path: root/chromium/sync/engine/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/sync/engine/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 826 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/sync/engine/ b/chromium/sync/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 86d447eba38..00000000000
--- a/chromium/sync/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,826 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sync/engine/sync_directory_update_handler.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/stl_util.h"
-#include "sync/engine/syncer_proto_util.h"
-#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h"
-#include "sync/internal_api/public/test/test_entry_factory.h"
-#include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
-#include "sync/sessions/status_controller.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/directory.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/entry.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/mutable_entry.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/syncable_model_neutral_write_transaction.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/syncable_proto_util.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/syncable_read_transaction.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/syncable_write_transaction.h"
-#include "sync/test/engine/fake_model_worker.h"
-#include "sync/test/engine/test_directory_setter_upper.h"
-#include "sync/test/engine/test_id_factory.h"
-#include "sync/test/engine/test_syncable_utils.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace syncer {
-using syncable::UNITTEST;
-// A test harness for tests that focus on processing updates.
-// Update processing is what occurs when we first download updates. It converts
-// the received protobuf message into information in the syncable::Directory.
-// Any invalid or redundant updates will be dropped at this point.
-class SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerProcessUpdateTest : public ::testing::Test {
- public:
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerProcessUpdateTest()
- : ui_worker_(new FakeModelWorker(GROUP_UI)) {
- }
- virtual ~SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerProcessUpdateTest() {}
- virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
- dir_maker_.SetUp();
- }
- virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
- dir_maker_.TearDown();
- }
- syncable::Directory* dir() {
- return;
- }
- protected:
- scoped_ptr<sync_pb::SyncEntity> CreateUpdate(
- const std::string& id,
- const std::string& parent,
- const ModelType& type);
- // This exists mostly to give tests access to the protected member function.
- // Warning: This takes the syncable directory lock.
- void UpdateSyncEntities(
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler* handler,
- const SyncEntityList& applicable_updates,
- sessions::StatusController* status);
- // Another function to access private member functions.
- void UpdateProgressMarkers(
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler* handler,
- const sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker& progress);
- scoped_refptr<FakeModelWorker> ui_worker() {
- return ui_worker_;
- }
- private:
- base::MessageLoop loop_; // Needed to initialize the directory.
- TestDirectorySetterUpper dir_maker_;
- scoped_refptr<FakeModelWorker> ui_worker_;
- const std::string& id,
- const std::string& parent,
- const ModelType& type) {
- scoped_ptr<sync_pb::SyncEntity> e(new sync_pb::SyncEntity());
- e->set_id_string(id);
- e->set_parent_id_string(parent);
- e->set_non_unique_name(id);
- e->set_name(id);
- e->set_version(1000);
- AddDefaultFieldValue(type, e->mutable_specifics());
- return e.Pass();
-void SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerProcessUpdateTest::UpdateSyncEntities(
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler* handler,
- const SyncEntityList& applicable_updates,
- sessions::StatusController* status) {
- syncable::ModelNeutralWriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir());
- handler->UpdateSyncEntities(&trans, applicable_updates, status);
-void SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerProcessUpdateTest::UpdateProgressMarkers(
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler* handler,
- const sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker& progress) {
- handler->UpdateProgressMarker(progress);
-static const char kCacheGuid[] = "IrcjZ2jyzHDV9Io4+zKcXQ==";
-// Test that the bookmark tag is set on newly downloaded items.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerProcessUpdateTest, NewBookmarkTag) {
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler handler(dir(), BOOKMARKS, ui_worker());
- sync_pb::GetUpdatesResponse gu_response;
- sessions::StatusController status;
- // Add a bookmark item to the update message.
- std::string root = syncable::GetNullId().GetServerId();
- syncable::Id server_id = syncable::Id::CreateFromServerId("b1");
- scoped_ptr<sync_pb::SyncEntity> e =
- CreateUpdate(SyncableIdToProto(server_id), root, BOOKMARKS);
- e->set_originator_cache_guid(
- std::string(kCacheGuid, arraysize(kCacheGuid)-1));
- syncable::Id client_id = syncable::Id::CreateFromClientString("-2");
- e->set_originator_client_item_id(client_id.GetServerId());
- e->set_position_in_parent(0);
- // Add it to the applicable updates list.
