path: root/chromium/net/disk_cache/v3/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/disk_cache/v3/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 502 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/disk_cache/v3/ b/chromium/net/disk_cache/v3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 91275fc7bc2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/net/disk_cache/v3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// The eviction policy is a very simple pure LRU, so the elements at the end of
-// the list are evicted until kCleanUpMargin free space is available. There is
-// only one list in use (Rankings::NO_USE), and elements are sent to the front
-// of the list whenever they are accessed.
-// The new (in-development) eviction policy adds re-use as a factor to evict
-// an entry. The story so far:
-// Entries are linked on separate lists depending on how often they are used.
-// When we see an element for the first time, it goes to the NO_USE list; if
-// the object is reused later on, we move it to the LOW_USE list, until it is
-// used kHighUse times, at which point it is moved to the HIGH_USE list.
-// Whenever an element is evicted, we move it to the DELETED list so that if the
-// element is accessed again, we remember the fact that it was already stored
-// and maybe in the future we don't evict that element.
-// When we have to evict an element, first we try to use the last element from
-// the NO_USE list, then we move to the LOW_USE and only then we evict an entry
-// from the HIGH_USE. We attempt to keep entries on the cache for at least
-// kTargetTime hours (with frequently accessed items stored for longer periods),
-// but if we cannot do that, we fall-back to keep each list roughly the same
-// size so that we have a chance to see an element again and move it to another
-// list.
-#include "net/disk_cache/eviction.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/backend_impl.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/entry_impl.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/experiments.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/trace.h"
-using base::Time;
-using base::TimeTicks;
-namespace {
-const int kCleanUpMargin = 1024 * 1024;
-const int kHighUse = 10; // Reuse count to be on the HIGH_USE list.
-const int kTargetTime = 24 * 7; // Time to be evicted (hours since last use).
-const int kMaxDelayedTrims = 60;
-int LowWaterAdjust(int high_water) {
- if (high_water < kCleanUpMargin)
- return 0;
- return high_water - kCleanUpMargin;
-bool FallingBehind(int current_size, int max_size) {
- return current_size > max_size - kCleanUpMargin * 20;
-} // namespace
-namespace disk_cache {
-// The real initialization happens during Init(), init_ is the only member that
-// has to be initialized here.
- : backend_(NULL),
- init_(false),
- ptr_factory_(this) {
-Eviction::~Eviction() {
-void Eviction::Init(BackendImpl* backend) {
- // We grab a bunch of info from the backend to make the code a little cleaner
- // when we're actually doing work.
- backend_ = backend;
- rankings_ = &backend->rankings_;
- header_ = &backend_->data_->header;
- max_size_ = LowWaterAdjust(backend_->max_size_);
- index_size_ = backend->mask_ + 1;
- new_eviction_ = backend->new_eviction_;
- first_trim_ = true;
- trimming_ = false;
- delay_trim_ = false;
- trim_delays_ = 0;
- init_ = true;
- test_mode_ = false;
-void Eviction::Stop() {
- // It is possible for the backend initialization to fail, in which case this
- // object was never initialized... and there is nothing to do.
- if (!init_)
- return;
- // We want to stop further evictions, so let's pretend that we are busy from
- // this point on.
- DCHECK(!trimming_);
- trimming_ = true;
- ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
-void Eviction::TrimCache(bool empty) {
- if (backend_->disabled_ || trimming_)
- return;
- if (!empty && !ShouldTrim())
- return PostDelayedTrim();
- if (new_eviction_)
- return TrimCacheV2(empty);
- Trace("*** Trim Cache ***");
- trimming_ = true;
- TimeTicks start = TimeTicks::Now();
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock node(rankings_);
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock next(
- rankings_, rankings_->GetPrev(node.get(), Rankings::NO_USE));
- int deleted_entries = 0;
- int target_size = empty ? 0 : max_size_;
- while ((header_->num_bytes > target_size || test_mode_) && next.get()) {
- // The iterator could be invalidated within EvictEntry().
