path: root/chromium/docs/website/site/chromium-os/packages/libchromeos/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
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-page_name: libchromeos
-title: libchromeos
-## Background
-## libchromeos is the utility library used by most daemons in Chromium OS to share common functionality specific to Chromium OS. For more generic utility functions, see [libchrome](/chromium-os/packages/libchrome), utility library from the Chromium browser, also used by most daemons in Chromium OS.
-platform2 projects use C++11 and libchromeos uses some of the new features to
-simplify and optimize code. For this reason, some generic modules more suitable
-for libchrome are included in libcrhomeos due to the lack of C++11 support in
-the former.
-## Content overview
-The following is an overview of the current modules of libchromeos. Refer to the
-latest version of the header files for up to date documentation.
-Implementation of chromeos::Any, a native C++ variant type. Any could contain
-any copy-constructible type.
-chromeos::Any any1 = 5;
-chromeos::Any any2 = true;
-int v1 = any1.Get<int>();
-bool v2 = any2.Get<bool>();
-Bind adapter for C++ functor objects, including lambdas:
-base::Callback<int(int, int)> callback_add = base::Bind(\[\](int a, int b)
-{ return a + b;});
-LOG(INFO) << "2+2=" << callback_add.Run(2, 2);
-Utility functions to encode/decode URLs and web-form-like parameters.
-std::string encoded = WebParamsEncode({{ '{{' }}"q", "test"}, {"path", "/usr/bin"},
-{"#", "%"{{ '}}' }});
-EXPECT_EQ("q=test&path=%2Fusr%2Fbin&%23=%25", encoded);
-A whole lot of useful utility functions and classes to help build native D-Bus
-clients and servers. Helper functions to dispatch D-Bus method calls to remote
-object as if they were native C++ functions:
-auto response = chromeos::dbus_utils::CallMethodAndBlock(object_proxy,
-"org.chromium.MyService.MyInterface", "MyMethod", 2, 8.7);
-chromeos::ErrorPtr error;
-std::string return_value;
-if (ExtractMethodCallResults(response, &error, &return_value)) {
-// Use the |return_value|.
-} else {
-// An error occurred. Use |error| to get details.
-Error class that provides rich error reporting facilities. Each error object
-contains an error domain, error code and error message. Errors can be nested to
-provide additional error context.
-void foo(ErrorPtr\* error) {
-Error::AddTo(error, "my_domain", "not_supported", "function not supported");
-Command line flag handling class that exposes an API similar to that of gflags,
-using base/command_line.h as the actual parser. Flags are defined from within
-main(..) using macros, then once initialized can be referenced by FLAGS_name
-variables. Unlike with gflags, however, these variables are scoped to within
-main(...). All the DEFINE_type macros take three arguments: the flag name, the
-default value, and the help text. The types of flags supported are: bool, int32,
-int64, uint64, double, and string. The FlagHelper class automatically handles
-generation of '--help' output, as well as exiting the program in the case of
-incorrect flag parsing, such as passing a string to an int flag.
-#include <chromeos/flag_helper.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(int argc, char\*\* argv) {
-DEFINE_int32(example, 0, "Example int flag");
-chromeos::FlagHelper::Init(argc, argv, "Test application.");
-printf("You passed in %d to --example command line flag\\n",
-return 0;
-**http/http_utils.h** (and **http/\***)
-A bunch of functionality to make http requests (currently built on top of
-chromeos::http::HeaderList headers = {{ '{{' }}"X-Chrome-UMA-Log-SHA1", hash{{ '}}' }};
-chromeos::ErrorPtr error;
-auto response = chromeos::http::PostText(
-"text data to post",
-chromeos::mime::text::kPlain, headers,
-chromeos::http::Transport::CreateDefault(), &error);
-if (!response || response-&gt;GetDataAsString() != "OK") {
-LOG(ERROR) &lt;&lt; "Failed to send data: " &lt;&lt; error-&gt;GetMessage();
-Template helper functions for std::map. You can get a list of keys or values out
-of a map:
-std::map&lt;string, string&gt; map = ....
-std::vector&lt;string&gt; keys = chromeos::GetMapKeys(map);
-std::vector&lt;string&gt; values = chromeos::GetMapValues(map);
-Utility functions to compose, parse, and manipulate MIME strings. Also contains
-lots of predefined constants for common mime types. So you should never have to
-hardcode "text/html" in your code.
-Helper string functions in addition to those provided by base/strings. Mostly
-for splitting/joining.
-std::string input = "abc;def;ghi";
-for (const std::string& token : chromeos::string_utils::Split(input, ';')) {
-// process each token
-Functions to split, combine and manipulate URLs
-url::CombineMultiple("<>", {"obj", "part1", "part2"}));