path: root/chromium/components/policy/core/common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/policy/core/common/')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/policy/core/common/ b/chromium/components/policy/core/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7a664ff4b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/components/policy/core/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_service_impl.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/containers/contains.h"
+#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
+#include "base/feature_list.h"
+#include "base/location.h"
+#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
+#include "base/observer_list.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "build/build_config.h"
+#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/features.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_bundle.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_map.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_merger.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_types.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/proxy_settings_constants.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/values_util.h"
+#include "components/policy/policy_constants.h"
+#include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h"
+#include "extensions/buildflags/buildflags.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/android/policy_service_android.h"
+#include "components/policy/core/common/default_chrome_apps_migrator.h"
+namespace policy {
+namespace {
+// Precedence policies cannot be set at the user cloud level regardless of
+// affiliation status. This is done to prevent cloud users from potentially
+// giving themselves increased priority, causing a security issue.
+void IgnoreUserCloudPrecedencePolicies(PolicyMap* policies) {
+ for (auto* policy_name : metapolicy::kPrecedence) {
+ const PolicyMap::Entry* policy_entry = policies->Get(policy_name);
+ if (policy_entry && policy_entry->scope == POLICY_SCOPE_USER &&
+ policy_entry->source == POLICY_SOURCE_CLOUD) {
+ PolicyMap::Entry* policy_entry_mutable =
+ policies->GetMutable(policy_name);
+ policy_entry_mutable->SetIgnored();
+ policy_entry_mutable->AddMessage(PolicyMap::MessageType::kError,
+ }
+ }
+// Metrics should not be enforced so if this policy is set as mandatory
+// downgrade it to a recommended level policy.
+void DowngradeMetricsReportingToRecommendedPolicy(PolicyMap* policies) {
+ // Capture both the Chrome-only and device-level policies on Chrome OS.
+ const std::vector<const char*> metrics_keys = {
+ policy::key::kMetricsReportingEnabled,
+ policy::key::kDeviceMetricsReportingEnabled};
+ for (const char* policy_key : metrics_keys) {
+ PolicyMap::Entry* policy = policies->GetMutable(policy_key);
+ if (policy && policy->level != POLICY_LEVEL_RECOMMENDED &&
+ policy->value(base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN) &&
+ policy->value(base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN)->GetBool()) {
+ policy->AddMessage(PolicyMap::MessageType::kInfo,
+ }
+ }
+// Returns the string values of |policy|. Returns an empty set if the values are
+// not strings.
+base::flat_set<std::string> GetStringListPolicyItems(
+ const PolicyBundle& bundle,
+ const PolicyNamespace& space,
+ const std::string& policy) {
+ return ValueToStringSet(
+ bundle.Get(space).GetValue(policy, base::Value::Type::LIST));
+} // namespace
+PolicyServiceImpl::PolicyServiceImpl(Providers providers, Migrators migrators)
+ : PolicyServiceImpl(std::move(providers),
+ std::move(migrators),
+ /*initialization_throttled=*/false) {}
+PolicyServiceImpl::PolicyServiceImpl(Providers providers,
+ Migrators migrators,
+ bool initialization_throttled)
+ : providers_(std::move(providers)),
+ migrators_(std::move(migrators)),
+ initialization_throttled_(initialization_throttled) {
+ for (int domain = 0; domain < POLICY_DOMAIN_SIZE; ++domain)
+ policy_domain_status_[domain] = PolicyDomainStatus::kUninitialized;
+ for (auto* provider : providers_)
+ provider->AddObserver(this);
+ // There are no observers yet, but calls to GetPolicies() should already get
+ // the processed policy values.
