path: root/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/heap/GCInfo.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/heap/GCInfo.h')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/heap/GCInfo.h b/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/heap/GCInfo.h
index a07634d454d..c6f56591c3c 100644
--- a/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/heap/GCInfo.h
+++ b/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/heap/GCInfo.h
@@ -151,38 +151,62 @@ struct GCInfo {
bool has_v_table_;
-// s_gcInfoTable holds the per-class GCInfo descriptors; each HeapObjectHeader
-// keeps an index into this table.
-extern PLATFORM_EXPORT GCInfo const** g_gc_info_table;
PLATFORM_EXPORT void AssertObjectHasGCInfo(const void*, size_t gc_info_index);
-class GCInfoTable {
+class PLATFORM_EXPORT GCInfoTable {
- PLATFORM_EXPORT static void EnsureGCInfoIndex(const GCInfo*, size_t*);
- static void Init();
- static size_t GcInfoIndex() { return gc_info_index_; }
- // The (max + 1) GCInfo index supported.
+ // At maximum |kMaxIndex - 1| indices are supported.
// We assume that 14 bits is enough to represent all possible types: during
// telemetry runs, we see about 1,000 different types; looking at the output
// of the Oilpan GC Clang plugin, there appear to be at most about 6,000
// types. Thus 14 bits should be more than twice as many bits as we will ever
// need.
- static const size_t kMaxIndex = 1 << 14;
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxIndex = 1 << 14;
+ // Sets up a singleton table that can be acquired using Get().
+ static void CreateGlobalTable();
+ static GCInfoTable& Get() { return *global_table_; }
+ inline const GCInfo* GCInfoFromIndex(size_t index) {
+ DCHECK_GE(index, 1u);
+ DCHECK(index < kMaxIndex);
+ DCHECK(table_);
+ const GCInfo* info = table_[index];
+ DCHECK(info);
+ return info;
+ }
+ void EnsureGCInfoIndex(const GCInfo*, size_t*);
+ size_t GcInfoIndex() { return current_index_; }
- static void Resize();
+ // Use GCInfoTable::Get() for retrieving the global table outside of testing
+ // code.
+ GCInfoTable();
+ void Resize();
+ // Singleton for each process. Retrieved through Get().
+ static GCInfoTable* global_table_;
- static size_t gc_info_index_;
- static size_t gc_info_table_size_;
+ // Holds the per-class GCInfo descriptors; each HeapObjectHeader keeps an
+ // index into this table.
+ const GCInfo** table_ = nullptr;
+ // GCInfo indices start from 1 for heap objects, with 0 being treated
+ // specially as the index for freelist entries and large heap objects.
+ size_t current_index_ = 0;
+ // The limit (exclusive) of the currently allocated table.
+ size_t limit_ = 0;
+ Mutex table_mutex_;
// GCInfoAtBaseType should be used when returning a unique 14 bit integer
@@ -196,11 +220,9 @@ struct GCInfoAtBaseType {
TraceTrait<T>::Trace, FinalizerTrait<T>::Finalize,
FinalizerTrait<T>::kNonTrivialFinalizer, std::is_polymorphic<T>::value,
static size_t gc_info_index = 0;
- DCHECK(g_gc_info_table);
if (!AcquireLoad(&gc_info_index))
- GCInfoTable::EnsureGCInfoIndex(&kGcInfo, &gc_info_index);
+ GCInfoTable::Get().EnsureGCInfoIndex(&kGcInfo, &gc_info_index);
DCHECK_GE(gc_info_index, 1u);
DCHECK(gc_info_index < GCInfoTable::kMaxIndex);
return gc_info_index;