path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/offline_pages/offline_internals.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/resources/offline_pages/offline_internals.js')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/offline_pages/offline_internals.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/offline_pages/offline_internals.js
index a5ffaa3c6c2..fa4ddffd6aa 100644
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/offline_pages/offline_internals.js
+++ b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/offline_pages/offline_internals.js
@@ -2,362 +2,359 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-cr.define('offlineInternals', function() {
- 'use strict';
- /** @type {!Array<OfflinePage>} */
- let offlinePages = [];
- /** @type {!Array<SavePageRequest>} */
- let savePageRequests = [];
- /** @type {!offlineInternals.OfflineInternalsBrowserProxy} */
- const browserProxy =
- offlineInternals.OfflineInternalsBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- /**
- * Fill stored pages table.
- * @param {!Array<OfflinePage>} pages An array object representing
- * stored offline pages.
- */
- function fillStoredPages(pages) {
- const storedPagesTable = $('stored-pages');
- storedPagesTable.textContent = '';
- const template = $('stored-pages-table-row');
- const td = template.content.querySelectorAll('td');
- for (let pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pages.length; pageIndex++) {
- const page = pages[pageIndex];
- td[0].textContent = pageIndex + 1;
- const checkbox = td[1].querySelector('input');
- checkbox.setAttribute('value',;
- const link = td[2].querySelector('a');
- link.setAttribute('href', page.onlineUrl);
- const maxUrlCharsPerLine = 50;
- if (page.onlineUrl.length > maxUrlCharsPerLine) {
- link.textContent = '';
- for (let i = 0; i < page.onlineUrl.length; i += maxUrlCharsPerLine) {
- link.textContent += page.onlineUrl.slice(i, i + maxUrlCharsPerLine);
- link.textContent += '\r\n';
- }
- } else {
- link.textContent = page.onlineUrl;
+import './strings.m.js';
+import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.m.js';
+import {$} from 'chrome://resources/js/util.m.js';
+import {IsLogging, OfflineInternalsBrowserProxy, OfflineInternalsBrowserProxyImpl, OfflinePage, SavePageRequest} from './offline_internals_browser_proxy.js';
+/** @type {!Array<OfflinePage>} */
+let offlinePages = [];
+/** @type {!Array<SavePageRequest>} */
+let savePageRequests = [];
+/** @type {!OfflineInternalsBrowserProxy} */
+const browserProxy = OfflineInternalsBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
+ * Fill stored pages table.
+ * @param {!Array<OfflinePage>} pages An array object representing
+ * stored offline pages.
+ */
+function fillStoredPages(pages) {
+ const storedPagesTable = $('stored-pages');
+ storedPagesTable.textContent = '';
+ const template = $('stored-pages-table-row');
+ const td = template.content.querySelectorAll('td');
+ for (let pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pages.length; pageIndex++) {
+ const page = pages[pageIndex];
+ td[0].textContent = pageIndex + 1;
+ const checkbox = td[1].querySelector('input');
+ checkbox.setAttribute('value',;
+ const link = td[2].querySelector('a');
+ link.setAttribute('href', page.onlineUrl);
+ const maxUrlCharsPerLine = 50;
+ if (page.onlineUrl.length > maxUrlCharsPerLine) {
+ link.textContent = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < page.onlineUrl.length; i += maxUrlCharsPerLine) {
+ link.textContent += page.onlineUrl.slice(i, i + maxUrlCharsPerLine);
+ link.textContent += '\r\n';
- td[3].textContent = page.namespace;
- td[4].textContent = Math.round(page.size / 1024);
- const row = document.importNode(template.content, true);
- storedPagesTable.appendChild(row);
- }
- offlinePages = pages;
- }
- /**
- * Fill requests table.
- * @param {!Array<SavePageRequest>} requests An array object representing
- * the request queue.