+ MergeAndTriggerUpdates();
+// static
+PolicyServiceImpl::CreateWithThrottledInitialization(Providers providers,
+ Migrators migrators) {
+ return base::WrapUnique(
+ new PolicyServiceImpl(std::move(providers), std::move(migrators),
+ /*initialization_throttled=*/true));
+PolicyServiceImpl::~PolicyServiceImpl() {
+ for (auto* provider : providers_)
+ provider->RemoveObserver(this);
+void PolicyServiceImpl::AddObserver(PolicyDomain domain,
+ PolicyService::Observer* observer) {
+ observers_[domain].AddObserver(observer);
+void PolicyServiceImpl::RemoveObserver(PolicyDomain domain,
+ PolicyService::Observer* observer) {
+ auto it = observers_.find(domain);
+ if (it == observers_.end())
+ return;
+ it->second.RemoveObserver(observer);
+ if (it->second.empty()) {
+ observers_.erase(it);
+ }
+void PolicyServiceImpl::AddProviderUpdateObserver(
+ ProviderUpdateObserver* observer) {
+ provider_update_observers_.AddObserver(observer);
+void PolicyServiceImpl::RemoveProviderUpdateObserver(
+ ProviderUpdateObserver* observer) {
+ provider_update_observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
+bool PolicyServiceImpl::HasProvider(
+ ConfigurationPolicyProvider* provider) const {
+ return base::Contains(providers_, provider);
+const PolicyMap& PolicyServiceImpl::GetPolicies(
+ const PolicyNamespace& ns) const {
+ return policy_bundle_.Get(ns);
+bool PolicyServiceImpl::IsInitializationComplete(PolicyDomain domain) const {
+ DCHECK(domain >= 0 && domain < POLICY_DOMAIN_SIZE);
+ return !initialization_throttled_ &&
+ policy_domain_status_[domain] != PolicyDomainStatus::kUninitialized;
+bool PolicyServiceImpl::IsFirstPolicyLoadComplete(PolicyDomain domain) const {
+ DCHECK(domain >= 0 && domain < POLICY_DOMAIN_SIZE);
+ return !initialization_throttled_ &&
+ policy_domain_status_[domain] == PolicyDomainStatus::kPolicyReady;
+void PolicyServiceImpl::RefreshPolicies(base::OnceClosure callback) {
+ VLOG(2) << "Policy refresh starting";
+ if (!callback.is_null())
+ refresh_callbacks_.push_back(std::move(callback));
+ if (providers_.empty()) {
+ // Refresh is immediately complete if there are no providers. See the note
+ // on OnUpdatePolicy() about why this is a posted task.
+ update_task_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&PolicyServiceImpl::MergeAndTriggerUpdates,
+ update_task_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ VLOG(2) << "Policy refresh has no providers";
+ } else {
+ // Some providers might invoke OnUpdatePolicy synchronously while handling
+ // RefreshPolicies. Mark all as pending before refreshing.
+ for (auto* provider : providers_)
+ refresh_pending_.insert(provider);
+ for (auto* provider : providers_)
+ provider->RefreshPolicies();
+ }
+android::PolicyServiceAndroid* PolicyServiceImpl::GetPolicyServiceAndroid() {
+ if (!policy_service_android_)
+ policy_service_android_ =
+ std::make_unique<android::PolicyServiceAndroid>(this);
+ return policy_service_android_.get();
+void PolicyServiceImpl::UnthrottleInitialization() {
+ if (!initialization_throttled_)
+ return;
+ initialization_throttled_ = false;
+ std::vector<PolicyDomain> updated_domains;
+ for (int domain = 0; domain < POLICY_DOMAIN_SIZE; ++domain)
+ updated_domains.push_back(static_cast<PolicyDomain>(domain));
+ MaybeNotifyPolicyDomainStatusChange(updated_domains);
+void PolicyServiceImpl::OnUpdatePolicy(ConfigurationPolicyProvider* provider) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(1, std::count(providers_.begin(), providers_.end(), provider));
+ refresh_pending_.erase(provider);
+ provider_update_pending_.insert(provider);
+ // Note: a policy change may trigger further policy changes in some providers.
+ // For example, disabling SigninAllowed would cause the CloudPolicyManager to
+ // drop all its policies, which makes this method enter again for that
+ // provider.
+ //
+ // Therefore this update is posted asynchronously, to prevent reentrancy in
+ // MergeAndTriggerUpdates. Also, cancel a pending update if there is any,
+ // since both will produce the same PolicyBundle.
+ update_task_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&PolicyServiceImpl::MergeAndTriggerUpdates,
+ update_task_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+void PolicyServiceImpl::NotifyNamespaceUpdated(const PolicyNamespace& ns,
+ const PolicyMap& previous,
+ const PolicyMap& current) {
+ auto iterator = observers_.find(ns.domain);
+ if (iterator != observers_.end()) {
+ for (auto& observer : iterator->second)
+ observer.OnPolicyUpdated(ns, previous, current);
+ }
+void PolicyServiceImpl::NotifyProviderUpdatesPropagated() {
+ if (provider_update_pending_.empty())
+ return;
+ for (auto& provider_update_observer : provider_update_observers_) {
+ for (ConfigurationPolicyProvider* provider : provider_update_pending_) {
+ provider_update_observer.OnProviderUpdatePropagated(provider);
+ }
+ }
+ provider_update_pending_.clear();
+void PolicyServiceImpl::MergeAndTriggerUpdates() {
+ // Merge from each provider in their order of priority.
