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-page_name: release-process
-title: Release process
-**Update: See**
-for more information.
-## Google Chrome Infrastructure
-### Upgrading 200 million users within 6 hours
-Initially presented at []( conference in Reykjavik,
-Iceland on 2011-11-14 by Marc-Antoine Ruel. This document is a flattened version
-of the presentation done there.
-As a team, we provide the infrastructure necessary to enable the current release
-process, which I'll describe during the presentation.
-## Web vs Client app
-### Web app? [<img alt="Google Chrome icon" src="/developers/tech-talk-videos/release-process/chromium-24.png">](/developers/tech-talk-videos/release-process/chromium-24.png) Client app?
-You cannot approach client project infrastructure the same way you do for web
-services. The deployment cost is largely different. The feedback loop, to know
-what's happening on the user's machine, has much higher latency.
-Most web services and web sites use really fast release cycles. I've heard some
-big site having a 6 months release cycle but that's not the norm. And I presume
-if you are here today, you don't want to be on the laggard side. I'm going to
-focus this presentation on client side which has totally different and
-interesting challenges. We wanted Google Chrome to *feel* like the web and *not*
-like shrink wrapped software. My talk is focusing on techniques used to enable
-this vision.
-## Points of friction
-Reduce friction for
-* devs
-* users
-* software
-* security fixes
-First, you cannot be agile if you have friction along the path. Being agile is
-all about reducing the friction from the inital requirement, to the updated
-requirements to the end result, all in an iterative feedback loop. If you don't
-look at the whole picture, the end-to-end experience breaks down.
-To ensure a delightful experience for the user, we need to react fast. I'll
-focus on four points in this presentation with how we addressed each of these
-friction points.
-## Friction for devs
-### « All I want is to git push »
-Let's start with friction for developers. That what most people thinks about for
-agile development, staying up to date with the requirement from your client and
-updating accordingly. But in practice that's not sufficient. There's mentality
-and practice changes to ensure that the lean small team agility scales to
-hundreds of developers.
-## Feature branches
-### Big no! no!
-Feature branches are the worst of all evils. Let me explain. Most of the time,
-the feature doesn't work well on the branch, but *everytime*, it doesn't work at
-all when merged back on the master branch. Even more, they are disruptive to
-merge and most of all; they always need to be merged yesterday.
-The incentives are just plain wrong. First, it's too easy to underestimate the
-cost of the feature branch for a product manager. The developer wants a stable
-code base to work on. But staying on old code means that he doesn't see any
-refactoring going on, so when he merges back, he may need to redo his change
-completely on the new code. What this means is that after a while, nobody evey
-dare to refactor the code in fear of retaliation.
-## Working on master
-### Let's all work together
-Most of our features are developed directly on the master branch and disabled
-just after forking a release branch if not stable *worthy*. Let me do a pause
-here, we have 4 release channels in increasing order of freshness, stable, beta,
-developer and canary. The canary strives to be a daily build. That's why the
-canary is very unstable as all the experimental features are enabled, once a
-developer release branch is made, all the experimental features that have no
-chance to go to stable in their current state are disabled on the branch.
-They'll have their chance in 6 weeks as we do new major release every 6 weeks.
-Devs like to work on a branch that works for them so they can do a fast
-code/build/debug cycle. If unrelated breaking change breaks their local
-checkout, they will be staled. Scaling up the number of developers means scaling
-up the number of commits per hour.
-## Code review
-### You thought you knew how to code?
-First line of defense is code reviews. We require it for almost all of the
-commits going in. There are exceptions but in general, not doing code reviews is
-frowned upon. Code reviews are a great tool to improve the code quality before
-it gets checked in, and has the side effect of helping new contributors to ramp
-up much faster by getting immediate feedback for their first change. Having
-effective code reviews require the developers to care about giving thoughtful
-feedback. That's a culture that is hard to enforce after starting a project.
-Question: Who does systematic code reviews on their projects?
-## Continuous integration
-[<img alt=" screenshot"
-The second line of defense is continuous integration.
-Question: Who uses continuous integration in their projects?
