path: root/chromium/net/base/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/base/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 400 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/base/ b/chromium/net/base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 42313fd9ffe..00000000000
--- a/chromium/net/base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "net/base/filter.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "net/base/gzip_filter.h"
-#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
-#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
-#include "net/base/sdch_filter.h"
-namespace {
-// Filter types (using canonical lower case only):
-const char kDeflate[] = "deflate";
-const char kGZip[] = "gzip";
-const char kXGZip[] = "x-gzip";
-const char kSdch[] = "sdch";
-// compress and x-compress are currently not supported. If we decide to support
-// them, we'll need the same mime type compatibility hack we have for gzip. For
-// more information, see Firefox's nsHttpChannel::ProcessNormal.
-// Mime types:
-const char kApplicationXGzip[] = "application/x-gzip";
-const char kApplicationGzip[] = "application/gzip";
-const char kApplicationXGunzip[] = "application/x-gunzip";
-const char kTextHtml[] = "text/html";
-// Buffer size allocated when de-compressing data.
-const int kFilterBufSize = 32 * 1024;
-} // namespace
-namespace net {
-FilterContext::~FilterContext() {
-Filter::~Filter() {}
-// static
-Filter* Filter::Factory(const std::vector<FilterType>& filter_types,
- const FilterContext& filter_context) {
- if (filter_types.empty())
- return NULL;
- Filter* filter_list = NULL; // Linked list of filters.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < filter_types.size(); i++) {
- filter_list = PrependNewFilter(filter_types[i], filter_context,
- kFilterBufSize, filter_list);
- if (!filter_list)
- return NULL;
- }
- return filter_list;
-// static
-Filter* Filter::GZipFactory() {
- return InitGZipFilter(FILTER_TYPE_GZIP, kFilterBufSize);
-// static
-Filter* Filter::FactoryForTests(const std::vector<FilterType>& filter_types,
- const FilterContext& filter_context,
- int buffer_size) {
- if (filter_types.empty())
- return NULL;
- Filter* filter_list = NULL; // Linked list of filters.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < filter_types.size(); i++) {
- filter_list = PrependNewFilter(filter_types[i], filter_context,
- buffer_size, filter_list);
- if (!filter_list)
- return NULL;
- }
- return filter_list;
-Filter::FilterStatus Filter::ReadData(char* dest_buffer, int* dest_len) {
- const int dest_buffer_capacity = *dest_len;
- if (last_status_ == FILTER_ERROR)
- return last_status_;
- if (!next_filter_.get())
- return last_status_ = ReadFilteredData(dest_buffer, dest_len);
- if (last_status_ == FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA && !stream_data_len())
- return next_filter_->ReadData(dest_buffer, dest_len);
- do {
- if (next_filter_->last_status() == FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA) {
- PushDataIntoNextFilter();
- if (FILTER_ERROR == last_status_)
- return FILTER_ERROR;
- }
- *dest_len = dest_buffer_capacity; // Reset the input/output parameter.
- next_filter_->ReadData(dest_buffer, dest_len);
- if (FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA == last_status_)
- return next_filter_->last_status();
- // In the case where this filter has data internally, and is indicating such
- // with a last_status_ of FILTER_OK, but at the same time the next filter in
- // the chain indicated it FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA, we have to be cautious
- // about confusing the caller. The API confusion can appear if we return
- // FILTER_OK (suggesting we have more data in aggregate), but yet we don't
- // populate our output buffer. When that is the case, we need to
- // alternately call our filter element, and the next_filter element until we
- // get out of this state (by pumping data into the next filter until it
- // outputs data, or it runs out of data and reports that it NEED_MORE_DATA.)
- } while (FILTER_OK == last_status_ &&
- FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA == next_filter_->last_status() &&
- 0 == *dest_len);
- if (next_filter_->last_status() == FILTER_ERROR)
- return FILTER_ERROR;
- return FILTER_OK;
-bool Filter::FlushStreamBuffer(int stream_data_len) {
- DCHECK_LE(stream_data_len, stream_buffer_size_);
- if (stream_data_len <= 0 || stream_data_len > stream_buffer_size_)
- return false;
- DCHECK(stream_buffer());
- // Bail out if there is more data in the stream buffer to be filtered.
- if (!stream_buffer() || stream_data_len_)
- return false;
- next_stream_data_ = stream_buffer()->data();
- stream_data_len_ = stream_data_len;
- return true;
-// static
-Filter::FilterType Filter::ConvertEncodingToType(
- const std::string& filter_type) {
- FilterType type_id;
- if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(filter_type, kDeflate)) {
- } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(filter_type, kGZip) ||
- LowerCaseEqualsASCII(filter_type, kXGZip)) {
- type_id = FILTER_TYPE_GZIP;
- } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(filter_type, kSdch)) {
- type_id = FILTER_TYPE_SDCH;
- } else {
- // Note we also consider "identity" and "uncompressed" UNSUPPORTED as
- // filter should be disabled in such cases.