- SyncEntityList bookmark_updates;
- bookmark_updates.push_back(e.get());
- // Process the update.
- UpdateSyncEntities(&handler, bookmark_updates, &status);
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir());
- syncable::Entry entry(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, server_id);
- ASSERT_TRUE(entry.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(UniquePosition::IsValidSuffix(entry.GetUniqueBookmarkTag()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(entry.GetServerUniquePosition().IsValid());
- // If this assertion fails, that might indicate that the algorithm used to
- // generate bookmark tags has been modified. This could have implications for
- // bookmark ordering. Please make sure you know what you're doing if you
- // intend to make such a change.
- EXPECT_EQ("6wHRAb3kbnXV5GHrejp4/c1y5tw=", entry.GetUniqueBookmarkTag());
-// Test the receipt of a type root node.
- ReceiveServerCreatedBookmarkFolders) {
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler handler(dir(), BOOKMARKS, ui_worker());
- sync_pb::GetUpdatesResponse gu_response;
- sessions::StatusController status;
- // Create an update that mimics the bookmark root.
- syncable::Id server_id = syncable::Id::CreateFromServerId("xyz");
- std::string root = syncable::GetNullId().GetServerId();
- scoped_ptr<sync_pb::SyncEntity> e =
- CreateUpdate(SyncableIdToProto(server_id), root, BOOKMARKS);
- e->set_server_defined_unique_tag("google_chrome_bookmarks");
- e->set_folder(true);
- // Add it to the applicable updates list.
- SyncEntityList bookmark_updates;
- bookmark_updates.push_back(e.get());
- EXPECT_FALSE(SyncerProtoUtil::ShouldMaintainPosition(*e));
- // Process it.
- UpdateSyncEntities(&handler, bookmark_updates, &status);
- // Verify the results.
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir());
- syncable::Entry entry(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, server_id);
- ASSERT_TRUE(entry.good());
- EXPECT_FALSE(entry.ShouldMaintainPosition());
- EXPECT_FALSE(entry.GetUniquePosition().IsValid());
- EXPECT_FALSE(entry.GetServerUniquePosition().IsValid());
- EXPECT_TRUE(entry.GetUniqueBookmarkTag().empty());
-// Test the receipt of a non-bookmark item.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerProcessUpdateTest, ReceiveNonBookmarkItem) {
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler handler(dir(), PREFERENCES, ui_worker());
- sync_pb::GetUpdatesResponse gu_response;
- sessions::StatusController status;
- std::string root = syncable::GetNullId().GetServerId();
- syncable::Id server_id = syncable::Id::CreateFromServerId("xyz");
- scoped_ptr<sync_pb::SyncEntity> e =
- CreateUpdate(SyncableIdToProto(server_id), root, PREFERENCES);
- e->set_server_defined_unique_tag("9PGRuKdX5sHyGMB17CvYTXuC43I=");
- // Add it to the applicable updates list.
- SyncEntityList autofill_updates;
- autofill_updates.push_back(e.get());
- EXPECT_FALSE(SyncerProtoUtil::ShouldMaintainPosition(*e));
- // Process it.
- UpdateSyncEntities(&handler, autofill_updates, &status);
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir());
- syncable::Entry entry(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, server_id);
- ASSERT_TRUE(entry.good());
- EXPECT_FALSE(entry.ShouldMaintainPosition());
- EXPECT_FALSE(entry.GetUniquePosition().IsValid());
- EXPECT_FALSE(entry.GetServerUniquePosition().IsValid());
- EXPECT_TRUE(entry.GetUniqueBookmarkTag().empty());
-// Tests the setting of progress markers.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerProcessUpdateTest, ProcessNewProgressMarkers) {
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler handler(dir(), BOOKMARKS, ui_worker());
- sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker progress;
- progress.set_data_type_id(GetSpecificsFieldNumberFromModelType(BOOKMARKS));
- progress.set_token("token");
- UpdateProgressMarkers(&handler, progress);
- sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker saved;
- dir()->GetDownloadProgress(BOOKMARKS, &saved);
- EXPECT_EQ(progress.token(), saved.token());
- EXPECT_EQ(progress.data_type_id(), saved.data_type_id());
-// A test harness for tests that focus on applying updates.