+ const PolicyNamespace chrome_namespace(POLICY_DOMAIN_CHROME, std::string());
+ PolicyBundle bundle;
+ DefaultChromeAppsMigrator chrome_apps_migrator;
+ for (auto* provider : providers_) {
+ PolicyBundle provided_bundle;
+ provided_bundle.CopyFrom(provider->policies());
+ IgnoreUserCloudPrecedencePolicies(&provided_bundle.Get(chrome_namespace));
+ DowngradeMetricsReportingToRecommendedPolicy(
+ &provided_bundle.Get(chrome_namespace));
+ if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
+ policy::features::kDefaultChromeAppsMigration)) {
+ chrome_apps_migrator.Migrate(&provided_bundle.Get(chrome_namespace));
+ }
+ bundle.MergeFrom(provided_bundle);
+ }
+ // Merges all the mergeable policies
+ base::flat_set<std::string> policy_lists_to_merge = GetStringListPolicyItems(
+ bundle, chrome_namespace, key::kPolicyListMultipleSourceMergeList);
+ base::flat_set<std::string> policy_dictionaries_to_merge =
+ GetStringListPolicyItems(bundle, chrome_namespace,
+ key::kPolicyDictionaryMultipleSourceMergeList);
+ auto& chrome_policies = bundle.Get(chrome_namespace);
+ // This has to be done after setting enterprise default values since it is
+ // enabled by default for enterprise users.
+ auto* atomic_policy_group_enabled_entry =
+ chrome_policies.Get(key::kPolicyAtomicGroupsEnabled);
+ // This policy has to be ignored if it comes from a user signed-in profile.
+ bool atomic_policy_group_enabled =
+ atomic_policy_group_enabled_entry &&
+ atomic_policy_group_enabled_entry->value(base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN) &&
+ atomic_policy_group_enabled_entry->value(base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN)
+ ->GetBool() &&
+ !(atomic_policy_group_enabled_entry->source == POLICY_SOURCE_CLOUD &&
+ atomic_policy_group_enabled_entry->scope == POLICY_SCOPE_USER);
+ PolicyListMerger policy_list_merger(std::move(policy_lists_to_merge));
+ PolicyDictionaryMerger policy_dictionary_merger(
+ std::move(policy_dictionaries_to_merge));
+ // Pass affiliation and CloudUserPolicyMerge values to both mergers.
+ const bool is_user_affiliated = chrome_policies.IsUserAffiliated();
+ const base::Value* cloud_user_policy_merge_value = chrome_policies.GetValue(
+ key::kCloudUserPolicyMerge, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN);
+ const bool is_user_cloud_merging_enabled =
+ cloud_user_policy_merge_value && cloud_user_policy_merge_value->GetBool();
+ policy_list_merger.SetAllowUserCloudPolicyMerging(
+ is_user_affiliated && is_user_cloud_merging_enabled);
+ policy_dictionary_merger.SetAllowUserCloudPolicyMerging(
+ is_user_affiliated && is_user_cloud_merging_enabled);
+ std::vector<PolicyMerger*> mergers{&policy_list_merger,
+ &policy_dictionary_merger};
+ PolicyGroupMerger policy_group_merger;
+ if (atomic_policy_group_enabled)
+ mergers.push_back(&policy_group_merger);
+ for (auto& entry : bundle)
+ entry.second.MergeValues(mergers);
+ for (auto& migrator : migrators_)
+ migrator->Migrate(&bundle);
+ // Swap first, so that observers that call GetPolicies() see the current
+ // values.
+ policy_bundle_.Swap(&bundle);
+ // Only notify observers of namespaces that have been modified.
+ const PolicyMap kEmpty;
+ PolicyBundle::const_iterator it_new = policy_bundle_.begin();
+ PolicyBundle::const_iterator end_new = policy_bundle_.end();
+ PolicyBundle::const_iterator it_old = bundle.begin();
+ PolicyBundle::const_iterator end_old = bundle.end();
+ while (it_new != end_new && it_old != end_old) {
+ if (it_new->first < it_old->first) {
+ // A new namespace is available.
