path: root/chromium/ppapi/proxy/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ppapi/proxy/')
1 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ppapi/proxy/ b/chromium/ppapi/proxy/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b9f0e7918d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/ppapi/proxy/
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
+#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h"
+#include "ppapi/c/ppb_video_decoder.h"
+#include "ppapi/proxy/locking_resource_releaser.h"
+#include "ppapi/proxy/plugin_message_filter.h"
+#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_message_utils.h"
+#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages.h"
+#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_proxy_test.h"
+#include "ppapi/proxy/ppb_graphics_3d_proxy.h"
+#include "ppapi/proxy/video_decoder_constants.h"
+#include "ppapi/proxy/video_decoder_resource.h"
+#include "ppapi/shared_impl/proxy_lock.h"
+#include "ppapi/thunk/thunk.h"
+using ppapi::proxy::ResourceMessageTestSink;
+namespace ppapi {
+namespace proxy {
+namespace {
+const PP_Bool kAllowSoftwareFallback = PP_TRUE;
+const PP_Resource kGraphics3D = 7;
+const uint32_t kShmSize = 256;
+const size_t kDecodeBufferSize = 16;
+const uint32_t kDecodeId = 5;
+const uint32_t kTextureId1 = 1;
+const uint32_t kTextureId2 = 2;
+const uint32_t kNumRequestedTextures = 2;
+class MockCompletionCallback {
+ public:
+ MockCompletionCallback() : called_(false) {}
+ bool called() { return called_; }
+ int32_t result() { return result_; }
+ void Reset() { called_ = false; }
+ static void Callback(void* user_data, int32_t result) {
+ MockCompletionCallback* that =
+ reinterpret_cast<MockCompletionCallback*>(user_data);
+ that->called_ = true;
+ that->result_ = result;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool called_;
+ int32_t result_;
+class VideoDecoderResourceTest : public PluginProxyTest {
+ public:
+ VideoDecoderResourceTest()
+ : decoder_iface_(thunk::GetPPB_VideoDecoder_0_1_Thunk()) {}
+ const PPB_VideoDecoder_0_1* decoder_iface() const { return decoder_iface_; }
+ void SendReply(const ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
+ int32_t result,
+ const IPC::Message& nested_message) {
+ ResourceMessageReplyParams reply_params(params.pp_resource(),
+ params.sequence());
+ reply_params.set_result(result);
+ PluginMessageFilter::DispatchResourceReplyForTest(reply_params,
+ nested_message);
+ }
+ void SendReplyWithHandle(const ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
+ int32_t result,
+ const IPC::Message& nested_message,
+ const SerializedHandle& handle) {
+ ResourceMessageReplyParams reply_params(params.pp_resource(),
+ params.sequence());
+ reply_params.set_result(result);
+ reply_params.AppendHandle(handle);
+ PluginMessageFilter::DispatchResourceReplyForTest(reply_params,
+ nested_message);
+ }
+ PP_Resource CreateDecoder() {
+ PP_Resource result = decoder_iface()->Create(pp_instance());
+ if (result) {
+ ProxyAutoLock lock;
+ ppapi::Resource* resource =
+ GetGlobals()->GetResourceTracker()->GetResource(result);
+ proxy::VideoDecoderResource* decoder =
+ static_cast<proxy::VideoDecoderResource*>(resource);
+ decoder->SetForTest();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ PP_Resource CreateGraphics3d() {
+ ProxyAutoLock lock;
+ HostResource host_resource;
+ host_resource.SetHostResource(pp_instance(), kGraphics3D);
+ scoped_refptr<ppapi::proxy::Graphics3D> graphics_3d(
+ new ppapi::proxy::Graphics3D(host_resource));
+ return graphics_3d->GetReference();
+ }
+ PP_Resource CreateAndInitializeDecoder() {
+ PP_Resource decoder = CreateDecoder();
+ LockingResourceReleaser graphics3d(CreateGraphics3d());
+ MockCompletionCallback cb;
+ int32_t result = decoder_iface()->Initialize(
+ decoder,
+ graphics3d.get(),
+ PP_TRUE /* allow_software_fallback */,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(&MockCompletionCallback::Callback,
+ &cb));
+ return 0;
+ ResourceMessageCallParams params;
+ IPC::Message msg;
+ if (!sink().GetFirstResourceCallMatching(
+ PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_Initialize::ID, &params, &msg))
+ return 0;
+ sink().ClearMessages();
+ SendReply(params, PP_OK, PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_InitializeReply());
+ return decoder;
+ }
+ int32_t CallDecode(PP_Resource pp_decoder,
+ MockCompletionCallback* cb,
+ const PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShm* expected_shm_msg) {
+ // Set up a handler in case the resource sends a sync message to create
+ // shared memory.
+ PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShmReply shm_msg_reply(kShmSize);
+ ResourceSyncCallHandler shm_msg_handler(
+ &sink(), PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShm::ID, PP_OK, shm_msg_reply);
+ sink().AddFilter(&shm_msg_handler);
+ base::SharedMemory shm;
+ if (expected_shm_msg) {
+ shm.CreateAnonymous(kShmSize);
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle shm_handle;
+ shm.ShareToProcess(base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(), &shm_handle);
+ SerializedHandle serialized_handle(shm_handle, kShmSize);
+ shm_msg_handler.set_serialized_handle(&serialized_handle);
+ }
+ memset(decode_buffer_, 0x55, kDecodeBufferSize);
+ int32_t result =
+ decoder_iface()->Decode(pp_decoder,
+ kDecodeId,
+ kDecodeBufferSize,
+ decode_buffer_,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(
+ &MockCompletionCallback::Callback, cb));
+ if (expected_shm_msg) {
+ uint32_t shm_id, shm_size, expected_shm_id, expected_shm_size;
+ UnpackMessage<PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShm>(
+ *expected_shm_msg, &expected_shm_id, &expected_shm_size);
+ if (shm_msg_handler.last_handled_msg().type() == 0 ||
+ !UnpackMessage<PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShm>(
+ shm_msg_handler.last_handled_msg(), &shm_id, &shm_size) ||
+ shm_id != expected_shm_id ||
+ shm_size != expected_shm_size) {
+ // Signal that the expected shm message wasn't sent by failing.
+ result = PP_ERROR_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ sink().RemoveFilter(&shm_msg_handler);
+ return result;
+ }
+ int32_t CallGetPicture(PP_Resource pp_decoder,
+ PP_VideoPicture* picture,
+ MockCompletionCallback* cb) {
+ int32_t result =
+ decoder_iface()->GetPicture(pp_decoder,
+ picture,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(
+ &MockCompletionCallback::Callback, cb));
+ return result;
+ }
+ void CallRecyclePicture(PP_Resource pp_decoder,
+ const PP_VideoPicture& picture) {
+ decoder_iface()->RecyclePicture(pp_decoder, &picture);
+ }
+ int32_t CallFlush(PP_Resource pp_decoder, MockCompletionCallback* cb) {
+ int32_t result =
+ decoder_iface()->Flush(pp_decoder,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(
+ &MockCompletionCallback::Callback, cb));
+ return result;
+ }
+ int32_t CallReset(PP_Resource pp_decoder, MockCompletionCallback* cb) {
+ int32_t result =
+ decoder_iface()->Reset(pp_decoder,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(
+ &MockCompletionCallback::Callback, cb));
+ return result;
+ }
+ void SendDecodeReply(const ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
+ uint32_t shm_id) {
+ SendReply(params, PP_OK, PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_DecodeReply(shm_id));
+ }
+ void SendPictureReady(const ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
+ uint32_t decode_count,
+ uint32_t texture_id) {
+ SendReply(
+ params,
+ PP_OK,
+ PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_PictureReady(decode_count, texture_id));
+ }
+ void SendFlushReply(const ResourceMessageCallParams& params) {
+ SendReply(params, PP_OK, PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_FlushReply());
+ }
+ void SendResetReply(const ResourceMessageCallParams& params) {
+ SendReply(params, PP_OK, PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_ResetReply());
+ }
+ void SendRequestTextures(const ResourceMessageCallParams& params) {
+ SendReply(params,
+ PP_OK,
+ PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_RequestTextures(
+ kNumRequestedTextures,
+ PP_MakeSize(320, 240),
+ std::vector<gpu::Mailbox>()));
+ }