-// Update application is performed when we want to take updates that were
-// previously downloaded, processed, and stored in our syncable::Directory
-// and use them to update our local state (both the Directory's local state
-// and the model's local state, though these tests focus only on the Directory's
-// local state).
-// This is kept separate from the update processing test in part for historical
-// reasons, and in part because these tests may require a bit more infrastrcture
-// in the future. Update application should happen on a different thread a lot
-// of the time so these tests may end up requiring more infrastructure than the
-// update processing tests. Currently, we're bypassing most of those issues by
-// using FakeModelWorkers, so there's not much difference between the two test
-// harnesses.
-class SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest : public ::testing::Test {
- public:
- SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest()
- : ui_worker_(new FakeModelWorker(GROUP_UI)),
- password_worker_(new FakeModelWorker(GROUP_PASSWORD)),
- passive_worker_(new FakeModelWorker(GROUP_PASSIVE)),
- update_handler_map_deleter_(&update_handler_map_) {}
- virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
- dir_maker_.SetUp();
- entry_factory_.reset(new TestEntryFactory(directory()));
- update_handler_map_.insert(std::make_pair(
- new SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler(directory(), BOOKMARKS, ui_worker_)));
- update_handler_map_.insert(std::make_pair(
- new SyncDirectoryUpdateHandler(directory(),
- password_worker_)));
- }
- virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
- dir_maker_.TearDown();
- }
- protected:
- void ApplyBookmarkUpdates(sessions::StatusController* status) {
- update_handler_map_[BOOKMARKS]->ApplyUpdates(status);
- }
- void ApplyPasswordUpdates(sessions::StatusController* status) {
- update_handler_map_[PASSWORDS]->ApplyUpdates(status);
- }
- TestEntryFactory* entry_factory() {
- return entry_factory_.get();
- }
- syncable::Directory* directory() {
- return;
- }
- private:
- base::MessageLoop loop_; // Needed to initialize the directory.
- TestDirectorySetterUpper dir_maker_;
- scoped_ptr<TestEntryFactory> entry_factory_;
- scoped_refptr<FakeModelWorker> ui_worker_;
- scoped_refptr<FakeModelWorker> password_worker_;
- scoped_refptr<FakeModelWorker> passive_worker_;
- UpdateHandlerMap update_handler_map_;
- STLValueDeleter<UpdateHandlerMap> update_handler_map_deleter_;
-namespace {
-sync_pb::EntitySpecifics DefaultBookmarkSpecifics() {
- sync_pb::EntitySpecifics result;
- AddDefaultFieldValue(BOOKMARKS, &result);
- return result;
-} // namespace
-// Test update application for a few bookmark items.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest, SimpleBookmark) {
- sessions::StatusController status;
- std::string root_server_id = syncable::GetNullId().GetServerId();
- int64 parent_handle =
- entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewBookmarkItemWithParent(
- "parent", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), root_server_id);
- int64 child_handle =
- entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewBookmarkItemWithParent(
- "child", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "parent");
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, status.num_encryption_conflicts())
- << "Simple update shouldn't result in conflicts";
- EXPECT_EQ(0, status.num_hierarchy_conflicts())
- << "Simple update shouldn't result in conflicts";
- EXPECT_EQ(2, status.num_updates_applied())
- << "All items should have been successfully applied";
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry parent(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, parent_handle);
- syncable::Entry child(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, child_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(parent.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(child.good());
- EXPECT_FALSE(parent.GetIsUnsynced());
- EXPECT_FALSE(parent.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(child.GetIsUnsynced());
- EXPECT_FALSE(child.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- }
-// Test that the applicator can handle updates delivered out of order.
- BookmarkChildrenBeforeParent) {
- // Start with some bookmarks whose parents are unknown.
- std::string root_server_id = syncable::GetNullId().GetServerId();
- int64 a_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewBookmarkItemWithParent(
- "a_child_created_first", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "parent");
- int64 x_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewBookmarkItemWithParent(
- "x_child_created_first", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "parent");
- // Update application will fail.
