path: root/chromium/components/autofill/core/browser/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/autofill/core/browser/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 492 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/autofill/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/autofill/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b8acbe9729..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/autofill/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/strings/string16.h"
-#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
-#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager.h"
-#include "components/autofill/core/browser/test_autofill_driver.h"
-#include "components/autofill/core/browser/test_autofill_external_delegate.h"
-#include "components/autofill/core/browser/test_autofill_manager_delegate.h"
-#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
-#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
-#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form_fill_data.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebAutofillClient.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
-using testing::_;
-using blink::WebAutofillClient;
-namespace autofill {
-namespace {
-// A constant value to use as the Autofill query ID.
-const int kQueryId = 5;
-// A constant value to use as an Autofill profile ID.
-const int kAutofillProfileId = 1;
-class MockAutofillDriver : public TestAutofillDriver {
- public:
- MockAutofillDriver() {}
- // Mock methods to enable testability.
- MOCK_METHOD1(SetRendererActionOnFormDataReception,
- void(RendererFormDataAction action));
- MOCK_METHOD1(RendererShouldAcceptDataListSuggestion,
- void(const base::string16&));
- MOCK_METHOD0(RendererShouldClearFilledForm, void());
- MOCK_METHOD0(RendererShouldClearPreviewedForm, void());
- MOCK_METHOD1(RendererShouldSetNodeText, void(const base::string16&));
- private:
-class MockAutofillManagerDelegate
- : public autofill::TestAutofillManagerDelegate {
- public:
- MockAutofillManagerDelegate() {}
- MOCK_METHOD7(ShowAutofillPopup,
- void(const gfx::RectF& element_bounds,
- base::i18n::TextDirection text_direction,
- const std::vector<base::string16>& values,
- const std::vector<base::string16>& labels,
- const std::vector<base::string16>& icons,
- const std::vector<int>& identifiers,
- base::WeakPtr<AutofillPopupDelegate> delegate));
- MOCK_METHOD2(UpdateAutofillPopupDataListValues,
- void(const std::vector<base::string16>& values,
- const std::vector<base::string16>& lables));
- MOCK_METHOD0(HideAutofillPopup, void());
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockAutofillManagerDelegate);
-class MockAutofillManager : public AutofillManager {
- public:
- MockAutofillManager(AutofillDriver* driver,
- MockAutofillManagerDelegate* delegate)
- // Force to use the constructor designated for unit test, but we don't
- // really need personal_data in this test so we pass a NULL pointer.
- : AutofillManager(driver, delegate, NULL) {
- }
- virtual ~MockAutofillManager() {}
- MOCK_METHOD4(OnFillAutofillFormData,
- void(int query_id,
- const FormData& form,
- const FormFieldData& field,
- int unique_id));
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockAutofillManager);
-} // namespace
-class AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
- autofill_driver_.reset(new MockAutofillDriver());
- autofill_manager_.reset(
- new MockAutofillManager(autofill_driver_.get(),
- &manager_delegate_));
- external_delegate_.reset(
- new AutofillExternalDelegate(
- autofill_manager_.get(), autofill_driver_.get()));
- }
- virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
- // Order of destruction is important as AutofillManager relies on
- // PersonalDataManager to be around when it gets destroyed.
- autofill_manager_.reset();
- external_delegate_.reset();
- autofill_driver_.reset();
- }
- // Issue an OnQuery call with the given |query_id|.
- void IssueOnQuery(int query_id) {
- const FormData form;
- FormFieldData field;
- field.is_focusable = true;
- field.should_autocomplete = true;
- const gfx::RectF element_bounds;
- external_delegate_->OnQuery(query_id, form, field, element_bounds, true);
- }
- MockAutofillManagerDelegate manager_delegate_;
- scoped_ptr<MockAutofillDriver> autofill_driver_;
- scoped_ptr<MockAutofillManager> autofill_manager_;
- scoped_ptr<AutofillExternalDelegate> external_delegate_;
- base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
-// Test that our external delegate called the virtual methods at the right time.
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, TestExternalDelegateVirtualCalls) {
- IssueOnQuery(kQueryId);
- // The enums must be cast to ints to prevent compile errors on linux_rel.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- ShowAutofillPopup(
- _, _, _, _, _,
- testing::ElementsAre(
- kAutofillProfileId,
- static_cast<int>(WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator),
- static_cast<int>(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDAutofillOptions)),
- _));
- // This should call ShowAutofillPopup.
- std::vector<base::string16> autofill_item;
- autofill_item.push_back(base::string16());
- std::vector<int> autofill_ids;
- autofill_ids.push_back(kAutofillProfileId);
- external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(kQueryId,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_ids);
- // Called by DidAutofillSuggestions, add expectation to remove warning.
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_manager_, OnFillAutofillFormData(_, _, _, _));
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_, SetRendererActionOnFormDataReception(
- AutofillDriver::FORM_DATA_ACTION_FILL));
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup());
- // This should trigger a call to hide the popup since we've selected an
- // option.