- */
- function fillRequestQueue(requests) {
- const requestQueueTable = $('request-queue');
- requestQueueTable.textContent = '';
- const template = $('request-queue-table-row');
- const td = template.content.querySelectorAll('td');
- for (const request of requests) {
- const checkbox = td[0].querySelector('input');
- checkbox.setAttribute('value',;
- td[1].textContent = request.onlineUrl;
- td[2].textContent = new Date(request.creationTime);
- td[3].textContent = request.status;
- td[4].textContent = request.requestOrigin;
- const row = document.importNode(template.content, true);
- requestQueueTable.appendChild(row);
- }
- savePageRequests = requests;
- }
- /**
- * Fills the event logs section.
- * @param {!Array<string>} logs A list of log strings.
- */
- function fillEventLog(logs) {
- const element = $('logs');
- element.textContent = '';
- for (const log of logs) {
- const logItem = document.createElement('li');
- logItem.textContent = log;
- element.appendChild(logItem);
+ } else {
+ link.textContent = page.onlineUrl;
- }
- /**
- * Refresh all displayed information.
- */
- function refreshAll() {
- browserProxy.getStoredPages().then(fillStoredPages);
- browserProxy.getRequestQueue().then(fillRequestQueue);
- browserProxy.getNetworkStatus().then(function(networkStatus) {
- $('current-status').textContent = networkStatus;
- });
- browserProxy.getLimitlessPrefetchingEnabled().then(function(enabled) {
- $('limitless-prefetching-checkbox').checked = enabled;
- });
- browserProxy.getPrefetchTestingHeaderValue().then(function(value) {
- switch (value) {
- case 'ForceEnable':
- $('testing-header-enable').checked = true;
- break;
- case 'ForceDisable':
- $('testing-header-disable').checked = true;
- break;
- default:
- $('testing-header-default').checked = true;
- }
- });
- refreshLog();
- }
+ td[3].textContent = page.namespace;
+ td[4].textContent = Math.round(page.size / 1024);
- /**
- * Callback when pages are deleted.
- * @param {string} status The status of the request.
- */
- function pagesDeleted(status) {
- $('page-actions-info').textContent = status;
- browserProxy.getStoredPages().then(fillStoredPages);
+ const row = document.importNode(template.content, true);
+ storedPagesTable.appendChild(row);
- /**
- * Callback when requests are deleted.
- */
- function requestsDeleted(status) {
- $('request-queue-actions-info').textContent = status;
- browserProxy.getRequestQueue().then(fillRequestQueue);
+ offlinePages = pages;
+ * Fill requests table.
+ * @param {!Array<SavePageRequest>} requests An array object representing
+ * the request queue.
+ */
+function fillRequestQueue(requests) {
+ const requestQueueTable = $('request-queue');
+ requestQueueTable.textContent = '';
+ const template = $('request-queue-table-row');
+ const td = template.content.querySelectorAll('td');
+ for (const request of requests) {
+ const checkbox = td[0].querySelector('input');
+ checkbox.setAttribute('value',;
+ td[1].textContent = request.onlineUrl;
+ td[2].textContent = new Date(request.creationTime);
+ td[3].textContent = request.status;
+ td[4].textContent = request.requestOrigin;
+ const row = document.importNode(template.content, true);
+ requestQueueTable.appendChild(row);
- /**
- * Callback for prefetch actions.
- * @param {string} info The result of performing the prefetch actions.
- */
- function setPrefetchResult(info) {
- $('prefetch-actions-info').textContent = info;
+ savePageRequests = requests;
+ * Fills the event logs section.
+ * @param {!Array<string>} logs A list of log strings.
+ */
+function fillEventLog(logs) {
+ const element = $('logs');
+ element.textContent = '';
+ for (const log of logs) {
+ const logItem = document.createElement('li');
+ logItem.textContent = log;
+ element.appendChild(logItem);
- /**
- * Error callback for prefetch actions.
- * @param {*} error The error that resulted from the prefetch call.