- sessions::StatusController status1;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status1);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, status1.num_updates_applied());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, status1.num_hierarchy_conflicts());
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry a(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, a_handle);
- syncable::Entry x(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, x_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(a.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(x.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(a.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(x.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- }
- // Now add their parent and a few siblings.
- entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewBookmarkItemWithParent(
- "parent", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), root_server_id);
- entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewBookmarkItemWithParent(
- "a_child_created_second", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "parent");
- entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewBookmarkItemWithParent(
- "x_child_created_second", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "parent");
- // Update application will succeed.
- sessions::StatusController status2;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status2);
- EXPECT_EQ(5, status2.num_updates_applied())
- << "All updates should have been successfully applied";
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry a(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, a_handle);
- syncable::Entry x(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, x_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(a.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(x.good());
- EXPECT_FALSE(a.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(x.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- }
-// Try to apply changes on an item that is both IS_UNSYNCED and
-// IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE. Conflict resolution should be performed.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest, SimpleBookmarkConflict) {
- int64 handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedAndUnsyncedBookmarkItem("x");
- int original_server_version = -10;
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry e(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
- original_server_version = e.GetServerVersion();
- ASSERT_NE(original_server_version, e.GetBaseVersion());
- EXPECT_TRUE(e.GetIsUnsynced());
- }
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, status.num_server_overwrites())
- << "Unsynced and unapplied item conflict should be resolved";
- EXPECT_EQ(0, status.num_updates_applied())
- << "Update should not be applied; we should override the server.";
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry e(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(e.good());
- EXPECT_EQ(original_server_version, e.GetServerVersion());
- EXPECT_EQ(original_server_version, e.GetBaseVersion());
- EXPECT_FALSE(e.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- // The unsynced flag will remain set until we successfully commit the item.
- EXPECT_TRUE(e.GetIsUnsynced());
- }
-// Create a simple conflict that is also a hierarchy conflict. If we were to
-// follow the normal "server wins" logic, we'd end up violating hierarchy
-// constraints. The hierarchy conflict must take precedence. We can not allow
-// the update to be applied. The item must remain in the conflict state.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest, HierarchyAndSimpleConflict) {
- // Create a simply-conflicting item. It will start with valid parent ids.
- int64 handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedAndUnsyncedBookmarkItem(
- "orphaned_by_server");
- {
- // Manually set the SERVER_PARENT_ID to bad value.
- // A bad parent indicates a hierarchy conflict.
- syncable::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, directory());
- syncable::MutableEntry entry(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(entry.good());
- entry.PutServerParentId(TestIdFactory::MakeServer("bogus_parent"));
- }
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, status.num_updates_applied());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, status.num_server_overwrites());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, status.num_hierarchy_conflicts());
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry e(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(e.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(e.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(e.GetIsUnsynced());
- }
-// Attempt to apply an udpate that would create a bookmark folder loop. This
-// application should fail.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest, BookmarkFolderLoop) {
- // Item 'X' locally has parent of 'root'. Server is updating it to have
- // parent of 'Y'.
- // Create it as a child of root node.
- int64 handle = entry_factory()->CreateSyncedItem("X", BOOKMARKS, true);
- {
- syncable::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, directory());
- syncable::MutableEntry entry(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(entry.good());
- // Re-parent from root to "Y"
- entry.PutServerVersion(entry_factory()->GetNextRevision());
- entry.PutIsUnappliedUpdate(true);
- entry.PutServerParentId(TestIdFactory::MakeServer("Y"));
- }
- // Item 'Y' is child of 'X'.
- entry_factory()->CreateUnsyncedItem(
- TestIdFactory::MakeServer("Y"), TestIdFactory::MakeServer("X"), "Y", true,
- // If the server's update were applied, we would have X be a child of Y, and Y
- // as a child of X. That's a directory loop. The UpdateApplicator should
- // prevent the update from being applied and note that this is a hierarchy
- // conflict.
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- // This should count as a hierarchy conflict.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, status.num_hierarchy_conflicts());
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry e(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(e.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(e.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(e.GetIsUnsynced());
- }
-// Test update application where the update has been orphaned by a local folder
-// deletion. The update application attempt should fail.