- }
- return type_id;
-// static
-void Filter::FixupEncodingTypes(
- const FilterContext& filter_context,
- std::vector<FilterType>* encoding_types) {
- std::string mime_type;
- bool success = filter_context.GetMimeType(&mime_type);
- DCHECK(success || mime_type.empty());
- if ((1 == encoding_types->size()) &&
- (FILTER_TYPE_GZIP == encoding_types->front())) {
- if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kApplicationXGzip) ||
- LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kApplicationGzip) ||
- LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kApplicationXGunzip))
- // The server has told us that it sent us gziped content with a gzip
- // content encoding. Sadly, Apache mistakenly sets these headers for all
- // .gz files. We match Firefox's nsHttpChannel::ProcessNormal and ignore
- // the Content-Encoding here.
- encoding_types->clear();
- GURL url;
- success = filter_context.GetURL(&url);
- DCHECK(success);
- base::FilePath filename =
- base::FilePath().AppendASCII(url.ExtractFileName());
- base::FilePath::StringType extension = filename.Extension();
- if (filter_context.IsDownload()) {
- // We don't want to decompress gzipped files when the user explicitly
- // asks to download them.
- // For the case of svgz files, we use the extension to distinguish
- // between svgz files and svg files compressed with gzip by the server.
- // When viewing a .svgz file, we need to uncompress it, but we don't
- // want to do that when downloading.
- // See Firefox's nonDecodableExtensions in nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp
- if (EndsWith(extension, FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".gz"), false) ||
- LowerCaseEqualsASCII(extension, ".tgz") ||
- LowerCaseEqualsASCII(extension, ".svgz"))
- encoding_types->clear();
- } else {
- // When the user does not explicitly ask to download a file, if we get a
- // supported mime type, then we attempt to decompress in order to view it.
- // However, if it's not a supported mime type, then we will attempt to
- // download it, and in that case, don't decompress .gz/.tgz files.
- if ((EndsWith(extension, FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".gz"), false) ||
- LowerCaseEqualsASCII(extension, ".tgz")) &&
- !IsSupportedMimeType(mime_type))
- encoding_types->clear();
- }
- }
- // If the request was for SDCH content, then we might need additional fixups.
- if (!filter_context.IsSdchResponse()) {
- // It was not an SDCH request, so we'll just record stats.
- if (1 < encoding_types->size()) {
- // Multiple filters were intended to only be used for SDCH (thus far!)
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- }
- if ((1 == encoding_types->size()) &&
- (FILTER_TYPE_SDCH == encoding_types->front())) {
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- }
- return;
- }
- // The request was tagged as an SDCH request, which means the server supplied
- // a dictionary, and we advertised it in the request. Some proxies will do
- // very strange things to the request, or the response, so we have to handle
- // them gracefully.
- // If content encoding included SDCH, then everything is "relatively" fine.
- if (!encoding_types->empty() &&
- (FILTER_TYPE_SDCH == encoding_types->front())) {
- // Some proxies (found currently in Argentina) strip the Content-Encoding
- // text from "sdch,gzip" to a mere "sdch" without modifying the compressed
- // payload. To handle this gracefully, we simulate the "probably" deleted
- // ",gzip" by appending a tentative gzip decode, which will default to a
- // no-op pass through filter if it doesn't get gzip headers where expected.
- if (1 == encoding_types->size()) {
- encoding_types->push_back(FILTER_TYPE_GZIP_HELPING_SDCH);
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- }
- return;
- }
- // There are now several cases to handle for an SDCH request. Foremost, if
- // the outbound request was stripped so as not to advertise support for
- // encodings, we might get back content with no encoding, or (for example)
- // just gzip. We have to be sure that any changes we make allow for such
- // minimal coding to work. That issue is why we use TENTATIVE filters if we
- // add any, as those filters sniff the content, and act as pass-through
- // filters if headers are not found.
- // If the outbound GET is not modified, then the server will generally try to
- // send us SDCH encoded content. As that content returns, there are several
- // corruptions of the header "content-encoding" that proxies may perform (and
- // have been detected in the wild). We already dealt with the a honest
- // content encoding of "sdch,gzip" being corrupted into "sdch" with on change
- // of the actual content. Another common corruption is to either disscard
- // the accurate content encoding, or to replace it with gzip only (again, with
- // no change in actual content). The last observed corruption it to actually
- // change the content, such as by re-gzipping it, and that may happen along
- // with corruption of the stated content encoding (wow!).