- */
- function prefetchResultError(error) {
- const errorText = error && error.message ? error.message : error;
- $('prefetch-actions-info').textContent = 'Error: ' + errorText;
- }
- /**
- * Downloads all the stored page and request queue information into a file.
- * Also translates all the fields representing datetime into human-readable
- * date strings.
- * TODO(chili): Create a CSV writer that can abstract out the line joining.
- */
- function dumpAsJson() {
- const json = JSON.stringify(
- {offlinePages: offlinePages, savePageRequests: savePageRequests},
- function(key, value) {
- return key.endsWith('Time') ? new Date(value).toString() : value;
- },
- 2);
- $('dump-box').value = json;
- $('dump-info').textContent = '';
- $('dump-modal').showModal();
- $('dump-box').select();
- }
- function closeDump() {
- $('dump-modal').close();
- $('dump-box').value = '';
- }
- function copyDump() {
- $('dump-box').select();
- document.execCommand('copy');
- $('dump-info').textContent = 'Copied to clipboard!';
- }
- /**
- * Updates the status strings.
- * @param {!IsLogging} logStatus Status of logging.
- */
- function updateLogStatus(logStatus) {
- $('model-checkbox').checked = logStatus.modelIsLogging;
- $('request-checkbox').checked = logStatus.queueIsLogging;
- $('prefetch-checkbox').checked = logStatus.prefetchIsLogging;
- }
- /**
- * Sets all checkboxes with a specific name to the same checked status as the
- * provided source checkbox.
- * @param {HTMLElement} source The checkbox controlling the checked
- * status.
- * @param {string} checkboxesName The name identifying the checkboxes to set.
- */
- function toggleAllCheckboxes(source, checkboxesName) {
- const checkboxes = document.getElementsByName(checkboxesName);
- for (const checkbox of checkboxes) {
- checkbox.checked = source.checked;
+ * Refresh all displayed information.
+ */
+function refreshAll() {
+ browserProxy.getStoredPages().then(fillStoredPages);
+ browserProxy.getRequestQueue().then(fillRequestQueue);
+ browserProxy.getNetworkStatus().then(function(networkStatus) {
+ $('current-status').textContent = networkStatus;
+ });
+ browserProxy.getLimitlessPrefetchingEnabled().then(function(enabled) {
+ $('limitless-prefetching-checkbox').checked = enabled;
+ });
+ browserProxy.getPrefetchTestingHeaderValue().then(function(value) {
+ switch (value) {
+ case 'ForceEnable':
+ $('testing-header-enable').checked = true;
+ break;
+ case 'ForceDisable':
+ $('testing-header-disable').checked = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $('testing-header-default').checked = true;
+ });
+ refreshLog();
+ * Callback when pages are deleted.
+ * @param {string} status The status of the request.
+ */
+function pagesDeleted(status) {
+ $('page-actions-info').textContent = status;
+ browserProxy.getStoredPages().then(fillStoredPages);
+ * Callback when requests are deleted.
+ */
+function requestsDeleted(status) {
+ $('request-queue-actions-info').textContent = status;
+ browserProxy.getRequestQueue().then(fillRequestQueue);
+ * Callback for prefetch actions.
+ * @param {string} info The result of performing the prefetch actions.
+ */
+function setPrefetchResult(info) {
+ $('prefetch-actions-info').textContent = info;
+ * Error callback for prefetch actions.
+ * @param {*} error The error that resulted from the prefetch call.
+ */
+function prefetchResultError(error) {
+ const errorText = error && error.message ? error.message : error;
+ $('prefetch-actions-info').textContent = 'Error: ' + errorText;
+ * Downloads all the stored page and request queue information into a file.
+ * Also translates all the fields representing datetime into human-readable
+ * date strings.
+ * TODO(chili): Create a CSV writer that can abstract out the line joining.
