path: root/chromium/media/audio/win/audio_unified_win.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/media/audio/win/audio_unified_win.h b/chromium/media/audio/win/audio_unified_win.h
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index 76c53297b51..00000000000
--- a/chromium/media/audio/win/audio_unified_win.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <Audioclient.h>
-#include <MMDeviceAPI.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
-#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
-#include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_co_mem.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
-#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
-#include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h"
-#include "media/base/audio_fifo.h"
-#include "media/base/channel_mixer.h"
-#include "media/base/media_export.h"
-#include "media/base/multi_channel_resampler.h"
-namespace media {
-class AudioManagerWin;
-// Implementation of AudioOutputStream for Windows using the Core Audio API
-// where both capturing and rendering takes place on the same thread to enable
-// audio I/O. This class allows arbitrary combinations of input and output
-// devices running off different clocks and using different drivers, with
-// potentially differing sample-rates.
-// It is required to first acquire the native sample rate of the selected
-// output device and then use the same rate when creating this object.
-// The inner operation depends on the input sample rate which is determined
-// during construction. Three different main modes are supported:
-// 1) input rate == output rate => input side drives output side directly.
-// 2) input rate != output rate => both sides are driven independently by
-// events and a FIFO plus a resampling unit is used to compensate for
-// differences in sample rates between the two sides.
-// 3) input rate == output rate but native buffer sizes are not identical =>
-// same inner functionality as in (2) to compensate for the differences
-// in buffer sizes and also compensate for any potential clock drift
-// between the two devices.
-// Mode detection is is done at construction and using mode (1) will lead to
-// best performance (lower delay and no "varispeed distortion"), i.e., it is
-// recommended to use same sample rates for input and output. Mode (2) uses a
-// resampler which supports rate adjustments to fine tune for things like
-// clock drift and differences in sample rates between different devices.
-// Mode (2) - which uses a FIFO and a adjustable multi-channel resampler -
-// is also called the varispeed mode and it is used for case (3) as well to
-// compensate for the difference in buffer sizes mainly.
-// Mode (3) can happen if two different audio devices are used.
-// As an example: some devices needs a buffer size of 441 @ 44.1kHz and others
-// 448 @ 44.1kHz. This is a rare case and will only happen for sample rates
-// which are even multiples of 11025 Hz (11025, 22050, 44100, 88200 etc.).
-// Implementation notes:
-// - Open() can fail if the input and output parameters do not fulfill
-// certain conditions. See source for Open() for more details.
-// - Channel mixing will be performed if the clients asks for a larger
-// number of channels than the native audio layer provides.
-// Example: client wants stereo but audio layer provides mono. In this case
-// upmixing from mono to stereo (1->2) will be done.
-// TODO(henrika):
-// - Add support for exclusive mode.
-// - Add support for KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT, i.e., 32-bit float
-// as internal sample-value representation.
-// - Perform fine-tuning for non-matching sample rates to reduce latency.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT WASAPIUnifiedStream
- : public AudioOutputStream,
- public base::DelegateSimpleThread::Delegate {
- public:
- // The ctor takes all the usual parameters, plus |manager| which is the
- // the audio manager who is creating this object.
- WASAPIUnifiedStream(AudioManagerWin* manager,
- const AudioParameters& params,
- const std::string& input_device_id);
- // The dtor is typically called by the AudioManager only and it is usually
- // triggered by calling AudioOutputStream::Close().
- virtual ~WASAPIUnifiedStream();
- // Implementation of AudioOutputStream.
- virtual bool Open() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void Start(AudioSourceCallback* callback) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void Stop() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void SetVolume(double volume) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void GetVolume(double* volume) OVERRIDE;
- bool started() const {
- return audio_io_thread_.get() != NULL;
- }
- // Returns true if input sample rate differs from the output sample rate.
- // A FIFO and a adjustable multi-channel resampler are utilized in this mode.
- bool VarispeedMode() const { return (fifo_ && resampler_); }
- private:
- enum {
- // Time in milliseconds between two successive delay measurements.
- // We save resources by not updating the delay estimates for each capture
- // event (typically 100Hz rate).