-To work on master branch, the code must work. It's all about making sure each
-and *every single commit* is valid *enough* so that all the main functionality
-of the project is kept. Let me precise a little bit here. We don't want to
-product to be completely perfect; good enough will suffice. Good enough that we
-can actually release a build directly from it. That's a huge mentality ship for
-certain developers but that's a requirement. This also requires a huge
-investment in the infrastructure. In practice, [we use
-buildbot](, which is a open source python framework to
-manage a centralized build system. It's also used by [WebKit and Mozilla and
-others]( In practice, the tool
-doesn't matter, the process matters. We try to keep the testing cycle as low as
-possible to reduce the latency so the feedback loop from commit to test results
-is as tight as possible. To help with reducing tree breakage in the first place,
-we also use pre commit tests.
-## Keep master from exploding
-### What is your legacy?
-A colleague wrote recently; we often discuss our software engineering practices,
-especially code review and testing, but I think that sometimes the reasons for
-our practices get lost in the mix. We aim:
-1. to keep trunk shippable; and
-2. to have enough automated testing to continually prove that trunk is
- shippable.
-This is in support of our goal to release as often as possible, which makes us
-more agile. We absorb the extra costs of thorough code reviews and testing since
-we believe that these things help keep us agile and reduce costs in the long
-run. Code reviews and automated fuzzing also reduce security risks.
-These goals and practices are really suited to the age of the Internet, where
-software deployment is fast and easy. Compare that to a few years ago where
-people where still getting their software on DVDs!
-Question: Who installed software on DVD/CD this year?
-It's especially true for server-side only projects but it is now also true for
-projects with fast auto-updates à la Google Chrome.
-## Pipelining releases
-[<img alt="release pipeline graph"
-I briefly talked about our release process but I want to take a pause to explain
-it more in depth.
-This busy graphic represents our release process. Each line is a branch in our
-source tree. Horizontal lines are what is released to our users. An aborted
-branch is one that didn't pass QA. The red section is the developer channel, the
-yellow section is the beta channel and the green section is the stable release.
-We also have what we call the canary channel but I'm not depicting it here
-because it's a release done directly from trunk. This is to prove that trunk is
-always stable enough to make a release out of it. The canary channel strives to
-be daily or at least every few days. The developer channel is roughly weekly. We
-then release one major beta channel and stable channel release every 6 weeks. A
-dot release can be done on the beta channel or stable channel to introduce more
-fixes, which is depicted here as branch inside the same channel.
-Indeed, we have very good people that manages these branches. The trick to make
-it workable is to send our dev channel release in the field, look for bugs found
-out and merge fixes back in the beta or stable channel as needed. Also, and let
-me put emphasis here, every code change is done on the trunk first and then
-merged back to a branch. No change is ever directly done on a branch.
-We try to have our branches as short lived as possible. With a 6 weeks of dev,
-beta and stable channels, a branch lives roughly for 18 weeks, or 3 months.
-Which means that we don't care about any code that is more than 3 months old,
-which helps us tremendously to stay flexible on the code base refactoring.
-That's really a huge advantage. The pipelining here is really what makes us much
-more efficient because we get different kind of feedback from each of the
-channels. Let's talk about user feedback.
-## Friction for users
-Users don't like questions and second, they don't like to be interrupted. Many
-of them don't want to do the the cognitive effort of task switching when it's
-not their will. Every single dialog box is a context switch. So we strive to
-only ask meaningful questions. For example, that's the main reason we are not
-installing in the Program Files directory, it's just too much friction for the
-user. Delight the user and make the application as easy to use as a web page.
-FYI, UAC prompt is the dialog box with all the remaining of the screen being
-grayed out, specific to Windows.
-## Update on restart
-### Please! Do not prompt on start!
-[<img alt="fake update dialog"
-As an example, I was away from my main workstation for a week and upon reboot,
-one piece of software and one device driver nagged me to be updated. After 10
-minutes, too many clicks and 90 megs of download, I finally could resume
-working. And as an OS, don't tell me you have 8 new important updates to
-install. You are the OS, you should have One update to install at any given
-time, and One and only one per supported applications.
-Thanks for wasting my precious time, folks. So please don't make your users
-angry at you. Nobody likes a dialog box poping during a web based presentation.
-The reason I'm raising this point is that it's important to reduce the number of
-different state each client can be. As you increase the number of one-off
-patches, having users to upgrade multiple modules independently, you increase
-the odds of something going bad. So it's easier, at least for us, to make sure
-everyone gets the same bits and disable functionality as needed.