- HierarchyConflictDeletedParent) {
- // Create a locally deleted parent item.
- int64 parent_handle;
- entry_factory()->CreateUnsyncedItem(
- syncable::Id::CreateFromServerId("parent"), TestIdFactory::root(),
- "parent", true, BOOKMARKS, &parent_handle);
- {
- syncable::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, directory());
- syncable::MutableEntry entry(&trans,
- syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE,
- parent_handle);
- entry.PutIsDel(true);
- }
- // Create an incoming child from the server.
- int64 child_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "child", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "parent");
- // The server's update may seem valid to some other client, but on this client
- // that new item's parent no longer exists. The update should not be applied
- // and the update applicator should indicate this is a hierarchy conflict.
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, status.num_hierarchy_conflicts());
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry child(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, child_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(child.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(child.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(child.GetIsUnsynced());
- }
-// Attempt to apply an update that deletes a folder where the folder has
-// locally-created children. The update application should fail.
- HierarchyConflictDeleteNonEmptyDirectory) {
- // Create a server-deleted folder as a child of root node.
- int64 parent_handle =
- entry_factory()->CreateSyncedItem("parent", BOOKMARKS, true);
- {
- syncable::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, directory());
- syncable::MutableEntry entry(&trans,
- syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE,
- parent_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(entry.good());
- // Delete it on the server.
- entry.PutServerVersion(entry_factory()->GetNextRevision());
- entry.PutIsUnappliedUpdate(true);
- entry.PutServerParentId(TestIdFactory::root());
- entry.PutServerIsDel(true);
- }
- // Create a local child of the server-deleted directory.
- entry_factory()->CreateUnsyncedItem(
- TestIdFactory::MakeServer("child"), TestIdFactory::MakeServer("parent"),
- "child", false, BOOKMARKS, NULL);
- // The server's request to delete the directory must be ignored, otherwise our
- // unsynced new child would be orphaned. This is a hierarchy conflict.
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- // This should count as a hierarchy conflict.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, status.num_hierarchy_conflicts());
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry parent(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, parent_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(parent.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(parent.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(parent.GetIsUnsynced());
- }
-// Attempt to apply updates where the updated item's parent is not known to this
-// client. The update application attempt should fail.
- HierarchyConflictUnknownParent) {
- // We shouldn't be able to do anything with either of these items.
- int64 x_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "some_item", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "unknown_parent");
- int64 y_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "some_other_item", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "some_item");
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, status.num_hierarchy_conflicts())
- << "All updates with an unknown ancestors should be in conflict";
- EXPECT_EQ(0, status.num_updates_applied())
- << "No item with an unknown ancestor should be applied";
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry x(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, x_handle);
- syncable::Entry y(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, y_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(x.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(y.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(x.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(y.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(x.GetIsUnsynced());
- EXPECT_FALSE(y.GetIsUnsynced());
- }
-// Attempt application of a mix of items. Some update application attempts will
-// fail due to hierarchy conflicts. Others should succeed.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest, ItemsBothKnownAndUnknown) {
- // See what happens when there's a mixture of good and bad updates.
- std::string root_server_id = syncable::GetNullId().GetServerId();
- int64 u1_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "first_unknown_item", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "unknown_parent");
- int64 k1_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "first_known_item", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), root_server_id);
- int64 u2_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "second_unknown_item", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "unknown_parent");
- int64 k2_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "second_known_item", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "first_known_item");
- int64 k3_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "third_known_item", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), "fourth_known_item");
- int64 k4_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "fourth_known_item", DefaultBookmarkSpecifics(), root_server_id);
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, status.num_hierarchy_conflicts())
- << "The updates with unknown ancestors should be in conflict";
- EXPECT_EQ(4, status.num_updates_applied())
- << "The updates with known ancestors should be successfully applied";
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry u1(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, u1_handle);
- syncable::Entry u2(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, u2_handle);
- syncable::Entry k1(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, k1_handle);
- syncable::Entry k2(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, k2_handle);
- syncable::Entry k3(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, k3_handle);
- syncable::Entry k4(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, k4_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(u1.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(u2.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(k1.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(k2.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(k3.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(k4.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(u1.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(u2.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(k1.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(k2.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(k3.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(k4.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- }
-// Attempt application of password upates where the passphrase is known.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest, DecryptablePassword) {
- // Decryptable password updates should be applied.
