path: root/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/testing/runner/TestRunner.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/testing/runner/TestRunner.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 737 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/testing/runner/TestRunner.h b/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/testing/runner/TestRunner.h
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index d25793e3892..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Source/testing/runner/TestRunner.h
+++ /dev/null
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- * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Pawel Hajdan (
- * Copyright (C) 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
- * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- * distribution.
- * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-#ifndef TestRunner_h
-#define TestRunner_h
-#include "CppBoundClass.h"
-#include "TestCommon.h"
-#include "public/platform/WebCanvas.h"
-#include "public/platform/WebURL.h"
-#include "public/testing/WebScopedPtr.h"
-#include "public/testing/WebTask.h"
-#include "public/testing/WebTestRunner.h"
-#include "public/web/WebArrayBufferView.h"
-#include "public/web/WebPageOverlay.h"
-#include "public/web/WebTextDirection.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
-#include <deque>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-namespace blink {
-class WebArrayBufferView;
-class WebNotificationPresenter;
-class WebPageOverlay;
-class WebPermissionClient;
-class WebView;
-namespace WebTestRunner {
-class NotificationPresenter;
-class TestInterfaces;
-class WebPermissions;
-class WebTestDelegate;
-class WebTestProxyBase;
-class TestRunner : public WebTestRunner, public CppBoundClass {
- explicit TestRunner(TestInterfaces*);
- virtual ~TestRunner();
- void setDelegate(WebTestDelegate*);
- void setWebView(blink::WebView*, WebTestProxyBase*);
- void reset();
- WebTaskList* taskList() { return &m_taskList; }
- void setTestIsRunning(bool);
- bool testIsRunning() const { return m_testIsRunning; }
- // WebTestRunner implementation.
- virtual bool shouldGeneratePixelResults() OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool shouldDumpAsAudio() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual const blink::WebArrayBufferView* audioData() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool shouldDumpBackForwardList() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual blink::WebPermissionClient* webPermissions() const OVERRIDE;
- // Methods used by WebTestProxyBase.
- bool shouldDumpSelectionRect() const;
- bool testRepaint() const;
- bool sweepHorizontally() const;
- bool isPrinting() const;
- bool shouldDumpAsText();
- bool shouldDumpAsTextWithPixelResults();
- bool shouldDumpAsMarkup();
- bool shouldDumpChildFrameScrollPositions() const;
- bool shouldDumpChildFramesAsText() const;
- void showDevTools();
- void setShouldDumpAsText(bool);
- void setShouldDumpAsMarkup(bool);
- void setShouldGeneratePixelResults(bool);
- void setShouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks(bool);
- void setShouldDumpPingLoaderCallbacks(bool);
- void setShouldEnableViewSource(bool);
- bool shouldDumpEditingCallbacks() const;
- bool shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks() const;
- bool shouldDumpPingLoaderCallbacks() const;
- bool shouldDumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks() const;
- bool shouldDumpTitleChanges() const;
- bool shouldDumpIconChanges() const;
- bool shouldDumpCreateView() const;
- bool canOpenWindows() const;
- bool shouldDumpResourceLoadCallbacks() const;
- bool shouldDumpResourceRequestCallbacks() const;
- bool shouldDumpResourceResponseMIMETypes() const;
- bool shouldDumpStatusCallbacks() const;
- bool shouldDumpProgressFinishedCallback() const;
- bool shouldDumpSpellCheckCallbacks() const;
- bool deferMainResourceDataLoad() const;
- bool shouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload() const;
- const std::set<std::string>* httpHeadersToClear() const;
- void setTopLoadingFrame(blink::WebFrame*, bool);
- blink::WebFrame* topLoadingFrame() const;
- void policyDelegateDone();
- bool policyDelegateEnabled() const;
- bool policyDelegateIsPermissive() const;
- bool policyDelegateShouldNotifyDone() const;
- bool shouldInterceptPostMessage() const;
- bool shouldDumpResourcePriorities() const;
- blink::WebNotificationPresenter* notificationPresenter() const;
- bool requestPointerLock();
- void requestPointerUnlock();
- bool isPointerLocked();
- void setToolTipText(const blink::WebString&);
- bool midiAccessorResult();
- // A single item in the work queue.