- if (!next->HasData())
- break;
- node.reset(next.release());
- next.reset(rankings_->GetPrev(node.get(), Rankings::NO_USE));
- if (node->Data()->dirty != backend_->GetCurrentEntryId() || empty) {
- // This entry is not being used by anybody.
- // Do NOT use node as an iterator after this point.
- rankings_->TrackRankingsBlock(node.get(), false);
- if (EvictEntry(node.get(), empty, Rankings::NO_USE) && !test_mode_)
- deleted_entries++;
- if (!empty && test_mode_)
- break;
- }
- if (!empty && (deleted_entries > 20 ||
- (TimeTicks::Now() - start).InMilliseconds() > 20)) {
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&Eviction::TrimCache, ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), false));
- break;
- }
- }
- if (empty) {
- CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "TotalClearTimeV1", 0, start);
- } else {
- CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "TotalTrimTimeV1", 0, start);
- }
- CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "TrimItemsV1", 0, deleted_entries);
- trimming_ = false;
- Trace("*** Trim Cache end ***");
- return;
-void Eviction::OnOpenEntryV2(EntryImpl* entry) {
- EntryStore* info = entry->entry()->Data();
- DCHECK_EQ(ENTRY_NORMAL, info->state);
- if (info->reuse_count < kint32max) {
- info->reuse_count++;
- entry->entry()->set_modified();
- // We may need to move this to a new list.
- if (1 == info->reuse_count) {
- rankings_->Remove(entry->rankings(), Rankings::NO_USE, true);
- rankings_->Insert(entry->rankings(), false, Rankings::LOW_USE);
- entry->entry()->Store();
- } else if (kHighUse == info->reuse_count) {
- rankings_->Remove(entry->rankings(), Rankings::LOW_USE, true);
- rankings_->Insert(entry->rankings(), false, Rankings::HIGH_USE);
- entry->entry()->Store();
- }
- }
-void Eviction::OnCreateEntryV2(EntryImpl* entry) {
- EntryStore* info = entry->entry()->Data();
- switch (info->state) {
- case ENTRY_NORMAL: {
- DCHECK(!info->reuse_count);
- DCHECK(!info->refetch_count);
- break;
- };
- if (info->refetch_count < kint32max)
- info->refetch_count++;
- if (info->refetch_count > kHighUse && info->reuse_count < kHighUse) {
- info->reuse_count = kHighUse;
- } else {
- info->reuse_count++;
- }
- info->state = ENTRY_NORMAL;
- entry->entry()->Store();
- rankings_->Remove(entry->rankings(), Rankings::DELETED, true);
- break;
- };
- default:
- }
- rankings_->Insert(entry->rankings(), true, GetListForEntryV2(entry));
-void Eviction::SetTestMode() {
- test_mode_ = true;
-void Eviction::TrimDeletedList(bool empty) {
- DCHECK(test_mode_ && new_eviction_);
- TrimDeleted(empty);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Eviction::PostDelayedTrim() {
- // Prevent posting multiple tasks.
- if (delay_trim_)
- return;
- delay_trim_ = true;
- trim_delays_++;
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
- base::Bind(&Eviction::DelayedTrim, ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()),
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000));
-void Eviction::DelayedTrim() {
- delay_trim_ = false;
- if (trim_delays_ < kMaxDelayedTrims && backend_->IsLoaded())
- return PostDelayedTrim();
- TrimCache(false);
-bool Eviction::ShouldTrim() {
- if (!FallingBehind(header_->num_bytes, max_size_) &&
- trim_delays_ < kMaxDelayedTrims && backend_->IsLoaded()) {
- return false;
- }
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("DiskCache.TrimDelays", trim_delays_);
- trim_delays_ = 0;
- return true;
-bool Eviction::ShouldTrimDeleted() {
- int index_load = header_->num_entries * 100 / index_size_;
- // If the index is not loaded, the deleted list will tend to double the size
- // of the other lists 3 lists (40% of the total). Otherwise, all lists will be
- // about the same size.