+ */
+function dumpAsJson() {
+ const json = JSON.stringify(
+ {offlinePages: offlinePages, savePageRequests: savePageRequests},
+ function(key, value) {
+ return key.endsWith('Time') ? new Date(value).toString() : value;
+ },
+ 2);
+ $('dump-box').value = json;
+ $('dump-info').textContent = '';
+ $('dump-modal').showModal();
+ $('dump-box').select();
+function closeDump() {
+ $('dump-modal').close();
+ $('dump-box').value = '';
+function copyDump() {
+ $('dump-box').select();
+ document.execCommand('copy');
+ $('dump-info').textContent = 'Copied to clipboard!';
+ * Updates the status strings.
+ * @param {!IsLogging} logStatus Status of logging.
+ */
+function updateLogStatus(logStatus) {
+ $('model-checkbox').checked = logStatus.modelIsLogging;
+ $('request-checkbox').checked = logStatus.queueIsLogging;
+ $('prefetch-checkbox').checked = logStatus.prefetchIsLogging;
+ * Sets all checkboxes with a specific name to the same checked status as the
+ * provided source checkbox.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} source The checkbox controlling the checked
+ * status.
+ * @param {string} checkboxesName The name identifying the checkboxes to set.
+ */
+function toggleAllCheckboxes(source, checkboxesName) {
+ const checkboxes = document.getElementsByName(checkboxesName);
+ for (const checkbox of checkboxes) {
+ checkbox.checked = source.checked;
- /**
- * Return the item ids for the selected checkboxes with a given name.
- * @param {string} checkboxesName The name identifying the checkboxes to
- * query.
- * @return {!Array<string>} An array of selected ids.
- */
- function getSelectedIdsFor(checkboxesName) {
- const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll(
- `input[type="checkbox"][name="${checkboxesName}"]:checked`);
- return Array.from(checkboxes).map(c => c.value);
- }
- /**
- * Refreshes the logs.
- */
- function refreshLog() {
- browserProxy.getEventLogs().then(fillEventLog);
- browserProxy.getLoggingState().then(updateLogStatus);
- }
- /**
- * Calls scheduleNwake and indicates how long the scheduled delay will be.
- */
- function ensureBackgroundTaskScheduledWithDelay() {
- browserProxy.scheduleNwake()
- .then((result) => {
- // The delays in these messages should correspond to the scheduling
- // delays defined in
- if ($('limitless-prefetching-checkbox').checked) {
- setPrefetchResult(
- result +
- ' (Limitless mode enabled; background task scheduled to run' +
- ' in a few seconds.)');
- } else {
- setPrefetchResult(
- result +
- ' (Limitless mode disabled; background task scheduled to run' +
- ' in several minutes.)');
+ * Return the item ids for the selected checkboxes with a given name.
+ * @param {string} checkboxesName The name identifying the checkboxes to
+ * query.
+ * @return {!Array<string>} An array of selected ids.
+ */
+function getSelectedIdsFor(checkboxesName) {
+ const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll(
+ `input[type="checkbox"][name="${checkboxesName}"]:checked`);
+ return Array.from(checkboxes).map(c => c.value);
+ * Refreshes the logs.
+ */
+function refreshLog() {
+ browserProxy.getEventLogs().then(fillEventLog);
+ browserProxy.getLoggingState().then(updateLogStatus);
+ * Calls scheduleNwake and indicates how long the scheduled delay will be.
