path: root/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Touch.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Touch.h')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Touch.h b/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Touch.h
index 220d4cf10d4..c4896bbd4f2 100644
--- a/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Touch.h
+++ b/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Touch.h
@@ -28,61 +28,73 @@
#include "bindings/v8/ScriptWrappable.h"
#include "core/events/EventTarget.h"
+#include "platform/geometry/FloatPoint.h"
+#include "platform/geometry/FloatSize.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutPoint.h"
+#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "wtf/PassRefPtr.h"
#include "wtf/RefCounted.h"
#include "wtf/RefPtr.h"
namespace WebCore {
-class Frame;
+class LocalFrame;
-class Touch : public RefCounted<Touch>, public ScriptWrappable {
+class Touch FINAL : public RefCountedWillBeGarbageCollectedFinalized<Touch>, public ScriptWrappable {
- static PassRefPtr<Touch> create(Frame* frame, EventTarget* target,
- unsigned identifier, int screenX, int screenY, int pageX, int pageY,
- int radiusX, int radiusY, float rotationAngle, float force)
+ static PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Touch> create(LocalFrame* frame, EventTarget* target,
+ unsigned identifier, const FloatPoint& screenPos, const FloatPoint& pagePos,
+ const FloatSize& radius, float rotationAngle, float force)
- return adoptRef(new Touch(frame, target, identifier, screenX,
- screenY, pageX, pageY, radiusX, radiusY, rotationAngle, force));
+ return adoptRefWillBeNoop(
+ new Touch(frame, target, identifier, screenPos, pagePos, radius, rotationAngle, force));
+ // DOM Touch implementation
EventTarget* target() const { return m_target.get(); }
unsigned identifier() const { return m_identifier; }
- int clientX() const { return m_clientX; }
- int clientY() const { return m_clientY; }
- int screenX() const { return m_screenX; }
- int screenY() const { return m_screenY; }
- int pageX() const { return m_pageX; }
- int pageY() const { return m_pageY; }
- int webkitRadiusX() const { return m_radiusX; }
- int webkitRadiusY() const { return m_radiusY; }
+ double clientX() const { return m_clientPos.x(); }
+ double clientY() const { return m_clientPos.y(); }
+ double screenX() const { return m_screenPos.x(); }
+ double screenY() const { return m_screenPos.y(); }
+ double pageX() const { return m_pagePos.x(); }
+ double pageY() const { return m_pagePos.y(); }
+ double webkitRadiusX() const { return m_radius.width(); }
+ double webkitRadiusY() const { return m_radius.height(); }
float webkitRotationAngle() const { return m_rotationAngle; }
float webkitForce() const { return m_force; }
+ // Blink-internal methods
const LayoutPoint& absoluteLocation() const { return m_absoluteLocation; }
- PassRefPtr<Touch> cloneWithNewTarget(EventTarget*) const;
+ const FloatPoint& screenLocation() const { return m_screenPos; }
+ PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Touch> cloneWithNewTarget(EventTarget*) const;
+ void trace(Visitor*);
- Touch(Frame* frame, EventTarget* target, unsigned identifier,
- int screenX, int screenY, int pageX, int pageY,
- int radiusX, int radiusY, float rotationAngle, float force);
+ Touch(LocalFrame* frame, EventTarget* target, unsigned identifier,
+ const FloatPoint& screenPos, const FloatPoint& pagePos,
+ const FloatSize& radius, float rotationAngle, float force);
- Touch(EventTarget*, unsigned identifier, int clientX, int clientY,
- int screenX, int screenY, int pageX, int pageY,
- int radiusX, int radiusY, float rotationAngle, float force, LayoutPoint absoluteLocation);
+ Touch(EventTarget*, unsigned identifier, const FloatPoint& clientPos,
+ const FloatPoint& screenPos, const FloatPoint& pagePos,
+ const FloatSize& radius, float rotationAngle, float force, LayoutPoint absoluteLocation);
- RefPtr<EventTarget> m_target;
+ RefPtrWillBeMember<EventTarget> m_target;
unsigned m_identifier;
- int m_clientX;
- int m_clientY;
- int m_screenX;
- int m_screenY;
- int m_pageX;
- int m_pageY;
- int m_radiusX;
- int m_radiusY;
+ // Position relative to the viewport in CSS px.
+ FloatPoint m_clientPos;
+ // Position relative to the screen in DIPs.
+ FloatPoint m_screenPos;
+ // Position relative to the page in CSS px.
+ FloatPoint m_pagePos;
+ // Radius in CSS px.
+ FloatSize m_radius;
float m_rotationAngle;
float m_force;
+ // FIXME(rbyers): Shouldn't we be able to migrate callers to relying on screenPos, pagePos
+ // or clientPos? absoluteLocation appears to be the same as pagePos but without browser
+ // scale applied.
LayoutPoint m_absoluteLocation;