- external_delegate_->DidAcceptSuggestion(autofill_item[0], autofill_ids[0]);
-// Test that data list elements for a node will appear in the Autofill popup.
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, ExternalDelegateDataList) {
- IssueOnQuery(kQueryId);
- std::vector<base::string16> data_list_items;
- data_list_items.push_back(base::string16());
- external_delegate_->SetCurrentDataListValues(data_list_items,
- data_list_items);
- // The enums must be cast to ints to prevent compile errors on linux_rel.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- ShowAutofillPopup(
- _, _, _, _, _,
- testing::ElementsAre(
- static_cast<int>(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDDataListEntry),
- static_cast<int>(WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator),
- kAutofillProfileId,
- static_cast<int>(WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator),
- static_cast<int>(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDAutofillOptions)),
- _));
- // This should call ShowAutofillPopup.
- std::vector<base::string16> autofill_item;
- autofill_item.push_back(base::string16());
- std::vector<int> autofill_ids;
- autofill_ids.push_back(kAutofillProfileId);
- external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(kQueryId,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_ids);
- // Try calling OnSuggestionsReturned with no Autofill values and ensure
- // the datalist items are still shown.
- // The enum must be cast to an int to prevent compile errors on linux_rel.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- ShowAutofillPopup(
- _, _, _, _, _,
- testing::ElementsAre(
- static_cast<int>(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDDataListEntry)),
- _));
- autofill_item = std::vector<base::string16>();
- autofill_ids = std::vector<int>();
- external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(kQueryId,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_ids);
-// Test that datalist values can get updated while a popup is showing.
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, UpdateDataListWhileShowingPopup) {
- IssueOnQuery(kQueryId);
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- ShowAutofillPopup(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)).Times(0);
- // Make sure just setting the data list values doesn't cause the popup to
- // appear.
- std::vector<base::string16> data_list_items;
- data_list_items.push_back(base::string16());
- external_delegate_->SetCurrentDataListValues(data_list_items,
- data_list_items);
- // The enums must be cast to ints to prevent compile errors on linux_rel.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- ShowAutofillPopup(
- _, _, _, _, _,
- testing::ElementsAre(
- static_cast<int>(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDDataListEntry),
- static_cast<int>(WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator),
- kAutofillProfileId,
- static_cast<int>(WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator),
- static_cast<int>(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDAutofillOptions)),
- _));
- // Ensure the popup is displayed.
- std::vector<base::string16> autofill_item;
- autofill_item.push_back(base::string16());
- std::vector<int> autofill_ids;
- autofill_ids.push_back(kAutofillProfileId);
- external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(kQueryId,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_ids);
- // This would normally get called from ShowAutofillPopup, but it is mocked so
- // we need to call OnPopupShown ourselves.
- external_delegate_->OnPopupShown();
- // Update the current data list and ensure the popup is updated.
- data_list_items.push_back(base::string16());
- // The enums must be cast to ints to prevent compile errors on linux_rel.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- UpdateAutofillPopupDataListValues(data_list_items,
- data_list_items));
- external_delegate_->SetCurrentDataListValues(data_list_items,
- data_list_items);
-// Test that the Autofill popup is able to display warnings explaining why
-// Autofill is disabled for a website.
-// Regression test for
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, AutofillWarnings) {
- IssueOnQuery(kQueryId);
- // The enums must be cast to ints to prevent compile errors on linux_rel.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- ShowAutofillPopup(
- _, _, _, _, _,
- testing::ElementsAre(
- static_cast<int>(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDWarningMessage)),
- _));
- // This should call ShowAutofillPopup.
- std::vector<base::string16> autofill_item;
- autofill_item.push_back(base::string16());
- std::vector<int> autofill_ids;
- autofill_ids.push_back(WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDWarningMessage);
- external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(kQueryId,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_ids);
-// Test that the Autofill popup doesn't display a warning explaining why
-// Autofill is disabled for a website when there are no Autofill suggestions.
-// Regression test for
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, NoAutofillWarningsWithoutSuggestions) {
- const FormData form;
- FormFieldData field;
- field.is_focusable = true;
- field.should_autocomplete = false;
- const gfx::RectF element_bounds;
- external_delegate_->OnQuery(kQueryId, form, field, element_bounds, true);
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- ShowAutofillPopup(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup()).Times(1);
- // This should not call ShowAutofillPopup.
- std::vector<base::string16> autofill_item;
- autofill_item.push_back(base::string16());
- std::vector<int> autofill_ids;
- autofill_ids.push_back(WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDAutocompleteEntry);
- external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(kQueryId,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_item,
- autofill_ids);
-// Test that the Autofill delegate doesn't try and fill a form with a
-// negative unique id.
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, ExternalDelegateInvalidUniqueId) {
- // Ensure it doesn't try to preview the negative id.