- Cryptographer* cryptographer;
- {
- // Storing the cryptographer separately is bad, but for this test we
- // know it's safe.
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- cryptographer = directory()->GetCryptographer(&trans);
- }
- KeyParams params = {"localhost", "dummy", "foobar"};
- cryptographer->AddKey(params);
- sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics;
- sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData data;
- data.set_origin("");
- cryptographer->Encrypt(data,
- specifics.mutable_password()->mutable_encrypted());
- int64 handle =
- entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItem("item", specifics, false);
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyPasswordUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, status.num_updates_applied())
- << "The updates that can be decrypted should be applied";
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry e(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(e.good());
- EXPECT_FALSE(e.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_FALSE(e.GetIsUnsynced());
- }
-// Attempt application of encrypted items when the passphrase is not known.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest, UndecryptableData) {
- // Undecryptable updates should not be applied.
- sync_pb::EntitySpecifics encrypted_bookmark;
- encrypted_bookmark.mutable_encrypted();
- AddDefaultFieldValue(BOOKMARKS, &encrypted_bookmark);
- std::string root_server_id = syncable::GetNullId().GetServerId();
- int64 folder_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItemWithParent(
- "folder",
- encrypted_bookmark,
- root_server_id);
- int64 bookmark_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItem(
- "item2",
- encrypted_bookmark,
- false);
- sync_pb::EntitySpecifics encrypted_password;
- encrypted_password.mutable_password();
- int64 password_handle = entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItem(
- "item3",
- encrypted_password,
- false);
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyBookmarkUpdates(&status);
- ApplyPasswordUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(3, status.num_encryption_conflicts())
- << "Updates that can't be decrypted should be in encryption conflict";
- EXPECT_EQ(0, status.num_updates_applied())
- << "No update that can't be decrypted should be applied";
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry folder(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, folder_handle);
- syncable::Entry bm(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, bookmark_handle);
- syncable::Entry pw(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, password_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(folder.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(bm.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(pw.good());
- EXPECT_TRUE(folder.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(bm.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(pw.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- }
-// Test a mix of decryptable and undecryptable updates.
-TEST_F(SyncDirectoryUpdateHandlerApplyUpdateTest, SomeUndecryptablePassword) {
- Cryptographer* cryptographer;
- int64 decryptable_handle = -1;
- int64 undecryptable_handle = -1;
- // Only decryptable password updates should be applied.
- {
- sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics;
- sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData data;
- data.set_origin("");
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- cryptographer = directory()->GetCryptographer(&trans);
- KeyParams params = {"localhost", "dummy", "foobar"};
- cryptographer->AddKey(params);
- cryptographer->Encrypt(data,
- specifics.mutable_password()->mutable_encrypted());
- }
- decryptable_handle =
- entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItem("item1", specifics, false);
- }
- {
- // Create a new cryptographer, independent of the one in the session.
- Cryptographer other_cryptographer(cryptographer->encryptor());
- KeyParams params = {"localhost", "dummy", "bazqux"};
- other_cryptographer.AddKey(params);
- sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics;
- sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData data;
- data.set_origin("");
- other_cryptographer.Encrypt(data,
- specifics.mutable_password()->mutable_encrypted());
- undecryptable_handle =
- entry_factory()->CreateUnappliedNewItem("item2", specifics, false);
- }
- sessions::StatusController status;
- ApplyPasswordUpdates(&status);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, status.num_encryption_conflicts())
- << "The updates that can't be decrypted should be in encryption "
- << "conflict";
- EXPECT_EQ(1, status.num_updates_applied())
- << "The undecryptable password update shouldn't be applied";
- {
- syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
- syncable::Entry e1(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, decryptable_handle);
- syncable::Entry e2(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, undecryptable_handle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(e1.good());
- ASSERT_TRUE(e2.good());
- EXPECT_FALSE(e1.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(e2.GetIsUnappliedUpdate());
- }
-} // namespace syncer