path: root/chromium/mojo/public/platform/native/system_thunks.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/mojo/public/platform/native/system_thunks.h')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/mojo/public/platform/native/system_thunks.h b/chromium/mojo/public/platform/native/system_thunks.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de82eba1bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/mojo/public/platform/native/system_thunks.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "mojo/public/c/system/core.h"
+// The embedder needs to bind the basic Mojo Core functions of a DSO to those of
+// the embedder when loading a DSO that is dependent on mojo_system.
+// The typical usage would look like:
+// base::ScopedNativeLibrary app_library(
+// base::LoadNativeLibrary(app_path_, &error));
+// typedef MojoResult (*MojoSetSystemThunksFn)(MojoSystemThunks*);
+// MojoSetSystemThunksFn mojo_set_system_thunks_fn =
+// reinterpret_cast<MojoSetSystemThunksFn>(app_library.GetFunctionPointer(
+// "MojoSetSystemThunks"));
+// MojoSystemThunks system_thunks = MojoMakeSystemThunks();
+// size_t expected_size = mojo_set_system_thunks_fn(&system_thunks);
+// if (expected_size > sizeof(MojoSystemThunks)) {
+// << "Invalid DSO. Expected MojoSystemThunks size: "
+// << expected_size;
+// break;
+// }
+// Structure used to bind the basic Mojo Core functions of a DSO to those of
+// the embedder.
+// This is the ABI between the embedder and the DSO. It can only have new
+// functions added to the end. No other changes are supported.
+#pragma pack(push, 8)
+struct MojoSystemThunks {
+ size_t size; // Should be set to sizeof(MojoSystemThunks).
+ MojoTimeTicks (*GetTimeTicksNow)();
+ MojoResult (*Close)(MojoHandle handle);
+ MojoResult (*Wait)(MojoHandle handle,
+ MojoHandleSignals signals,
+ MojoDeadline deadline);
+ MojoResult (*WaitMany)(const MojoHandle* handles,
+ const MojoHandleSignals* signals,
+ uint32_t num_handles,
+ MojoDeadline deadline);
+ MojoResult (*CreateMessagePipe)(const MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions* options,
+ MojoHandle* message_pipe_handle0,
+ MojoHandle* message_pipe_handle1);
+ MojoResult (*WriteMessage)(MojoHandle message_pipe_handle,
+ const void* bytes,
+ uint32_t num_bytes,
+ const MojoHandle* handles,
+ uint32_t num_handles,
+ MojoWriteMessageFlags flags);
+ MojoResult (*ReadMessage)(MojoHandle message_pipe_handle,
+ void* bytes,
+ uint32_t* num_bytes,
+ MojoHandle* handles,
+ uint32_t* num_handles,
+ MojoReadMessageFlags flags);
+ MojoResult (*CreateDataPipe)(const MojoCreateDataPipeOptions* options,
+ MojoHandle* data_pipe_producer_handle,
+ MojoHandle* data_pipe_consumer_handle);
+ MojoResult (*WriteData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
+ const void* elements,
+ uint32_t* num_elements,
+ MojoWriteDataFlags flags);
+ MojoResult (*BeginWriteData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
+ void** buffer,
+ uint32_t* buffer_num_elements,
+ MojoWriteDataFlags flags);
+ MojoResult (*EndWriteData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
+ uint32_t num_elements_written);
+ MojoResult (*ReadData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
+ void* elements,
+ uint32_t* num_elements,
+ MojoReadDataFlags flags);
+ MojoResult (*BeginReadData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
+ const void** buffer,
+ uint32_t* buffer_num_elements,
+ MojoReadDataFlags flags);
+ MojoResult (*EndReadData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
+ uint32_t num_elements_read);
+ MojoResult (*CreateSharedBuffer)(
+ const MojoCreateSharedBufferOptions* options,
+ uint64_t num_bytes,
+ MojoHandle* shared_buffer_handle);
+ MojoResult (*DuplicateBufferHandle)(
+ MojoHandle buffer_handle,
+ const MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions* options,
+ MojoHandle* new_buffer_handle);
+ MojoResult (*MapBuffer)(MojoHandle buffer_handle,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ uint64_t num_bytes,
+ void** buffer,
+ MojoMapBufferFlags flags);
+ MojoResult (*UnmapBuffer)(void* buffer);
+#pragma pack(pop)
+// Intended to be called from the embedder. Returns a |MojoCore| initialized
+// to contain pointers to each of the embedder's MojoCore functions.
+inline MojoSystemThunks MojoMakeSystemThunks() {
+ MojoSystemThunks system_thunks = {
+ sizeof(MojoSystemThunks),
+ MojoGetTimeTicksNow,
+ MojoClose,
+ MojoWait,
+ MojoWaitMany,
+ MojoCreateMessagePipe,
+ MojoWriteMessage,
+ MojoReadMessage,
+ MojoCreateDataPipe,
+ MojoWriteData,
+ MojoBeginWriteData,
+ MojoEndWriteData,
+ MojoReadData,
+ MojoBeginReadData,
+ MojoEndReadData,
+ MojoCreateSharedBuffer,
+ MojoDuplicateBufferHandle,
+ MojoMapBuffer,
+ MojoUnmapBuffer
+ };
+ return system_thunks;
+// Use this type for the function found by dynamically discovering it in
+// a DSO linked with mojo_system. For example:
+// MojoSetSystemThunksFn mojo_set_system_thunks_fn =
+// reinterpret_cast<MojoSetSystemThunksFn>(app_library.GetFunctionPointer(
+// "MojoSetSystemThunks"));
+// The expected size of |system_thunks} is returned.
+// The contents of |system_thunks| are copied.
+typedef size_t (*MojoSetSystemThunksFn)(const MojoSystemThunks* system_thunks);