path: root/chromium/docs/website/site/user-experience/infobars/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/docs/website/site/user-experience/infobars/ b/chromium/docs/website/site/user-experience/infobars/
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--- a/chromium/docs/website/site/user-experience/infobars/
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-- - /user-experience
- - User Experience
-page_name: infobars
-title: Infobars
-# **## **## **## **## Infobars are non-modal, informational messages that display as an extension of the chrome. They are displayed when something happens in the Tab that the user should be aware of, e.g. a plugin has crashed, or the user can save a password they just entered. An infobar will push the website down so as to not block any content.Variants********
-# **#### **#### **#### **## Usage********
-# **## **There are two main scenarios for dispalying an infobar:****
-# **## **1) Page-related actions - to message the user about an action they can take related to the page they are on****
-# **## ******## 2) Confirmations / warnings - to provide a notification or alert about a problem or a completed action********
-# **## ******## Infobars should never be purely informational; they should always have an action the user can take. Additionally, actions should be optional. If they are blocking the user from doing something else, a dialog should be used instead.********
-# **#### **## Types****
-# **## **## 1) Page-related actions****
-# **## **## Permissions - getting the user to agree to or permit an action (e.g. sharing their location so it can be used with the site they are on)****
-# **## **## **## **## Page action - asking the user if they want to perform an action on a page that the user is currently on (e.g. translating a page)********
-# **## **## **## **## **## **## Feature setup - promoting a feature that's related to content on the current page; additionally giving them a way to set it up (e.g. setting up Autofill feature by saving current page's form info)************
-# **## **## **## **## 2) Confirmations/Warnings********
-# **## **## Confirmation - a success confirmation of action/installation (e.g. confirmation of an extension or theme installation with ability to undo)****
-# **## **## Problem - informing the user of a problem that occurred with a way for them to fix/troubleshoot (e.g. notification of extension crashing with option to restore; notification of missing plug-in with a way to install)****
-# **## **## #### **## **## When & Where to display********
-# **## In most cases, infobars should not be displayed in direct response to a user action (i.e. they should be system-initiated). If a user performs an action that directly responds with a message of the types listed above, a lightweight dialog should be used instead. The exception to this is the confirmation infobar which is usually in direct response to the user choosing to install something.**
-# **## Infobars with page-related actions should only show on the pages to which they are relevant. Confirmation/warning infobars should only show on the page that they first appeared. The infobar can persist on that tab/page as long as it makes sense to stay open or until the user closes it out.**
-# ****#### ****Visual********
-# ****Colors****
-# **From Chrome/3rd party (PC)**
-# **[<img alt="image"
-# **From Chrome/3rd party (Mac)**
-# **[<img alt="image"
-# ****Confirmation/warning****
-# ****[<img alt="image"
-# ****Controls****
-# ****### [<img alt="image"
-# **Note: The Options menu on an infobar only shows the encasing button on hover
-and press, similar to the page and wrench menus in Chrome.**
-# ****Spacing****
-# **infobar height = 36 px**
-# **left and right padding = 6 px**
-# **spacing after icon = 6 px**
-# **spacing between buttons = 10 px**
-# **spacing after message (and before buttons) = 16 px**
-# **spacing to left of x button (between x and learn more or Options) = 12 px**
-# **### **### **Examples******
-# **### ****### ****### **e.g. Page action infobar from************
-# **### ****### ****### ****### ****### **Translate********************
-# **### ****### ****### ****### ****### ****### **[<img alt="image"
-# **### **e.g. Confirmation./page action infobar with more options****
-# **### **<img alt="image"
-# **### ****### ****### **e.g. Problem infobar************
-# **### ****### ****### ****### **[<img alt="image"
-# ****#### ****Content********
-# ****Font****
-# **\[system font\]**
-# **(Tahoma 13px shown in mocks)**
-# ****Message wording****
-# **Infobar messages should be clear and succinct. If possible, the message
-should be able to fit on one line of the infobar and still retain enough space
-for controls, options/learn more and a close button. There may be cases where
-multiple infobars get stacked so messages should always be clear about where
-(which feature/app) the message is coming from.**
-# ****Button wording****
-# **The button that performs the main action should convey in wording what
-action will take place. The button that declines the action should simply say no
-if the preceding text contains a question. If the infobar message does not
-contain a question, then the button should convey what they are refusing.**
-# ****Examples by type:****
-# **Permissions/Page Actions - explanation of who/what is asking and what they
-are asking permission for**
-> # **e.g. Flickr wishes to use your location. \[Share my location\] \[Don't
-> share\]**
-> # **e.g. This page is in French. Would you like to translate it? \[Translate\]
-> \[No thanks\]**
-# **Feature setup - explanation of what feature is and/or value + question
-asking if user wants to perform action**
-# **e.g. Chrome's Autofill feature can help you fill out web forms faster. Would you like to save this form info? \[Set up Autofill...\] \[Nope\]**
-# **Confirmation - confirmation of completed action**
-> # **e.g. The "Mappy" extension was successfully installed. \[Undo\]**
-> # **e.g. This page has been translated from \[French\] to \[English\]. *Note:
-> The controls are dropdowns in this example.***
-# **Problem - explanation of problem**
-# **e.g. The "Dictionary" extension crashed. \[Restore\]**
-# **### ****Options / Learn more / Help******
-# **### **If an infobar is substantial enough to have an options menu, put the
-Help or Learn more link within that menu. Otherwise, any infobar that can
-provide additional explanation of the feature or message should give more
-information in a "learn more" or "About \[feature name\]" link.****
-# **#### ****Persistence and Crossfading******
-# ******Persistence******
-# ****In general, to avoid the up and down bouncing of new infobar instances,
-infobars related to the same action instance should persist.****
-# ****For example, translating a page involves multiple infobars. The first
-allow the user to translate the page, and the second informs the user that the
-page has been translated AND offers the ability to do another translation. When
-the user clicks on the affirmative button in the first infobar, the infobar will
-not bounce up and return with the second infobar. Instead, the infobar will
-persist, and the content on the infobar will change.****
-# **In a case where there is a persistent infobar and the color of the infobar
-must change, the first color will crossfade into the second color over 500 ms.**
-# **For example, if a user tries to translate a page using the blue translation
-bar and an error occurs, the blue infobar will crossfade into a yellow infobar
-outlining the issue and an ability to try translating again.**
-# ****#### ****Dialogs********
-# ******A dialog should be used instead of an infobar if...******
-# ******1) it will block the user from doing something unless he/she takes
-# **2) it is a direct response to a user action**
-# **e.g.**
-# **[<img alt="image"
-# ****#### ****## **Variants**********
-# ****## ****## [Geolocation](/user-experience/infobars/geolocation)******** \ No newline at end of file