+ */
+function ensureBackgroundTaskScheduledWithDelay() {
+ browserProxy.scheduleNwake()
+ .then((result) => {
+ // The delays in these messages should correspond to the scheduling
+ // delays defined in
+ if ($('limitless-prefetching-checkbox').checked) {
+ setPrefetchResult(
+ result +
+ ' (Limitless mode enabled; background task scheduled to run' +
+ ' in a few seconds.)');
+ } else {
+ setPrefetchResult(
+ result +
+ ' (Limitless mode disabled; background task scheduled to run' +
+ ' in several minutes.)');
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(prefetchResultError);
+function initialize() {
+ const incognito = loadTimeData.getBoolean('isIncognito');
+ ['delete-selected-pages', 'delete-selected-requests', 'model-checkbox',
+ 'request-checkbox', 'refresh']
+ .forEach(el => $(el).disabled = incognito);
+ $('delete-selected-pages').onclick = function() {
+ const pageIds = getSelectedIdsFor('stored');
+ browserProxy.deleteSelectedPages(pageIds).then(pagesDeleted);
+ };
+ $('delete-selected-requests').onclick = function() {
+ const requestIds = getSelectedIdsFor('requests');
+ browserProxy.deleteSelectedRequests(requestIds).then(requestsDeleted);
+ };
+ $('refresh').onclick = refreshAll;
+ $('dump').onclick = dumpAsJson;
+ $('close-dump').onclick = closeDump;
+ $('copy-to-clipboard').onclick = copyDump;
+ $('model-checkbox').onchange = (evt) => {
+ browserProxy.setRecordPageModel(;
+ };
+ $('request-checkbox').onchange = (evt) => {
+ browserProxy.setRecordRequestQueue(;
+ };
+ $('prefetch-checkbox').onchange = (evt) => {
+ browserProxy.setRecordPrefetchService(;
+ };
+ $('refresh-logs').onclick = refreshLog;
+ $('add-to-queue').onclick = function() {
+ const saveUrls = $('url').value.split(',');
+ let counter = saveUrls.length;
+ $('save-url-state').textContent = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < saveUrls.length; i++) {
+ browserProxy.addToRequestQueue(saveUrls[i]).then(function(state) {
+ if (state) {
+ $('save-url-state').textContent +=
+ saveUrls[i] + ' has been added to queue.\n';
+ $('url').value = '';
+ counter--;
+ if (counter == 0) {
+ browserProxy.getRequestQueue().then(fillRequestQueue);
- })
+ } else {
+ $('save-url-state').textContent +=
+ saveUrls[i] + ' failed to be added to queue.\n';
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $('schedule-nwake').onclick = function() {
+ browserProxy.scheduleNwake()
+ .then(setPrefetchResult)
- }
- function initialize() {
- const incognito = loadTimeData.getBoolean('isIncognito');
- ['delete-selected-pages', 'delete-selected-requests', 'model-checkbox',
- 'request-checkbox', 'refresh']
- .forEach(el => $(el).disabled = incognito);
- $('delete-selected-pages').onclick = function() {
- const pageIds = getSelectedIdsFor('stored');
- browserProxy.deleteSelectedPages(pageIds).then(pagesDeleted);
- };
- $('delete-selected-requests').onclick = function() {
- const requestIds = getSelectedIdsFor('requests');
- browserProxy.deleteSelectedRequests(requestIds).then(requestsDeleted);
- };
- $('refresh').onclick = refreshAll;
- $('dump').onclick = dumpAsJson;
- $('close-dump').onclick = closeDump;
- $('copy-to-clipboard').onclick = copyDump;
- $('model-checkbox').onchange = (evt) => {
- browserProxy.setRecordPageModel(;
- };
- $('request-checkbox').onchange = (evt) => {
- browserProxy.setRecordRequestQueue(;
- };
- $('prefetch-checkbox').onchange = (evt) => {
- browserProxy.setRecordPrefetchService(;
- };
- $('refresh-logs').onclick = refreshLog;
- $('add-to-queue').onclick = function() {
- const saveUrls = $('url').value.split(',');
- let counter = saveUrls.length;
- $('save-url-state').textContent = '';
- for (let i = 0; i < saveUrls.length; i++) {
- browserProxy.addToRequestQueue(saveUrls[i]).then(function(state) {
