path: root/chromium/docs/website/site/chromium-os/testing/test-code-labs/autotest-client-tests/basic-ebuild-troubleshooting/
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-page_name: basic-ebuild-troubleshooting
-title: Basic Ebuild Troubleshooting
-### This is a brief explanation of how one might trouble shoot local emerge/ebuild failures. It is in no way comprehensive, and is only meant as an introduction to the topic:
-**Emerge errors during build_image**
-When following the [Chromium OS Developer Guide](/chromium-os/developer-guide)
-emerge errors can be encountered for missing ebuild. A error that can be
-encountered when running build_image is:
-> emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy XYZ
-Where XYZ is a library or other missing package.
-This can be resolved by running:
-> emerge-$BOARD XYZ
-Then recalling build_image:
-> ./build_image --board=${BOARD} --noenable_rootfs_verification dev
-<td> \[1\] <a
-ebuild documentation</a></td>
-<td> \[2\]<a
-Chromite documentation</a></td>
-<td>From within the chroot, try running the a new test through run_remote_tests,
-as described in the codelab on autotest client tests, without actually adding it
-to an ebuild. This might give you an error about not being able to find
-kernel_HdParmBasic’s control file.</td>
-<td>To resolve this, from within chroot:</td>
-<td>1. Find the package with autotest tests:</td>
-<td>emerge --search autotest | grep tests</td>
-<td>2. Dry emerge it and look for your test in the output:</td>
-<td>emerge-lumpy -pv chromeos-base/autotest-tests</td>
-<td> ==Two things to note:==</td>
-<td> a. The first line will say something like:
-<td> This means it’s emerging the r3531 ebuild. </td>
-<td> Since we would like it to use our local bits, we need to cros_workon the
-<td> b. You will not find kernel_HdParmBasic in the output.</td>
-<td>3. cros_workon the appropriate package:</td>
-<td> cros_workon --board=&lt;board name&gt; start &lt;package name&gt;</td>
-<td> eg: cros_workon --board=lumpy start autotest-tests</td>
-<td> emerge the package: emerge-&lt;board name&gt; &lt;package name&gt;</td>
-<td> eg: emerge-lumpy -pv chromeos-base/autotest-tests</td>
-<td> ==Two things to note:==</td>
-<td> a. The first line will say something like:</td>
-<td> This is good, it means it’s pulling local bits.</td>
-<td> b. You still will not find kernel_HdParmBasic in the output.</td>
-<td> This is because your new test hasn’t been added to the ebuild yet.</td>
-<td>4. Edit the ebuild to include your test:</td>
-<td> Find the ebuild file: find -iname “autotest-tests-9999.ebuild” from
-src/third_party/. </td>
-<td> a. It will most probably point you to:</td>
-<td> b. open this file and add “+test_kernel_HdParmBasic” in the IUSE_TESTS
-<td>5. Emerge the new folder:</td>
-<td> a. Make sure you’re cros_working on the right packages:</td>
-<td> cros_workon --board=lumpy list</td>
-<td> should show autotest_tests</td>
-<td> b. Make sure the emerge will touch kernel_HdParmBasic:</td>
-<td> emerge-lumpy -pv chromeos-base/autotest-tests | grep
-<td> c. Actual emerge:</td>
-<td> emerge-lumpy chromeos-base/autotest-tests</td>
-<td>6. Check the staging area for your new test:</td>
-<td> eg: ls
-<td>7. Re-run the run_remote command and look for the results directory:</td>
-<td> you should see a line like:</td>
-<td> &gt;&gt;&gt; Details stored under /tmp/run_remote_tests.KTQ4</td>
-<td> Alternatively, you can specify your own results directory using
-‘--results_dir_root’. </td>
-<td>Some common ebuilds to cros_workon and emerge: </td>
-* <td>autotest-all (Meta ebuild for all packages providing tests),
- </td>
-* <td>autotest-factory (Autotest Factory tests), </td>
-* <td>autotest-chrome (Autotest tests that require chrome_test or
- pyauto deps), </td>
-* <td>autotest-tests (Pure Autotest tests), </td>
-* <td>autotest (Autotest scripts and tools).</td>
-<td>If you have come this far, you may also be interested in reading the
-autotest client tests <a
-<td><b>Access Violation Errors when Emerging</b></td>
-<td>When you're attempting to include a file from another project, for example
-#include &lt;shill/net/rtnl_handler.h&gt; Your build may fail with access
-violations, e.g. ... arc-networkd-9999: \[0/3\] CXX
-obj/arc/network/arc-networkd.manager.o \* ACCESS DENIED: open_rd:
-/mnt/host/source/src/platform2/shill/net/rtnl_listener.h arc-networkd-9999: \*
-ACCESS DENIED: open_rd: /mnt/host/source/src/platform2/shill/net/shill_export.h
-arc-networkd-9999: \* ACCESS DENIED: open_rd:
-/mnt/host/source/src/platform2/shill/net/rtnl_listener.h arc-networkd-9999: \*
-ACCESS DENIED: open_rd: /mnt/host/source/src/platform2/shill/net/shill_export.h
-arc-networkd-9999: arc-networkd-9999: \[1/3\] CXX
-obj/arc/network/arc-networkd.manager.o arc-networkd-9999: FAILED:
-obj/arc/network/arc-networkd.manager.o The proper way to handle this is to make
-sure that the ebuild for the package you are including a file from (in this
-case, shill), is installing the necessary headers to /usr/include. This should
-look like: src_install() { # ... insinto /usr/include/\[package_name\]
-doins header_one.h doins header_two.h # ... }</td>
-<td>Notably, it is <b>incorrect</b> to add the package name you are depending on
-to your package's ebuild under CROS_WORKON_SUBTREE.</td>
-</table> \ No newline at end of file