- kTimeDiffInMillisecondsBetweenDelayMeasurements = 1000,
- // Max possible FIFO size.
- kFifoSize = 16384,
- // This value was determined empirically for minimum latency while still
- // guarding against FIFO under-runs. The actual target size will be equal
- // to kTargetFifoSafetyFactor * (native input buffer size).
- // TODO(henrika): tune this value for lowest possible latency for all
- // possible sample rate combinations.
- kTargetFifoSafetyFactor = 2
- };
- // Additional initialization required when input and output sample rate
- // differs. Allocates resources for |fifo_|, |resampler_|, |render_event_|,
- // and the |capture_bus_| and configures the |input_format_| structure
- // given the provided input and output audio parameters.
- void DoVarispeedInitialization(const AudioParameters& input_params,
- const AudioParameters& output_params);
- // Clears varispeed related components such as the FIFO and the resampler.
- void ResetVarispeed();
- // Builds WAVEFORMATEX structures for input and output based on input and
- // output audio parameters.
- void SetIOFormats(const AudioParameters& input_params,
- const AudioParameters& output_params);
- // DelegateSimpleThread::Delegate implementation.
- virtual void Run() OVERRIDE;
- // MultiChannelResampler::MultiChannelAudioSourceProvider implementation.
- // Callback for providing more data into the resampler.
- // Only used in varispeed mode, i.e., when input rate != output rate.
- virtual void ProvideInput(int frame_delay, AudioBus* audio_bus);
- // Issues the OnError() callback to the |source_|.
- void HandleError(HRESULT err);
- // Stops and joins the audio thread in case of an error.
- void StopAndJoinThread(HRESULT err);
- // Converts unique endpoint ID to user-friendly device name.
- std::string GetDeviceName(LPCWSTR device_id) const;
- // Called on the audio IO thread for each capture event.
- // Buffers captured audio into a FIFO if varispeed is used or into an audio
- // bus if input and output sample rates are identical.
- void ProcessInputAudio();
- // Called on the audio IO thread for each render event when varispeed is
- // active or for each capture event when varispeed is not used.
- // In varispeed mode, it triggers a resampling callback, which reads from the
- // FIFO, and calls AudioSourceCallback::OnMoreIOData using the resampled
- // input signal and at the same time asks for data to play out.
- // If input and output rates are the same - instead of reading from the FIFO
- // and do resampling - we read directly from the audio bus used to store
- // captured data in ProcessInputAudio.
- void ProcessOutputAudio(IAudioClock* audio_output_clock);
- // Contains the thread ID of the creating thread.
- base::PlatformThreadId creating_thread_id_;
- // Our creator, the audio manager needs to be notified when we close.
- AudioManagerWin* manager_;
- // Contains the audio parameter structure provided at construction.
- AudioParameters params_;
- // For convenience, same as in params_.
- int input_channels_;
- int output_channels_;
- // Unique ID of the input device to be opened.
- const std::string input_device_id_;
- // The sharing mode for the streams.
- // where AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED is the default.
- AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE share_mode_;
- // Rendering and capturing is driven by this thread (no message loop).
- // All OnMoreIOData() callbacks will be called from this thread.
- scoped_ptr<base::DelegateSimpleThread> audio_io_thread_;
- // Contains the desired audio output format which is set up at construction.
- // It is required to first acquire the native sample rate of the selected
- // output device and then use the same rate when creating this object.
- WAVEFORMATPCMEX output_format_;
- // Contains the native audio input format which is set up at construction
- // if varispeed mode is utilized.
- WAVEFORMATPCMEX input_format_;
- // True when successfully opened.
- bool opened_;
- // Volume level from 0 to 1 used for output scaling.
- double volume_;
- // Size in audio frames of each audio packet where an audio packet
- // is defined as the block of data which the destination is expected to
- // receive in each OnMoreIOData() callback.
- size_t output_buffer_size_frames_;
- // Size in audio frames of each audio packet where an audio packet
- // is defined as the block of data which the source is expected to
- // deliver in each OnMoreIOData() callback.
- size_t input_buffer_size_frames_;
- // Length of the audio endpoint buffer.