- class WorkItem {
- public:
- virtual ~WorkItem() { }
- // Returns true if this started a load.
- virtual bool run(WebTestDelegate*, blink::WebView*) = 0;
- };
- friend class WorkQueue;
- // Helper class for managing events queued by methods like queueLoad or
- // queueScript.
- class WorkQueue {
- public:
- WorkQueue(TestRunner* controller) : m_frozen(false), m_controller(controller) { }
- virtual ~WorkQueue();
- void processWorkSoon();
- // Reset the state of the class between tests.
- void reset();
- void addWork(WorkItem*);
- void setFrozen(bool frozen) { m_frozen = frozen; }
- bool isEmpty() { return m_queue.empty(); }
- WebTaskList* taskList() { return &m_taskList; }
- private:
- void processWork();
- class WorkQueueTask: public WebMethodTask<WorkQueue> {
- public:
- WorkQueueTask(WorkQueue* object): WebMethodTask<WorkQueue>(object) { }
- virtual void runIfValid() { m_object->processWork(); }
- };
- WebTaskList m_taskList;
- std::deque<WorkItem*> m_queue;
- bool m_frozen;
- TestRunner* m_controller;
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Methods dealing with the test logic
- // By default, tests end when page load is complete. These methods are used
- // to delay the completion of the test until notifyDone is called.
- void waitUntilDone(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void notifyDone(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Methods for adding actions to the work queue. Used in conjunction with
- // waitUntilDone/notifyDone above.
- void queueBackNavigation(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void queueForwardNavigation(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void queueReload(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void queueLoadingScript(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void queueNonLoadingScript(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void queueLoad(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void queueLoadHTMLString(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Causes navigation actions just printout the intended navigation instead
- // of taking you to the page. This is used for cases like mailto, where you
- // don't actually want to open the mail program.
- void setCustomPolicyDelegate(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Delays completion of the test until the policy delegate runs.
- void waitForPolicyDelegate(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Functions for dealing with windows. By default we block all new windows.
- void windowCount(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setCloseRemainingWindowsWhenComplete(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void resetTestHelperControllers(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Methods implemented entirely in terms of chromium's public WebKit API
- // Method that controls whether pressing Tab key cycles through page elements
- // or inserts a '\t' char in text area
- void setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Executes an internal command (superset of document.execCommand() commands).
- void execCommand(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Checks if an internal command is currently available.
- void isCommandEnabled(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void callShouldCloseOnWebView(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorldAndReturnValue(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorld(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setIsolatedWorldContentSecurityPolicy(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Allows layout tests to manage origins' whitelisting.
- void addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Returns true if the current page box has custom page size style for
- // printing.
- void hasCustomPageSizeStyle(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Forces the selection colors for testing under Linux.
- void forceRedSelectionColors(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Adds a style sheet to be injected into new documents.
- void injectStyleSheet(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void startSpeechInput(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void findString(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Expects the first argument to be an input element and the second argument to be a string value.
- // Forwards the setValueForUser() call to the element.
- void setValueForUser(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void selectionAsMarkup(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Enables or disables subpixel positioning (i.e. fractional X positions for
- // glyphs) in text rendering on Linux. Since this method changes global
- // settings, tests that call it must use their own custom font family for
- // all text that they render. If not, an already-cached style will be used,
- // resulting in the changed setting being ignored.
- void setTextSubpixelPositioning(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Switch the visibility of the page.
- void setPageVisibility(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Changes the direction of the focused element.
- void setTextDirection(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Retrieves the text surrounding a position in a text node.
- // Expects the first argument to be a text node, the second and third to be
- // point coordinates relative to the node and the fourth the maximum text
- // length to retrieve.
- void textSurroundingNode(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // After this function is called, all window-sizing machinery is
- // short-circuited inside the renderer. This mode is necessary for
- // some tests that were written before browsers had multi-process architecture
- // and rely on window resizes to happen synchronously.
- // The function has "unfortunate" it its name because we must strive to remove all tests
- // that rely on this... well, unfortunate behavior. See for the plan.
- void useUnfortunateSynchronousResizeMode(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void enableAutoResizeMode(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void disableAutoResizeMode(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Device Motion / Device Orientation related functions
- void setMockDeviceMotion(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setMockDeviceOrientation(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void didAcquirePointerLock(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void didNotAcquirePointerLock(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void didLosePointerLock(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setPointerLockWillFailSynchronously(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setPointerLockWillRespondAsynchronously(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Methods modifying WebPreferences.
