path: root/chromium/sync/util/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/sync/util/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 361 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/sync/util/ b/chromium/sync/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f378125a7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/sync/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sync/util/cryptographer.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "base/base64.h"
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "sync/protocol/nigori_specifics.pb.h"
-#include "sync/util/encryptor.h"
-namespace syncer {
-const char kNigoriTag[] = "google_chrome_nigori";
-// We name a particular Nigori instance (ie. a triplet consisting of a hostname,
-// a username, and a password) by calling Permute on this string. Since the
-// output of Permute is always the same for a given triplet, clients will always
-// assign the same name to a particular triplet.
-const char kNigoriKeyName[] = "nigori-key";
-Cryptographer::Cryptographer(Encryptor* encryptor)
- : encryptor_(encryptor) {
- DCHECK(encryptor);
-Cryptographer::~Cryptographer() {}
-void Cryptographer::Bootstrap(const std::string& restored_bootstrap_token) {
- if (is_initialized()) {
- return;
- }
- std::string serialized_nigori_key =
- UnpackBootstrapToken(restored_bootstrap_token);
- if (serialized_nigori_key.empty())
- return;
- ImportNigoriKey(serialized_nigori_key);
-bool Cryptographer::CanDecrypt(const sync_pb::EncryptedData& data) const {
- return nigoris_.end() != nigoris_.find(data.key_name());
-bool Cryptographer::CanDecryptUsingDefaultKey(
- const sync_pb::EncryptedData& data) const {
- return !default_nigori_name_.empty() &&
- data.key_name() == default_nigori_name_;
-bool Cryptographer::Encrypt(
- const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& message,
- sync_pb::EncryptedData* encrypted) const {
- DCHECK(encrypted);
- if (default_nigori_name_.empty()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Cryptographer not ready, failed to encrypt.";
- return false;
- }
- std::string serialized;
- if (!message.SerializeToString(&serialized)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Message is invalid/missing a required field.";
- return false;
- }
- return EncryptString(serialized, encrypted);
-bool Cryptographer::EncryptString(
- const std::string& serialized,
- sync_pb::EncryptedData* encrypted) const {
- if (CanDecryptUsingDefaultKey(*encrypted)) {
- const std::string& original_serialized = DecryptToString(*encrypted);
- if (original_serialized == serialized) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Re-encryption unnecessary, encrypted data already matches.";
- return true;
- }
- }
- NigoriMap::const_iterator default_nigori =
- nigoris_.find(default_nigori_name_);
- if (default_nigori == nigoris_.end()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Corrupt default key.";
- return false;
- }
- encrypted->set_key_name(default_nigori_name_);
- if (!default_nigori->second->Encrypt(serialized,
- encrypted->mutable_blob())) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encrypt data.";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool Cryptographer::Decrypt(const sync_pb::EncryptedData& encrypted,
- ::google::protobuf::MessageLite* message) const {
- DCHECK(message);
- std::string plaintext = DecryptToString(encrypted);
- return message->ParseFromString(plaintext);
-std::string Cryptographer::DecryptToString(
- const sync_pb::EncryptedData& encrypted) const {
- NigoriMap::const_iterator it = nigoris_.find(encrypted.key_name());
- if (nigoris_.end() == it) {
- NOTREACHED() << "Cannot decrypt message";
- return std::string(); // Caller should have called CanDecrypt(encrypt).
- }
- std::string plaintext;
- if (!it->second->Decrypt(encrypted.blob(), &plaintext)) {
- return std::string();
- }
- return plaintext;
-bool Cryptographer::GetKeys(sync_pb::EncryptedData* encrypted) const {
- DCHECK(encrypted);
- DCHECK(!nigoris_.empty());
- // Create a bag of all the Nigori parameters we know about.
- sync_pb::NigoriKeyBag bag;
- for (NigoriMap::const_iterator it = nigoris_.begin(); it != nigoris_.end();
- ++it) {
- const Nigori& nigori = *it->second;
- sync_pb::NigoriKey* key = bag.add_key();
- key->set_name(it->first);
- nigori.ExportKeys(key->mutable_user_key(),
- key->mutable_encryption_key(),
- key->mutable_mac_key());
- }
- // Encrypt the bag with the default Nigori.
- return Encrypt(bag, encrypted);
-bool Cryptographer::AddKey(const KeyParams& params) {
- // Create the new Nigori and make it the default encryptor.
- scoped_ptr<Nigori> nigori(new Nigori);
- if (!nigori->InitByDerivation(params.hostname,
- params.username,
- params.password)) {
- NOTREACHED(); // Invalid username or password.
- return false;
- }
- return AddKeyImpl(nigori.Pass(), true);
-bool Cryptographer::AddNonDefaultKey(const KeyParams& params) {
- DCHECK(is_initialized());
- // Create the new Nigori and add it to the keybag.
- scoped_ptr<Nigori> nigori(new Nigori);
- if (!nigori->InitByDerivation(params.hostname,
- params.username,
- params.password)) {
- NOTREACHED(); // Invalid username or password.
- return false;
- }
- return AddKeyImpl(nigori.Pass(), false);
-bool Cryptographer::AddKeyFromBootstrapToken(
- const std::string restored_bootstrap_token) {
- // Create the new Nigori and make it the default encryptor.
- std::string serialized_nigori_key = UnpackBootstrapToken(
- restored_bootstrap_token);
- return ImportNigoriKey(serialized_nigori_key);
-bool Cryptographer::AddKeyImpl(scoped_ptr<Nigori> initialized_nigori,
- bool set_as_default) {
- std::string name;
- if (!initialized_nigori->Permute(Nigori::Password, kNigoriKeyName, &name)) {
- return false;
- }
- nigoris_[name] = make_linked_ptr(initialized_nigori.release());
- // Check if the key we just added can decrypt the pending keys and add them
- // too if so.
