path: root/chromium/content/renderer/media/webrtc/media_stream_track_metrics.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/content/renderer/media/webrtc/media_stream_track_metrics.h')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/content/renderer/media/webrtc/media_stream_track_metrics.h b/chromium/content/renderer/media/webrtc/media_stream_track_metrics.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aaf669d0d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/content/renderer/media/webrtc/media_stream_track_metrics.h
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+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
+#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
+#include "content/common/content_export.h"
+#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/app/webrtc/peerconnectioninterface.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+class MediaStreamInterface;
+class MediaStreamTrackInterface;
+namespace content {
+class MediaStreamTrackMetricsObserver;
+class RTCPeerConnectionHandler;
+// Responsible for observing the connected lifetimes of tracks going
+// over a PeerConnection, and sending messages to the browser process
+// about lifetime events.
+// There should be exactly one of these objects owned by each
+// RTCPeerConnectionHandler, and its lifetime should match the
+// lifetime of its owner.
+class CONTENT_EXPORT MediaStreamTrackMetrics : public base::NonThreadSafe {
+ public:
+ explicit MediaStreamTrackMetrics();
+ ~MediaStreamTrackMetrics();
+ enum TrackType { AUDIO_TRACK, VIDEO_TRACK };
+ enum LifetimeEvent { CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED };
+ // Starts tracking lifetimes of all the tracks in |stream| and any
+ // tracks added or removed to/from the stream until |RemoveStream|
+ // is called or this object's lifetime ends.
+ void AddStream(StreamType type, webrtc::MediaStreamInterface* stream);
+ // Stops tracking lifetimes of tracks in |stream|.
+ void RemoveStream(StreamType type, webrtc::MediaStreamInterface* stream);
+ // Called to indicate changes in the ICE connection state for the
+ // PeerConnection this object is associated with. Used to generate
+ // the connected/disconnected lifetime events for these tracks.
+ void IceConnectionChange(
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState new_state);
+ // Send a lifetime message to the browser process. Virtual so that
+ // it can be overridden in unit tests.
+ //
+ // |track_id| is the ID of the track that just got connected or
+ // disconnected.
+ //
+ // |is_audio| is true for an audio track, false for a video track.
+ //
+ // |start_lifetime| is true to indicate that it just got connected,
+ // false to indicate it is no longer connected.
+ //
+ // |is_remote| is true for remote streams (received over a
+ // PeerConnection), false for local streams (sent over a
+ // PeerConnection).
+ virtual void SendLifetimeMessage(const std::string& track_id,
+ TrackType track_type,
+ LifetimeEvent lifetime_event,
+ StreamType stream_type);
+ protected:
+ // Calls SendLifetimeMessage for |observer| depending on |ice_state_|.
+ void SendLifeTimeMessageDependingOnIceState(
+ MediaStreamTrackMetricsObserver* observer);
+ // Implements MakeUniqueId. |pc_id| is a cast of this object's
+ // |this| pointer to a 64-bit integer, which is usable as a unique
+ // ID for the PeerConnection this object is attached to (since there
+ // is a one-to-one relationship).
+ uint64 MakeUniqueIdImpl(uint64 pc_id,
+ const std::string& track,
+ StreamType stream_type);
+ private:
+ // Make a unique ID for the given track, that is valid while the
+ // track object and the PeerConnection it is attached to both exist.
+ uint64 MakeUniqueId(const std::string& track, StreamType stream_type);
+ typedef ScopedVector<MediaStreamTrackMetricsObserver> ObserverVector;
+ ObserverVector observers_;
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState ice_state_;
+} // namespace