- int max_length = (index_load < 25) ? header_->num_entries * 2 / 5 :
- header_->num_entries / 4;
- return (!test_mode_ && header_->lru.sizes[Rankings::DELETED] > max_length);
-bool Eviction::EvictEntry(CacheRankingsBlock* node, bool empty,
- Rankings::List list) {
- EntryImpl* entry = backend_->GetEnumeratedEntry(node, list);
- if (!entry) {
- Trace("NewEntry failed on Trim 0x%x", node->address().value());
- return false;
- }
- ReportTrimTimes(entry);
- if (empty || !new_eviction_) {
- entry->DoomImpl();
- } else {
- entry->DeleteEntryData(false);
- EntryStore* info = entry->entry()->Data();
- DCHECK_EQ(ENTRY_NORMAL, info->state);
- rankings_->Remove(entry->rankings(), GetListForEntryV2(entry), true);
- info->state = ENTRY_EVICTED;
- entry->entry()->Store();
- rankings_->Insert(entry->rankings(), true, Rankings::DELETED);
- }
- if (!empty)
- backend_->OnEvent(Stats::TRIM_ENTRY);
- entry->Release();
- return true;
-void Eviction::TrimCacheV2(bool empty) {
- Trace("*** Trim Cache ***");
- trimming_ = true;
- TimeTicks start = TimeTicks::Now();
- const int kListsToSearch = 3;
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock next[kListsToSearch];
- int list = Rankings::LAST_ELEMENT;
- // Get a node from each list.
- for (int i = 0; i < kListsToSearch; i++) {
- bool done = false;
- next[i].set_rankings(rankings_);
- if (done)
- continue;
- next[i].reset(rankings_->GetPrev(NULL, static_cast<Rankings::List>(i)));
- if (!empty && NodeIsOldEnough(next[i].get(), i)) {
- list = static_cast<Rankings::List>(i);
- done = true;
- }
- }
- // If we are not meeting the time targets lets move on to list length.
- if (!empty && Rankings::LAST_ELEMENT == list)
- list = SelectListByLength(next);
- if (empty)
- list = 0;
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock node(rankings_);
- int deleted_entries = 0;
- int target_size = empty ? 0 : max_size_;
- for (; list < kListsToSearch; list++) {
- while ((header_->num_bytes > target_size || test_mode_) &&
- next[list].get()) {
- // The iterator could be invalidated within EvictEntry().
- if (!next[list]->HasData())
- break;
- node.reset(next[list].release());
- next[list].reset(rankings_->GetPrev(node.get(),
- static_cast<Rankings::List>(list)));
- if (node->Data()->dirty != backend_->GetCurrentEntryId() || empty) {
- // This entry is not being used by anybody.
- // Do NOT use node as an iterator after this point.
- rankings_->TrackRankingsBlock(node.get(), false);
- if (EvictEntry(node.get(), empty, static_cast<Rankings::List>(list)))
- deleted_entries++;
- if (!empty && test_mode_)
- break;
- }
- if (!empty && (deleted_entries > 20 ||
- (TimeTicks::Now() - start).InMilliseconds() > 20)) {
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&Eviction::TrimCache, ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), false));
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!empty)
- list = kListsToSearch;
- }
- if (empty) {
- TrimDeleted(true);
- } else if (ShouldTrimDeleted()) {
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&Eviction::TrimDeleted, ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), empty));
- }
- if (empty) {
- CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "TotalClearTimeV2", 0, start);
- } else {
- CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "TotalTrimTimeV2", 0, start);
- }
- CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "TrimItemsV2", 0, deleted_entries);
- Trace("*** Trim Cache end ***");
- trimming_ = false;
- return;
-// This is a minimal implementation that just discards the oldest nodes.
-// TODO(rvargas): Do something better here.