- if (pending_keys_.get() && CanDecrypt(*pending_keys_)) {
- sync_pb::NigoriKeyBag pending_bag;
- Decrypt(*pending_keys_, &pending_bag);
- InstallKeyBag(pending_bag);
- SetDefaultKey(pending_keys_->key_name());
- pending_keys_.reset();
- }
- // The just-added key takes priority over the pending keys as default.
- if (set_as_default) SetDefaultKey(name);
- return true;
-void Cryptographer::InstallKeys(const sync_pb::EncryptedData& encrypted) {
- DCHECK(CanDecrypt(encrypted));
- sync_pb::NigoriKeyBag bag;
- if (!Decrypt(encrypted, &bag))
- return;
- InstallKeyBag(bag);
-void Cryptographer::SetDefaultKey(const std::string& key_name) {
- DCHECK(nigoris_.end() != nigoris_.find(key_name));
- default_nigori_name_ = key_name;
-void Cryptographer::SetPendingKeys(const sync_pb::EncryptedData& encrypted) {
- DCHECK(!CanDecrypt(encrypted));
- DCHECK(!encrypted.blob().empty());
- pending_keys_.reset(new sync_pb::EncryptedData(encrypted));
-const sync_pb::EncryptedData& Cryptographer::GetPendingKeys() const {
- DCHECK(has_pending_keys());
- return *(pending_keys_.get());
-bool Cryptographer::DecryptPendingKeys(const KeyParams& params) {
- Nigori nigori;
- if (!nigori.InitByDerivation(params.hostname,
- params.username,
- params.password)) {
- return false;
- }
- std::string plaintext;
- if (!nigori.Decrypt(pending_keys_->blob(), &plaintext))
- return false;
- sync_pb::NigoriKeyBag bag;
- if (!bag.ParseFromString(plaintext)) {
- return false;
- }
- InstallKeyBag(bag);
- const std::string& new_default_key_name = pending_keys_->key_name();
- SetDefaultKey(new_default_key_name);
- pending_keys_.reset();
- return true;
-bool Cryptographer::GetBootstrapToken(std::string* token) const {
- DCHECK(token);
- std::string unencrypted_token = GetDefaultNigoriKey();
- if (unencrypted_token.empty())
- return false;
- std::string encrypted_token;
- if (!encryptor_->EncryptString(unencrypted_token, &encrypted_token)) {
- return false;
- }
- base::Base64Encode(encrypted_token, token);
- return true;
-std::string Cryptographer::UnpackBootstrapToken(
- const std::string& token) const {
- if (token.empty())
- return std::string();
- std::string encrypted_data;
- if (!base::Base64Decode(token, &encrypted_data)) {
- DLOG(WARNING) << "Could not decode token.";
- return std::string();
- }
- std::string unencrypted_token;
- if (!encryptor_->DecryptString(encrypted_data, &unencrypted_token)) {
- DLOG(WARNING) << "Decryption of bootstrap token failed.";
- return std::string();
- }
- return unencrypted_token;
-void Cryptographer::InstallKeyBag(const sync_pb::NigoriKeyBag& bag) {
- int key_size = bag.key_size();
- for (int i = 0; i < key_size; ++i) {
- const sync_pb::NigoriKey key = bag.key(i);
- // Only use this key if we don't already know about it.
- if (nigoris_.end() == nigoris_.find( {
- scoped_ptr<Nigori> new_nigori(new Nigori);
- if (!new_nigori->InitByImport(key.user_key(),
- key.encryption_key(),
- key.mac_key())) {
- continue;
- }
- nigoris_[] = make_linked_ptr(new_nigori.release());
- }
- }
-bool Cryptographer::KeybagIsStale(
- const sync_pb::EncryptedData& encrypted_bag) const {
- if (!is_ready())
- return false;
- if (encrypted_bag.blob().empty())
- return true;
- if (!CanDecrypt(encrypted_bag))
- return false;
- if (!CanDecryptUsingDefaultKey(encrypted_bag))
- return true;
- sync_pb::NigoriKeyBag bag;
- if (!Decrypt(encrypted_bag, &bag)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to decrypt keybag for stale check. "
- << "Assuming keybag is corrupted.";
- return true;
- }
- if (static_cast<size_t>(bag.key_size()) < nigoris_.size())
- return true;
- return false;
-std::string Cryptographer::GetDefaultNigoriKey() const {
- if (!is_initialized())
- return std::string();
- NigoriMap::const_iterator iter = nigoris_.find(default_nigori_name_);
- if (iter == nigoris_.end())
- return std::string();
- sync_pb::NigoriKey key;
- if (!iter->second->ExportKeys(key.mutable_user_key(),
- key.mutable_encryption_key(),
- key.mutable_mac_key()))
- return std::string();
- return key.SerializeAsString();
-bool Cryptographer::ImportNigoriKey(const std::string serialized_nigori_key) {
- if (serialized_nigori_key.empty())
- return false;
- sync_pb::NigoriKey key;
- if (!key.ParseFromString(serialized_nigori_key))
- return false;
- scoped_ptr<Nigori> nigori(new Nigori);
- if (!nigori->InitByImport(key.user_key(), key.encryption_key(),
- key.mac_key())) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!AddKeyImpl(nigori.Pass(), true))
- return false;
- return true;
-} // namespace syncer