-Question: As an example, who used Google Talk video chat or Google+ Hangout? Who
-recalls installing the plugin to make that work? Who recalls updating the
-plugin? Well, it probably updated since you installed it, you just never
-realized and you probably don't care.
-## Frequent releases
-### Gradual, gentle changes
-By releasing more frequently, the number of changes per upgrade is reduced. This
-means that users will see smaller changes more frequently, instead of big
-changes every year or so. This makes it easier for users on the long run, as you
-don't need to do big training for non-tech-savvy users. Also, users become used
-to see gradual changes occuring, which reduces the natural change aversion some
-users may tend to have.
-## User feedback channels
-[<img alt="I felt a great disturbance in the Force if millions of users
-suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."
-What if you do an error? Getting good feedback from your users is not a simple
-task. They may not know what they want. They may not understand what is
-happening. « Google stopped working ». Maybe the user means he got power outage.
-So getting usage statistics is gold. In our case, we chose for an opt-in. So the
-user has to check a box to have Google Chrome send usage statistics and crash
-Also, decoupling the automatic update software from the client software helps
-recovering in case of failure. I recommend to keep them as separate as possible
-from a software version standpoint. Especially when the failure comes from third
-party software; In our case, we use Omaha, which we open sourced. I'll leave a
-reference at the end of the presentation.
-## Testing in the field
-### Continuously hacking your users \*
-#### \* yes, you are a guinea pig
-One interesting thing once a project grows large enough is to be able to do
-controlled A/B testing with a small percentage of your users. To be able to do
-this, all the infrastructure must be set to be able to disable the experiment
-really fast if something goes bad. Also, the intrinsic goal of the testing is to
-gather feedback so we must make sure we are getting it. On a web service, it's
-relatively easy to manage. It's much more fun to do on client applications. We
-made [privacy aware anonymous feedback
-infrastructure]( to
-gather experiment information only from users who opted to send statistics.
-This gives valuable information for things where the test matrix is too large.
-Here are a few examples: test OpenGL implementation robustness, test
-effectiveness of different on disk web cache heuristics, implement new SSL
-designs and verify its compatibility in the field, tweak omnibox or autofill
-heuristics, network packet retries heuristics, etc. Lots of things where it's
-really about tweaking the best values or the best automatic selection of values.
-The important thing here is to correctly do the measurement and do it both
-anonymously and in an non-intrusive way.
-## Friction for software
-In that case, I'm specifically referring to third party software. There's the
-third party software extending the browser, like plugins and extensions, but the
-actual web pages are also to be considered third party software, since it's code
-interpreted inside the browser. Each new version of the browser may affect the
-way the plugins, extensions or web pages are handled.
-## Don't break the web
-### Not Everyone Uses
-### body {
-### text-transform: capitalize
-### }
-### But We Still Support It \*
-#### \* Marketers Really Need It
-Similarly to how Microsoft trumped compatibility with older applications in each
-of their Windows OS releases, web browsers strive to not *break the web*. And
-that's true for every web browser. The testing matrix is much larger than what
-we can actually test, so it's more efficient for us to ship the developer
-channel often and early, and if we break things people care about, we'll get
-feedback about it soon enough. Indeed everytime a regression is detected in
-javascript, css, html parsing, or that we found a new http proxy misbehaving in
-an interesting new way, a regression test is added. But be realistic here, that
-is still not enough because the gap between the spec, like the HTTP spec, and
-third party programmers expectations is too large.
-## Don't break extensions
-[<img alt="Death Metal Rooster extension screen shot"
-In addition, we don't want to break the 62 users of this extension. Simple
-things need to stay simple. In that case, it may mean either versioning the API
-and eventually dropping the older API versions or being backward compatible all
-the way up to the initial version or being just very relax in the bindings and
-hoping for the best.
-Actually, we solve the problem since we make the update ping infrastructure
-Google Chrome uses for itself available for extensions too. This is a huge
-benefit for extension developers because it's like having all your users running
-tip of tree all the time, also on the latest version of the browser, with only a
-worst-case propagation delay of 5 hours. All this is *free* for extension
-writers. This is a huge difference from the experience on other web browsers.
