path: root/chromium/docs/website/site/developers/design-documents/aura-desktop-window-manager/
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-- - /developers
- - For Developers
-- - /developers/design-documents
- - Design Documents
-page_name: aura-desktop-window-manager
-title: Aura (obsolete)
-*This document is still good for a high level overview, with contact
-information, but many technical details are now obsolete; see the main [Aura
-index](/developers/design-documents/aura) for more details.*
-### Project Goals
-The goal is to produce a new desktop window manager and shell environment with
-modern capabilities. The UI must offer rich visuals, large-scale animated
-transitions and effects that can be produced only with the assistance of
-hardware acceleration.
-Other constraints and goals:
-* Cross platform code, should be able to build and run on Windows (and
- maybe eventually other platforms), even if we don't have an initial
- product need for them.
-* Scalable performance characteristics depending on the target
- hardware capability.
-* Provide the foundation of a flexible windowing system and shell for
- Chrome and ChromeOS on a variety of form factors.
-Notable non-goals for the initial launch of this system include:
-* Multiple monitor support. (This was added later, early 2013)
-* Software rendering mode or any kind of remote desktop capability to
- the device.
-* NPAPI plugin support. This will never be required. Pepper plugins
- only will be supported.
-### UI Design
-*Owner: Nicholas Jitkoff (alcor@) (UX) and Kan Liu (kanliu@) (PM)*
-### Quick Chrome UI Implementation Backgrounder
-Chrome UI for Chrome on Windows and Chrome OS is built using the Views UI
-framework that lives in src/views. The contents of a window is constructed from
-a hierarchy of views. View subclasses allow for implementation of various
-controls and components, like buttons and toolbars. Traditionally Chrome has
-used a mix of hand-rolled controls for aspects of its user interface where a
-custom look is desired, such as the browser toolbar and tabstrip, and native
-controls provided by the host platform where a more conventional look is
-desired, such as in dialog boxes and menus. When run on Windows, the Win32 API
-provides for native controls in the form of HWNDs, and on ChromeOS, the Gtk
-toolkit is used to provide native controls.
-A view hierarchy is hosted within a Widget. A Widget is a cross-platform type,
-and relies on a NativeWidget implementation that is specific to each host
-environment to perform some duties. The NativeWidget implementation is actually
-the connection to the host environment. For example, on Windows a
-NativeWidgetWin wraps a HWND (via the WindowImpl class), receives Windows
-messages for event handling, painting, and other tasks. In the Gtk world, a
-NativeWidgetGtk wraps a GtkWidget and responds to signals. The NativeWidget is
-responsible for translating platform-specific notifications into cross platform
-views::Events and other types that the rest of Views code can respond to in a
-platform-independent fashion.
-The Chrome UI was originally written for Windows, and so despite the relatively
-platform-neutral nature of the View hierarchy and much of the views code,
-Win32-isms did creep in. The philosophy on the Chrome team has always been "let
-not the perfect be the enemy of the good," so pathways to shorter-term success
-have been emphasized. The Mac and Desktop-Linux ports of Chrome pursued a
-different strategy for UI, more aggressively using the native toolkits offered
-on those platforms (Cocoa and Gtk), so at the start of the Chrome OS project
-there was still some considerable Win32 influence in Views code. Many of those
-Win32-isms have been augmented by ifdef'ed Gtkisms.
-The reliance on platform widget systems has posed a problem though in that it
-prevents hardware acceleration of elements of the UI and arbitrary
-transformation of UI controls. The platform native frameworks are also peculiar
-in a number of ways, sharing constraints that are not relevant to desktop Chrome
-or Chrome OS. Before long a desire to eradicate our usage of them grew strong
-enough to begin work on doing so. An effort was spun up spanning several teams
-to start by removing Gtk usage in the Views frontend code. This has become one
-of the major sub-projects required for the Aura work described here.
-### Platform Native Control (aka Gtk/HWND) Elimination
-*Owner: Emmanuel Saint-Loubert-BiƩ (saintlou@)*
-Gtk/HWND use is pervasive. It is used everywhere from the NativeWidget
-implementations that host the View hierarchy down to individual dialog boxes.
-Here are examples of work that has been done to eliminate their use:
-* Converted the Options UI to WebUI. The Options dialog boxes were
- massive platform-native constructs that used many Gtk widgets.
- Replacing the whole thing with a WebUI implementation has meant many
- fewer controls.
-* Converted other dialogs to WebUI. In general, if something shows in
- a tab or in something resembling what could be a popup
- (top level window), it is a candidate for conversion to WebUI. While
- Options was the largest conglomeration of native controls, there is
- a long tail of other smaller dialogs that contribute to our reliance
- on Gtk.
-* Written Views-based implementations of some native controls, like
- Textfield. Some places do not suit conversion to WebUI - e.g. the
- browser frame window itself. In these cases we have to write new
- Views-only (often referred to as "pure views" in code) versions of
- controls like the Textfield.
-* Written Aura-based implementations of the RenderWidgetHostView.
- Traditionally the RenderWidgetHostView has been a HWND or GtkWidget,
- and is used as a parent for windowed NPAPI plugins. Since we are
- only supporting Pepper plugins going forward, we did not need a
- native window to parent NPAPI plugins and a synthetic implementation
- could be done.
-While many of the major areas have been successfully tackled, this area remains
-a work in progress.
-### Hardware Accelerated Rendering/Compositor
-*Owner: Antoine Labour (piman@)*
-At the onset of this project Chrome was using two compositors - the compositor
-used by WebKit to hardware accelerate CSS transitions, and a "Browser
-Compositor" run in the UI thread of the browser process, used to implement Views
-transformations like whole-screen rotations.
