path: root/chromium/net/quic/quic_sent_packet_manager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/quic/quic_sent_packet_manager.h')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/quic/quic_sent_packet_manager.h b/chromium/net/quic/quic_sent_packet_manager.h
index 71c61e93c03..2e75786119a 100644
--- a/chromium/net/quic/quic_sent_packet_manager.h
+++ b/chromium/net/quic/quic_sent_packet_manager.h
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "net/base/linked_hash_map.h"
+#include "net/quic/congestion_control/loss_detection_interface.h"
+#include "net/quic/congestion_control/rtt_stats.h"
#include "net/quic/congestion_control/send_algorithm_interface.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_ack_notifier_manager.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
-NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE extern bool FLAGS_track_retransmission_history;
-NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE extern bool FLAGS_limit_rto_increase_for_tests;
-NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE extern bool FLAGS_enable_quic_pacing;
+#include "net/quic/quic_unacked_packet_map.h"
namespace net {
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class QuicSentPacketManagerPeer;
class QuicClock;
class QuicConfig;
+struct QuicConnectionStats;
// Class which tracks the set of packets sent on a QUIC connection and contains
// a send algorithm to decide when to send new packets. It keeps track of any
@@ -40,6 +41,19 @@ class QuicConfig;
// previous transmission is acked, the data will not be retransmitted.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
+ // Interface which gets callbacks from the QuicSentPacketManager at
+ // interesting points. Implementations must not mutate the state of
+ // the packet manager or connection as a result of these callbacks.
+ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE DebugDelegate {
+ public:
+ virtual ~DebugDelegate() {}
+ // Called when a spurious retransmission is detected.
+ virtual void OnSpuriousPacketRetransmition(
+ TransmissionType transmission_type,
+ QuicByteCount byte_size) {}
+ };
// Struct to store the pending retransmission information.
struct PendingRetransmission {
PendingRetransmission(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
@@ -58,25 +72,15 @@ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length;
- // Interface which provides callbacks that the manager needs.
- class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE HelperInterface {
- public:
- virtual ~HelperInterface();
- // Called to return the sequence number of the next packet to be sent.
- virtual QuicPacketSequenceNumber GetNextPacketSequenceNumber() = 0;
- };
QuicSentPacketManager(bool is_server,
- HelperInterface* helper,
const QuicClock* clock,
- CongestionFeedbackType congestion_type);
+ QuicConnectionStats* stats,
+ CongestionFeedbackType congestion_type,
+ LossDetectionType loss_type);
virtual ~QuicSentPacketManager();
virtual void SetFromConfig(const QuicConfig& config);
- virtual void SetMaxPacketSize(QuicByteCount max_packet_size);
// Called when a new packet is serialized. If the packet contains
// retransmittable data, it will be added to the unacked packet map.
void OnSerializedPacket(const SerializedPacket& serialized_packet);
@@ -87,22 +91,24 @@ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
void OnRetransmittedPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber old_sequence_number,
QuicPacketSequenceNumber new_sequence_number);
- // Processes the incoming ack and returns true if the retransmission or ack
- // alarm should be reset.
- bool OnIncomingAck(const ReceivedPacketInfo& received_info,
+ // Processes the incoming ack.
+ void OnIncomingAck(const ReceivedPacketInfo& received_info,
QuicTime ack_receive_time);
- // Discards any information for the packet corresponding to |sequence_number|.
- // If this packet has been retransmitted, information on those packets
- // will be discarded as well.
- void DiscardUnackedPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number);
// Returns true if the non-FEC packet |sequence_number| is unacked.
bool IsUnacked(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number) const;
// Requests retransmission of all unacked packets of |retransmission_type|.
void RetransmitUnackedPackets(RetransmissionType retransmission_type);
+ // Retransmits the oldest pending packet there is still a tail loss probe
+ // pending. Invoked after OnRetransmissionTimeout.
+ bool MaybeRetransmitTailLossProbe();
+ // Removes the retransmittable frames from all unencrypted packets to ensure
+ // they don't get retransmitted.
+ void NeuterUnencryptedPackets();
// Returns true if the unacked packet |sequence_number| has retransmittable
// frames. This will only return false if the packet has been acked, if a
// previous transmission of this packet was ACK'd, or if this packet has been
@@ -117,39 +123,19 @@ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
bool HasUnackedPackets() const;
- // Returns the number of unacked packets which have retransmittable frames.
- size_t GetNumRetransmittablePackets() const;
- // Returns the smallest sequence number of a sent packet which has not been
- // acked by the peer. Excludes any packets which have been retransmitted
- // with a new sequence number. If all packets have been acked, returns the
- // sequence number of the next packet that will be sent.
+ // Returns the smallest sequence number of a serialized packet which has not
+ // been acked by the peer. If there are no unacked packets, returns 0.
QuicPacketSequenceNumber GetLeastUnackedSentPacket() const;
- // Returns the set of sequence numbers of all unacked packets.
- // Test only.
- SequenceNumberSet GetUnackedPackets() const;
- // Returns true if |sequence_number| is a previous transmission of packet.