-And extensions are updated as you are using the web browser, without ever
-requiring the user to reopen his windows to be updated. This is a huge benefit
-for the users since I found out upgrading extensions can be very annoying in
-some case for some applications.
-## Show respect
-### It's harder than it appears
-Unless your process is running on dedicated hardware like a gaming console, you
-need to try to show respect to the other processes so the OS doesn't misbehave.
-Here's an example of things we do. Bombing the system with a number of utility
-processes. Using too much physical memory. Using too much bandwidth for
-automatic upgrades.
-One workaround is to use incremental upgrades so we only download the delta.
-Another is to limit the number of processes and further more by the amount of
-physical memory. The processes use shared memory as much as they can and trim
-the in-cache memory aggressively. We slow down background tabs to reduce CPU
-usage, to increase battery life. We slow down the various timers while on
-battery, also to increase battery life. But still, what if you are breaking
-hooks from an anti-virus software or even worst, from malware hooking on
-kernel32, which brings me to...
-## Don't expect to be respected
-### What do you do with malware crashing your app?
-### Who's *fault* is it?
-One recent issue was *what do you do if some security software thinks you are a
-virus and tries to delete your application*? This may mean pushing new code that
-will work around the problem. That's what we did, within half a day of learning
-about it so many users may even realized. To achieve this, your release team
-must always be ready to fire and manual QA must be minimal. I'm not trying to
-point fingers here, that's the kind of thing that cannot be tested by all
-security vendors. We just have to live with that possibility.
-But still, what if some malware hooks your process, and crashes because it fails
-to access the sandboxed process? Which brings me to...
-## Security
-### What is security?
-... security!
-Security can be viewed as making sure that no action is done on a user's behalf
-by a third party that could go against his will. If you have valuable
-information, people will try to hack you in all possible ways. Spoofing our DNS
-name, proxies serving fake SSL certificates and on the fly packet translation.
-We've seen it all. Many of these are hard to address from the web service
-directly. Having a end-to-end solution helps there, even if it is for a subset
-of users. You can't just think about security without looking at the overall
-picture. One important thing we developed is the Google Chrome sandbox. Feel
-free to meet me after the presentation if you'd like to talk about it.
-Always look for the easiest path, that's what crooks do. They are willing to
-invest a significant amount of time in searching to figure out holes in the
-security mechanisms. And once they find something, they will use it fast to
-affect as many people as they can.
-How do we address that?
-## You deploy fast?
-### Which is preferable?
-### Average upgrade delay of 1.5h or 3h?
-That's simple. Put your bits out as fast as you can. Seriously, our security
-guys were argumenting about the upgrade ping rate. Is it better to ping at every
-3hrs or 5hrs. Doing the check on startup is the worst time you can do that. The
-system is already CPU and I/O bound. But updating still means for most users to
-notify the user only if a real immediate risk is present. So the basic idea is
-to update the system but make it almost transparent and hopefully magical to the
-user. Subtle enough that most users won't realize but power users will act upon.
-In both Google Chrome and Chrome OS, we decided to add a little green arrow when
-an update is ready to be installed.
-## Enterprise deployment
-### Who's in charge to decide who's upgraded?
-Enterprises like to control deployment of the software used by their workforce.
-That's normal, a disruption in their workforce could cost a lot of money to the
-company. How to conciliate that with forced automatic upgrades? First of all,
-because of our release pipeline, they can canary themselves a few users on the
-beta channel or the dev channel, which gives them an astronomical 6 to 12 weeks
-to find out quirks and if it's not enough, they can delay stable update a bit
-more if really needed.
-We created tools for administrators to delay updates or apply policies to
-installations of Google Chrome or Chrome OS on their domain. What helps us, and
-them, here is that each upgrade only represents 6 weeks of changes that occured
-less than 3 months ago, so the freshness is always relatively good. Second, they
-have one package to control, not sixty billion small component upgrades to mess
-with. This reduces a lot the overhead of patches management. In the end,
-everyone wins with a more secure and simple environment.
-## References
-* Chromium and infrastructure
- * You are on the right site, feel free to navigate around!
-* Omaha (Windows updater)
- * [](
-Note that I forgot to talk about Build Sheriffs, which are an important part of
-the cultural team mindset that helps making sure the team is make progress in a
-cohesive way.
-Obi-Wan Kenobi is copyright Lucasfilm \ No newline at end of file