- // Set the WebPreference that controls webkit's popup blocking.
- void setPopupBlockingEnabled(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setJavaScriptCanAccessClipboard(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setXSSAuditorEnabled(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void overridePreference(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Enable or disable plugins.
- void setPluginsEnabled(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Methods that modify the state of TestRunner
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print a line of
- // descriptive text for each editing command. It takes no arguments, and
- // ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpEditingCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to dump pages as
- // plain text, rather than as a text representation of the renderer's state.
- // The pixel results will not be generated for this test.
- void dumpAsText(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to dump pages as
- // plain text, rather than as a text representation of the renderer's state.
- // It will also generate a pixel dump for the test.
- void dumpAsTextWithPixelResults(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print out the
- // scroll offsets of the child frames. It ignores all.
- void dumpChildFrameScrollPositions(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to recursively
- // dump all frames as plain text if the dumpAsText flag is set.
- // It takes no arguments, and ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpChildFramesAsText(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print out the
- // information about icon changes notifications from WebKit.
- void dumpIconChanges(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Deals with Web Audio WAV file data.
- void setAudioData(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print a line of
- // descriptive text for each frame load callback. It takes no arguments, and
- // ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpFrameLoadCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print a line of
- // descriptive text for each PingLoader dispatch. It takes no arguments, and
- // ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpPingLoaderCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print a line of
- // user gesture status text for some frame load callbacks. It takes no
- // arguments, and ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void dumpTitleChanges(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to dump all calls to
- // WebViewClient::createView().
- // It takes no arguments, and ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpCreateView(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setCanOpenWindows(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to dump a descriptive
- // line for each resource load callback. It takes no arguments, and ignores
- // any that may be present.
- void dumpResourceLoadCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print a line of
- // descriptive text for each element that requested a resource. It takes no
- // arguments, and ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpResourceRequestCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to dump the MIME type
- // for each resource that was loaded. It takes no arguments, and ignores any
- // that may be present.
- void dumpResourceResponseMIMETypes(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // WebPermissionClient related.
- void setImagesAllowed(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setScriptsAllowed(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setStorageAllowed(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setPluginsAllowed(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setAllowDisplayOfInsecureContent(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setAllowRunningOfInsecureContent(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void dumpPermissionClientCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to dump all calls
- // to window.status().
- // It takes no arguments, and ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpWindowStatusChanges(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print a line of
- // descriptive text for the progress finished callback. It takes no
- // arguments, and ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpProgressFinishedCallback(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to dump all
- // the lines of descriptive text about spellcheck execution.
- void dumpSpellCheckCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to print out a text
- // representation of the back/forward list. It ignores all arguments.
- void dumpBackForwardList(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setDeferMainResourceDataLoad(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void dumpSelectionRect(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void testRepaint(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void repaintSweepHorizontally(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Causes layout to happen as if targetted to printed pages.
- void setPrinting(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setShouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Causes WillSendRequest to clear certain headers.
- void setWillSendRequestClearHeader(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // This function sets a flag that tells the test_shell to dump a descriptive
- // line for each resource load's priority and any time that priority
- // changes. It takes no arguments, and ignores any that may be present.
- void dumpResourceRequestPriorities(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Methods interacting with the WebTestProxy
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Methods forwarding to the WebTestDelegate
- // Shows DevTools window.
- void showWebInspector(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void closeWebInspector(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Inspect chooser state
- void isChooserShown(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Allows layout tests to exec scripts at WebInspector side.
- void evaluateInWebInspector(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Clears all databases.
- void clearAllDatabases(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Sets the default quota for all origins
- void setDatabaseQuota(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Changes the cookie policy from the default to allow all cookies.
- void setAlwaysAcceptCookies(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Gives focus to the window.
- void setWindowIsKey(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Converts a URL starting with file:///tmp/ to the local mapping.
- void pathToLocalResource(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Used to set the device scale factor.
- void setBackingScaleFactor(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Calls setlocale(LC_ALL, ...) for a specified locale.
- // Resets between tests.
- void setPOSIXLocale(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Gets the number of geolocation permissions requests pending.