-For a number of reasons, it is desirable to unify our compositing efforts here
-and provide a single compositor. The primary reason is achieving acceptable
-performance on target hardware. It is necessary to have a single compositor and
-draw-pass instead of two as we have now. We would also like to unify the layer
-trees too at some point, although this was deemed less critical.
-The Browser Compositor is implemented as implementations of a ui::Compositor
-interface, such as a GL one and a D3D one. Antoine has been proceeding by
-writing a new implementation that uses the WebKit-CC compositor. This way the UI
-can continue to use the ui::Layer API as its render target. As mentioned, we may
-eventually consolidate the API between UI and WebKit.
-The compositor is a distinct component in Chrome code, consuming only gfx types,
-WebKit (obviously) and other low level components. In the fullness of time the
-WebKit compositor will be extracted from WebKit further so that we do not need
-to drag all of WebKit into Aura and Views.
-[<img alt="image"
-### Aura WM and Shell
-*Owner: Ben Goodger (beng@) and Scott Violet (sky@)*
-To allow us to perform large scale window transitions, we need to back Windows
-by compositor layers so that we can animate them without redrawing. This led to
-the development of a simple window type that supported an API compatible with
-(i.e. implementing the other side of the contract expected by) the Views
-NativeWidget type. We had initially tried to do this with a View-backed
-NativeWidget implementation (called NativeWidgetViews) called the views-desktop.
-However we still needed a platform-native widget
-(NativeWidgetWin/NativeWidgetGtk) to host the hierarchy. A big challenge was
-that pervasive in Chrome code is the concept of a gfx::NativeView/NativeWindow,
-which on Chrome OS and Windows was expected to resolve to a GtkWidget or an
-HWND. This assumption is also baked into NativeWidgetWin/NativeWidgetGtk and
-thus we were presented with many challenges parenting windows properly, since we
-could only ever offer the top level (desktop/screen-level window) as a parent to
-code that expected a NativeView, rather than a more localized (and probably more
-correct) window, because a views::View couldn't be a NativeView.
-This, combined with some lingering issues with large View hierarchies led to the
-development of the simple aura::Window type. The aura::Window is what we
-consider a NativeView/NativeWindow (it typedefs thus). In the Views system, we
-have implemented a new NativeWidget targeting this type (NativeWidgetAura) that
-returns the bound aura::Window from its GetNativeView() method.
-The aura::Window wraps a Compositor Layer. It also has a delegate which responds
-to events and paints to its layer.
-aura::Windows are similar to Views, only simpler, they are a hierarchy that live
-within an aura::Desktop. The aura::Desktop is bound to an aura::DesktopHost,
-which is where the real platform-specific code lives. There is a DesktopHost
-that wraps an HWND and one that wraps an X window. There is no Gtk in this
-world. You can think of this as us having pushed the platform specific code one
-layer further away from Views, out to the screen edge (as far as ChromeOS is
-concerned). All windows within are synthetic. The DesktopHost window receives
-the low level platform events, cracks them to aura::Events, targets them to aura
-Windows, which pass them along to their delegates. On the Views side,
-NativeWidgetAura is a aura::Window delegate, receives the aura::Event (which it
-considers a platform native event), and constructs relevant views::Event types
-to propagate into the embedded View hierarchy.
-Aura is responsible for the Window hierarchy, event cracking and propagation,
-and other basic window functionality (like focus, activation, etc).
-Note that despite the fact that Aura is used by Views, it does not actually use
-Views itself. It is at a lower level of the onion. Think of it like a raw Win32
-HWND or GtkWidget.
-#### The Aura Shell and Chrome Integration
-*Owner: Zelidrag Hornung (zelidrag@) and David Moore (davemoore@)*
-A desktop environment is much more than just basic window types. We needed a
-playground to implement the higher level elements of the window manager, such as
-constraint-based moving and sizing, shell features such as the persistent
-launcher at the bottom of the screen, status areas, etc. Rather than build this
-directly into Chrome, which is huge and takes forever to link, we decided to
-build this as a separate component. Because it consists of UI components like
-the launcher and custom window frame Views, it would need to depend not just on
-Aura but also Views.
-The product is a shell library (called aura_shell) that (eventually) we can use
-in Chrome when built with We also have a test runner, called aura_shell_exe.
-This instantiates the shell, and launches a few sample/example windows that
-allow us to build out and test functionality. Within the shell, models for
-components that would normally be populated with user data (such as apps in the
-launcher) come from mocked models. When instantiated in Chrome, the real data is
-The Chrome OS UI team has traditionally worked on many of these features and
-people from that team will contribute heavily to this effort.
-### Implementation Strategy
-Since this is a complex project, there are several sub-efforts. The breakdown
-above covers the main areas: Compositor, Gtk-removal, Aura and the Aura
-Shell/Chrome Integration.
-There is much work to be done, so we're pursuing a lot of it in parallel. While
-the two-compositor system in place at the start of the project isn't something
-we can put into production, it has let us start building out the Windowing
-system while the single compositor work proceeds. Likewise, getting a basic
-shell up and running with embedded Views widgets allows shell components like
-the launcher to be started while other elements of the window system are being
-designed and constructed. Similarly, Web-UI based components like the App List
-can be built in Chrome behind a flag independent of any of the rest of this
-Since we're offering a new (native) widget system, our approach to implementing
-this new UI has been to consider it a new target platform for Chrome, and our
-work can be considered another "port".
-You can build the code by setting use_aura=1 in your GYP_DEFINES. This should
-work from Linux or Windows. This switch should define everything else necessary
-to make the components above work.
-### Major Revision History
-*11/11/2011 - Ben Goodger and James Cook - revisions*
-*10/5/2011 - Ben Goodger - initial revision* \ No newline at end of file