- uint32 endpoint_render_buffer_size_frames_;
- uint32 endpoint_capture_buffer_size_frames_;
- // Counts the number of audio frames written to the endpoint buffer.
- uint64 num_written_frames_;
- // Time stamp for last delay measurement.
- base::TimeTicks last_delay_sample_time_;
- // Contains the total (sum of render and capture) delay in milliseconds.
- double total_delay_ms_;
- // Contains the total (sum of render and capture and possibly FIFO) delay
- // in bytes. The update frequency is set by a constant called
- // |kTimeDiffInMillisecondsBetweenDelayMeasurements|.
- int total_delay_bytes_;
- // Pointer to the client that will deliver audio samples to be played out.
- AudioSourceCallback* source_;
- // IMMDevice interfaces which represents audio endpoint devices.
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMMDevice> endpoint_render_device_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMMDevice> endpoint_capture_device_;
- // IAudioClient interfaces which enables a client to create and initialize
- // an audio stream between an audio application and the audio engine.
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IAudioClient> audio_output_client_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IAudioClient> audio_input_client_;
- // IAudioRenderClient interfaces enables a client to write output
- // data to a rendering endpoint buffer.
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IAudioRenderClient> audio_render_client_;
- // IAudioCaptureClient interfaces enables a client to read input
- // data from a capturing endpoint buffer.
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IAudioCaptureClient> audio_capture_client_;
- // The audio engine will signal this event each time a buffer has been
- // recorded.
- base::win::ScopedHandle capture_event_;
- // The audio engine will signal this event each time it needs a new
- // audio buffer to play out.
- // Only utilized in varispeed mode.
- base::win::ScopedHandle render_event_;
- // This event will be signaled when streaming shall stop.
- base::win::ScopedHandle stop_streaming_event_;
- // Container for retrieving data from AudioSourceCallback::OnMoreIOData().
- scoped_ptr<AudioBus> output_bus_;
- // Container for sending data to AudioSourceCallback::OnMoreIOData().
- scoped_ptr<AudioBus> input_bus_;
- // Container for storing output from the channel mixer.
- scoped_ptr<AudioBus> channel_bus_;
- // All members below are only allocated, or used, in varispeed mode:
- // Temporary storage of resampled input audio data.
- scoped_ptr<AudioBus> resampled_bus_;
- // Set to true first time a capture event has been received in varispeed
- // mode.
- bool input_callback_received_;
- // MultiChannelResampler is a multi channel wrapper for SincResampler;
- // allowing high quality sample rate conversion of multiple channels at once.
- scoped_ptr<MultiChannelResampler> resampler_;
- // Resampler I/O ratio.
- double io_sample_rate_ratio_;
- // Used for input to output buffering.
- scoped_ptr<AudioFifo> fifo_;
- // The channel mixer is only created and utilized if number of input channels
- // is larger than the native number of input channels (e.g client wants
- // stereo but the audio device only supports mono).
- scoped_ptr<ChannelMixer> channel_mixer_;
- // The optimal number of frames we'd like to keep in the FIFO at all times.
- int target_fifo_frames_;
- // A running average of the measured delta between actual number of frames
- // in the FIFO versus |target_fifo_frames_|.
- double average_delta_;
- // A varispeed rate scalar which is calculated based on FIFO drift.
- double fifo_rate_compensation_;
- // Set to true when input side signals output side that a new delay
- // estimate is needed.
- bool update_output_delay_;
- // Capture side stores its delay estimate so the sum can be derived in
- // the render side.
- double capture_delay_ms_;
- // TODO(henrika): possibly remove these members once the performance is
- // properly tuned. Only used for off-line debugging.
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- enum LogElementNames {
- };
- scoped_ptr<int64[]> input_time_stamps_;
- scoped_ptr<int[]> num_frames_in_fifo_;
- scoped_ptr<int[]> resampler_margin_;
- scoped_ptr<double[]> fifo_rate_comps_;
- scoped_ptr<int[]> num_elements_;
- scoped_ptr<int[]> input_params_;
- scoped_ptr<int[]> output_params_;
- FILE* data_file_;
- FILE* param_file_;
-} // namespace media