-void Eviction::TrimDeleted(bool empty) {
- Trace("*** Trim Deleted ***");
- if (backend_->disabled_)
- return;
- TimeTicks start = TimeTicks::Now();
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock node(rankings_);
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock next(
- rankings_, rankings_->GetPrev(node.get(), Rankings::DELETED));
- int deleted_entries = 0;
- while (next.get() &&
- (empty || (deleted_entries < 20 &&
- (TimeTicks::Now() - start).InMilliseconds() < 20))) {
- node.reset(next.release());
- next.reset(rankings_->GetPrev(node.get(), Rankings::DELETED));
- if (RemoveDeletedNode(node.get()))
- deleted_entries++;
- if (test_mode_)
- break;
- }
- if (deleted_entries && !empty && ShouldTrimDeleted()) {
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&Eviction::TrimDeleted, ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), false));
- }
- CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "TotalTrimDeletedTime", 0, start);
- CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "TrimDeletedItems", 0, deleted_entries);
- Trace("*** Trim Deleted end ***");
- return;
-void Eviction::ReportTrimTimes(EntryImpl* entry) {
- if (first_trim_) {
- first_trim_ = false;
- if (backend_->ShouldReportAgain()) {
- CACHE_UMA(AGE, "TrimAge", 0, entry->GetLastUsed());
- ReportListStats();
- }
- if (header_->lru.filled)
- return;
- header_->lru.filled = 1;
- if (header_->create_time) {
- // This is the first entry that we have to evict, generate some noise.
- backend_->FirstEviction();
- } else {
- // This is an old file, but we may want more reports from this user so
- // lets save some create_time.
- Time::Exploded old = {0};
- old.year = 2009;
- old.month = 3;
- old.day_of_month = 1;
- header_->create_time = Time::FromLocalExploded(old).ToInternalValue();
- }
- }
-bool Eviction::NodeIsOldEnough(CacheRankingsBlock* node, int list) {
- if (!node)
- return false;
- // If possible, we want to keep entries on each list at least kTargetTime
- // hours. Each successive list on the enumeration has 2x the target time of
- // the previous list.
- Time used = Time::FromInternalValue(node->Data()->last_used);
- int multiplier = 1 << list;
- return (Time::Now() - used).InHours() > kTargetTime * multiplier;
-int Eviction::SelectListByLength(Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock* next) {
- int data_entries = header_->num_entries -
- header_->lru.sizes[Rankings::DELETED];
- // Start by having each list to be roughly the same size.
- if (header_->lru.sizes[0] > data_entries / 3)
- return 0;
- int list = (header_->lru.sizes[1] > data_entries / 3) ? 1 : 2;
- // Make sure that frequently used items are kept for a minimum time; we know
- // that this entry is not older than its current target, but it must be at
- // least older than the target for list 0 (kTargetTime), as long as we don't
- // exhaust list 0.
- if (!NodeIsOldEnough(next[list].get(), 0) &&
- header_->lru.sizes[0] > data_entries / 10)
- list = 0;
- return list;
-void Eviction::ReportListStats() {
- if (!new_eviction_)
- return;
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock last1(rankings_,
- rankings_->GetPrev(NULL, Rankings::NO_USE));
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock last2(rankings_,
- rankings_->GetPrev(NULL, Rankings::LOW_USE));
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock last3(rankings_,
- rankings_->GetPrev(NULL, Rankings::HIGH_USE));
- Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock last4(rankings_,
- rankings_->GetPrev(NULL, Rankings::DELETED));
- if (last1.get())
- CACHE_UMA(AGE, "NoUseAge", 0,
- Time::FromInternalValue(last1.get()->Data()->last_used));
- if (last2.get())
- CACHE_UMA(AGE, "LowUseAge", 0,
- Time::FromInternalValue(last2.get()->Data()->last_used));
- if (last3.get())
- CACHE_UMA(AGE, "HighUseAge", 0,
- Time::FromInternalValue(last3.get()->Data()->last_used));
- if (last4.get())
- CACHE_UMA(AGE, "DeletedAge", 0,
- Time::FromInternalValue(last4.get()->Data()->last_used));
-} // namespace disk_cache