- // The one unresolved failure mode comes when we advertise a dictionary, and
- // the server tries to *send* a gzipped file (not gzip encode content), and
- // then we could do a gzip decode :-(. Since SDCH is only (currently)
- // supported server side on paths that only send HTML content, this mode has
- // never surfaced in the wild (and is unlikely to).
- // We will gather a lot of stats as we perform the fixups
- if (StartsWithASCII(mime_type, kTextHtml, false)) {
- // Suspicious case: Advertised dictionary, but server didn't use sdch, and
- // we're HTML tagged.
- if (encoding_types->empty()) {
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- } else if (1 == encoding_types->size()) {
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- } else {
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- }
- } else {
- // Remarkable case!?! We advertised an SDCH dictionary, content-encoding
- // was not marked for SDCH processing: Why did the server suggest an SDCH
- // dictionary in the first place??. Also, the content isn't
- // tagged as HTML, despite the fact that SDCH encoding is mostly likely for
- // HTML: Did some anti-virus system strip this tag (sometimes they strip
- // accept-encoding headers on the request)?? Does the content encoding not
- // start with "text/html" for some other reason?? We'll report this as a
- // fixup to a binary file, but it probably really is text/html (some how).
- if (encoding_types->empty()) {
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- } else if (1 == encoding_types->size()) {
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- } else {
- SdchManager::SdchErrorRecovery(
- }
- }
- // Leave the existing encoding type to be processed first, and add our
- // tentative decodings to be done afterwards. Vodaphone UK reportedyl will
- // perform a second layer of gzip encoding atop the server's sdch,gzip
- // encoding, and then claim that the content encoding is a mere gzip. As a
- // result we'll need (in that case) to do the gunzip, plus our tentative
- // gunzip and tentative SDCH decoding.
- // This approach nicely handles the empty() list as well, and should work with
- // other (as yet undiscovered) proxies the choose to re-compressed with some
- // other encoding (such as bzip2, etc.).
- encoding_types->insert(encoding_types->begin(),
- encoding_types->insert(encoding_types->begin(), FILTER_TYPE_SDCH_POSSIBLE);
- return;
- : stream_buffer_(NULL),
- stream_buffer_size_(0),
- next_stream_data_(NULL),
- stream_data_len_(0),
- last_status_(FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA) {}
-Filter::FilterStatus Filter::CopyOut(char* dest_buffer, int* dest_len) {
- int out_len;
- int input_len = *dest_len;
- *dest_len = 0;
- if (0 == stream_data_len_)
- return Filter::FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- out_len = std::min(input_len, stream_data_len_);
- memcpy(dest_buffer, next_stream_data_, out_len);
- *dest_len += out_len;
- stream_data_len_ -= out_len;
- if (0 == stream_data_len_) {
- next_stream_data_ = NULL;
- return Filter::FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- } else {
- next_stream_data_ += out_len;
- return Filter::FILTER_OK;
- }
-// static
-Filter* Filter::InitGZipFilter(FilterType type_id, int buffer_size) {
- scoped_ptr<GZipFilter> gz_filter(new GZipFilter());
- gz_filter->InitBuffer(buffer_size);
- return gz_filter->InitDecoding(type_id) ? gz_filter.release() : NULL;
-// static
-Filter* Filter::InitSdchFilter(FilterType type_id,
- const FilterContext& filter_context,
- int buffer_size) {
- scoped_ptr<SdchFilter> sdch_filter(new SdchFilter(filter_context));
- sdch_filter->InitBuffer(buffer_size);
- return sdch_filter->InitDecoding(type_id) ? sdch_filter.release() : NULL;
-// static
-Filter* Filter::PrependNewFilter(FilterType type_id,
- const FilterContext& filter_context,
- int buffer_size,
- Filter* filter_list) {
- scoped_ptr<Filter> first_filter; // Soon to be start of chain.
- switch (type_id) {
- first_filter.reset(InitGZipFilter(type_id, buffer_size));
- break;
- first_filter.reset(InitSdchFilter(type_id, filter_context, buffer_size));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (!first_filter.get())
- return NULL;
- first_filter->next_filter_.reset(filter_list);
- return first_filter.release();
-void Filter::InitBuffer(int buffer_size) {
- DCHECK(!stream_buffer());
- DCHECK_GT(buffer_size, 0);
- stream_buffer_ = new IOBuffer(buffer_size);
- stream_buffer_size_ = buffer_size;
-void Filter::PushDataIntoNextFilter() {
- IOBuffer* next_buffer = next_filter_->stream_buffer();
- int next_size = next_filter_->stream_buffer_size();
- last_status_ = ReadFilteredData(next_buffer->data(), &next_size);
- if (FILTER_ERROR != last_status_)
- next_filter_->FlushStreamBuffer(next_size);
-} // namespace net