path: root/chromium/content/child/webcrypto/status.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/content/child/webcrypto/status.h')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/content/child/webcrypto/status.h b/chromium/content/child/webcrypto/status.h
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index 00000000000..103c4edf6b5
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+++ b/chromium/content/child/webcrypto/status.h
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+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "content/common/content_export.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebCrypto.h"
+namespace content {
+namespace webcrypto {
+// Status indicates whether an operation completed successfully, or with an
+// error. The error is used for verification in unit-tests, as well as for
+// display to the user.
+// As such, it is important that errors DO NOT reveal any sensitive material
+// (like key bytes).
+class CONTENT_EXPORT Status {
+ public:
+ Status() : type_(TYPE_ERROR) {}
+ // Returns true if the Status represents an error (any one of them).
+ bool IsError() const;
+ // Returns true if the Status represent success.
+ bool IsSuccess() const;
+ // Returns a UTF-8 error message (non-localized) describing the error.
+ const std::string& error_details() const { return error_details_; }
+ blink::WebCryptoErrorType error_type() const { return error_type_; }
+ // Constructs a status representing success.
+ static Status Success();
+ // Constructs a status representing a generic operation error. It contains no
+ // extra details.
+ static Status OperationError();
+ // Constructs a status representing a generic data error. It contains no
+ // extra details.
+ static Status DataError();
+ // ------------------------------------
+ // Errors when importing a JWK formatted key
+ // ------------------------------------
+ // The key bytes could not parsed as JSON dictionary. This either
+ // means there was a parsing error, or the JSON object was not
+ // convertable to a dictionary.
+ static Status ErrorJwkNotDictionary();
+ // The required property |property| was missing.
+ static Status ErrorJwkPropertyMissing(const std::string& property);
+ // The property |property| was not of type |expected_type|.
+ static Status ErrorJwkPropertyWrongType(const std::string& property,
+ const std::string& expected_type);
+ // The property |property| was a string, however could not be successfully
+ // base64 decoded.
+ static Status ErrorJwkBase64Decode(const std::string& property);
+ // The "ext" parameter was specified but was
+ // incompatible with the value requested by the Web Crypto call.
+ static Status ErrorJwkExtInconsistent();
+ // The "alg" parameter could not be converted to an equivalent
+ // WebCryptoAlgorithm. Either it was malformed or unrecognized.
+ static Status ErrorJwkUnrecognizedAlgorithm();
+ // The "alg" parameter is incompatible with the (optional) Algorithm
+ // specified by the Web Crypto import operation.
+ static Status ErrorJwkAlgorithmInconsistent();
+ // The "use" parameter was specified, however it couldn't be converted to an
+ // equivalent Web Crypto usage.
+ static Status ErrorJwkUnrecognizedUse();
+ // The "key_ops" parameter was specified, however one of the values in the
+ // array couldn't be converted to an equivalent Web Crypto usage.
+ static Status ErrorJwkUnrecognizedKeyop();
+ // The "use" parameter was specified, however it is incompatible with that
+ // specified by the Web Crypto import operation.
+ static Status ErrorJwkUseInconsistent();
+ // The "key_ops" parameter was specified, however it is incompatible with that
+ // specified by the Web Crypto import operation.
+ static Status ErrorJwkKeyopsInconsistent();
+ // Both the "key_ops" and the "use" parameters were specified, however they
+ // are incompatible with each other.
+ static Status ErrorJwkUseAndKeyopsInconsistent();
+ // The "kty" parameter was given and was a string, however it was
+ // unrecognized.
+ static Status ErrorJwkUnrecognizedKty();
+ // The amount of key data provided was incompatible with the selected
+ // algorithm. For instance if the algorith name was A128CBC then EXACTLY
+ // 128-bits of key data must have been provided. If 192-bits of key data were
+ // given that is an error.
+ static Status ErrorJwkIncorrectKeyLength();
+ // The JWK was for an RSA private key but only partially provided the optional
+ // parameters (p, q, dq, dq, qi).
+ static Status ErrorJwkIncompleteOptionalRsaPrivateKey();
+ // ------------------------------------
+ // Other errors
+ // ------------------------------------
+ // No key data was provided when importing an spki, pkcs8, or jwk formatted
+ // key. This does not apply to raw format, since it is possible to have empty
+ // key data there.
+ static Status ErrorImportEmptyKeyData();
+ // The key data buffer provided for importKey() is an incorrect length for
+ // AES.
+ static Status ErrorImportAesKeyLength();
+ // 192-bit AES keys are valid, however unsupported.
+ static Status ErrorAes192BitUnsupported();
+ // The wrong key was used for the operation. For instance, a public key was
+ // used to verify a RsaSsaPkcs1v1_5 signature, or tried exporting a private
+ // key using spki format.
+ static Status ErrorUnexpectedKeyType();
+ // When doing an AES-CBC encryption/decryption, the "iv" parameter was not 16
+ // bytes.
+ static Status ErrorIncorrectSizeAesCbcIv();
+ // The data provided to an encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify operation was too
+ // large. This can either represent an internal limitation (for instance
+ // representing buffer lengths as uints).
+ static Status ErrorDataTooLarge();
+ // The data provided to an encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify operation was too
+ // small. This usually represents an algorithm restriction (for instance
+ // AES-KW requires a minimum of 24 bytes input data).
+ static Status ErrorDataTooSmall();
+ // Something was unsupported or unimplemented. This can mean the algorithm in
+ // question was unsupported, some parameter combination was unsupported, or
+ // something has not yet been implemented.
+ static Status ErrorUnsupported();
+ static Status ErrorUnsupported(const std::string& message);
+ // Something unexpected happened in the code, which implies there is a
+ // source-level bug. These should not happen, but safer to fail than simply
+ // DCHECK.
+ static Status ErrorUnexpected();
+ // The authentication tag length specified for AES-GCM encrypt/decrypt was
+ // not 32, 64, 96, 104, 112, 120, or 128.
+ static Status ErrorInvalidAesGcmTagLength();
+ // The input data given to an AES-KW encrypt/decrypt operation was not a
+ // multiple of 8 bytes, as required by RFC 3394.
+ static Status ErrorInvalidAesKwDataLength();
+ // The "publicExponent" used to generate a key was invalid or unsupported.
+ // Only values of 3 and 65537 are allowed.
+ static Status ErrorGenerateKeyPublicExponent();
+ // The modulus bytes were empty when importing an RSA public key.
+ static Status ErrorImportRsaEmptyModulus();
+ // The the modulus length was zero bits when generating an RSA public key.
+ static Status ErrorGenerateRsaZeroModulus();
+ // The exponent bytes were empty when importing an RSA public key.
+ static Status ErrorImportRsaEmptyExponent();
+ // An unextractable key was used by an operation which exports the key data.
+ static Status ErrorKeyNotExtractable();
+ // The key length specified when generating a key was invalid. Either it was
+ // zero, or it was not a multiple of 8 bits.
+ static Status ErrorGenerateKeyLength();
+ // Attempted to create a key (either by importKey(), generateKey(), or
+ // unwrapKey()) however the key usages were not applicable for the key type
+ // and algorithm.
+ static Status ErrorCreateKeyBadUsages();
+ private:
+ // Constructs an error with the specified error type and message.
+ Status(blink::WebCryptoErrorType error_type,
+ const std::string& error_details_utf8);
+ // Constructs a success or error without any details.
+ explicit Status(Type type);
+ Type type_;
+ blink::WebCryptoErrorType error_type_;
+ std::string error_details_;
+} // namespace webcrypto
+} // namespace content