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_manager_, OnFillAutofillFormData(_, _, _, _)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_,
- SetRendererActionOnFormDataReception(_)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_, RendererShouldClearPreviewedForm()).Times(1);
- external_delegate_->DidSelectSuggestion(-1);
- // Ensure it doesn't try to fill the form in with the negative id.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup());
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_manager_, OnFillAutofillFormData(_, _, _, _)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_,
- SetRendererActionOnFormDataReception(_)).Times(0);
- external_delegate_->DidAcceptSuggestion(base::string16(), -1);
-// Test that the ClearPreview call is only sent if the form was being previewed
-// (i.e. it isn't autofilling a password).
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, ExternalDelegateClearPreviewedForm) {
- // Called by DidSelectSuggestion, add expectation to remove warning.
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_manager_, OnFillAutofillFormData(_, _, _, _));
- // Ensure selecting a new password entries or Autofill entries will
- // cause any previews to get cleared.
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_, RendererShouldClearPreviewedForm()).Times(1);
- external_delegate_->DidSelectSuggestion(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDPasswordEntry);
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_, RendererShouldClearPreviewedForm()).Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_, SetRendererActionOnFormDataReception(
- external_delegate_->DidSelectSuggestion(1);
-// Test that the popup is hidden once we are done editing the autofill field.
- ExternalDelegateHidePopupAfterEditing) {
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, ShowAutofillPopup(_, _, _, _, _, _, _));
- autofill::GenerateTestAutofillPopup(external_delegate_.get());
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup());
- external_delegate_->DidEndTextFieldEditing();
-// Test that the popup is marked as visible after recieving password
-// suggestions.
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, ExternalDelegatePasswordSuggestions) {
- static const base::string16 kUsername = ASCIIToUTF16("username");
- static const base::string16 kSignonRealm = ASCIIToUTF16("");
- std::vector<base::string16> suggestions;
- suggestions.push_back(kUsername);
- std::vector<base::string16> realms;
- realms.push_back(kSignonRealm);
- FormFieldData field;
- field.is_focusable = true;
- field.should_autocomplete = true;
- const gfx::RectF element_bounds;
- FormFieldData username_field_data;
- username_field_data.value = kUsername;
- PasswordFormFillData password_form_fill_data;
- password_form_fill_data.basic_data.fields.push_back(username_field_data);
- external_delegate_->AddPasswordFormMapping(field, password_form_fill_data);
- // The enums must be cast to ints to prevent compile errors on linux_rel.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_,
- ShowAutofillPopup(
- _, _, _, _, _,
- testing::ElementsAre(
- static_cast<int>(
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDPasswordEntry)),
- _));
- external_delegate_->OnShowPasswordSuggestions(suggestions,
- realms,
- field,
- element_bounds);
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup());
- // This should trigger a call to hide the popup since
- // we've selected an option.
- external_delegate_->DidAcceptSuggestion(
- suggestions[0],
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDPasswordEntry);
-// Test that the driver is directed to accept the data list after being notified
-// that the user accepted the data list suggestion.
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, ExternalDelegateAcceptSuggestion) {
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup());
- base::string16 dummy_string(ASCIIToUTF16("baz qux"));
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_,
- RendererShouldAcceptDataListSuggestion(dummy_string));
- external_delegate_->DidAcceptSuggestion(
- dummy_string,
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDDataListEntry);
-// Test that the driver is directed to clear the form after being notified that
-// the user accepted the suggestion to clear the form.
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, ExternalDelegateClearForm) {
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup());
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_, RendererShouldClearFilledForm());
- external_delegate_->DidAcceptSuggestion(
- base::string16(),
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDClearForm);
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, ExternalDelegateHideWarning) {
- // Set up a field that shouldn't get autocompleted or display warnings.
- const FormData form;
- FormFieldData field;
- field.is_focusable = true;
- field.should_autocomplete = false;
- const gfx::RectF element_bounds;
- external_delegate_->OnQuery(kQueryId, form, field, element_bounds, false);
- std::vector<base::string16> autofill_items;
- autofill_items.push_back(base::string16());
- std::vector<int> autofill_ids;
- autofill_ids.push_back(WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDAutocompleteEntry);
- // Ensure the popup tries to hide itself, since it is not allowed to show
- // anything.
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup());
- external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(kQueryId,
- autofill_items,
- autofill_items,
- autofill_items,
- autofill_ids);
-TEST_F(AutofillExternalDelegateUnitTest, ExternalDelegateSetNodeText) {
- EXPECT_CALL(manager_delegate_, HideAutofillPopup());
- base::string16 dummy_string(ASCIIToUTF16("baz foo"));
- EXPECT_CALL(*autofill_driver_,
- RendererShouldSetNodeText(dummy_string));
- external_delegate_->DidAcceptSuggestion(
- dummy_string,
- WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDAutocompleteEntry);
-} // namespace autofill