- bool IsPreviousTransmission(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number) const;
- // TODO(ianswett): Combine the congestion control related methods below with
- // some of the methods above and cleanup the resulting code.
- // Called when we have received an ack frame from peer.
- // Returns a set containing all the sequence numbers to be nack retransmitted
- // as a result of the ack.
- virtual SequenceNumberSet OnIncomingAckFrame(
- const ReceivedPacketInfo& received_info,
- const QuicTime& ack_receive_time);
// Called when a congestion feedback frame is received from peer.
virtual void OnIncomingQuicCongestionFeedbackFrame(
const QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame& frame,
const QuicTime& feedback_receive_time);
// Called when we have sent bytes to the peer. This informs the manager both
- // the number of bytes sent and if they were retransmitted.
- virtual void OnPacketSent(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
+ // the number of bytes sent and if they were retransmitted. Returns true if
+ // the sender should reset the retransmission timer.
+ virtual bool OnPacketSent(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
QuicTime sent_time,
QuicByteCount bytes,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
@@ -158,28 +144,23 @@ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
// Called when the retransmission timer expires.
virtual void OnRetransmissionTimeout();
- // Called when a packet is timed out, such as an RTO. Removes the bytes from
- // the congestion manager, but does not change the congestion window size.
- virtual void OnPacketAbandoned(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number);
// Calculate the time until we can send the next packet to the wire.
// Note 1: When kUnknownWaitTime is returned, there is no need to poll
// TimeUntilSend again until we receive an OnIncomingAckFrame event.
// Note 2: Send algorithms may or may not use |retransmit| in their
// calculations.
virtual QuicTime::Delta TimeUntilSend(QuicTime now,
- TransmissionType transmission_type,
- HasRetransmittableData retransmittable,
- IsHandshake handshake);
+ HasRetransmittableData retransmittable);
// Returns amount of time for delayed ack timer.
- const QuicTime::Delta DelayedAckTime();
+ const QuicTime::Delta DelayedAckTime() const;
- // Returns the current RTO delay.
- const QuicTime::Delta GetRetransmissionDelay() const;
+ // Returns the current delay for the retransmission timer, which may send
+ // either a tail loss probe or do a full RTO. Returns QuicTime::Zero() if
+ // there are no retransmittable packets.
+ const QuicTime GetRetransmissionTime() const;
- // Returns the estimated smoothed RTT calculated by the congestion algorithm.
- const QuicTime::Delta SmoothedRtt() const;
+ const RttStats* GetRttStats() const;
// Returns the estimated bandwidth calculated by the congestion algorithm.
QuicBandwidth BandwidthEstimate() const;
@@ -195,73 +176,91 @@ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
bool using_pacing() const { return using_pacing_; }
+ void set_debug_delegate(DebugDelegate* debug_delegate) {
+ debug_delegate_ = debug_delegate;
+ }
friend class test::QuicConnectionPeer;
friend class test::QuicSentPacketManagerPeer;
- struct TransmissionInfo {
- TransmissionInfo()
- : retransmittable_frames(NULL),
- sequence_number_length(PACKET_1BYTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER),
- sent_time(QuicTime::Zero()),
- previous_transmissions(NULL) { }
- TransmissionInfo(RetransmittableFrames* retransmittable_frames,
- QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length)
- : retransmittable_frames(retransmittable_frames),
- sequence_number_length(sequence_number_length),
- sent_time(QuicTime::Zero()),
- previous_transmissions(NULL) {
- }
- RetransmittableFrames* retransmittable_frames;
- QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length;
- // Zero when the packet is serialized, non-zero once it's sent.
- QuicTime sent_time;
- // Stores all previous transmissions if the packet has been retransmitted,
- // and is NULL otherwise.
- SequenceNumberSet* previous_transmissions;
+ // The retransmission timer is a single timer which switches modes depending
+ // upon connection state.
+ enum RetransmissionTimeoutMode {
+ // A conventional TCP style RTO.
+ // A tail loss probe. By default, QUIC sends up to two before RTOing.
+ // Retransmission of handshake packets prior to handshake completion.
+ // Re-invoke the loss detection when a packet is not acked before the
+ // loss detection algorithm expects.
typedef linked_hash_map<QuicPacketSequenceNumber,
- TransmissionInfo> UnackedPacketMap;
- typedef linked_hash_map<QuicPacketSequenceNumber,
TransmissionType> PendingRetransmissionMap;
- typedef base::hash_map<QuicPacketSequenceNumber, SequenceNumberSet*>
- PreviousTransmissionMap;
// Process the incoming ack looking for newly ack'd data packets.
void HandleAckForSentPackets(const ReceivedPacketInfo& received_info);
+ // Returns the current retransmission mode.
+ RetransmissionTimeoutMode GetRetransmissionMode() const;
+ // Retransmits all crypto stream packets.
+ void RetransmitCryptoPackets();
+ // Retransmits all the packets and abandons by invoking a full RTO.
+ void RetransmitAllPackets();
+ // Returns the timer for retransmitting crypto handshake packets.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetCryptoRetransmissionDelay() const;
+ // Returns the timer for a new tail loss probe.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetTailLossProbeDelay() const;
+ // Returns the retransmission timeout, after which a full RTO occurs.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetRetransmissionDelay() const;
// Update the RTT if the ack is for the largest acked sequence number.