+ void SendNotifyError(const ResourceMessageCallParams& params, int32_t error) {
+ SendReply(params, PP_OK, PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_NotifyError(error));
+ }
+ bool CheckDecodeMsg(ResourceMessageCallParams* params,
+ uint32_t* shm_id,
+ uint32_t* size,
+ int32_t* decode_id) {
+ IPC::Message msg;
+ if (!sink().GetFirstResourceCallMatching(
+ PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_Decode::ID, params, &msg))
+ return false;
+ sink().ClearMessages();
+ return UnpackMessage<PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_Decode>(
+ msg, shm_id, size, decode_id);
+ }
+ bool CheckRecyclePictureMsg(ResourceMessageCallParams* params,
+ uint32_t* texture_id) {
+ IPC::Message msg;
+ if (!sink().GetFirstResourceCallMatching(
+ PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_RecyclePicture::ID, params, &msg))
+ return false;
+ sink().ClearMessages();
+ return UnpackMessage<PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_RecyclePicture>(msg,
+ texture_id);
+ }
+ bool CheckFlushMsg(ResourceMessageCallParams* params) {
+ return CheckMsg(params, PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_Flush::ID);
+ }
+ bool CheckResetMsg(ResourceMessageCallParams* params) {
+ return CheckMsg(params, PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_Reset::ID);
+ }
+ void ClearCallbacks(PP_Resource pp_decoder) {
+ ResourceMessageCallParams params;
+ MockCompletionCallback cb;
+ // Reset to abort Decode and GetPicture callbacks.
+ CallReset(pp_decoder, &cb);
+ // Initialize params so we can reply to the Reset.
+ CheckResetMsg(&params);
+ // Run the Reset callback.
+ SendResetReply(params);
+ }
+ private:
+ bool CheckMsg(ResourceMessageCallParams* params, int id) {
+ IPC::Message msg;
+ if (!sink().GetFirstResourceCallMatching(id, params, &msg))
+ return false;
+ sink().ClearMessages();
+ return true;
+ }
+ const PPB_VideoDecoder_0_1* decoder_iface_;
+ char decode_buffer_[kDecodeBufferSize];
+} // namespace
+TEST_F(VideoDecoderResourceTest, Initialize) {
+ // Initialize with 0 graphics3d_context should fail.
+ {
+ LockingResourceReleaser decoder(CreateDecoder());
+ MockCompletionCallback cb;
+ int32_t result = decoder_iface()->Initialize(
+ decoder.get(),
+ 0 /* invalid 3d graphics */,
+ kAllowSoftwareFallback,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(&MockCompletionCallback::Callback,
+ &cb));
+ }
+ // Initialize with bad profile value should fail.
+ {
+ LockingResourceReleaser decoder(CreateDecoder());
+ MockCompletionCallback cb;
+ int32_t result = decoder_iface()->Initialize(
+ decoder.get(),
+ 1 /* non-zero resource */,
+ static_cast<PP_VideoProfile>(-1),
+ kAllowSoftwareFallback,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(&MockCompletionCallback::Callback,
+ &cb));
+ }
+ // Initialize with valid graphics3d_context and profile should succeed.
+ {
+ LockingResourceReleaser decoder(CreateDecoder());
+ LockingResourceReleaser graphics3d(CreateGraphics3d());
+ MockCompletionCallback cb;
+ int32_t result = decoder_iface()->Initialize(
+ decoder.get(),
+ graphics3d.get(),
+ kAllowSoftwareFallback,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(&MockCompletionCallback::Callback,
+ &cb));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(decoder_iface()->IsVideoDecoder(decoder.get()));
+ // Another attempt while pending should fail.
+ result = decoder_iface()->Initialize(
+ decoder.get(),
+ graphics3d.get(),
+ kAllowSoftwareFallback,
+ PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(&MockCompletionCallback::Callback,
+ &cb));
+ // Check for host message and send a reply to complete initialization.
