqJSON(notificationGroups),
+ fakeOnCardShownFunction).
+ will(returnValue(undefined));
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ chrome_storage_local_set(
+ eqJSON({notificationsData: expectedUpdatedNotifications}));
+ this.mockLocalFunctions.expects(once()).
+ onSuccess(undefined);
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ showNotificationGroups(notificationGroups, fakeOnCardShownFunction)
+ .then(this.mockLocalFunctions.functions().onSuccess);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'ProcessServerResponse', function() {
+ // Tests processServerResponse function.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ = function() { return 3000000; };
+ // GROUP1 was requested and contains cards c4 and c5. For c5, there is a
+ // non-expired dismissal, so it will be ignored.
+ // GROUP2 was not requested, but is contained in server response to
+ // indicate that the group still exists. Stored group GROUP2 won't change.
+ // GROUP3 is stored, but is not present in server's response, which means
+ // it doesn't exist anymore. This group will be deleted.
+ // GROUP4 doesn't contain cards, but it was requested. This is treated as
+ // if it had an empty array of cards. Cards in the stored group will be
+ // replaced with an empty array.
+ // GROUP5 doesn't have next poll time, and it will be stored without next
+ // poll time.
+ var serverResponse = {
+ groups: {
+ GROUP1: {requested: true, nextPollSeconds: 46},
+ GROUP2: {requested: false},
+ GROUP4: {requested: true, nextPollSeconds: 45},
+ GROUP5: {requested: true}
+ },
+ notifications: [
+ {notificationId: 'c4', groupName: 'GROUP1'},
+ {notificationId: 'c5', groupName: 'GROUP1'}
+ ]
+ };
+ var recentDismissals = {
+ c4: 1800000, // expired dismissal
+ c5: 1800001 // non-expired dismissal
+ };
+ var storedGroups = {
+ GROUP2: {
+ cards: [{notificationId: 'c2'}],
+ cardsTimestamp: 239,
+ nextPollTime: 10000
+ },
+ GROUP3: {
+ cards: [{notificationId: 'c3'}],
+ cardsTimestamp: 240,
+ nextPollTime: 10001
+ },
+ GROUP4: {
+ cards: [{notificationId: 'c6'}],
+ cardsTimestamp: 241,
+ nextPollTime: 10002
+ }
+ };
+ var expectedUpdatedGroups = {
+ GROUP1: {
+ cards: [{notificationId: 'c4', groupName: 'GROUP1'}],
+ cardsTimestamp: 3000000,
+ nextPollTime: 3046000
+ },
+ GROUP2: {
+ cards: [{notificationId: 'c2'}],
+ cardsTimestamp: 239,
+ nextPollTime: 10000
+ },
+ GROUP4: {
+ cards: [],
+ cardsTimestamp: 3000000,
+ nextPollTime: 3045000
+ },
+ GROUP5: {
+ cards: [],
+ cardsTimestamp: 3000000
+ }
+ };
+ var expectedUpdatedRecentDismissals = {
+ c5: 1800001
+ };
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'scheduleNextCardsPoll'
+ ]);
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ 'fillFromChromeLocalStorage',
+ ]);
+ expectChromeLocalStorageGet(
+ this,
+ {
+ notificationGroups: {},
+ recentDismissals: {}
+ },
+ {
+ notificationGroups: storedGroups,
+ recentDismissals: recentDismissals
+ });
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(once())
+ .scheduleNextCardsPoll(eqJSON(expectedUpdatedGroups));
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ processServerResponse(serverResponse);
+TEST_F(TEST_NAME, 'ProcessServerResponseGoogleNowDisabled', function() {
+ // Tests processServerResponse function for the case when the response
+ // indicates that Google Now is disabled.
+ // Setup and expectations.
+ var serverResponse = {
+ googleNowDisabled: true,
+ groups: {}
+ };
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockGlobals([
+ 'scheduleNextCardsPoll'
+ ]);
+ this.makeAndRegisterMockApis([
+ '',
+ 'fillFromChromeLocalStorage'
+ ]);
+ this.mockApis.expects(once()).
+ chrome_storage_local_set(eqJSON({googleNowEnabled: false}));
+ this.mockGlobals.expects(never()).scheduleNextCardsPoll();
+ // Invoking the tested function.
+ processServerResponse(serverResponse);