- void numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Geolocation related functions.
- void setGeolocationPermission(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setMockGeolocationPosition(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setMockGeolocationPositionUnavailableError(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // MIDI function to control permission handling.
- void setMIDIAccessorResult(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setMIDISysExPermission(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Grants permission for desktop notifications to an origin
- void grantWebNotificationPermission(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Simulates a click on a desktop notification.
- void simulateLegacyWebNotificationClick(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Cancel all active desktop notifications.
- void cancelAllActiveNotifications(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result);
- // Speech input related functions.
- void addMockSpeechInputResult(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setMockSpeechInputDumpRect(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void addMockSpeechRecognitionResult(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void setMockSpeechRecognitionError(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void wasMockSpeechRecognitionAborted(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // WebPageOverlay related functions. Permits the adding and removing of only
- // one opaque overlay.
- void addWebPageOverlay(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void removeWebPageOverlay(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void display(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- void displayInvalidatedRegion(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Fallback and stub methods
- // The fallback method is called when a nonexistent method is called on
- // the layout test controller object.
- // It is usefull to catch typos in the JavaScript code (a few layout tests
- // do have typos in them) and it allows the script to continue running in
- // that case (as the Mac does).
- void fallbackMethod(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- // Stub for not implemented methods.
- void notImplemented(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Internal helpers
- void checkResponseMimeType();
- void completeNotifyDone();
- class HostMethodTask : public WebMethodTask<TestRunner> {
- public:
- typedef void (TestRunner::*CallbackMethodType)();
- HostMethodTask(TestRunner* object, CallbackMethodType callback)
- : WebMethodTask<TestRunner>(object)
- , m_callback(callback)
- { }
- virtual void runIfValid() { (m_object->*m_callback)(); }
- private:
- CallbackMethodType m_callback;
- };
- class TestPageOverlay : public blink::WebPageOverlay {
- public:
- explicit TestPageOverlay(blink::WebView*);
- virtual void paintPageOverlay(blink::WebCanvas*) OVERRIDE;
- virtual ~TestPageOverlay();
- private:
- blink::WebView* m_webView;
- };
- void didAcquirePointerLockInternal();
- void didNotAcquirePointerLockInternal();
- void didLosePointerLockInternal();
- bool cppVariantToBool(const CppVariant&);
- int32_t cppVariantToInt32(const CppVariant&);
- blink::WebString cppVariantToWebString(const CppVariant&);
- void printErrorMessage(const std::string&);
- // In the Mac code, this is called to trigger the end of a test after the
- // page has finished loading. From here, we can generate the dump for the
- // test.
- void locationChangeDone();
- bool m_testIsRunning;
- // When reset is called, go through and close all but the main test shell
- // window. By default, set to true but toggled to false using
- // setCloseRemainingWindowsWhenComplete().
- bool m_closeRemainingWindows;
- // If true, don't dump output until notifyDone is called.
- bool m_waitUntilDone;
- // Causes navigation actions just printout the intended navigation instead
- // of taking you to the page. This is used for cases like mailto, where you
- // don't actually want to open the mail program.
- bool m_policyDelegateEnabled;
- // Toggles the behavior of the policy delegate. If true, then navigations
- // will be allowed. Otherwise, they will be ignored (dropped).
- bool m_policyDelegateIsPermissive;
- // If true, the policy delegate will signal layout test completion.
- bool m_policyDelegateShouldNotifyDone;
- WorkQueue m_workQueue;
- // globalFlag is used by a number of layout tests in http/tests/security/dataURL.
- CppVariant m_globalFlag;
- // Bound variable to return the name of this platform (chromium).
- CppVariant m_platformName;
- // Bound variable counting the number of top URLs visited.
- CppVariant m_webHistoryItemCount;
- // Bound variable to set whether postMessages should be intercepted or not
- CppVariant m_interceptPostMessage;
- // Bound variable to store the last tooltip text
- CppVariant m_tooltipText;
- // Bound variable to disable notifyDone calls. This is used in GC leak
- // tests, where existing LayoutTests are loaded within an iframe. The GC
- // test harness will set this flag to ignore the notifyDone calls from the
- // target LayoutTest.
- CppVariant m_disableNotifyDone;
- // If true, the test_shell will write a descriptive line for each editing
- // command.
- bool m_dumpEditingCallbacks;
- // If true, the test_shell will generate pixel results in dumpAsText mode
- bool m_generatePixelResults;
- // If true, the test_shell will produce a plain text dump rather than a
- // text representation of the renderer.
- bool m_dumpAsText;
- // If true and if dump_as_text_ is true, the test_shell will recursively
- // dump all frames as plain text.
- bool m_dumpChildFramesAsText;
- // If true, the test_shell will produce a dump of the DOM rather than a text
- // representation of the renderer.
- bool m_dumpAsMarkup;
- // If true, the test_shell will print out the child frame scroll offsets as
- // well.
- bool m_dumpChildFrameScrollPositions;
- // If true, the test_shell will print out the icon change notifications.
- bool m_dumpIconChanges;
- // If true, the test_shell will output a base64 encoded WAVE file.
- bool m_dumpAsAudio;
- // If true, the test_shell will output a descriptive line for each frame
- // load callback.
- bool m_dumpFrameLoadCallbacks;
- // If true, the test_shell will output a descriptive line for each
- // PingLoader dispatched.
- bool m_dumpPingLoaderCallbacks;
- // If true, the test_shell will output a line of the user gesture status
- // text for some frame load callbacks.
- bool m_dumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks;
- // If true, output a message when the page title is changed.
- bool m_dumpTitleChanges;
- // If true, output a descriptive line each time WebViewClient::createView
- // is invoked.
- bool m_dumpCreateView;
- // If true, new windows can be opened via javascript or by plugins. By
- // default, set to false and can be toggled to true using
- // setCanOpenWindows().
- bool m_canOpenWindows;
- // If true, the test_shell will output a descriptive line for each resource
- // load callback.
- bool m_dumpResourceLoadCallbacks;
- // If true, the test_shell will output a descriptive line for each resource
- // request callback.
- bool m_dumpResourceRequestCallbacks;
- // If true, the test_shell will output the MIME type for each resource that
- // was loaded.
- bool m_dumpResourceResponseMIMETypes;
- // If true, the test_shell will dump all changes to window.status.
- bool m_dumpWindowStatusChanges;
- // If true, the test_shell will output a descriptive line for the progress
- // finished callback.
- bool m_dumpProgressFinishedCallback;
- // If true, the test_shell will output descriptive test for spellcheck
- // execution.
- bool m_dumpSpellCheckCallbacks;
- // If true, the test_shell will produce a dump of the back forward list as
- // well.
- bool m_dumpBackForwardList;
- // If false, all new requests will not defer the main resource data load.
- bool m_deferMainResourceDataLoad;
- // If true, the test_shell will draw the bounds of the current selection rect
- // taking possible transforms of the selection rect into account.
- bool m_dumpSelectionRect;
- // If true, pixel dump will be produced as a series of 1px-tall, view-wide
- // individual paints over the height of the view.
- bool m_testRepaint;
- // If true and test_repaint_ is true as well, pixel dump will be produced as
- // a series of 1px-wide, view-tall paints across the width of the view.
- bool m_sweepHorizontally;
- // If true, layout is to target printed pages.
- bool m_isPrinting;
- // If false, MockWebMIDIAccessor fails on startSession() for testing.
- bool m_midiAccessorResult;
- bool m_shouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload;
- bool m_shouldDumpResourcePriorities;
- std::set<std::string> m_httpHeadersToClear;
- // WAV audio data is stored here.
- blink::WebArrayBufferView m_audioData;
- // Used for test timeouts.
- WebTaskList m_taskList;
- TestInterfaces* m_testInterfaces;
- WebTestDelegate* m_delegate;
- blink::WebView* m_webView;
- TestPageOverlay* m_pageOverlay;
- WebTestProxyBase* m_proxy;
- // This is non-0 IFF a load is in progress.
- blink::WebFrame* m_topLoadingFrame;
- // WebPermissionClient mock object.
- WebScopedPtr<WebPermissions> m_webPermissions;
- WebScopedPtr<NotificationPresenter> m_notificationPresenter;
- bool m_pointerLocked;
- enum {
- PointerLockWillSucceed,
- PointerLockWillRespondAsync,
- PointerLockWillFailSync,
- } m_pointerLockPlannedResult;
-#endif // TestRunner_h