- void MaybeUpdateRTT(const ReceivedPacketInfo& received_info,
+ // Returns true if the rtt was updated.
+ bool MaybeUpdateRTT(const ReceivedPacketInfo& received_info,
const QuicTime& ack_receive_time);
- // Marks |sequence_number| as having been seen by the peer. Returns an
- // iterator to the next remaining unacked packet.
- UnackedPacketMap::iterator MarkPacketReceivedByPeer(
- QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number);
- // Simply removes the entries, if any, from the unacked packet map
- // and the retransmission map.
- void DiscardPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number);
+ // Invokes the loss detection algorithm and loses and retransmits packets if
+ // necessary.
+ void InvokeLossDetection(QuicTime time);
+ // Invokes OnCongestionEvent if |rtt_updated| is true, there are pending acks,
+ // or pending losses. Clears pending acks and pending losses afterwards.
+ // |bytes_in_flight| is the number of bytes in flight before the losses or
+ // acks.
+ void MaybeInvokeCongestionEvent(bool rtt_updated,
+ QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight);
+ // Marks |sequence_number| as having been revived by the peer, but not
+ // received, so the packet remains pending if it is and the congestion control
+ // does not consider the packet acked.
+ void MarkPacketRevived(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
+ QuicTime::Delta delta_largest_observed);
+ // Removes the retransmittability and pending properties from the packet at
+ // |it| due to receipt by the peer. Returns an iterator to the next remaining
+ // unacked packet.
+ QuicUnackedPacketMap::const_iterator MarkPacketHandled(
+ QuicUnackedPacketMap::const_iterator it,
+ QuicTime::Delta delta_largest_observed);
// Request that |sequence_number| be retransmitted after the other pending
- // retransmissions. Returns false if there are no retransmittable frames for
- // |sequence_number| and true if it will be retransmitted.
- bool MarkForRetransmission(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
+ // retransmissions. Does not add it to the retransmissions if it's already
+ // a pending retransmission.
+ void MarkForRetransmission(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
TransmissionType transmission_type);
- // Returns the length of the serialized sequence number for
- // the packet |sequence_number|.
- QuicSequenceNumberLength GetSequenceNumberLength(
- QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number) const;
- // Clears up to |num_to_clear| previous transmissions in order to make room
- // in the ack frame for new acks.
- void ClearPreviousRetransmissions(size_t num_to_clear);
- void CleanupPacketHistory();
+ // Notify observers about spurious retransmits.
+ void RecordSpuriousRetransmissions(
+ const SequenceNumberSet& all_transmissions,
+ QuicPacketSequenceNumber acked_sequence_number);
// Newly serialized retransmittable and fec packets are added to this map,
// which contains owning pointers to any contained frames. If a packet is
@@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
// If the old packet is acked before the new packet, then the old entry will
// be removed from the map and the new entry's retransmittable frames will be
// set to NULL.
- UnackedPacketMap unacked_packets_;
+ QuicUnackedPacketMap unacked_packets_;
// Pending retransmissions which have not been packetized and sent yet.
PendingRetransmissionMap pending_retransmissions_;
@@ -279,25 +278,35 @@ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
// Tracks if the connection was created by the server.
bool is_server_;
- HelperInterface* helper_;
// An AckNotifier can register to be informed when ACKs have been received for
// all packets that a given block of data was sent in. The AckNotifierManager
// maintains the currently active notifiers.
AckNotifierManager ack_notifier_manager_;
const QuicClock* clock_;
+ QuicConnectionStats* stats_;
+ DebugDelegate* debug_delegate_;
+ RttStats rtt_stats_;
scoped_ptr<SendAlgorithmInterface> send_algorithm_;
- // Tracks the send time, size, and nack count of sent packets. Packets are
- // removed after 5 seconds and they've been removed from pending_packets_.
- SendAlgorithmInterface::SentPacketsMap packet_history_map_;
- // Packets that are outstanding and have not been abandoned or lost.
- SequenceNumberSet pending_packets_;
- QuicTime::Delta rtt_sample_; // RTT estimate from the most recent ACK.
+ scoped_ptr<LossDetectionInterface> loss_algorithm_;
+ QuicPacketSequenceNumber largest_observed_; // From the most recent ACK.
// Number of times the RTO timer has fired in a row without receiving an ack.
size_t consecutive_rto_count_;
+ // Number of times the tail loss probe has been sent.
+ size_t consecutive_tlp_count_;
+ // Number of times the crypto handshake has been retransmitted.
+ size_t consecutive_crypto_retransmission_count_;
+ // Whether a tlp packet can be sent even if the send algorithm says not to.
+ bool pending_tlp_transmission_;
+ // Maximum number of tail loss probes to send before firing an RTO.
+ size_t max_tail_loss_probes_;
bool using_pacing_;
+ // Sets of packets acked and lost as a result of the last congestion event.
+ SendAlgorithmInterface::CongestionMap packets_acked_;
+ SendAlgorithmInterface::CongestionMap packets_lost_;