+ ResourceMessageCallParams params;
+ IPC::Message msg;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(sink().GetFirstResourceCallMatching(
+ PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_Initialize::ID, &params, &msg));
+ sink().ClearMessages();
+ SendReply(params, PP_OK, PpapiPluginMsg_VideoDecoder_InitializeReply());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, cb.result());
+ }
+TEST_F(VideoDecoderResourceTest, Uninitialized) {
+ // Operations on uninitialized decoders should fail.
+ LockingResourceReleaser decoder(CreateDecoder());
+ MockCompletionCallback uncalled_cb;
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_FAILED, CallDecode(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb, NULL));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_FAILED, CallGetPicture(decoder.get(), NULL, &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_FAILED, CallFlush(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_FAILED, CallReset(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+// TODO(bbudge) Fix sync message testing on Windows 64 bit builds. The reply
+// message for GetShm isn't received, causing Decode to fail.
+#if !defined(OS_WIN) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
+TEST_F(VideoDecoderResourceTest, DecodeAndGetPicture) {
+ LockingResourceReleaser decoder(CreateAndInitializeDecoder());
+ ResourceMessageCallParams params, params2;
+ MockCompletionCallback decode_cb, get_picture_cb, uncalled_cb;
+ uint32_t shm_id;
+ uint32_t decode_size;
+ int32_t decode_id;
+ // Call Decode until we have the maximum pending, minus one.
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaximumPendingDecodes - 1; i++) {
+ PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShm shm_msg(i, kDecodeBufferSize);
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, CallDecode(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb, &shm_msg));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ CheckDecodeMsg(&params, &shm_id, &decode_size, &decode_id);
+ ASSERT_EQ(i, shm_id);
+ ASSERT_EQ(kDecodeBufferSize, decode_size);
+ // The resource generates uids internally, starting at 1.
+ int32_t uid = i + 1;
+ ASSERT_EQ(uid, decode_id);
+ }
+ // Once we've allocated the maximum number of buffers, we must wait.
+ PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShm shm_msg(7U, kDecodeBufferSize);
+ CallDecode(decoder.get(), &decode_cb, &shm_msg));
+ CheckDecodeMsg(&params, &shm_id, &decode_size, &decode_id);
+ ASSERT_EQ(7U, shm_id);
+ ASSERT_EQ(kDecodeBufferSize, decode_size);
+ // Calling Decode when another Decode is pending should fail.
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_INPROGRESS, CallDecode(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb, NULL));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ // Free up the first decode buffer.
+ SendDecodeReply(params, 0U);
+ // The decoder should run the pending callback.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(decode_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, decode_cb.result());
+ decode_cb.Reset();
+ // Now try to get a picture. No picture ready message has been received yet.
+ PP_VideoPicture picture;
+ CallGetPicture(decoder.get(), &picture, &get_picture_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(get_picture_cb.called());
+ // Calling GetPicture when another GetPicture is pending should fail.
+ CallGetPicture(decoder.get(), &picture, &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ // Send 'request textures' message to initialize textures.
+ SendRequestTextures(params);
+ // Send a picture ready message for Decode call 1. The GetPicture callback
+ // should complete.
+ SendPictureReady(params, 1U, kTextureId1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(get_picture_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, get_picture_cb.result());
+ ASSERT_EQ(kDecodeId, picture.decode_id);
+ get_picture_cb.Reset();
+ // Send a picture ready message for Decode call 2. Since there is no pending
+ // GetPicture call, the picture should be queued.
+ SendPictureReady(params, 2U, kTextureId2);
+ // The next GetPicture should return synchronously.
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, CallGetPicture(decoder.get(), &picture, &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(kDecodeId, picture.decode_id);
+#endif // !defined(OS_WIN) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
+// TODO(bbudge) Fix sync message testing on Windows 64 bit builds. The reply
+// message for GetShm isn't received, causing Decode to fail.
+#if !defined(OS_WIN) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
+TEST_F(VideoDecoderResourceTest, RecyclePicture) {
+ LockingResourceReleaser decoder(CreateAndInitializeDecoder());
+ ResourceMessageCallParams params;
+ MockCompletionCallback decode_cb, get_picture_cb, uncalled_cb;
+ // Get to a state where we have a picture to recycle.
+ PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShm shm_msg(0U, kDecodeBufferSize);
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, CallDecode(decoder.get(), &decode_cb, &shm_msg));
+ uint32_t shm_id;
+ uint32_t decode_size;
+ int32_t decode_id;
+ CheckDecodeMsg(&params, &shm_id, &decode_size, &decode_id);
+ SendDecodeReply(params, 0U);
+ // Send 'request textures' message to initialize textures.
+ SendRequestTextures(params);
+ // Call GetPicture and send 'picture ready' message to get a picture to
+ // recycle.
+ PP_VideoPicture picture;
+ CallGetPicture(decoder.get(), &picture, &get_picture_cb));
+ SendPictureReady(params, 0U, kTextureId1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(kTextureId1, picture.texture_id);
+ CallRecyclePicture(decoder.get(), picture);
+ uint32_t texture_id;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckRecyclePictureMsg(&params, &texture_id));
+ ASSERT_EQ(kTextureId1, texture_id);
+ ClearCallbacks(decoder.get());
+#endif // !defined(OS_WIN) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
+TEST_F(VideoDecoderResourceTest, Flush) {
+ LockingResourceReleaser decoder(CreateAndInitializeDecoder());
+ ResourceMessageCallParams params, params2;
+ MockCompletionCallback flush_cb, get_picture_cb, uncalled_cb;
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING, CallFlush(decoder.get(), &flush_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(flush_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckFlushMsg(&params));
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_FAILED, CallDecode(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb, NULL));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ // Plugin can call GetPicture while Flush is pending.
+ CallGetPicture(decoder.get(), NULL, &get_picture_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(get_picture_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_INPROGRESS, CallFlush(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_FAILED, CallReset(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ // Plugin can call RecyclePicture while Flush is pending.
+ PP_VideoPicture picture;
+ picture.texture_id = kTextureId1;
+ CallRecyclePicture(decoder.get(), picture);
+ uint32_t texture_id;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckRecyclePictureMsg(&params2, &texture_id));
+ SendFlushReply(params);
+ // Any pending GetPicture call is aborted.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(get_picture_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_ABORTED, get_picture_cb.result());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(flush_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, flush_cb.result());
+// TODO(bbudge) Test Reset when we can run the message loop to get aborted
+// callbacks to run.
+// TODO(bbudge) Fix sync message testing on Windows 64 bit builds. The reply
+// message for GetShm isn't received, causing Decode to fail.
+#if !defined(OS_WIN) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
+TEST_F(VideoDecoderResourceTest, NotifyError) {
+ LockingResourceReleaser decoder(CreateAndInitializeDecoder());
+ ResourceMessageCallParams params;
+ MockCompletionCallback decode_cb, get_picture_cb, uncalled_cb;
+ // Call Decode and GetPicture to have some pending requests.
+ PpapiHostMsg_VideoDecoder_GetShm shm_msg(0U, kDecodeBufferSize);
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, CallDecode(decoder.get(), &decode_cb, &shm_msg));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(decode_cb.called());
+ CallGetPicture(decoder.get(), NULL, &get_picture_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(get_picture_cb.called());
+ // Send the decoder resource an unsolicited notify error message. We first
+ // need to initialize 'params' so the message is routed to the decoder.
+ uint32_t shm_id;
+ uint32_t decode_size;
+ int32_t decode_id;
+ CheckDecodeMsg(&params, &shm_id, &decode_size, &decode_id);
+ SendNotifyError(params, PP_ERROR_RESOURCE_FAILED);
+ // Any pending message should be run with the reported error.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(get_picture_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_RESOURCE_FAILED, get_picture_cb.result());
+ // All further calls return the reported error.
+ CallDecode(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb, NULL));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ CallGetPicture(decoder.get(), NULL, &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_RESOURCE_FAILED, CallFlush(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+ ASSERT_EQ(PP_ERROR_RESOURCE_FAILED, CallReset(decoder.get(), &uncalled_cb));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uncalled_cb.called());
+#endif // !defined(OS_WIN) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
+} // namespace proxy
+} // namespace ppapi