path: root/chromium/docs/website/site/developers/testing/browser-tests/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 223 deletions
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-- - /developers
- - For Developers
-- - /developers/testing
- - Testing and infrastructure
-page_name: browser-tests
-title: Browser Tests
-## Introduction
-Browser tests are the framework used for integration tests of Chrome. As the
-name implies, they run inside the browser process.
-## Background
-In the beginning, Chrome integration tests were in a ui_tests binary which used
-automation to control and inspect a running Chrome. This was problematic because
-every time we wanted access to an object in the browser process, we had to add
-new automation hooks. It also made debugging hard because two processes had to
-be debugged (the test process and the browser process). In response to this,
-browser_tests was added. This is a binary which has the Chrome code compiled
-into it, as well as test code. The test code runs after browser process
-initialization and after a window has been created. Each test runs in a new
-browser process, to avoid tests impacting each other.
-## Test Binaries
-These are the current browser test binaries:
-* browser_tests: this is the original browser test binary. It's used
- for testing Chrome features (i.e. autofill, extensions).
-* interactive_ui_tests: the name is a holdover, but these are
- browser_tests which run on a bot that has an interactive session.
- They are also not sharded (i.e. run many times in parallel). This is
- needed for a small number of tests which need to generate input
- events from the OS (instead of simulating them internally), care
- about focus, etc...
-* components_browsertests: for code in //components
-* content_browsertests: this is like browser_tests, except that it's
- for testing features that are at the [Content
- module](/developers/content-module) layer. It's based on Content
- Shell instead of Chrome.
-* extensions_browsertests: for code in //extensions
-* performance_browser_tests: these are perf tests that run on bots
- with hardware GPUs for more realistic performance characteristics.
- These are not sharded.
-* weblayer_browsertests: for code in //weblayer
-## Example
-To write a browser test, instead of using the TEST_F GTEST macro, use
-IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F, which requires src/content/public/test/browser_test.h.
-The parent class of the test depends on which binary it's in:
-* browser_tests and interactive_ui_tests use
- [InProcessBrowserTest](
- (src/chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h)
-* content_browsertests use
- [ContentBrowserTest](
- (src/content/test/content_browser_test.h)
-Both browser tests in src/content and src/chrome have access to a collection of
-test utilities for browser tests in
-This includes things like simulating input events, executing JavaScript and
-getting the result, modifying cookies etc... This is in addition to test
-utilities available to all tests (browser tests and unit tests) that are in
-This includes things like running nested message loops.
-Also include testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h, rather than relying on
-browser_test.h including it for you.
-Browser tests in src/content and src/chrome have their own utility headers for
-interacting with the window, to add helpers for waiting for a new window to be
-added, navigating, getting the location of a test file etc.. Tests in src/chrome
-while tests in src/content use
-An example test in browser_tests would like:
-IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InProcessBrowserTest, Foo) {
-GURL test_url = ui_test_utils::GetTestUrl(test_dir, test_file);
-ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), test_url);
-content::WebContents\* web_contents = ...
-// Inspect C++ objects and modify them now.
-In general, existing tests provide the best examples on how to write a new test.
-Look at the browser_tests and interactive_ui_tests targets in the [chrome/test
-or the content_browsertests target in [content/test build
-to see a list of tests.
-## Debugging
-Per above, each test runs in a new browser process. To aid in debugging, you can
-start the browser test binary with --single-process-tests flag (along with
---gtest_filter=Foo.Bar). That way you can attach to the process that just got
-created, which will contain the test code. In this mode, make sure the filter
-only executes one test. Running more than one test will likely result in
-undefined behavior because the test fixture does not attempt to reinitialize any
-global state.
-To prevent the test from timing out while debugging, try playing with switches
-like --ui-test-action-max-timeout=1000000 --test-launcher-timeout=1000000.
-Although the test tries not to time out while a debugger is attached, if you use
---renderer-startup-dialog to attach a debugger to the renderer process, the test
-can time out in the meantime.
-Browser tests do not show pixel output by default, i.e. only a blank white
-window is shown. Use --enable-pixel-output-in-tests to change this. If you
-prefer to hide the window completely, follow [these
-to setup a virtual display using Xvfb and openbox and then set DISPLAY
-environment variable to redirect pixel output.
-In case you are debugging JavaScript browser tests (e.g. tests defined in
-it can be helpful to add debugger; statements and to pass
---auto-open-devtools-for-tabs. This way the browser test will automatically halt
-when the debugger; statement is hit, allowing you to inspect the execution state
-via DevTools.
-## Customizing The Test Harness
-To allow more customization (such as changing the command line flags of the
-browser process, i.e. to enable features that are off by default), the test
-fixture can derive from InProcessBrowserTest or ContentBrowserTest and override
-some methods. See their shared base class,
-for more information
-## Tests Spanning Restarts
-A test can span a restart of the browser process. This is useful in testing that
-something persisted, as an example. To do this, use the PRE prefix:
-IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InProcessBrowserTest, PRE_Foo) {
-// Do something.
-IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InProcessBrowserTest, Foo) {
-// Verify something was done.
-Each test above was run in a separate browser process, but the data directory of
-the profile was the same.
-## Tests That Don't Run By Default
-Something that often comes up is that a team wants to run a browser test based
-binary on their own bots. They can create a new binary, but that slows down the
-build for all bots. Instead, the tests should be put in browser_tests or
-content_browsertests with a MANUAL_ prefix. That way the test is compiled into
-the same binary that's used for all tests, but doesn't run by default on bots.
-It's only used when --run-manual is passed. The team's bots can then run
-browser_tests with --run-manual --gtest_filter=FooTeam\* .
-**Running Tests**
-ninja -C out/Release browser_tests
-Works, but can take an hour or more, even on a fast machine.
-browser_tests also has lots of options which you can see via --help. Most useful
---test-launcher-bot-mode (used by the bots and is the recommended way to run
---test-launcher-jobs=20 (for manually controlling how many jobs are launched)
---gtest_filter=Foo.\* (for only running a subset of tests)
-For example, on linux use the following:
-xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" ./out/out/browser_tests
-For more info, we have an entire separate page to explain how to run
-[browser_tests on specific
-## Networking
-To avoid flakiness tests are not allowed to access the network. This is enforced
-by content::BrowserTestBase::SetUp() through its instantiation of
-Some tests may need to use multiple origins to test their code paths; one common
-way this is done is to redirect all origins to localhost:
-host_resolver()->AddRule("\*", "")
-A small number of tests exercise code paths that make requests to Google domain.
-Due to the included [HSTS preload list]( in Chrome's
-networking code, your test will need to use an EmbeddedTestServer that's
-configured for https. Additionally, you will need two more switches:
-1. switches::kIgnoreCertificateErrors: needed since the test server
- only has a valid certificate for localhost
-2. switches::kIgnoreGooglePortNumbers: needed since production code
- only allows known ports (80/443) for Google domains