- if (state) {
- $('save-url-state').textContent +=
- saveUrls[i] + ' has been added to queue.\n';
- $('url').value = '';
- counter--;
- if (counter == 0) {
- browserProxy.getRequestQueue().then(fillRequestQueue);
- }
- } else {
- $('save-url-state').textContent +=
- saveUrls[i] + ' failed to be added to queue.\n';
- }
- });
- }
- };
- $('schedule-nwake').onclick = function() {
- browserProxy.scheduleNwake()
- .then(setPrefetchResult)
- .catch(prefetchResultError);
- };
- $('cancel-nwake').onclick = function() {
- browserProxy.cancelNwake()
- .then(setPrefetchResult)
- .catch(prefetchResultError);
- };
- $('show-notification').onclick = function() {
- browserProxy.showPrefetchNotification().then(setPrefetchResult);
- };
- $('generate-page-bundle').onclick = function() {
- browserProxy.generatePageBundle($('generate-urls').value)
- .then(setPrefetchResult)
- .catch(prefetchResultError);
- };
- $('get-operation').onclick = function() {
- browserProxy.getOperation($('operation-name').value)
- .then(setPrefetchResult)
- .catch(prefetchResultError);
- };
- $('download-archive').onclick = function() {
- browserProxy.downloadArchive($('download-name').value);
- };
- $('toggle-all-stored').onclick = function() {
- toggleAllCheckboxes($('toggle-all-stored'), 'stored');
- };
- $('toggle-all-requests').onclick = function() {
- toggleAllCheckboxes($('toggle-all-requests'), 'requests');
- };
- $('limitless-prefetching-checkbox').onchange = (evt) => {
- browserProxy.setLimitlessPrefetchingEnabled(;
- if ( {
- ensureBackgroundTaskScheduledWithDelay();
- }
- };
- // Helper for setting prefetch testing header from a radio button.
- const setPrefetchTestingHeader = function(evt) {
- browserProxy.setPrefetchTestingHeaderValue(;
+ };
+ $('cancel-nwake').onclick = function() {
+ browserProxy.cancelNwake()
+ .then(setPrefetchResult)
+ .catch(prefetchResultError);
+ };
+ $('show-notification').onclick = function() {
+ browserProxy.showPrefetchNotification().then(setPrefetchResult);
+ };
+ $('generate-page-bundle').onclick = function() {
+ browserProxy.generatePageBundle($('generate-urls').value)
+ .then(setPrefetchResult)
+ .catch(prefetchResultError);
+ };
+ $('get-operation').onclick = function() {
+ browserProxy.getOperation($('operation-name').value)
+ .then(setPrefetchResult)
+ .catch(prefetchResultError);
+ };
+ $('download-archive').onclick = function() {
+ browserProxy.downloadArchive($('download-name').value);
+ };
+ $('toggle-all-stored').onclick = function() {
+ toggleAllCheckboxes($('toggle-all-stored'), 'stored');
+ };
+ $('toggle-all-requests').onclick = function() {
+ toggleAllCheckboxes($('toggle-all-requests'), 'requests');
+ };
+ $('limitless-prefetching-checkbox').onchange = (evt) => {
+ browserProxy.setLimitlessPrefetchingEnabled(;
+ if ( {
- };
- $('testing-header-default').onchange = setPrefetchTestingHeader;
- $('testing-header-enable').onchange = setPrefetchTestingHeader;
- $('testing-header-disable').onchange = setPrefetchTestingHeader;
- if (!incognito) {
- refreshAll();
- }
- // Return an object with all of the exports.
- return {
- initialize: initialize,
+ // Helper for setting prefetch testing header from a radio button.
+ const setPrefetchTestingHeader = function(evt) {
+ browserProxy.setPrefetchTestingHeaderValue(;
+ ensureBackgroundTaskScheduledWithDelay();
+ };
+ $('testing-header-default').onchange = setPrefetchTestingHeader;
+ $('testing-header-enable').onchange = setPrefetchTestingHeader;
+ $('testing-header-disable').onchange = setPrefetchTestingHeader;
+ if (!incognito) {
+ refreshAll();
+ }
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', offlineInternals.initialize);
+document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize);