path: root/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/mod_pywebsocket/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/mod_pywebsocket/')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/mod_pywebsocket/ b/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/mod_pywebsocket/
index d270bf09347..2aaa50e1694 100755
--- a/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/mod_pywebsocket/
+++ b/chromium/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/mod_pywebsocket/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Use this file to launch pywebsocket without Apache HTTP Server.
Go to the src directory and run
@@ -61,10 +62,13 @@ For trouble shooting, adding "--log_level debug" might help you.
-Go to the src directory and run
+Go to the src directory and run with -d option to set the
+document root to the directory containing example HTMLs and handlers like this:
- $ python -d example
+ $ cd src
+ $ PYTHONPATH=. python mod_pywebsocket/ -d example
to launch pywebsocket with the sample handler and html on port 80. Open
http://localhost/console.html, click the connect button, type something into
@@ -72,24 +76,48 @@ the text box next to the send button and click the send button. If everything
is working, you'll see the message you typed echoed by the server.
-To support TLS, run with -t, -k, and -c options.
+To run the standalone server with TLS support, run it with -t, -k, and -c
+options. When TLS is enabled, the standalone server accepts only TLS connection.
Note that when ssl module is used and the key/cert location is incorrect,
TLS connection silently fails while pyOpenSSL fails on startup.
+ $ PYTHONPATH=. python mod_pywebsocket/ \
+ -d example \
+ -p 10443 \
+ -t \
+ -c ../test/cert/cert.pem \
+ -k ../test/cert/key.pem \
+Note that when passing a relative path to -c and -k option, it will be resolved
+using the document root directory as the base.
-To support client authentication with TLS, run with -t, -k, -c,
-and --tls-client-auth, and --tls-client-ca options.
+To run the standalone server with TLS client authentication support, run it with
+--tls-client-auth and --tls-client-ca options in addition to ones required for
+TLS support.
-E.g., $./ -d ../example -p 10443 -t -c ../test/cert/cert.pem -k
-../test/cert/key.pem --tls-client-auth --tls-client-ca=../test/cert/cacert.pem
+ $ PYTHONPATH=. python mod_pywebsocket/ -d example -p 10443 -t \
+ -c ../test/cert/cert.pem -k ../test/cert/key.pem \
+ --tls-client-auth \
+ --tls-client-ca=../test/cert/cacert.pem
+Note that when passing a relative path to --tls-client-ca option, it will be
+resolved using the document root directory as the base.
You can also write a configuration file and use it by specifying the path to
the configuration file by --config option. Please write a configuration file
@@ -113,12 +141,14 @@ configuration file.
This server is derived from SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn. Hence a thread is
used for each request.
This uses CGIHTTPServer and CGIHTTPServer is not secure.
It may execute arbitrary Python code or external programs. It should not be
@@ -149,6 +179,7 @@ from mod_pywebsocket import handshake
from mod_pywebsocket import http_header_util
from mod_pywebsocket import memorizingfile
from mod_pywebsocket import util
+from mod_pywebsocket.xhr_benchmark_handler import XHRBenchmarkHandler
@@ -662,99 +693,6 @@ class WebSocketRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
self, request, client_address, server)
- def _xhr_send_benchmark_helper(self):
- content_length = int(self.headers.getheader('Content-Length'))
- self._logger.debug('Requested to receive %s bytes', content_length)
- RECEIVE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
- bytes_to_receive = content_length
- while bytes_to_receive > 0:
- bytes_to_receive_in_this_loop = bytes_to_receive
- if bytes_to_receive_in_this_loop > RECEIVE_BLOCK_SIZE:
- bytes_to_receive_in_this_loop = RECEIVE_BLOCK_SIZE
- received_data =
- for c in received_data:
- if c != 'a':
- self._logger.debug('Request body verification failed')
- return
- bytes_to_receive -= len(received_data)
- if bytes_to_receive < 0:
- self._logger.debug('Received %d more bytes than expected' %
- (-bytes_to_receive))
- return
- # Return the number of received bytes back to the client.
- response_body = '%d' % content_length
- self.wfile.write(
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'Content-Type: text/html\r\n'
- 'Content-Length: %d\r\n'
- '\r\n%s' % (len(response_body), response_body))
- self.wfile.flush()
- def _xhr_receive_benchmark_helper(self):
- content_length = self.headers.getheader('Content-Length')
- request_body =
- request_array = request_body.split(' ')
- if len(request_array) < 2:
- self._logger.debug('Malformed request body: %r', request_body)
- return
- # Parse the size parameter.
- bytes_to_send = request_array[0]
- try:
- bytes_to_send = int(bytes_to_send)
- except ValueError, e:
- self._logger.debug('Malformed size parameter: %r', bytes_to_send)
- return
- self._logger.debug('Requested to send %s bytes', bytes_to_send)
- # Parse the transfer encoding parameter.
- chunked_mode = False
- mode_parameter = request_array[1]
- if mode_parameter == 'chunked':
- self._logger.debug('Requested chunked transfer encoding')
- chunked_mode = True
- elif mode_parameter != 'none':
- self._logger.debug('Invalid mode parameter: %r', mode_parameter)
- return
- # Write a header
- response_header = (
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n')
- if chunked_mode:
- response_header += 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n'
- else:
- response_header += (
- 'Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n' % bytes_to_send)
- self.wfile.write(response_header)
- self.wfile.flush()
- # Write a body
- SEND_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
- while bytes_to_send > 0:
- bytes_to_send_in_this_loop = bytes_to_send
- if bytes_to_send_in_this_loop > SEND_BLOCK_SIZE:
- bytes_to_send_in_this_loop = SEND_BLOCK_SIZE
- if chunked_mode:
- self.wfile.write('%x\r\n' % bytes_to_send_in_this_loop)
- self.wfile.write('a' * bytes_to_send_in_this_loop)
- if chunked_mode:
- self.wfile.write('\r\n')
- self.wfile.flush()
- bytes_to_send -= bytes_to_send_in_this_loop
- if chunked_mode:
- self.wfile.write('0\r\n\r\n')
- self.wfile.flush()
def parse_request(self):
"""Override BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.parse_request.
@@ -791,10 +729,14 @@ class WebSocketRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
# Special paths for XMLHttpRequest benchmark
xhr_benchmark_helper_prefix = '/073be001e10950692ccbf3a2ad21c245'
if resource == (xhr_benchmark_helper_prefix + '_send'):
- self._xhr_send_benchmark_helper()
+ xhr_benchmark_handler = XHRBenchmarkHandler(
+ self.headers, self.rfile, self.wfile)
+ xhr_benchmark_handler.do_send()
return False
if resource == (xhr_benchmark_helper_prefix + '_receive'):
- self._xhr_receive_benchmark_helper()
+ xhr_benchmark_handler = XHRBenchmarkHandler(
+ self.headers, self.rfile, self.wfile)
+ xhr_benchmark_handler.do_receive()
return False
if resource is None: