path: root/chromium/components/policy/core/common/remote_commands/remote_command_job.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/policy/core/common/remote_commands/remote_command_job.h')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/policy/core/common/remote_commands/remote_command_job.h b/chromium/components/policy/core/common/remote_commands/remote_command_job.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ffa7f9769b5
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+++ b/chromium/components/policy/core/common/remote_commands/remote_command_job.h
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+// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "components/policy/policy_export.h"
+#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
+namespace policy {
+// This class manages the execution of a remote command job. It's a base class
+// and actual implementations are expected to inherit from this class.
+class POLICY_EXPORT RemoteCommandJob {
+ public:
+ using UniqueIDType = int64_t;
+ // Status of this job.
+ // This enum is used to define the buckets for an enumerated UMA histogram.
+ // Hence,
+ // (a) existing enumerated constants should never be deleted or reordered
+ // (b) new constants should only be appended at the end of the enumeration
+ // (update RemoteCommandExecutuionStatus in
+ // tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml as well).
+ enum Status {
+ NOT_INITIALIZED = 0, // The job is not initialized yet.
+ INVALID = 1, // The job was initialized from a malformed protobuf.
+ EXPIRED = 2, // The job is expired and won't be executed.
+ NOT_STARTED = 3, // The job is initialized and ready to be started.
+ RUNNING = 4, // The job was started and is running now.
+ SUCCEEDED = 5, // The job finished running successfully.
+ FAILED = 6, // The job finished running with failure.
+ TERMINATED = 7, // The job was terminated before finishing by itself.
+ STATUS_TYPE_SIZE // Used by UMA histograms. Shall be the last.
+ };
+ using FinishedCallback = base::OnceClosure;
+ RemoteCommandJob(const RemoteCommandJob&) = delete;
+ RemoteCommandJob& operator=(const RemoteCommandJob&) = delete;
+ virtual ~RemoteCommandJob();
+ // Initialize from a RemoteCommand protobuf definition, must be called before
+ // calling Run(). Returns true if the initialization is successful.
+ // |now| is the current time which will be used to estimate the command issued
+ // time. It must be consistent to the same parameter passed to Run() below.
+ // In order to minimize the error while estimating the command issued time,
+ // this method must be called immediately after the command is received from
+ // the server. |signed_command| contains the entire remote command and its
+ // signature, the way it was received from the server.
+ bool Init(base::TimeTicks now,
+ const enterprise_management::RemoteCommand& command,
+ const enterprise_management::SignedData& signed_command);
+ // Run the command asynchronously. |now| is the time used for marking the
+ // execution start. |now_ticks| is the time which will be used for command
+ // expiration checking.
+ // |finished_callback| will be called once the command finishes running,
+ // regardless of whether the command is successful, fails or is terminated
+ // prematurely.
+ // Returns true if the task is posted and the command marked as running.
+ // Returns false otherwise, for example if the command is invalid or expired.
+ // Subclasses should implement RunImpl() for actual work.
+ bool Run(base::Time now,
+ base::TimeTicks now_ticks,
+ FinishedCallback finished_callback);
+ // Attempts to terminate the running tasks associated with this command. Does
+ // nothing if the task is already terminated or finished. It's guaranteed that
+ // after calling this method, |finished_callback_| will never be called.
+ // Asynchronous tasks might still be running and subclasses that wish to
+ // actually terminate the tasks should implement TerminateImpl().
+ // This method is also intended to be used to handle timeout of command
+ // execution.
+ void Terminate();
+ // Returns the remote command type that this class is able to handle.
+ virtual enterprise_management::RemoteCommand_Type GetType() const = 0;
+ // Returns the remote command timeout. If the command takes longer than the
+ // returned time interval to execute, the command queue will kill it.
+ virtual base::TimeDelta GetCommandTimeout() const;
+ // Helpful accessors.
+ UniqueIDType unique_id() const { return unique_id_; }
+ base::TimeTicks issued_time() const { return issued_time_; }
+ base::Time execution_started_time() const { return execution_started_time_; }
+ Status status() const { return status_; }
+ // Returns whether execution of this command is finished.
+ bool IsExecutionFinished() const;
+ // Generate the result payload which will be sent back to the server.
+ // This method will only be called for successfully executed commands.
+ std::unique_ptr<std::string> GetResultPayload() const;
+ protected:
+ class ResultPayload {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ResultPayload() {}
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<std::string> Serialize() = 0;
+ };
+ using CallbackWithResult =
+ base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<ResultPayload>)>;
+ RemoteCommandJob();
+ // The server can provide additional arguments for a command,
+ // serialized into a |command_payload| string. This method will be
+ // called with the payload sent by the server (or an empty string
+ // if there is no payload). Subclasses that expect command
+ // arguments should override this method and deserialize the
+ // |command_payload| string. The default implementation ignores any
+ // payload.
+ virtual bool ParseCommandPayload(const std::string& command_payload);
+ // Subclasses may use this method for customized command expiration
+ // checking. |now| is the current time obtained from a clock. Implementations
+ // are usually expected to compare |now| to the issued_time(), which is the
+ // timestamp when the command was issued on the server.
+ virtual bool IsExpired(base::TimeTicks now);
+ // Subclasses should implement this method for actual command execution logic.
+ // Implementations should execute commands asynchronously, possibly on a
+ // background thread. Execution should end by invoking either
+ // |succeeded_callback| or |failed_callback| on the thread that this method
+ // was called.
+ // Also see comments regarding Run().
+ virtual void RunImpl(CallbackWithResult succeed_callback,
+ CallbackWithResult failed_callback) = 0;
+ // Subclasses should implement this method for actual command execution
+ // termination. Be cautious that tasks might be running on another thread or
+ // even already be terminated. Implementations should expect destruction of
+ // the class soon. Also see comments regarding Terminate().
+ // The default implementation does nothing.
+ virtual void TerminateImpl();
+ const enterprise_management::SignedData& signed_command() const {
+ return signed_command_;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Posted tasks are expected to call this method.
+ void OnCommandExecutionFinishedWithResult(
+ bool succeeded,
+ std::unique_ptr<ResultPayload> result);
+ Status status_;
+ UniqueIDType unique_id_;
+ // The estimated time when the command was issued.
+ base::TimeTicks issued_time_;
+ // The time when the command started running.
+ base::Time execution_started_time_;
+ // Serialized command inside policy data proto with signature.
+ enterprise_management::SignedData signed_command_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ResultPayload> result_payload_;
+ FinishedCallback finished_callback_;
+ base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<RemoteCommandJob> weak_factory_{this};
+} // namespace policy