path: root/chromium/docs/website/site/developers/design-documents/sync/client-tag-based-model-type-processor/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
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- - Sync
-page_name: client-tag-based-model-type-processor
-title: ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor
-The [`ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor`][SMTP] is a crucial piece of the USS
-codepath. It lives on the model thread and performs the tracking of sync
-metadata for the [`ModelTypeSyncBridge`][MTSB] that owns it by implementing the
-[`ModelTypeChangeProcessor`][MTCP] interface, as well as sending commit requests
-to the [`ModelTypeWorker`][MTW] on the sync thread via the [`CommitQueue`][CQ]
-interface and receiving updates from the same worker via the
-[`ModelTypeProcessor`][MTP] interface.
-This processor supports types that use a client tag, which is currently
-includes all except bookmarks. This means all changes in flight (either incoming
-remote changes provided via the [`ModelTypeWorker`][MTW], or local changes
-reported by the [`ModelTypeSyncBridge`][MTSB]) must specify a client tag, which
-is considered (after being hashed) the main global identifier of a sync entity.
-## Lifetime
-The bridge owns a processor object at all times and operates on the same thread
-as it. If sync is disabled, the processor is destroyed but a new one is
-immediately created to replace it.
-## Processor State Machines
-The processor sits between the model bridge and the sync engine. It has
-knowledge of what state each is in based on the calls it has received and
-performed. The states are not stored explicitly, but are implicit based on
-state stored in the processor. Here are the states of each, with notes on their
-transitions and how to determine them.
-### Model States
- * Waiting for `ModelReadyToStart` to be called.
- * Determined by: `waiting_for_metadata_ && !model_error_`
- * Waiting for data for pending commits to be loaded.
- * This state is skipped if there are no pending commits.
- * Determined by: `waiting_for_pending_data_ && !model_error_`
-* `READY`
- * The model is completely ready to sync.
- * Determined by: `!waiting_for_metadata_ && !waiting_for_pending_data &&
- !model_error`
-* `ERROR`
- * Something in the model or storage broke.
- * This state is permanent until DisableSync destroys the object.
- * Determined by: `!!model_error_`
-### Sync States
- * Sync for this type has not started.
- * This state can be re-entered from any other state if Disconnect is
- called.
- * Determined by: `!error_handler_`.
- * Sync has started but the model is not yet `READY` (or `ERROR`).
- * This state is skipped if the model is ready before sync is.
- * Determined by: `error_handler_ && start_callback_`
- * Both the model and sync are ready. The start callback has been called
- and we're waiting to connect to the sync thread.
- * If the model was `ERROR`, the error is passed along and the callback is
- cleared; we're really waiting for DisableSync instead of connect.
- * Determined by: `error_handler_ && !start_callback_`
- * We have a [`CommitQueue`][CQ] that passes changes to the
- [`ModelTypeWorker`][MTW] on the sync thread.
- * Determined by: `!!worker_`
-### Processor States
-Based on the interplay of the model and sync states, the processor effectively
-progresses through 3 states worth noting:
- * Metadata isn't loaded so we have no knowledge of entities.
- * `Put` and `Delete` calls are not allowed in this state (will DCHECK).
- * Indicates that not metadata is being tracked and that `Put` and `Delete`
- calls will be ignored.
- * This state is entered if the loaded metadata shows an initial merge
- hasn't happened (`ModelTypeState::initial_sync_done` is false).
- * Exposed via `IsTrackingMetadata` for optimization, not correctness.
- * Indicates that metadata is being tracked and `Put` and `Delete` calls
- must happen for entity changes.
- * This state is entered if the loaded metadata shows an initial merge
- has happened (`ModelTypeState::initial_sync_done` is true).
- * Indicates that commits can be sent and updates can be received from the
- sync server. This is a superstate of `TRACKING`.
- * If the processor was in `TRACKING`, it progresses to this state as soon
- as it gets connected to the worker.
- * If the processor was in `NOT_TRACKING`, it progresses to this state
- after `MergeSyncData` is called and the metadata is initialized.
-## Entity Tracker
-The [`ProcessorEntity`][PET] tracks the state of individual entities for
-the processor. It keeps the [`EntityMetadata`][EM] proto in memory, as well as
-any pending commit data until it gets acked by the server. It also stores the
-special `commit_requested_sequence_number_`, which tracks the sequence number of
-the last version that's been sent to the server.
-The tracker holds the metadata in memory forever, which is needed so we know
-what to update the on-disk memory with when we get a new local or remote change.
-Changing this would require being able to handle updates asynchronously.