+ NotifyNamespaceUpdated(it_new->first, kEmpty, it_new->second);
+ ++it_new;
+ } else if (it_old->first < it_new->first) {
+ // A previously available namespace is now gone.
+ NotifyNamespaceUpdated(it_old->first, it_old->second, kEmpty);
+ ++it_old;
+ } else {
+ if (!it_new->second.Equals(it_old->second)) {
+ // An existing namespace's policies have changed.
+ NotifyNamespaceUpdated(it_new->first, it_old->second, it_new->second);
+ }
+ ++it_new;
+ ++it_old;
+ }
+ }
+ // Send updates for the remaining new namespaces, if any.
+ for (; it_new != end_new; ++it_new)
+ NotifyNamespaceUpdated(it_new->first, kEmpty, it_new->second);
+ // Sends updates for the remaining removed namespaces, if any.
+ for (; it_old != end_old; ++it_old)
+ NotifyNamespaceUpdated(it_old->first, it_old->second, kEmpty);
+ const std::vector<PolicyDomain> updated_domains = UpdatePolicyDomainStatus();
+ CheckRefreshComplete();
+ NotifyProviderUpdatesPropagated();
+ // This has to go last as one of the observers might actually destroy `this`.
+ // See
+ MaybeNotifyPolicyDomainStatusChange(updated_domains);
+std::vector<PolicyDomain> PolicyServiceImpl::UpdatePolicyDomainStatus() {
+ std::vector<PolicyDomain> updated_domains;
+ // Check if all the providers just became initialized for each domain; if so,
+ // notify that domain's observers. If they were initialized, check if they had
+ // their first policies loaded.
+ for (int domain = 0; domain < POLICY_DOMAIN_SIZE; ++domain) {
+ PolicyDomain policy_domain = static_cast<PolicyDomain>(domain);
+ if (policy_domain_status_[domain] == PolicyDomainStatus::kPolicyReady)
+ continue;
+ PolicyDomainStatus new_status = PolicyDomainStatus::kPolicyReady;
+ for (auto* provider : providers_) {
+ if (!provider->IsInitializationComplete(policy_domain)) {
+ new_status = PolicyDomainStatus::kUninitialized;
+ break;
+ } else if (!provider->IsFirstPolicyLoadComplete(policy_domain)) {
+ new_status = PolicyDomainStatus::kInitialized;
+ }
+ }
+ if (new_status == policy_domain_status_[domain])
+ continue;
+ policy_domain_status_[domain] = new_status;
+ updated_domains.push_back(static_cast<PolicyDomain>(domain));
+ }
+ return updated_domains;
+void PolicyServiceImpl::MaybeNotifyPolicyDomainStatusChange(
+ const std::vector<PolicyDomain>& updated_domains) {
+ if (initialization_throttled_)
+ return;
+ for (const auto policy_domain : updated_domains) {
+ if (policy_domain_status_[policy_domain] ==
+ PolicyDomainStatus::kUninitialized) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto iter = observers_.find(policy_domain);
+ if (iter == observers_.end())
+ continue;
+ // If and when gets fixed, we should drop the WeakPtr
+ // construction and checks here.
+ const auto weak_this = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
+ for (auto& observer : iter->second) {
+ observer.OnPolicyServiceInitialized(policy_domain);
+ if (!weak_this) {
+ VLOG(1) << "PolicyService destroyed while notifying observers.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (policy_domain_status_[policy_domain] ==
+ PolicyDomainStatus::kPolicyReady) {
+ observer.OnFirstPoliciesLoaded(policy_domain);
+ // If this gets hit, it implies that some OnFirstPoliciesLoaded()
+ // observer was changed to trigger the deletion of |this|. See
+ // for a similar problem with
+ // OnPolicyServiceInitialized().
+ CHECK(weak_this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void PolicyServiceImpl::CheckRefreshComplete() {
+ if (refresh_pending_.empty()) {
+ VLOG(2) << "Policy refresh complete";
+ }
+ // Invoke all the callbacks if a refresh has just fully completed.
+ if (refresh_pending_.empty() && !refresh_callbacks_.empty()) {
+ std::vector<base::OnceClosure> callbacks;
+ callbacks.swap(refresh_callbacks_);
+ for (auto& callback : callbacks)
+ std::move(callback).Run();
+ }
+} // namespace policy